My Evil Husband

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Anna POV

Where I am. All I can see is Black. No one is here.

Am I dead? I think I am because I am not in pain anymore.

But now the question is where am I? I walked forward in the never-ending darkness.

"Hello. Is anyone here" I asked to no one.

I heard someone chuckling from behind me and I turned around and saw that there was no one.

But still, I can hear the laugh of that thing.

"Who are you," I asked that thing.

"It's not important, child. The important thing is that you are in between death and life right now. You

have to choose one. And remember you have to choose it quickly " that thing said

I can't see him but that's not important. Choose. I have to choose.

I heard cries and I looked ahead and saw a white curtain.

After some seconds, I could see that my babies were crying in my chest and I am dead.

I saw how their faces turned red by crying and my tears fell from my eyes after watching this.

How can I leave my children alone in that cruel world? No, I can't do this.

Because I know that after me no one can take care of my children.

That husband of mine will be busy with his new wife and my babies will be raised by a nanny.

I won't let that happen. I know that when I would get healed then he will again abuse me, beat me and

rape me.

I dont care about that. For me, my babies are my priority. I will bear everything for them.

"I choose life. I want my babies" I said confidently.

That thing again chuckled and said "wise decision child. And remember everything would be alright.

You have to face hell before entering heaven. Go, my child. My blessings are with you"

Before I could say anything, I fall into darkness and blacked out.




The first I heard when I woke up was the beeping of the machines.

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings.

I can see the white walls of the hospital and I looked at my left and saw that Maria was sleeping in the


She was holding my hand and tears marks are covering her face. She was looking pale and ill.

I tried to sit up but flinched in pain and fell on the bed.

This action of mine woke Maria and she looked at me in surprise and shock

She pressed the button on the wall beside me. She squeezed my hand softly and kissed my head.

"Anna. You woke up. I waited for this moment for so long." She said and tears fell from her eyes.

I tried to speak but my throat was feeling like sandpaper and it's aching when I tried to say something.

A nurse came and she called the doctor. The nurse gave me a sip of water and told me to drink it


I drink it and cleared my throat and said "How long have I been here"

The nurse smiled at me said "You have been here for 1 week, sweety. "

One week, I have been here for 1 week. I gasped when I remembered my babies.

"Babies. Where are my babies? " I asked in a panic voice.

Maria calmed me down and said "they are at home with Jack. He is taking care of them. They are

alright honey. Calm down."

I took deep breathes and finally calmed down. They are at home.

Doctor Williams came into the room and gave me a big smile. She walked toward me and kissed my

head and said: "Welcome back Anna."

I give her a small smile and said "Thank you for saving me, Dr Williams"

"I told you many times to call me Rose. But you never listened to me" she said with a playful voice.

She checked me and told me that I am perfectly alright and can go home tomorrow.

I nodded eagerly because I am hell excited to meet the loves of my life. My babies.

She smiled at me and told me to take rest. I nodded and slept after taking my medicines.

I woke up again after hearing Maria talking to someone on the phone.

"Ya, she is alright....... She just woke up 2 hours ago......... She is sleeping right now.......... The doctor

told us that we can take her home tomorrow......... You are coming........ No no, it's not that. I am happy

that you are coming........ Ok Bye." She said on the phone

I think she is talking to my husband. He must be wondering how I am still alive.

I sighed and finally opened my eyes and look around and saw the time in the clock.

It was 10 in the night. A nurse came and she helped me to sit up and gave me my dinner.

I ate it and then again slept after taking my medicines.



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Finally, I am going home today. I was getting bored here and the hospital always makes me sick.

I wore a comfortable blue dress which Maria brought me from home.

She combed my hair and I protested that I can do it. But she scolded me and told me that she is doing

it now. I can do it later.

I again sat on the bed and had my breakfast. I told Maria to go home as she stayed with me here for 1


She denied but I told her to go and take rest. I thanked her again and she just nodded and told me to

take care of myself.

I played candy crush on my phone to pass some time.

I heard the sound of the gate opening. I looked toward the door and my heart skipped a beat when I

saw the loves of my life with my husband.

He was carrying both of them on his shoulders. A baby covered with a pink blanket was on his left

shoulder and another baby covered with a blue blanket was on his right shoulder.

He came toward me and gave them gently into my waiting arms.

He held my face gently in his hands and kissed my lips softly.

"I am glad that you are alright," he said softly.

I was shocked because this is the first time he talked to me softly. Otherwise, he always talked to me in

his cold voice.

But if he thinks that I will forget what he did to me then he is wrong.

Still, I gave him a small smile and I heard the cries of my babies.

I looked at their innocent face and they are the most beautiful things that I ever saw in my life.

I can't believe that I made something so innocent and beautiful. I kissed their faces and they made

baby noises.

My tears were falling continuously and I didn't make any attempt to wipe them.

They are happy tears. My babies are finally here with me.

They started to cry and I panicked. Why are they crying? Do they not like me?

Jack came toward me and sat beside me and said: "They are hungry Anna."

I looked at him and turned toward my babies. But I don't know how to feed them.

He pressed the button and a nurse came and she taught me how to feed them.

And the most beautiful feeling in the world is when you feed your babies.

After feeding them she told me to burp them. I did it and then they fall asleep.

I pouted because I wanted to play with them. Jack completed the formality of my discharge.

I wore my flats and walked slowly toward the Doctor's Cabin. Jack was carrying the babies.

They are looking so small compared to him. I chuckled internally.

We reached there and I knocked on the door and heard 'Come in.'

We walked inside and she smiled at me but glared at Jack.

He glared back at her and she looked at me with a soft expression.

"How are you feeling Anna." She asked me with a smile.

"I am fine Doctor," I said with a small smile

"Call me Rose, Anna. So you can go home but remember anna you have to take care of yourself. You

have to eat healthy food because you are nursing your babies. And if you will not eat the food then the

babies won't get any nutrients. And no sexual activities for at least 6 weeks. And I am also

recommending you birth control pills." She said seriously.

"What. But I want more babies." Jack said in a cold tone

"Mr Miller your wife just gave birth to the twins. Her pregnancy was complicated and right now she is

weak. Another pregnancy right now would kill her. Do you want that." She said in a serious tone.

And jack didn't say anything after that. I signed in relief and thanked God that I am free from his torture

for 6 weeks.

She told me to visit her after 2 weeks with the babies for a checkup.

I nodded and we walked out of her office. I thanked her again and she just hugged me and told me to

take care of myself and the babies.

We walked out of the hospital and I sat on the back seat of the car and he gave me the babies and sat

too on the back seat.

I just want God to give my babies a nice life.


Authors Note

Hello guys

Hope you liked it.

Till then

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