My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 157 Breaking Point

Chapter 157 Breaking Point


I halted in my tracks, his voice slicing through the silence like a knife. Then came the click, and suddenly the bar lights flickered on, casting a warm glow over the staircase and illuminating my figure. A peculiar heat crept up my skin, seeping into my flesh and bones-his voice, resonant and deep, carried an edge that sent my heart into a frenzy.

Summoning my courage, I clenched and unclenched my fists before finally turning to face him, meeting his gaze head-on. There he sat on a bar stool, his appearance starkly different from the morning encounter. Shirtless, every contour of his sculpted muscles on display, the veins in his arms prominent. Strands of hair fell across his forehead, offering tantalizing glimpses of his enchanting green eyes. In his hand, a glass of whiskey, his favorite brand-ironic, considering Dad despised it yet still brought it home upon Jacob's arrival, despite claiming to loathe his best friend now. Strange, wasn't it?

Everyone still fucking loved Jacob Adriano, because it was damn near impossible not to love a man like him. And who knew that better than me? Life just had to throw those curveballs.

"Why does my dating life interest you so much, Mr. Adriano?" I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest as I cautiously approached, leaning against the end of the bar. Despite the few feet of distance between us, the space seemed to shrink, closing in around us. I fought the urge to reach out, to feel the warmth of his body against mine-damn, I hated myself sometimes.

"Shouldn't it?" he countered, his voice as measured as always. "People chase after their exes for years, even after a breakup. It hasn't even been a month since you left me."

"Because you fucked up," I shot back, my tone laced with bitterness.

"And I'm not denying it," Jacob suddenly rose from the stool and closed the distance between us with purposeful steps. My fingers tightened around the edge of the bar, gripping the marble as if it were my lifeline. He halted just before me, his palms resting on the bar behind me. A shiver ran down my spine as his hand brushed back his hair, sending my mind spinning in a direction I desperately didn't want to go, but my body... it yearned for him.

I was so damn accustomed to his touch that the absence of it felt like starvation.

"I messed up, more times than I can count. But I'm here to make it right, to do whatever it takes to win you back. What I won't fucking stand for is you throwing yourself at other guys, trying to convince yourself they're better than me," Jacob's words were harsh, his voice rising in intensity. His left hand settled on my hip, while his right remained planted on the bar, trapping me between him and the counter.

"They are indeed a thousand times better than you," I retorted, finding my voice amidst the chaos. "Leaving you was the best decision I ever made. Cameron is perfect for me the one I deserve."

"Oh, really?" Jacob chuckled, his eyes filled with mocking amusement, as if he could see right through me. "Tell me, what about Cameron makes him so perfect for you?" His hand on my hip began tracing slow circles, his proximity igniting a fire beneath my skin. My throat tightened, my palms grew sweaty, and my breath quickened.

Struggling to maintain my composure, I locked eyes with him, feeling utterly powerless yet strangely intoxicated by it. Jacob had a way of making me feel so many conflicting emotions, and the way he could render me powerless was both infuriating and exhilarating.

He could make me surrender and still make sure I fucking loved it.

"Answer me, Evelyn," he demanded, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "I need to hear you say it."

He didn't believe me, not for a second.All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

I had to make it convincing enough to buy myself some time.

But my body was already betraying me, craving his touch with a desperation that was almost embarrassing. My pussy was wet, clenching in anticipation as the moments passed between us.

"It's his touch-it's like he's woven from the fabric of desire itself. Every graze, every caress, it's as if he's tracing the map of my soul with his fingertips. He discovers the secrets of my skin as if he's been studying me for a lifetime, igniting fires I

didn't even know were smolderinge

With each stroke, he leaves me fucking trembling, wanting more, asking for more. And just when I think I can't bear another moment of anticipation, he draws it longer, teasing out every ounce of pleasure until I'm aching with need. Cameron understands the language of my body like it's written in his own blood. He doesn't just touch me, he speaks to me through his touch, fulfilling desires I didn't even know I had, until I'm gasping for more," I let out, my voice heavy, heat creeping into my skin, "He knows exactly what I fucking need and he makes sure I get it."

Truth be told, it wasn't Cameron's description-I had plucked details from my memories with Jacob, all Jacob's, because those were the moments that still haunted me. I knew it would infuriate him, even if he saw through my lie.

"And why does that description remind me of the moments we shared?" Jacob's smirk widened into a wicked grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Are you sure those are Cameron's moments?"

"If arrogance had a face, it would be yours," I spat, refusing to let him see through my facade, even though I knew he already had. "Let me enlighten you—tonight, it was Cameron who touched me. Cameron who kissed me senseless, who drove me to the edge and beyond, made me come not just once, not twice but thrice over. It was all him."

This time, the amusement in

Jacob's eyes faded, replaced by a deep-seated cage that sent a shiver down my spine. He leaned in closer, causing my heart to skip a beat. His other hand found its place on my hip, his body pressing against mine. Despite the anger in his eyes, there was something else there, something darker and more primal-a lust that sent a thrill

through me even as it terrified me.

He was turned-on. Angry. Frustrated even. And so was I, consumed by a tumult of emotions that had been building since the moment I walked away from him.

It was high time he got a taste of his own medicine.

I leaned back against the bar, my fingers aching to reach out to him as his face drew closer to mine, his eyes ablaze with lust, sending electric currents down my spine. My nipples tightened against the fabric of my dress as I watched him, acutely aware of the dampness pooling between my thighs.

I was so fucking wet...

"You mentioned how much you enjoy his touch..." His body pressed against mine, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of my short dress, toying with the elastic of my panties. "Tell me honestly now, whose touch truly sets this body of yours on fire? His or mine?"


My breath caught in my throat. "It's irrelevant," I countered, my gaze defiant. "You're my past, he's my present and future."

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, his emerald eyes sparkling in the dim light. "Do you really think I'll stand by and watch that happen, sweetheart?" His voice dripped with determination. "I'd fucking tear down this whole world to have you back with me. So what if he's just a boy? I'll fucking make sure he's out of my way in a matter of hours."

Did he just...did he just really said that?

"You will do no such-" Before I could finish my sentence, his hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my words in a way that left me bewildered. Then, his hand slid

beneath the fabric of my p

making contact with my bare pussy. My eyes widened, my body jerking at the sudden sensation, but before I could fully comprehend what was happening, he delivered an even more shocking blow.

He thrust his fingers into me. Deep.

Oh no...

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