My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 4 Secret Or Not

Chapter 4 Secret Or Not


"Evelyn, get the hell out of the'll catch a cold!" Dad's voice echoed across the poolside, but I chose to ignore his yell and swam to the other side, determined to enjoy the water.

"I am not a kid, Dad!" I shouted back, my voice laced with defiance as I leaned against the edge of the pool. "Go and get some rest!"

The party had ended an hour ago, and the once lively poolside had now emptied, revealing the vastness of the mansion Dad owned. It was nothing short of a palace, capable of accommodating over a hundred people, though there weren't nearly as many guests invited. But I had a feeling the wedding day would be an exception.

"Evelyn, I said get out right now!" Dad ordered but once again, I paid no attention to his words.

At that moment, there were only four of us left by the poolside: Clara, who was struggling to suppress her laughter; Dad, who was determined to spoil my swim; me, defiantly sticking to my decision; and Jacob, silently observing the entire spectacle from one of the plush chaise lounges scattered around the area.

"Grow up, Dad," I didn't know why I loved getting on Dad's nerves, "Let me enjoy my swim."

As expected I could see Dad's face turning different colours and he yelled again, "What did you just say? You are me telling you to do what?" "Grow up, Dad," I repeated and Clara burst into a fit of laughter. Even Jacob couldn't hide his amusement, attempting to stifle his own laughter behind his hand.

"Evelyn Fernandez, get the hell out of that pool right now!" Dad barked,

"Samuel, let her enjoy herself," Clara interjected, coming to my defence as Dad and I competed in the mini glaring contest," She just started swimming a few minutes ago."

Dad's glare remained fixed on me, "She has a tendency to catch a cold easily, Clara. She shouldn't be so careless."

"Dad, the water is very warm. You can check it if you want," I chimed in.

His glare faded, replaced by a frown of contemplation.

Knowing my dad, I could almost see the internal debate happening in his mind. Ether he'd continue this argument or let it go.

There was another chance of his to confirm if....

Before I could even complete my thought I saw Dad crouching down and checking the temperature of the water by reaching his hand inside the pool. The laugh tore from my mouth automatically but Dad, being himself, seemed unfazed. He slowly stood up after confirming the temperature was safe for his daughter's health.

"Fine, you got an hour, and after that, I want you back in the mansion, and if not then I'll drag you out from the pool by myself." He spoke still keeping his stern voice and I nodded trying hard to not laugh again.

He still treated me the same way he used to when I was a kid, apparently for my dad I'll always remain a little kid no matter how old I get.

"Jacob; Clara and I are expecting some guests who will likely arrive in a few minutes. Could you please keep an eye on her and let me know if she starts sneezing or experiencing any discomfort?" He looked at his best friend and I had expected Jacob to look surprised or say anything but he only nodded.

With that, my dad left the premises, and Clara, blowing a kiss my way, soon followed suit, disappearing from my sight.

No sooner had they departed than the atmosphere around the pool area grew inexplicably heavier.

It was just the two of us in this vast expanse, and there were no signs of any guests yet. This section of the mansion facing the pool primarily consisted of rooms reserved exclusively for us. Some remained unoccupied, awaiting the arrival of my friends and family members.

"Need something, Evelyn?" Jacob seemed to notice the stillness of me and my unruffled gaze that was staring at the reflection of him that fell on the water.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to assist, Mister Jacob," I replied, swimming closer to the pool's edge and settling on the submerged blue-tiled steps. This position allowed half of my body to remain above the water, with only my hips and legs immersed.

To my surprise, he questioned me in return, "And why do you believe that, young lady?"

There was a subtle shift in his tone, almost imperceptible, yet it made my skin crawl with something new. Damn it, even watching him without being able to turn my wildest fantasies into reality right there by the pool was sheer torture.

"It's not a matter of belief; it's a certainty," I asserted, resting my elbows on the steps behind me and leaning back, basking in the gentle caress of the sun's rays on my face as I closed my eyes.

Even with my eyes shut, I could sense Jacob's gaze tracing the path of water droplets gliding down my skin.

Of course, I was deliberately putting on a show for him, although I couldn't quite fathom why I desired such a response. Perhaps, for now, the sensation of his eyes on my skin sufficed.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

"You have indeed grown up..." I heard his deep voice remark, almost resembling the suppressed growl of an unhinged beast.

"And you have become even more handsome than before," I let out, still avoiding direct eye contact as I casually tousled my semi-wet hair to remove any excess water.

"I thought you were afraid of me

back then," His words this time caught my attention, compelling me to finally dook at him. The devilishly handsome face adorned with green eyes and features reminiscent of a Greek god... was now fixed with a blend of confusion and




"It's kind of you to assume that I used to flee out of fear," I chuckled, unable to contain the mirth, "Because the real story was quite different."

"And what is the real story, Evelyn?"

he inquired, his voice rendering my name in a way that sent my thoughts into disarray, mind at


sevens and sixes and heart on the

e of jumping out of my chest. I


had to restrain myself from

squeezing my thighs together,

attempting to quell the fire that his mere voice had ignited within me, particularly in that one sensitive area.

Sudden heat was sown deep into my body.

"Why don't we keep it a secret, for now, Jacob?" I found myself uttering as I rose to my feet. "After all, secrets have a way of making everything more interesting."

"You seem to be keeping a lot of secrets from childhood huh?" He rose on his feet as well, in his right hand, there was the robe that I had left on the lounge before entering the pool.

"Unfortunately, it was only you who saw me as a child, because I vividly recall engaging in activities that are beyond a child's realm," I sighed, shaking my head, and approached him. His eyes tracked my every movement with unwavering attention as I stood before him.

His gaze locked onto mine, and I held his stare for a moment before extending my hand towards him. "Would you mind returning my robe?"

A half-smirk crept onto his face, his pearly white teeth gleaming as he released a soft laugh and handed me the robe. "You're a different breed, Evelyn."

"Thank you for the compliment, Jacob," I smiled and slipped into the robe. However, as I attempted to tie it, I discovered that the tie was missing. Confusion etched itself across my brow as I looked at him. "You took the tie?"

Amusement danced in his eyes, and a chuckle escaped his lips as he bent down, his warm breath grazing my belly, causing an involuntary intake of breath.

As he straightened back up, I saw the white tie delicately held in his hand. "It must have fallen when you put on the robe," he explained, presenting the tie to me. My mouth formed an 'O' in realisation.

Before I could gather my thoughts or find the words to respond, Jacob leaned closer, encircling me with his presence. He deftly wrapped the tie around me, gliding the ends through the loops and securing it at the front of my belly.

My heart raced, quickening its pace, and my breath grew heavier as his cologne enveloped my senses.

His warm fingers brushed against my cool skin as he slowly knotted the tie, his gaze never faltering from mine.

"Be cautious, little girl, because the


notion that a secret may remain undisclosed might be illusory. Perhaps it is something that someone discovered long ago," he whispered and with a gentle gesture, he tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear, igniting a rush of goosebumps across my body.

Holy hell! He just did not say that, well damn he did!

A devilish smirk played on those full lips that I longed to sink my teeth into.

I stood there speechless, his words momentarily rendering me unable to gather coherent thoughts. I could only gaze at him, bewildered and


"Go to your room, darling," He lightly brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers causing the warmth to pool my veins and the surreal need to rise, "You'll catch a cold."

I mustered up the courage to ask the next question that had been burning in my mind as I watched him begin to walk away, "Which secret are you referring to, Jacob?"

He paused in his tracks, turning to face me. The same glimmer sparkled in his green eyes, sending a wave of tension rippling through my insides.

"The secret you believe I am oblivious to," he responded with a smirk, his words hanging in the air like a tantalising promise. With that enigmatic smile lingering on his lips, he walked away, leaving me alone by the poolside, my mind in disarray.

Fucking Devil!

I had assumed that Jacob remained unaware of my intense infatuation with him.

Well, I had thought Jacob was clueless about my obsession with him, but today he had shattered that belief, revealing that he likely knew far more than I had ever anticipated.

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