My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 122 I Am Not Going Back

Chapter 122 I Am Not Going Back


It took three rounds for Jacob and ten more orgasms for me to finally call it quits for the day. As we lay there, entwined in each other's arms, his hand traced delicate patterns along my back, soothing the ache that lingered in my muscles.

He totally destroyed me like he'd said he would.

We were both drenched in sweat, our breaths still heavy and our hearts racing, though mine seemed to be pounding louder than his. But who could blame me? After all, my body had borne the brunt of our passionate encounter.

Yet, I couldn't bring myself to assign blame. I had brought this to myself, and every moment of it had been an electrifying indulgence.

Fuck. Just to remember it made shivers run down my spine.

I absolutely fucking loved it. If it hadn't been for Jacob, I'd have never known that getting destroyed could feel that good.

Jacob's fingers found their way into my hair, trailing down to my breasts as he reached for a cigarette. After taking a drag, he leaned in to capture my lips in a kiss. I breathed in the smoke, the kiss deepening before we reluctantly parted, exhaling the intoxicating fumes into the air.

Breaking the comfortable silence, I finally spoke up, knowing that Jacob had been waiting for me to break it.

"I bumped into Tyler at the grocery store this morning," I confessed, "and he said some things that got under my skin."

Jacob's jaw clenched at the mention of Tyler. "What did that bastard say?" His protective grip around me tightened.

"He mentioned something about you admiring Chloe's ass and stuff, and suggested that you preferred anal over regular sex," I admitted, my words hesitant. "And then my mind started racing, I lost my shit, wondering why we hadn't tried it yet when you and Chloe apparently did. I So I got mad at you and me overthinking everything messed it up. I messed it up by caring too much about Tyler's words."

The tension in the air was palpable as I awaited Jacob's response.

"You didn't mess up, Evie," he sighed, pulling me closer as he kissed my temple, my head resting on his bicep as he turned to me, cupping my face. "Your reaction was totally normal. Anyone in your place would have felt the same. But that bastard, he needs to be fucking taught a lesson."

I rested my hand against his face, tracing my fingers along his jaw. "No, don't do anything," I urged softly. "He's already trying to destroy your career and business. Don't let him back into our lives. If you spare him a reaction, it means he's succeeded. The more we keep him out of our thoughts, the better it is for us."

"You don't know how much I hate that bastard, Evie. I can't stand him-even the sight of him," Jacob confessed, his frustration evident. "No matter how much I try to make amends, he and his sick obsession to bring me down would never end. For real, how did he even know that Chloe and I had a thing for anal? We only did it once or twice, other than that, with Chloe, it was always plain and simple, well, boring even," He let out a small groan. "I want to ask him if it was him I'd screwed in the arse, for him to be so sure that I have a thing for them."

"But, did... did you actually like Chloe's arse that much?" I couldn't help but ask.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Well, seeing Tyler's confidence has lessened mine a bit.

"Fucking hell, no. Evelyn," He sighed, frustration lacing his tone. "I was never fixated on one particular part of any woman. I've never been obsessed with anyone like that. That bastard is just trying to brainwash you. Tell me, what else did he say?"

Should I tell him? I didn't know. Maybe not.

No, I shouldn't tell him. He was already stressed enough, and revealing the exact words Tyler used would only infuriate Jacob further. I didn't want him to get mad and take another step that could complicate things further. He was already in a big mess right now.

"Nothing else," I shook my head, forcing a small smile. Leaning in, I placed a kiss on his lips. "Forget about him. The more we dwell on him, the more he succeeds. Let's not give him that satisfaction."

He emitted a sigh, his eyes soft but his expression hesitant, as if he was about to voice something that might displease me. I knew Jacob well enough to read his face.

"What is it?" I asked before he could speak, moving closer and rubbing my fingers against his jaw. "What do you want to say?"

"It's just..." He hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. "I think you should go back to America for a while, Evelyn."

His words made me freeze on the spot.

Was he actually serious right now?


"There's Danica there until Samuel and Clara come back, so you can spend some time with your mom. Here in Italy, these days, I'm not giving you enough-nothing. Sex isn't enough for a woman like you Evie," he murmured, his tone laden with regret. "You deserve so much more. The more I give, the less it will be from my side. I brought you with me so we could spend time together, and live together for a while, but these business rivalries and everything else are taking so much away from us. Away from you. That shine in your eyes-it's fading, my love. I-"

"Jacob, listen to me—"

"No, baby. Please listen to me," he interrupted gently, his thumb soothingly tracing circles on my cheek. "I don't want you to get involved in any of my mess. These are my responsibilities, my troubles, and things that I am failing to fix. You don't need to bear the weight of them. I want to give you my whole world, but only when I am able to collect the pieces myself. Right now, nothing's okay, and perhaps it won't be anytime soon. Tyler plays dirty, which I can't and I don't want you to get caught up in this rivalry."

"First of all, Jacob, you might be thirty-four, but sometimes you have the maturity of a sixteen-year-old," I snapped, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "Secondly, your plan to serve me the perfect version of your world is absolutely foolish-nothing in this world is ever fucking perfect. You can't serve me the perfect version of your world, and even if you somehow manage to, I'd be a total bitch to stay with you only when things are going well. I told you once, and I'm telling you again, Jacob, what kind of relationship is this if we don't stick by each other's side in the toughest times?"

"But, Evelyn..."

"No 'buts', Jacob. I want to stay with you through the journey, not just the best parts. Most of all, I want to be the shoulder for you to lean on when you come home tired. Make me your home, not your world. Because if you do..." I sighed, pressing my forehead against his. "No matter where we are in the world, we'll always know when and where our home is. And no matter what you've lost, you'll always have a home to come back to."

Slowly, his body began to relax, his tensed muscles easing, and his racing heart calming down.

“God, what did I do to deserve you?" he emitted a small, breathy chuckle, his voice thick with emotion. He pulled me closer and pressed his lips against my forehead. "I love you, Evie. I love you." he sniffled.

A smile tugged at my lips, knowing that the idea of sending me back to America had already slipped away from his mind. "I love you too."

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