My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 58 Crossed Wires

Chapter 58 Crossed Wires


The morning sun's despicable rays fell upon my face, rudely rousing me from the only respite I'd found after last night's ordeal. With a groan, I reluctantly sat up, though I had absolutely no intention of leaving my room. Even now, I could sense the telltale signs of my anguish-red, swollen eyes and a blotchy complexion, the result of countless tears and emotional turmoil.

Fuck, men are cruel, especially the ones who effortlessly make you fall in love with them.

But Jacob hadn't appeared cruel at first glance...

"Stop obsessing over the man who dumped you, Evelyn," I muttered to myself, trying hard to maintain my composure-god, this was just the morning, I couldn't already lose my shit.

But again, it was a struggle not to let my emotions betray me, for inside, I was a whirlwind of pain and confusion. "You've been dumped, face it." I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my dishevelled hair.

For a fleeting moment, as I concentrated on my breathing and the warmth of the sun's rays, my thoughts drifted to a more tranquil place. It was as if I'd found a brief peace from the storm raging within me, but it lasted only a second.

In the very next moment, memories of Jacob and me in this very bed came crashing back. I could almost feel the warmth of his body, surpassing the sun's gentle embrace, and the lingering scent of him that clung to my skin. I couldn't be sure if my senses were deceiving me, but the sensations remained vivid. The rush that surged through my veins when his piercing blue eyes locked onto mine, and the intoxicating sensation of his lips pressed against mine, flooded my mind once more.

Fuck. He indeed ruined me for other men- it was impossible to forget him.

Sighing, I mustered the strength to rise from the bed, my sanity hanging by a thread. Just as I was about to take that reluctant step forward, my gaze landed on the nightstand. There, a plate brimming with pancakes, adorned with a generous drizzle of chocolate sauce exactly as I liked it, caught my eye. Next to it sat a glass of water and a small note.

Leaning in, I snatched the note.

"Dear Evie, Please don't skip breakfast. I insist, don't! I understand you might not want to come downstairs right now, and that's perfectly okay. Take all the time you need. However, I don't want you to be too hard on yourself. By the way, your friends put in a lot of effort to prepare your breakfast. Admittedly, we had to dispose of a few burnt pancakes, but Mason, in particular, excelled in making that chocolate sauce you love so much. So, out of respect for our hard work, finish your breakfast, or there will be consequences. Or, as your dad would say, 'Your allowance will be severely affected.' No more for now! Goodbye, and I'll check in on you during lunchtime, along with your friends."

Unknowingly a smile crept onto my lips. I couldn't have been more grateful for having them in my life.

I reached for the plate, letting go of my internal struggle to starve myself.

To hell with Jacob and that bitch. If love couldn't hold him, then nothing else could.

I could move on, couldn't I?

Well, to be honest, I didn't know because as I ate, tears freely ran down my cheeks, but one thing was certain, whether I could move on or not -I had to try.



I flicked the finished cigarette away; honestly, I'd lost count of how many I'd smoked by now. Sleep had eluded me completely throughout the night. All I could remember, and all my eyes could see, were the tears that had filled hers. The pain of betrayal in her voice, and the way she gazed at me as if I were stripping her of everything she held dear. Those tears trickling down her beautiful face... they shattered my heart.

Fuck. What I was doing to her was wrong, but what choice did I have? Some things were beyond anyone's control. This was the path I believed needed to be taken, though the doubts surrounding my decisions grew louder with each passing moment.

Was I making the right choice? I couldn't say. Normally, I'd seek advice from Samuel when faced with problems, but this time, I couldn't even do that because I had already messed up royally. Evelyn was the last person in this world I should have gotten involved with, yet she had become the only one I'd fallen deeply for.

I couldn't step back, and I couldn't step forward.

Damn it! I had promised her I wouldn't leave her...

Regret clawed its way up my emotional defenses, threatening to break through. It took every ounce of strength to resist the overwhelming urge to rush back to her and pull her in my arms. I knew she was in pain, hurting bad...all because of me.

The ache in my chest didn't fade. Her scent still lingered in my mind her smile, the sound of her laughter, the intoxicating sensation of her in my arms, close to me- I was going insane.

Growling in frustration, I landed a punch against the wall. The searing pain in my injured hand seemed to dull the ache, but only slightly. Blood oozed from the fresh wound, and a quiet hiss escaped my lips before I landed another punch and stormed away from the balcony, heading inside the bedroom.

But as I entered, an unexpected sight greeted my eyes. My fists clenched at my sides, and my jaw tightened when I saw her sitting on my bed, nonchalantly holding a first-aid kit on her lap.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

She shifted her gaze towards me, seemingly unfazed. "Well, I figured you might need this. You don't have the best control over yourself in these moments," she said calmly, placing the kit beside her. She then pulled out a bottle of disinfectant and a cotton swab, standing up. "Come here, let me tend to your wounds."

She had to be kidding me!

"I need you to leave the room, right now, Chloe!" Even the sight of her disgusted me.

She released a sigh, one that carried more irritation than the usual tones of concern. "What's wrong with you, huh? I come here after everything you said to me last night, and you're still acting like this? Can't you find it in yourself to be grateful for once?"

"Grateful?" A cynical chuckle slipped from my lips, “Are you seriously suggesting that now? And who gave you the green light to come here and put on this pretentious act? No one asked you to come, so spare me the performance and scram." I attempted to move past her, but she gripped my hand, halting me.

"Why this attitude, huh? You don't

have Evelyn anymore, and there's no other reason to keep me at arm's length. So why are you trying so hard to avoid me? You've got no one

left but me. You've already Sharo

your friendship with Danica because you fucked her daughter behind her back, and now you're on the edge of screwing up your friendship with Samuel, if Danica decides to spill the beans," she spat. "So, cut the crap and listen to what I say, okay?"

"I'd rather have no one by my side than a woman like you, Chloe," I yanked my hand away from her grip. "What part of this don't you understand? You and I are finished. Did you hear me? Finished. So why don't you just stop tailing me and adding to my problems?"

"Your problems?" She scoffed before her temper suddenly flared, "Damn it!" She screamed, tossing the bottle of disinfectant against the door, making it crash. "What part of this don't you understand, huh? You and I are meant to be together, can't you see that? Don't you see how everything has always pushed us toward each other?"

"It wasn't some fucking destiny, Chloe. It was your sick and selfish choices," I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. My rage was barely contained. "So, before I lose control, just get the hell out of here."NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

"Do you really expect me to believe that you have no feelings left for me? I can see it in your eyes, Jacob, I can "

"You never knew how to read my eyes, Chloe! You never did. The only person who could was Evelyn, and she'll always be the one for me, whether I spend the rest of my life with her or not," I finally lost it. "She will always be the one! I love her. Do you understand?"

She appeared taken aback by my sudden outburst, disbelief crossing her expression before slowly fading into a vacant look, replaced by a strange sense of dismay. "No... No, you don't," she stammered, her hands trembling, as she walked closer, "You don't love her. You just don't!" I could tell her reactions were fueled by the fury simmering beneath the surface. Content

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"Yes, I love her, and she's the only one I love. My feelings for you are long gone. I feel nothing for you," I asserted. "So, leave me and Evelyn alone." "No... no-no," She began to panic, eventually screaming, "You can't love her, do you understand?" She grabbed my shirt, tearing off a few buttons in the process. "You're mine. You can't belong to anyone else! You should only love me, do you fucking get that?"

"No, I'm not yours, Chloe. Snap out of the delusional world in your head. There's nothing you can do to take us back to where we were because I simply don't want to," I struggled to pry her hands away, but she only clung tighter.

God, if she weren't a woman.....if only!


"Please, baby... don't do this to me," Her voice dropped to a whisper, now sounding like a completely different person, soft-spoken and genuine unlike the real her, "I love you; you know that. Please don't push me away Her hands travelled upward, pressing herself against me before cupping my face," What have you seen in that Evelyn? Does she obey you, listen to your every word? Is she a better fuck than me? Trust me, I can do it better. I'll always listen to you," she began kissing my neck, her hands unbuttoning my shirt.

Enough of this bullshit!

I firmly grasped her arms, ready to push her away, but at that very moment, as we both froze in place, the door to my room swung open. I turned toward the doorway, and what I saw was the last thing I had expected-it was Evelyn.

Oh no...

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