My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 27

Chapter 27


"Ryker!" I screamed and I fell on my knees and placed my hands against the glass as my whole world

felt as if it stopped.

It was just me....everything felt frozen in time and I zoned out of everything and I couldn't even focus to

see Ryker or anything.

Everything was a blur and I was frozen in shock.

I saw my reflection in the mirror and my face was pale white and my eyes looked lifeless and I had no

emotion in me.

I just stared at my reflection...and I couldn't move as more gun-shots were heard. I was being shaken

and I heard a faint voice of my name being yelled by everyone.

I think Rhett was coming close to us, and was coming to shoot us.

"Rain! Rain! Rain! Snap Out of it! Rain!" I heard faint voices yelling and I closed my eyes shut and a

single tear escaped my eye and traveled down my cheek.

I was picked up by someone and they started to run while carrying me.

I heard faint gun-shots and my mind was in a state-of-shock, and my whole body was too and was


I felt paralyzed...

I had no emotion that I could feel, and everything was still a blur as my head stayed on one thought.


I heard some kind of explosion and then was outside, I was set down and I stood there still frozen, and

I saw a field.

"Rain" A voice whispered and it was Ryker's voice and nobody was beside me.

"Rain, princess. I need you to snap out of it" Ryker's voice said and there was an imaginary image of

him standing beside me "Do this for me, please princess".

I stared straight ahead as my vision was still blurry. I felt so empty and cold....

"Rain! Thompson, snap out of it! Rain! Come back!" Voices all yelled very faintly and I was being

shaken by the shoulders and my vision narrowed in and came back and I saw Craig standing in front of

me, as he was shaking me.

I saw everyone gathered around looking worried and my hearing came back and I gasped, as if I was

being strangled and I fell to the ground and coughed.

Everyone ran up and gathered around me.

"Oh my God! You're alright!" Craig said and pulled me into a tight hug, and then it hit me.

Ryker's was shot.

I pulled out of Craig's grip and started to panic "I have to go-I have to go see him! I have to go! " then I

turned around and started to run towards the church.

Neil grabbed me and pulled me back, and I saw the church was on fire.

My eyes widened and my mind ran threw thoughts, I pulled out of Neil's grip and quickly ran into the

burning cathedral.

"Rain! Rain! Get out of there!" They all yelled after me, but I ran into the building and coughed as the

smoke fill me lungs.

I looked around and everything was in flames. I quickly ran through the halls, and couldn't figure out

where the main room was again, because this place is a huge labyrinth.

Ashes were falling and I yelled "Ryker! Ryker!"

I looked around and tried to figure out where to go, I took a turn down the hall and ran as I searched

everywhere for Ryker.

But I didn't know if he was dead or not....

Ryker Anderson

I coughed as the smoke filled my lungs and I couldn't breath correctly. I squinted my eyes to try not to

get smoke in them and I started to walk to the door but a huge piece of wood fell down in front of the

door and it was on flames.

"Shit"! I muttered, and I quickly grabbed a chair and walked over to the window glass. I smashed the

chair repeatedly into that until it cracked, and I clutched my fist and sent a punch to the glass and it


I walked out into the hall and I heard something explode and burst into flames in the back. I ran down

the hall and I searched for a way out.

Ashes fell on me and sparks and I hissed in pain as I got some burns from the fire, and I continued to

run down the hall.

I searched for anyone I knew, or if any of the gang was still in here.

My mind suddenly went to Rain, and the look on her face broke me.

God, is she okay?!

"Ryker"! I heard yelling and it sounded like Rain.

"Rain! Rain!" I yelled as I ran down random hallways that I had no idea where they led too, and hoped

to find her.

"Ryker!" Her voice yelled and echoed through the halls, and I followed it as my heart was racing and

adrenaline was rushing though me.

"Rain!" I yelled and I came to see her trapped in a corner, by a piece of wood that had fallen and it was

in flames.

Her eyes widened as she saw me and I tried to figure out how to get her out.

"Rain come as close to me as you can" I ordered and she did as told and their was an explosion sound

and the roof caved in with pieces of glass and wood falling.

Rain fell onto her knees and ducked as she tried to avoid being hit by the things falling, and I quickly

ran over and grabbed her and she had a coughing-fit.

"I can't walk" She said "A piece of wood fell on my ankle" and I quickly picked her up bridal style and

she buried her face into my chest avoid inhaling anymore smoke.

I ran down the halls as the roofs caved in more and heard cracking sounds of the wood about to fall


This church was built out of materials of wood, glass, and etc with boulders that held the ceilings up

high and the ceiling parts fell.

A boulder then came crashing down right in front of the exit and I muttered "Shit" and Rain had pieces

of ashes fall on her and burn her as she hissed in pain.

I saw out a far window that there were cars everywhere including Ambulance, Fire, and Police

department were out there as lights flashed.

"Ryker, I can't breath" Rain struggled to say and was trying to catch her breath that was not filled with


MomI said "Don't worry Princess, I'll get you out of here", and I looked around and looked for an exit.

I ran down the hall and saw an opening, and a boulder crashed down I quickly guarded Rain with my

body, so that she wouldn't get hurt and I hissed in pain and ignored the pain and continued to run.

Rain was coughing like crazy as she inhaled more smoke and I quickly went to the exit and pushed the

door open and came out to where lots of people were.

I set Rain down and she began to cough and paramedics took her and raced her to the ambulance as

other paramedics came up to me and tried to check me but I ignored them and tried to go up to the

ambulance and yelled "Rain!"

A guy shut the doors of the ambulance "Sorry sir but you cannot go in there. You can meet her at the

hospital" then walking to the drivers side and getting in and they took off.

I stood there frozen as I watched the ambulance drive off, and Leah came up and pulled me into a tight

hug "Oh my God, Ryker! Are you alright"?

"Yeah...I'm fine..." I trailed off as I stared down the road.

* * * * *

"Where is she"!? I yelled as I ran into the hospital and Joel stood up from his chair and came up to me

"She's being checked up. She sprained her ankle, right now they're casting her".

I sighed in relief and ran a hand threw my hair "Thank God".

Sheriff Thompson came up to me and cleared his throat "I'd like to thank you Ryker. Thank you for

saving my daughter in the fire, I don't know what I would have done if I lost her".

"Neither would I" I said in a whisper to myself then looking at Sheriff Thompson and said "No problem


He nodded and walked away as the rest of the gang ran in and they were all panicked. I was forced to

do a check up by the paramedics. I got away with minor burns and a few cuts that'll heal in a few days.

"What happened!? Where is she?! How is she"!? They all bombarded me with questions.

"She's fine" Ryan said as he walked over "She had a few burns, cuts and all. But she sprained her


They all sighed in relief, and Jax said "Well I'm going up to go get her since she's on crutches, I'll be

right back" then walking away.

"So..." Vince smirked "You going to ask her out yet, or what"?

I rolled my eyes in response. Yeah, I like Rain, there's no denying that, but I don't know if she knows


"She likes you....a lot. Just encase that helps" Liz said with a small smile, and I rolled my eyes again

"Guys! She's just getting out of the hospital, I don't think shes looking for a boyfriend right now"!

"You never know" Will said in a sing-song voice.

The elevator doors opened and I saw Rain walk out on crutches with Jax beside her as he was talking

and she just nodded at what he was saying. Her foot was in a black boot and she walked over to


She came up to me and her piercing blue eyes met mine, she set her crutches aside and I pulled her

into a tight hug and rested my chin on her head "You had me worried sick".

"I thought they shot you" She cried into my chest and gripped my shirt for dear life and I kissed the top

of her head "I'm right here Rain, I'm not going anywhere".

* * * * * * * * *

Rain Thompson

"Rain, go back upstairs. You're on bed-rest" My dad ordered.

"More like bed-arrest" I muttered and he sent me a warning look. My dad has felt horrible about the

whole fire thing and him not being there to save me.

He's doing a lot of now. He hasn't hit me or flipped out, since he's been going to counseling

and has cut back on the alcohol.

It's been 3 days since the hospital and cathedral event.

"Can I at least get something to eat"? I asked and he sighed "Fine" and nodded towards the fridge as

he stood at the kitchen island cutting some vegetables up.

I walked over to the cabinets and grabbed a jar of peanut butter out and grabbed a spoon. I leaned up

against the counter and put my crutches to the side and grabbed a spoon.

I opened the jar and took a spoonful of peanut butter then eating it off my spoon my dad looked at me

and rolled his eyes "You're so weird".

"I know" I said and continued to eat the peanut butter. I love peanut butter...I will sit and just eat it out of

a jar...just me? Okay...

"I have to head down to the jail" He said as he threw a coat on "I'll be back later. If you need anything

just call me or your brothers. Bye Rain, and go rest"! he kissed my forehead and walked out of the

house and shut the door behind him.

I hopped up and sat on the kitchen counter and took my phone out and saw Liz was calling me, and I

answered "Hello"?

"Hey, how you feeling"? She asked. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Fine...I guess" I shrugged even though she couldn't see me.

"You talk to Ryker"? She asked curiously, and I bit my lip at the thought.

"No...I haven't talked to him since the hospital" I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair.

"You should call him Rain, he's worried about you" She said.

"If he's worried, then why wouldn't he call"? I questioned.

"Does Ryker seem like the guy who's going to actually call a girl to see how she is"? She questioned

and I could feel her narrowing her eyes at me.

"No...." I trailed off and looked down at the counter top and traced circles on the counter top and bit my


"How about this? You come over my house, and we can hang out a bit, you can even sped the night

and I'll even get my mom to help you with the homework you've missed".

I bit my lip "I don't know Liz..."

"Please" She pleaded.

I gave in and sighed "Alright, I'll be there in 20 minutes".

* * * * * * *

"Hey" Liz smiled and pulled me inside and I mumbled "Hi" and she pulled me into a quick hug.

"You look better then before" She said as she referred to all the cuts and bruises that were on my face

a couple days ago.

"I guess..." I shrugged and Mrs. Doyle came down the stairs and offered a small smile "Rain, it's nice to

see you. Everyone misses your smart comments in class".

I chuckled "Hey Mrs. Doyle. Don't worry, I'll be back by next week".

"Well Neil is having the guys over.....I don't know if Liz told you or not".

My eyes widened and turned to Liz "You set this up on purpose, because you knew Ryker was


She smirked proudly "I am making my Rayker ship sail, whether you're on it or not"!

I rolled my eyes and she pulled me upstairs as I tried to walk without falling on my face.

"Liz"! I groaned "I'm tired. I don't want to do this anymore".

We've been doing homework for the past 2 hours....

"Would you rather do it with Ryker"? She smirked and I chucked one of her bedroom pillows at her.

No matter what we're talking or doing Liz relates everything to Ryker....

I heard the door open downstairs and Liz grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.

I can walk without crutches it just hurts more.

She pushed me into Ryker and I stumbled into his chest and he caught me by the waist.

I looked up to meet his bright blue eyes "Uh...hey".

"Hey" He said "How you feeling"?

"Fine" I shrugged and pulled out of his grip and sent Liz a glare for pushing me into Ryker.

Ryker gave me an amused look and I took a step back.

Leah hugged me "Hey Rain" the pulling away.

"What's up Crippled"? Vince asked as he fist pounded me.

I rolled my eyes "You know who's going to be crippled"?

"Who"? He asked and everyone raised eyebrows.

"You, if you don't stop calling me crippled" I stated and the guys erupted in "OOOOOOHHHHHH"!

Ryker smirked cockily and whispered in my ear "That's my girl".

My breath hitched and my cheek flushed red.

* * * * * * *

I sat on the swinging bench outside on the back porch alone as I stared ahead.

There was a knock at the doorway and I looked to see Ryker "Can I join you"?

Apparently Ryker block the gun-shot and some other guy got shot and he ended up dying.

"The pleasure is mine" I said in a ppsh tone and his lips tugged into a smile and he walked over and sat

down next to me on the swinging bench.

I laid down and rested my head in his lap and Ryker combed his fingers threw my hair.

"How much longer with the boot"? Ryker asked.

"Depends they said" I answered as I stared up at the night sky.

Everyone was in here doing whatever and I came out her to escape.

"Why'd you come out here"? I asked suspiciously.

He shrugged "I don't know...I wanted to see how you were doing".

I nodded slightly and a few moments of silence went by.

"Be my girlfriend"? Ryker asked.

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