My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 156

9 Sorry

Connor POV

As soon as I see the look on Maverick’s face I know that he is pissed. I never expected the anger to be directed at me. He actually thinks that I would betray him with that b**ch. He is like a brother to me. The pain in my eye as I look up at this man that is my best friend from the floor is nothing compared to how hurt I am that he thinks so little of me. I manage to get to my feet and before I go to his office, I grab the phone off my desk. I’m so angry and hurt I don’t even go to the bathroom to see the damage he did to my face with that punch. I reach his office door and I begin to bang, not giving a sh*t that people are looking at me. “I’m not going away Maverick until you talk to me.” The door flies open and Maverick has his fists balled at his sides. “I have nothing else to say to you Connor.” “Like hell you don’t” I say as I push past him. Once I’m in the office, I whirl on him. “How dare you think that I would do something so horrible?” He goes to speak and I stop him. “Shut the f**k up and listen, it’s my turn to speak. You have always thought I was a dog and I never corrected you, but I’m not. My body count is still in the single digits. I may not have only been with two women, but that doesn’t make me a man-wh*re.” “That still doesn’t explain why Delilah was in your office.” “Maybe if you had come in and asked me we could have avoided all of this. I was waiting for you to get back to let you listen to the conversation.” He looks at me confused. I put my passcode into my phone and push play on my voice memo.

Recorded Conversation

“Connor, it’s good to see you.” “Delilah, we are not friends and after what you did to my friend, I can’t imagine what would possess you to bring your a** here.” “Don’t be like that Connor. It was all a misunderstanding. That’s why I’m here. I need your help to get Maverick back. He will listen if you tell him he should give me a chance to make amends.” A laugh is heard from Connor. “You are out of your

mind if you think for one minute I would help you. Maverick is better off with someone who actually cares about him. All you care about is money and yourself.” Delilah laughs before she speaks again. “Don’t be a child, Connor. I didn’t f**k the man and even if I did, you of all people don’t get to judge me. I didn’t come here to argue.” The clicking of heels can be heard. “If you help me to get Maverick back, then maybe I can do something for you.” “You better back up Delilah, because I don’t want anything that you’re offering. As a matter of fact, leave my office before I have you escorted out by security.” “Fine, if you don’t want to f**k I can offer you something else.” “There is nothing you can offer me that would make me betray Maverick.” “What if you could be Vice President of the company? If you help me get Maverick back, I know someone that can make that happen for you.” “Get the f**k out of my office you conniving b**ch. I hope Maverick f**ks the first woman that he can find.” She screams and a door slamming is heard before there is silence.

Recording Over

I push the stop button on my phone. Maverick is silent and I can see regret in his eyes, but right now I don’t care. I start to walk to the door. “Connor, wait, I’m sorry.” “You should be” I say before I leave his office. I head back to my office and grab my keys from the drawer. As I walk toward the elevator I can hear Maverick calling my name. The door closes but not before, I see Jennifer smirking. That b**ch is definitely up to something. The phone vibrates in my pocket but I don’t even bother taking it out. Once I’m in my car, I drive to my apartment. I make it upstairs and inside my apartment. I head right for my bedroom. I change into sweats and head to my home gym. My earbuds are blaring my playlist as I start to circle the heavy bag. As I punch it, I pour all my hurt and anger into every punch.

Maverick POV

As soon as the elevator door closes, I dial Connor. It goes right to voicemail over and over. I can’t believe what an i***t I was. I should have spoken to him instead of letting my anger at Delilah get to me. I turn to head back to my office. “Is everything alright Mr. Colwell” Jennifer asks. I don’t even respond to her question. Once I’m back in my office, I plop down in my chair. What the hell do I do now?” After a

few minutes, I pull the phone out of my pocket. I dial and she picks up on the first ring. “Maverick, I didn’t expect to hear from you. You just left the hospital a half an hour ago.” I don’t even know what to say. “Maverick, what’s wrong?” “I screwed up and I think I just destroyed my friendship with Connor.” “What the hell happened?” I tell my mother everything and she just listens. When I finish, I expect her to say something profound but instead she’s silent. “Mom, are you still there?” “I am, I just can’t believe that you would do that to Connor.”

“Mom”, I start to say, but she stops me. “Don’t mom me Maverick. You had no right to treat him that way without getting his side of the story. I have taught you better than that.” I sink further down into my chair because I know she is right. “I’m sorry mom.” “I’m not the one you need to apologize to. Maverick your human and you made a mistake. The character of a man is not determined by his mistakes. It’s determined by what he learns and how he moves forward after making them. You need to make this right.” I smile, “I promise that I will.” We talk for a little while longer before we say our goodbyes. I try one more time to call Connor and it goes right to voicemail. I grab my keys and head out of the office. Once I’m in the car, I think about what I am going to say to get Connor to at least talk to me. I reach his apartment and his doorman lets me in. Thankfully, he didn’t think about telling them to take me off the list. I reach his apartment door and take a deep breath. I knock and of course there is no answer. A knock a few more times and he still doesn’t answer. Well, I’m not going away. I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the floor outside Connor’s door.

People pass by and I can tell they are nervous seeing a man sitting on the floor in their building. Fifteen minutes later, Connor’s door opens and he crosses his arms across his chest. “Maverick, get the f**k out of my building. Other tenants are reporting a weirdo outside my door.” I scramble to my feet. “I’m not leaving until you let me apologize and beg for your forgiveness.” I expect him to smile or laugh but he doesn’t. “Connor, I’m an a**hole. I was so angry when Jennifer told me that Delilah came to see you I wasn’t thinking straight. I was hurt and angry. I should have told you how I was feeling and asked you why she was there instead of letting my imagination get the better of me.” He still hasn’t said a word and I hate how much my actions hurt him. “I’ll leave, I just needed you to know that I’m an a**hole that

f**ked up. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I hope one day maybe you will be able to forgive me anyway.” I turn to walk down the hallway. When I push the button for the elevator, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and a fist collides with my face. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I look up at a smiling Connor. He reaches his hand out and I take it. Once I’m back on my feet, he pulls me into a bro-hug. “Come on Maverick. Let’s have a beer and figure out what your crazy ex is up to. When we head inside, he replays the message for me as we drink our beer. “I can’t believe what an evil uncaring b**ch she is. I’m so grateful that I realized it before I actually married her.” “You definitely dodged a bullet”, Connor says, and we both laugh. “The better the question is who the hell was she talking about that could help you get the VP position.”

The Next Day

Ruby POV

After training, I get dressed for the office. My grandfather asked me to meet him and Maryah for breakfast in the city before I head to work. I arrive at a diner I’ve been to a few times with my parents. When I head inside, the scent of coconut invades my nose and immediately makes me think of Maverick. Gemma is pacing and I look around. My eyes land on someone I didn’t expect to see. He notices me at the same time. He stands and walks toward me. “Ruby, I didn’t expect you to be joining us when Stephen invited me to breakfast.” I smile and immediately know what my grandfather is doing. “Will you excuse me for one moment? I need to make a phone call. I’ll join you at that table when I’m done.” He nods and I step outside. I dial my grandfather and he picks up on the second ring. “Good morning sweetheart.” “Really, you tricked us into a date.” He busts out laughing and I can feel the smile on my face. “Don’t be mad. You two just need a little push.” “I’m not mad. Thank you” I say before I hang up the phone.

“He smells so good,” Gemma says. “I know he does. Let’s just hope that, despite not feeling the pull, we can win our mate.” Once I’m back inside, I head to the booth. I slide in across from Maverick. “Why do I get the feeling that your grandfather won’t be joining us?” “I guess he thought that we should have breakfast together before we head to the office.” He chuckles, “I will never say no to breakfast with a beautiful woman.” The minutes he says it I can see the regret on his face. “Maverick we are not in the office. We are just two people having breakfast. Thank you for the compliment.” The smile returns to his face and the butterflies in my stomach could carry me away. We order breakfast and I swear I have never been so happy to just sit and talk with another person. Once we finish, the waitress brings our check and sets it on the table between us. I reach at the same time as he does and our hands touch. The tingles I feel where our hands brush are getting stronger. “No way Ruby. My mother raised a gentleman. The breakfast is my treat.” “Only if I can pay next time.” He smiles “it’s a deal.” He stands and ushers me out of the diner ahead of me. He leads me to my car and I slide into the driver’s seat. “I’ll see you at the office” he says, before he closes the door. “He is going to be ours” Gemma says. “I hope so too, Gemma. It may take time for him to feel it too, but he is worth the wait.”

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