My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

I woke up and was in Ryker's bed. He was still peacefully asleep. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I looked at the time and saw it was 12 p.m.

I stood up and grabbed my jean shorts that I had worn yesterday and threw on my black baseball cap


I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out and Faith was in the living room sitting on the couch as

she read some magazine.

"Morning" She smiled and I said "Morning".

"Where's Ryker"? She asked and I said "Uh...he's still asleep".

She raised an eyebrow and gave a me a suspicious look.

"I have to go home, can you tell him for me Thank you for last night, and that'll I'll talk to him later".

She nodded and I started to walk out when Faith spoke "Rain".

I turned around to face her and she stood up and asked "Do you like Ryker"? With a smirk.

I bit my lip and looked back to where Ryker's room was, then back at Faith.

"You cannot tell him" I warned and she grinned "EEKKKKK".

"Bye Faith" I rolled my eyes and walked out.

I walked down the hall and bumped into someone "Oh sorry" and I looked up.

Reece gave an amused look "So you slept over"?

I bit my lip and nodded.

He smirked "I know you like him Rain".

My eyes widened "You know too"?!

He shrugged "I mean the whole world knows. I wouldn't be shocked if Ryker noticed too".

I groaned in embarrassment and he chuckled "Don't worry, I'd love to have you as my future sister in

law" and sent me a wink.

I stomped on his foot and he laughed "Oh and by the way the gangs meeting up at later".

I nodded and said "Bye Reece" and walked away.

"Bye Mrs. Rain Anderson"! He called after me.

I flipped him off and walked out of the building.

* * * * * * *

I came to the warehouse and walked in and it was completely silent.

I walked upstairs and saw Ryker with a gun to his head and he was all beaten up and Blake, Rhett and

the rest of their gang was there.

"STOP"! I screamed as I ran in. I looked at Ryker and he had cuts and marks with blood covering him

and a black eye.

Rhett put the gun down to his side and smirked "Well, Rain sweetheart. Isn't it nice to see you. I haven't

seen you at the races lately, does Ryker being overprotective and not let you race"?

I held a cold glare and a guy who's name had been Noah, had Ryker's arms restrained behind him and

had something digging into his side which I think was a blade, and Ryker hissed in pain.

"So here's the deal..." Rhett said as he casually loaded bullets into a magazine and hit it into the gun so

it was loaded.

"Your little boyfriend over here, has suffered the consequences because you wouldn't behave" His eyes

went dark.

My lips pressed in a thin line and Rhett continued "When you followed Blake into our warehouse that

one night, when we were about to kill Ryker you messed are plan up".

Noah dug harder into Ryker's side and Ryker gritted his teeth together and groaned in pain.

"So now....he's still alive...and shouldn't bad you got attached before we killed him...." Rhett


I clutched my fist and he stated "But now we have to kill him".

I sent a punch flying to his jaw and he stumbled back and grabbed hold of his jaw.

Ryker tried to get out of the hold of the guys who were holding him back and punched a guy, then

grabbing a gun and putting it up to Rhett.

Blake came over and grabbed hold of me and wrapped his arms around my neck and arms in a

restraining way so I couldn't move.

He grabbed something out of his pocket and flicked the pocket knife out and put it up to the skin of my


Blake smirked at Ryker "Shoot him. And she gets it" as he held the knife up to my neck.

My body became tense and my breath faltered.

If Ryker kills Rhett, he doesn't have to worry about being killed by him, but I get killed.

If Ryker doesn't kill Rhett, he has a lifetime of problems and is always being hunted, but I get to live

Yeah fair choice.....

I looked at Ryker with my eyes that were pricked with tears as the knife cut into my skin.

Ryker looked back at Rhett then me, and he dropped the gun and Blake let of me and I fell to the

ground and coughed and I tried to regain the air since Blake choked me.

"You're coming with us, Anderson" Rhett said and his guys restrained Ryker and pushed him towards

the door.

"Ryker!" I yelled and regained my breath quickly.

I ran after them and downstairs, they shoved him into a van and I pounded on the door.

Blake grabbed me by the arm and gritted "Leave it Rain, now go"!

I held his glare for a minute and he dropped my arm and walked away then getting into the van and

they sped away.

My heart was racing and I fumbled for my phone and called Craig.


"Craig! They took him"! I cried.

"Rain calm down, what happened"? He asked.

"The Dark Moon gang took Ryker" I said with a shaky breath.

There was dead silence for a moment and Craig spoke "Will meet you in 5".

"Rain"! Voices yelled as I paced back and fourth and Vince pulled me into a tight hug "It's going to be

okay, will get him back".

I nodded slightly and gripped Vince's shirt in my hands as he hugged me tightly and I cried.

"Where the fuck would they have taken him"?! Neil exclaimed.

"The cathedral!" Chloe suggested and Craig clenched his jaw "They might of".

Ryker Anderson

"Watch is asshole!" I snapped and I was shoved into a room.

The room was cold with cement walls and floors and was empty.

I was pushed down to a chair and tried to fight it but failed.

They tied my hands behind the back of my chair and I rolled my eyes and gave an annoyed look.

"Well, well, look it's the other end of the table now" Blake smirked.

"You little piece of shit"! I gritted.

"Tsk, tsk, Ryker.....I don't think Rain would like to see you like this..." Blake smirked.

I tensed up at the though of Rain and gritted "Don't fucking mess with her! I will fucking kill you"!

Blake gave me amused look and smirked "I always knew you two would fall for each other".

I clenched my jaw and looked away to try not to kill the dick-head.

"Oooo did I hit a soft spot"? He smirked and walked up to me.

"Fuck off"! I yelled "You little worthless piece of sh-"

He threw a punch to my face and his knuckles slid across my face.

I had to sit here....and take the punch...and not fight back....

"See" Blake said and stepped back "When I came to the warehouse the other day, I wanted to see how

you would react to Rain being hurt or were protective, and obviously didn't want any

other guys hands on her. I got the reaction I wanted".

I clenched my jaw and glared at him, wanting to snap his head off.

"Hey Babe" Chloe smirked as she came in and smirked and my eyes widened.

She pressed her lips to Blake's, and I stared shocked "What the fuck"?!

Blake wrapped his arms around her waist and smirked.

"Chloe is one of our spy's. She was spying on you so we could get the information we needed" Blake


"And I did find out that Rain likes you" Chloe smirked.

Rain likes me!?!?

My eyes lit up, and I struggled in the tied rope.

"Tsk, tsk, Anderson. Didn't your mom ever tell you struggling makes it worse" Blake smirked cockily. My

eyes went dark and my whole body became tense and I clutched my fist.

"Your mom was in a gang....right? I mean that is how she met your father..." Blake spoke and I

clenched my jaw and looked to the side.

"Let me the fuck go!" I snapped "Before I kill you with your own hands!" Blake yelled "Boss!"

Rhett came out and had a knife in his hands and whistled "What"? Blake nodded his head toward me

and I tried to find the knot of the rope to unite it.

Rain Thompson

I tapped my fingers impatiently on the couch arm, as I bit my lip and my mind ran threw thoughts of

different conclusions.

We were trying to figure out where they took Ryker, and a plan, while I was over here having an panic

attack on if they were going to kill him.

The dreams all make sense! From Ryker always being pulled away from me, and it leading up to him

being killed!

The guys went back and fourth between ideas, as Leah and Liz were packing things so we could go

and find him.

"Hey" Vince said softly and he sat on my left side as Will squatted down in front of me. Will asked "You


I shook my head slightly and Vince pulled me into a hug "He'll be okay, Rain. I promise; Ryker's strong

he can handle them. Will find him".

I nodded and pulled back. Will suggested "How about you take a nap, or something? Will wake you up

when we know where were headed".

"Fine" I sighed and Will put a hand on my knee and stood up then they both offered me small smiles

and walked away.

I curled up on the end of couch and rested my head on the arm of the couch and tried to fall asleep, but

my thoughts kept running and running as I tried to get my mind to SHUT UP!

I was always an anxious person....I got that from my past, with my dad and everything-...I use to go to

therapy and they diagnosed me with Anxiety, I was suppose to be on medication for it, but refused to

take it....

I closed my eyes shut forcefully and tried to fall asleep.

"Rain! Go!" Ryker yelled wrapped his arms around me, to shield me from the glass flying everywhere

and shattering.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me threw people and threw the streets of New York, as I heard gun-

shots behind me.

We ran down the streets and Ryker quickly pulled me out to the street and cars and taxi' s honked, but

we ignored it and ran up the hoods of the cars and jumped from car to car as gun-shots went off behind


People yelled but we continued to yell.

"Get back here Anderson"! Voices yelled in a warning tone, and Ryker pulled me into the hotel and we

ran to the elevator.

He pressed the button numerous times, as if it would make it open faster.

A bunch of guys came in and yelled "GET DOWN"!

People scurried away in opposite directions and they got down on the ground. The elevator finally

opened and Ryker and I got in then he hit the 7th floor button.

The guys started to come towards us, and the door wasn't closing.

One started to walk in, when Ryker punched him, and kicked him in the gut and sent him lying back.

The door finally closed.

I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair as the elevator went up, and Ryker asked "You okay"?

"Yeah...escaping from police and the biggest gangs in the country as most wanted....I'm okay" I said


He pecked my lips "It'll be alright, princess. I promise".

I smiled slightly and the door opened, he asked "Ready"?

I nodded and we ran out of the elevator and down the hall and searched for room 8-A.

Footsteps came down the hall, and I saw a bunch of guys come with guns held out and Ryker fiddled

with the lock, and I began to get nervous.

"Hold Anderson!" They yelled.

"Rain, get in the room and there's a thing under the bed-" Ryker started and put the key in my hand

and my eyes widened.

The trigger pulled and Ryker was pulled back and fell to the ground.

"Ryker"! I screamed as tears began to stream down my face!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I stood a middle of a field, and looked around as I was surrounded by tall strands of wheat and corn


I was in a white pure dress and my feet were bare as were covered in dirt from the ground. I took in a

sharp breath and saw a cathedral at the top of the hill.

I started to walk towards it, as my feet dug into the dirt of the ground and my hands laid by my side,

and I bit my lip.

I came to the cathedral and reached out to the door then pushing it open and walking in. My feet

touched the old cement floor.

I heard a BANG! and a chair collapsed as it was thrown at the wall and hit then the wooden pieces

breaking apart and fell to the ground.

"Ryker"? I asked as I walked in and saw Ryker being beaten up and a knife to his neck with a gun to

his head.

"Ryker"! I yelled and his eyes snapped towards mine, then the gun trigger pulled and he fell to the


"Ryker! Ryker! Ryker! " I screamed and ran up to him but Blake grabbed me and held me back, and

tears streamed down my face.

I was being shaken, and my eyes flung open and I shot up and was hyperventilating and tried to catch

my breath.

Everyone surrounded me, and Craig asked "Rain!? What's wrong"?!

I ran a hand threw my hair and quickly stood up and started to rush to the door, but Will quickly

grabbed me and whirled me around.

"Rain, you can't leave" They stated.

"They're going to kill him"! I exclaimed and tears pricked my eyes and I got out of Will's grip and ran

towards the door, but Neil stood in front of the door and blocked me, then picking me up and throwing

me over his shoulder.

"Let me go!" I yelled and pounded on his back, and he walked over to where everyone was and set me


I stumbled but caught my balance.

"Rain" Liz said in a calm voice "You need to tell us, whats wrong"?

"Ryker's been kidnapped, thats what wrong"! I yelled in a duh tone.

"Not the time for sarcasm" Reece stated and narrowed his eyes at me.

"The hotel!" I spoke "We have to go to the hotel"! and I grabbed my keys and phone then sliding on my

leather jacket.

"Rain, you're not making any sense. What hotel"? Craig asked.

"I'm going to sound insane..." I trailed off and they all raised eyebrows.

"I've had these dreams...well nightmares that haven't stopped. Know matter what it is or what we're always ends up with Ryker being taken away from me, and being shot or killed....." I


"Rain, thats just because you like him-" Peter started, and I shook my head "No it's not just because I

like him. I had a dream about Ryker being kidnapped a couple of weeks ago....and he was

kidnapped...they're going to kill him! It happens in every dream"!

"Rain" Craig sighed and rubbed his temples "You're just paranoid....they're not going to kill him...they

wouldn't...they have reasons as to why they can't...."

"Craig I swear!" I pleaded for them to believe me "I had two dreams that were split. It started off at a

hotel. We were being chased and we came to the 7th floor and room 8-A, and Ryker began to say

there was something under the bed to get, but they took him and....shot him before he finished what he

was saying".

They all stared at me in worry and shock.

"Ok...what was the other one"? Leah asked.

I blinked a few times and tried to recalculate what happened "I was in a field.....and I walked up to


My eyes widened in realization "He's at the cathedral! When we were walking to the rooms when we

were there, I knew I saw someone, but Ryker said I was just paranoid"!

"Rain, are you sure"? Vince asked.

I nodded "I swear. If he's not there-...I have no idea where he would be-".

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