My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

There are multiple tents set on the sand; both men and women are bathing in the water,

playing, and having fun. The strong wind blows against my hair, but it only reminds me of

something more substantial, or rather someone. It was an atmosphere where I’m supposed to feel at peace, yet I’m anything but peaceful. I know that it takes a while to recover from heartbreak, but I wasn’t sure that I’d ever been able to get over this one. What I had with Adam, even though it may have been fake for him,(This novel will be daily updtaed at everything was real for me, and it was beautiful

while it lasted.

Every touch, every word we both said to each other, every experience left a mark inside of me. I’ve given a part of myself to him, something that he never deserved. I know that I should regret ever giving him a chance, but I don’t, not at all. Those memories that I have of him, I’ll always hold close to my heart. It doesn’t mean that I’ll allow him back into my life, however. Things weren’t as easy as that.

Word had already spread that I’d beaten him in the tournament, but no one knew that he let me win. They didn’t see everything that happened in the sky, everyone came up with their own stories, and those rumors were spreading.

I know Lizzie wasn’t happy with the results; she must have known that Adam let me win.(This novel will be daily updtaed at I don’t understand why he did it, however. Why let me win? Was it that so everyone would underestimate him when he finally decided to try and take over the world? It was the only explanation that I had. He must have been still playing games with me, with all of us; I couldn’t tell what was going on in that mind of his. Even though a small part of me wants to believe that he let me

win because he cared about me, I quickly dismiss it. If he cared about me at all, he wouldn’t have used me the way he did.

I may know how to create more fire than before Adam started to train me, but I still did not have enough training to go up against him. On the other hand, he’s been preparing for this his entire life; I’ve only just started, I was not yet prepared. It didn’t mean that I wouldn’t fight back; however, I did plan on fighting back. Things weren’t as simple as they were back then; now, I knew that people’s lives were in danger as long as Adam continued with his horrendous plans.

I meant every word that I said to him the day I found out the truth. I wouldn’t just stand

back and let him win. I would constantly be the one force that kept him from getting what he Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

wanted. That meant that I needed to become stronger; now I knew that we were all in danger, 1 understood how important it was to work harder.

“Your mind is far,” Abigail says as she joins me. “I’ve been trying to catch your attention

here if you need me.”

I force a smile, “I’m just trying to cope with everything in my life. I feel like everything is

happening so quickly. I lost two close friends, who were never real friends, to begin with, then I found someone I fell so deeply for, and he turned out to be a liar. I am not sure where to go from here. There is so much that I didn’t know before now, so much that changes everything.”

“I’m still trying to figure out what happened between the two of you,” Abigail tells me.

I’ve avoided telling her the truth; I didn’t know how to break it down to her. How did I tell

her that the man I loved was just using me to take over the world as we knew it?

But I needed to tell someone eventually. More people needed to know what Adam was planning on doing to prepare themselves. I just didn’t know how to tell my family without them asking me questions about how I knew that. Maybe Abigail would be a good start; I needed to start somewhere.

“Adam has been lying to me this entire time,” I tell her. “He never wanted to be with me; he never liked me to begin with. His plan from the beginning was to gain my trust; that way, he

could use me to get stronger.”

Abigail’s eyes widen like the widest I’ve ever seen them before, “I can’t believe this. The

way he acted around you, I wouldn’t be able to tell. I always thought that he really did like you, the way he looked at you; I’ve never seen him look at anyone like that. He also genuinely looked like he cared about you whenever people tried to talk you down or make you look bad. I’m surprised that he would do something like this.”

“That’s not all,” I tell her; I try to remain calm as I continue to explain the whole truth to her. (This novel will be daily updtaed at”He wants to get stronger so that he … So that he can overthrow all of the kingdoms, he wants to become the only king. Everything we’ve learned about the dark whisperers is true; at least everything we’ve learned about Adam is true. He’s truly in love with Lizzie; they both love each other. I was just a weapon to them, someone to make them stronger. Lizzie confessed the truth to me; I’m still not sure why she did it. Maybe it was hard for her to see Adam and me together, it was probably harder for her to witness us announcing our relationship to everyone.

I think that was when she snapped and told me the truth so that Adam wouldn’t have to

pretend to like me anymore.”

“Oh, Amiera,” Abigail whispers and pulls me in for a tight hug, “I’m so sorry this happened to you. That asshole! He doesn’t know the diamond that he’s just lost. He and Lizzie deserve each other. And do they

believe that they can overthrow all of the kingdoms? I don’t join school with us? Why are we all training together? Nothing that they do makes any sense.”

I never understood the reason behind that either. It was one of the reasons that I believed the prophecy was all a lie. Maybe they did it because the dark whisperers threatened to retaliate if they prevented their children from learning, I can’t say for sure. Only our elders and the people in charge would have the answers to these questions.

But how much strength did Adam gain while being around me? Now I know that every single thing he did with me had a purpose. It would explain that day at the lake, the day that he’d gotten wings for the first time. I can only hope that he didn’t gain enough to overthrow our people, or it would be all my fault. I didn’t want to be responsible for something so disastrous.

As if on cue, Adam and Lizzie walk in just then. They’re arm in arm, and no matter how hard I try not to be bothered by their public display of affection, my heart aches at sight. Knowing now that she was the one he loved, that they both loved each other, that he never loved me, all of these facts made it so hard for me just to stand here and see them together.

I know that he was heartless, but couldn’t he have some decency to not show up in front of me with her? The crowd seemed to sense the tension in the air, everyone knew that Adam and Thad announced our relationship just a few days ago. Yet, he was coming to the party with Lizzie like they were the couple, not us. I’m sure that many want to laugh at me, but I’m surprised that no one is doing such a thing. When did their attitudes towards me change?

Finally, Adam was showing me his true colors; he no longer had anything to hide. I can see his dirty, evil side. At least I should be able to see it, but all I can see is the Adam that I fell in love with. He didn’t change to me. He looked the same. Maybe I was so busy wanting him to be good that I purposefully ignored all of the signs. He had always been this way; I was just too

blinded to see otherwise.

“Don’t let them get to you,” Abigail tells me. “You were able to get over Bryan and Aria; you can get over Adam and Lizzie. They weren’t even your best friends in this case, and you knew Bryan and Aria way longer.”

Abigail was right; I should be able to move on easily; I barely knew Adam. Then why does

my heart ache so much?

Abigail sighs; she can tell that I’m not going to be able to ignore Adam that easily. I wish I could, but it really hurts so much. I promised myself to be strong; I could do this. I can ignore him. I can pretend that he never existed.

She pulls me with her towards the table filled with drinks. think that we need a good distraction from the things around us.”

I stare at the drink in her hand; I’m not sure this is a good idea. Since I’ve never had this

before, there is no telling what will happen if I drink too much. I’m also worried about Abigail; (This novel will be daily updtaed at’m not sure that either one of us should indulge in this. However, when I see Lizzie pull Adam with her to dance in the sand while music blasts in the air, I completely lose my mind. I grab the drink from Abigail’s hand and take a big gulp. I don’t stop there; I take one more and then another and another; I don’t stop until I lost count of how many drinks I’d had. I’m surprised

when Abigail does the same as me. Was there something that I was missing? Was she also

going through something that she wasn’t telling me about? I’ve been so caught up in my own life that I hadn’t taken the time to ask her about hers. I wasn’t sure that this was the right time,


Shouldn’t drinking this much mean that I would be tipsy by now? Our kind could usually handle alcohol pretty well, at least most of our kind, but there was a limit to how much we could take before we did things we couldn’t control. So far, I didn’t think that I had crossed that limit. I still had some control over my body.

“You look like a mess,” Bryan says next to me. When did he get here? And where was his girlfriend? He was the last person I wanted to see right now.

“I don’t want to talk to you right now, Bryan.”

He sighs, “I just wanted to tell you that Adam is a fool for choosing Lizzie over you … Just like I was a fool for cheating on you with your best friend. I know that it’s too late for you to want anything to do with me, but I wanted you to know that I was truly sorry for everything I did

to you. You didn’t deserve it; you never did. You were always so wonderful; I didn’t realize how much your spark had lit up my life. It became dull after you stopped talking to me. It’s why I tried so hard to get at least you to talk to me. I know that I deserve it; I do know that. I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now, but you wouldn’t listen to a word I had to say. There was also the fact that you were spending all of that time with Adam; I only told you to stay away because I didn’t want to see you end up getting hurt again. But I wasn’t able to protect you just like I couldn’t protect you from myself. Don’t let Adam dull that spark inside of you,

Amiera. You’re too much of a good person to let him do that to you.”

It’s the first time that Bryan’s apology has ever sounded so sincere. I don’t know what to say to it; how did I respond to that? Did I say thank you? He was right; it was too late for me to accept him back in my life, things would never be the same again. But this apology did ease a

mean I forgave him either.

“What the hell are you doing talking to her?” Aria demands. “So what, we have one argument, and you run to tell your ex-girlfriend about it; who doesn’t care about you at all, by the way? Are you that pathetic? Do you even know who or what the hell you want? You run to her for everything; why did you even cheat on her in the first place?”

Okay, what the hell just happened? The alcohol may be kicking in now because it’s taking me longer to understand what this argument is even about.

“Are those two hooking up again?” I hear someone ask. I can’t make out the voice, and again it may be because of the alcohol. Curse my bad decisions; I always choose the wrong timing to try new things.

Aria’s accusations stir up a commotion in the crowd, as everyone wants to know what’s happening. How did any of this even begin? How did an apology mean that Bryan and I were getting back together? People should know by now that I wanted nothing to do with him, at least in that way. My heart only belonged to a heartless guy who did not love me at all.

All of the commotions are beginning to make me feel dizzy. Aria may be trying to speak to me now, or maybe she’s talking about me; I can’t really tell with the way I’m feeling right now. I open my mouth to call out for help from anyone around me, but I don’t have time for that.

I begin to sway on my feet, and instead of falling to the ground as I expected, I feel familiar arms around me. This was a feeling that I thought I would never get a chance to experience in

my life again.

“She had too much to drink,” Adam says in an angry tone. “Who the f**k spiked her drink?” “She isn’t yours to worry about, remember?” Lizzie asks in an annoyed tone.

What’s it with everyone tonight? Why was everyone fussing over me all of a sudden? And why the hell was Adam still holding onto me? I didn’t want him to touch me. I didn’t even want him near me. And why

was he even here? Was he trying to take advantage of me while I was intoxicated so that he could use me to get some more strength? Hadn’t he stolen enough from me already?

I continue to sway in his arms; after finding some balance, I raise my chin so that I can stare at his beautiful face. Our gazes lock, and I’m hit with a sense of sadness. We could have had it all if only he’d been genuine from the beginning. He’s the reason why we’ve lost the chance to have something extraordinary.

| angrily shove his chest; I don’t want to feel anything for him, not anymore. He doesn’t

deserve me; he never did.

“Let me go!” I shout. “Haven’t you had enough already? Haven’t you stolen enough from


His jaw clenches, and he looks away from my penetrating gaze. Was he a coward? Could he not look me in my eyes now?

I suddenly want to tell him just exactly what he’s been doing to me; I want him to know; 1 want him to feel at least a little guilt for what he’s done.

Igrab onto his shirt angrily, “I love you. I still love you even after what you’ve done to me. And I hate myself for it. You make me hate myself. You are a monster for doing that to me. For hurting someone that loved you. What crime did I commit? Just loving you?”

Something happens to me then, and all of the anger I feel inside is consuming me, swallowing up all of my control.

“You f*****g hurt me!” I scream. “You hurt me so much. Why did you do that to me? Why?”

I don’t know what happens next. Everyone begins to scream, and there are flames everywhere. The tents are on fire, and people are running into the water with their clothes aflame. My entire body feels like it’s about to explode; like it’s burning. Adam grabs me into his arms, even though I’m scorching hot and could burn him. He holds onto me tightly, and immediately, I’m engulfed in darkness. Slowly, the fire begins to die down, not only on my body but from everywhere. Everyone is quiet; the sound of the waves is all that I can hear, coupled with my heavy breathing. The smell of smoke hits my nose, and everyone is staring at me with fear in the depths of their eyes.

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