My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"Load up!" Craig instructed and the guys were loading the trucks up. We were leaving the cathedral,

since the guys got whatever they need to pawn it.

Chloe still doesn't believe me and is 'claiming he territory' every second she gets, by sexually kissing

Ryker and whispering seductive things into his ear, and playing with the hem and collar of his shirt.

My eyes narrowed at them in the distance, and I wanted nothing more but for it to stop. We were in the

field along the rail-road tracks and their was a breeze.

It got a lot warmer and I was just in black skinny jeans, black t-shirt, and a black beanie.

"Rain" Melanie said and I looked at her "Yes"?

"Do you like Ryker"? She asked innocently, and I sighed and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear

"Yes, I do".

"Then why is he kissing Chloe"? She asked, and I said "Because he like's Chloe".

Melanie frowned "But Chloe's mean".

I nodded "I know, but hopefully it'll pass soon".

"Can you date Ryker"? She asked and I chuckled "If I could, I would".

She grinned ear-to-ear and her eyes lit up "You guys can get married! And you could be my sister


I smiled slightly "I don't know about marriage..."

"Rain! Let's go!" Neil yelled and I walked over and set Melanie down on the ground, and Leah took her.

I got in the truck and sat in the middle between Ryker and Liz in the back-seat.

"Where's Chloe"? I asked curiously and raised an eyebrow.

"I told her she had to ride in the other truck" Ryker said causally and took out his phone.

"Why"? I asked, not that I was complaining or anything".

Ryker looked at me and leaned closer and whispered "So I could be with you", and my cheeks went


I whispered "Nice background" and mimicked Ryker from yesterday. He raised an eyebrow then turning

his phone on and his lock-screen was a picture of me.

It was a selfie I took, where I had one eye closed and I was smiling, and had my tongue stuck out. I

saw Ryker's lips tug into a smile.

"Yeah I know, one of my personal favorites. She's beautiful" He said and smirked at me. I pressed my

lips in a thin line, as my stomach erupted in butterflies.

Ryker Anderson

Liz grinned like a mad-woman and I raised an eyebrow "What"?

"Oh nothing" She said in a sing-song voice and I rolled my eyes.

Rain fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. Will pulled up to the track, and parked.

We have a race tonight so we're taking a few test runs before it starts.

I sighed and said softly "Rain. Rain, wake up", and tapped her shoulder. She opened her eyes slowly

and yawned.

I smiled at how cute she was when she yawned. "Come on" I said and got out of the truck. I picked

Rain up and carried her.

Chloe's eyes widened and she pouted. Rain nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck, and my lips

tugged into smile.

She was exhausted, she only slept for about an hour last night and I know because I was up all night

with her.

"Alright, get going" Craig instructed.

"Rain, you're racing tonight, so let's go"Craig nodded towards the skyline.

"I thought I was benched" She said, and Craig sent her a warning look "Go, Rain".

She ran a hand threw her hair then throwing a beanie on the back of her head quickly and walked over

to me and put her hand out for the keys.

"I don't like when you drive" I clenched my jaw.

"Really Ryker? We're not going threw this again" She narrowed her piercing blue eyes at me.

I don't want Rain racing, because it gets brutal and competitive when they're racing out there, and I

don't want her getting hurt, and we fought about her racing.

"I'm not giving you the keys" I stated stern, and she gave me an Are-You-Serious-We-Are-Not-Doing-

This-Right-Now look.

"Give me the fucking keys!" She groaned and Chloe walked over and put a hand on my shoulder "Babe

give her the keys, I'm sure she knows how to drive".

Rain quickly grabbed the keys from my hand and smirked as she dangled the keys in her fingers then

walking off and getting in the Skyline.

Rain was driving laps, and Vince came up and stood beside me as we both watched her sped around

the track.

"She got game, that's for sure" Vince stated and I nodded in agreement.

There was a few moments of silence and Vince smirked "So..dude, do you like her"?

I clenched my jaw and said stern "No".

"LIAR!" Vince called me out, and I rolled my eyes "I don't".

"Really? Then why are you so caring for her? I mean you wouldn't care if Chloe raced, would you"?

Vince tested.

I rolled my eyes "Chloe is just some bang".

Vince asked "You two already couldn't get Rain, so you went to your Ex-Girlfriend,

not cool Anderson".

"It was the night she came back, alright!? I don't know...but I haven't seen Chloe in forever and things

just kind of happened.." I trailed off and shrugged.

Vince rolled his eyes then taking out a pack of cigarettes and handing one to me, and I pulled a lighter

out of my pocket and lit the cigarette then putting it between my lips and blowing out a puff of smoke


Rain finished up the rounds and climbed out of the window then walking up to me and handing me the

keys "See, now was that so bad"? She chuckled and smiled.

I took the keys "But you're not racing against anyone" I pointed out.

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes "I have to go home anyways, bye".

Vince hugged her and she jogged over to Liz and Leah to say 'Goodbye'.

"For fuck-sakes, Ryker! Go!" Vince nodded towards Rain. I jogged over and she hugged Leah and Liz

goodbye and started to walk away.

I grabbed her wrist and whirled her around to me "Where do you think you're going"? I smirked.

"Home......"? She trailed off.

I pulled her into a hug and she was stiff at first but then hugged me back, and I rested my chin on her

shoulder "Drive safe".

She nodded and pulled away "I will" she smiled slightly. I kissed her cheek and she blushed, and

squeezed my hand "Bye Ryker".

"Bye Rain" I smiled and she let go of my hand and walked away.

Rain Thompson

"Rain!" Joel yelled and I ran around the pool, and tried to not slip since I was wet from being in the

pool. The cold air hit my body, since I was only in a bikini.

Joel grabbed my by the waist but I quickly got out of his grip and jumped into the pool, and Joel glared

at me since he was in normal clothes and couldn't go in the pool.

I smirked and floated on my back "Nice Try"!

"I'm going to fucking kill you"! He gritted "You can't stay in that pool all night".

I told Alex that Joel liked her, and now I'm 'dead meat'. But they've been out on so many dates it

shouldn't even matter anymore.


He walked inside and I quickly swam to the end and got out. I ran around the front of the house and it

was dark out, but the lights from the house shined the outside.

There was a honk from a car, and I turned around to see the gang crammed into two cars, and I jogged

down and Will asked "What the hell are you in soaking wet for, and in a bathing suit"?

"Being thrown into a pool by my brothers, that's what I was doing" I said, and Liz said "You forgot your

phone" and handed it to me.

I nodded and took it.

"Fucking Rain Eliza"! Jax yelled from inside and I laughed victoriously.

"What the hell is going on in your house"? Vince asked.

"Well Jax is yelling because I duck taped his door shut" I smirked proudly.

They all looked at me amused.

"You want to come in? My dad's out on a business meeting" I offered. "What about your brothers"?

Leah asked.

I shrugged "They wouldn't care".

"Yes! I want to go!" Faith cheered and they all nodded "Yeah, fine". They all got out and I walked up the

driveway and to the door.

I walked in and Chloe asked "You live here"?!

I nodded slightly and bit my lip..I never liked showing off how much money my family has, or the

luxuries we have.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself.

Ryan, Jax, and Joel all came down and gave a shocked look and smiled "Hey Liz" they said in unison

and muttered "Ryker".

"This is Craig, Vince, Reece, Peter, Will, Neil, Leah, Faith, Melanie, Chloe and you know Liz and Ryker.

This is Jax, Ryan, and Joel" I introduced and pointed to each person.

"Uh....I'm going to get changed...since someone threw me in the pool" I glared at Joel.

"Well maybe if you didn't tell Alex I like her!" Joel declares and I rolled my eyes and teased "You soooo

like her!" and stuck my tongue out at him.

Joel smirked "I know who you like too". I kicked him in the shin, and he hissed in pain "Ow! Goddamn

it, Rain! You're so violent"!

I glared at him, and he smirked "What scared, he's going to find out? And you're hearts going to be


My brothers figure'd out I like Ryker, because they interrogated me with questions and I lied, and my

lies didn't match up and they figure'd it out.

Ryker furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion, and I shook my head "No one" and walked upstairs to my


I grabbed clothes from my closet and Leah and Liz came in "They figure'd out you like Ryker"?!

I nodded "Yeah, they did. And they were not happy about it, but now they're just teasing me because

quote 'It's the cliche-st thing to happen'."

"They make a point" Leah chuckled and I walked into my closet and quickly put a bra and underwear

on, and pulled on jeans and walked out and grabbed a muscle-tee from my dresser and threw it on,

and quickly blow dried my hair.

"Hey" Ryker's voice said and he knocked with his knuckles on the door entry, and leaned in the


Liz and Leah said "Well will be ran-sacking your fridge" then walking out and shutting the door behind NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

them; leaving Ryker and I.......alone.

I slipped a pair of converses on and tied them, and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from

behind as I was mid-tie.

Ryker pressed me up against him and my back was against his chest. He nuzzled his head into the

crook of my neck "Now spill".

"Spill on what"? I managed to get out since my breath was shaky at the contact between Ryker and I.

He then whirled me around and pushed me down on my bed, and he leaned over top of me "Don't play

dumb, Rain" and a smirk tugged his lips.

I raised an eyebrow and he asked "Who do you like"?


My eyes widened and I said "I'm not telling you! It's a secret"! and I tried to get up, but Ryker quickly

grabbed my by the waist and pulled me down on my bed next to him.

I laughed and my covers got messed up.

Our legs tangled and he wrapped his arms around my waist, as my back was against his chest, and I

pressed my lips in a thin line.

"Let's take a nap" He said and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. "Ryker we can't, my

brothers would kill me" I said, and tried to pull out of his grip.

The door opened and Will smirked "Uh, Rain. We don't know where the game room is".

I got out of Ryker's grip and he glared at me and I rolled my eyes and he stood up.

"Come on, it's on the 5th floor" I said and their eyes widened.

"Stop! Rain!" Reece yelled and I laughed as we played Call of Duty Black Cops, and I was whopping all

the guys' asses.

I continued to move my fingers all around the controllers and continued to hit 'A' and my screen went


Ryker smirked and I said "Stop shooting me!" and he said "Nah, I'm good thanks".

I leaned on him and tried to block him so he couldn't see, and would mess up and he laughed, and I

died and Ryker won.

He smirked victoriously and I smacked his arm and scoffed "You think you're so good, don't you"?

"I don't think I am, I know I am" He smirked and pressed his forehead to mine, and I blushed and pulled

away as I laughed "Yeah right, Anderson".

"Babe"! Chloe yelled and walked over and sat in Ryker's, and wrapped her arms around his neck "Can

we do something"?

I got up and walked over to Peter, Liz, Will, and Vince at the bar and sat down at one of the bar stools.

"Hey" Liz smiled slightly "You okay"?

I looked back at Ryker and Chloe; as Chloe giggled and pressed her lips to Ryker's, I turned back to

Liz and sighed "No, not really".

"I have an idea" Peter smirked and grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to Ryker and Chloe looked up

at Peter and I.

Everyone raised eyebrows, and Peter grabbed Ryker by the shirt and pulled us both behind him, and

pushed us into a closet and yelled "7 minutes in heaven"! then slamming the closet door shut and

locking it.

I rolled my eyes and Ryker grabbed me by the waist and pulled me over to him, and wrapped his arms

around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.

"You know you're really sending mix-signals" I stated. It was true one minute he's making out with

Chloe, then the next he acts like he wants to be around me and cares about me.

He smirked and pressed his forehead to mine "You're just to oblivious to see the real thing", and I

raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

What does that mean?

The door opened and Ryker and I jumped away from each other. Chloe stood there and crossed her

arms with a mad expression on her face.

I groaned "Liz I don't want to do this"!

"Oh come on"! She begged and I huffed then looking around to make sure know one was coming, and

the hall entry was clear.

I was in the doorway/hall entry and Liz and Leah were having a handstand competition and were


I put my arms up and put them down on the crowd and kicked my legs up and held myself up, and I

heard footsteps.

I quickly stood back up and the guys all came up.

"Handstands"? Neil asked and raised an eyebrow and I pointed at Leah and Liz. Vince suggested "You

and Ryker do a competition"!

My eyes widened "No!"

"What"? Ryker smirked "Scared you'll loose"?

"Oh it's on Anderson" I said and he dropped his keys and phone on the ground and we both went down

and went up into a handstand.

We both walked on our hands to keep our balance and from falling.

Ryker smirked then pushing me over with one hand and I quickly stood up before I could fall and I

pushed him and he quickly stood up.

I laughed and he smiled, and I offered a smile.

I loved his smile, it was so unique and not something you saw from Ryker all the time.

"I totally won" He joked.

"Totally" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes and a smile never left my lips.

Chloe placed her hands on her hips and impatiently watched us "Ryker"!

Her voice was cold and sounded like she wanted to kill me.

Ryker sighed and turned around to Chloe.

"Are you sure? You can sleep in here" I said to Liz and Leah.

"Yeah" They smirked "Will just sleep in one of the guest rooms".

I raised an eyebrow to why they were smirking but they said "Night Rain" and walked out.

I changed into short-shorts that were plan black and a white t-shirt.

My door opened and Ryker walked in.

I raised an eyebrow and asked "Yes....."? He scratched the back of his neck and asked "Can I sleep in

here tonight"?

I gave a confused look and nodded slightly "Sure....".

"I don't want to have to deal with Chloe" He muttered as he kicked his shoes off and I asked "Then why

are you together"?

"Rain"! He groaned "I told you! We're not together!"

I rolled my eyes "Well your actions say otherwise" and climbed into my bed and Ryker came and sat

down next to me.

"I'm not having this conversation" He stated and rolled his eyes and I muttered "Chicken" and pulled

the cover over me.

I woke up and Ryker's arms were wrapped around me and I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and

saw it was 2 A.M.

I sighed and got out of Ryker's grip and my feet touched the cold hard-wood floor and I walked out into

the hallway quietly.

I rubbed my eyes as I tried to be somewhat alive....I walked down the hall and ran into someone. I

looked at Chloe and she had tears in her eyes.

She quickly wiped the tears and I asked "What's wrong"? sympathetically.

"Um..." She sniffled and wiped her eyes "Nothing" as she blinked the coming tears away.

I sighed "Chloe, what's wrong"?

She broke down into tears and I said "I'll go get Ryker" then running down the hall and to my room.

"Ryker! Ryker"! I yelled and jumped onto my bed and he groaned and pulled me on top of him "Babe, I

know you love me, but it's 2 in the morning".

i smacked his chest and scoffed at his comment "Chloe's crying".

"Why"? He asked and rubbed his eyes, and I shrugged "I don't know, but let's go"!

We were all in the living room and Chloe admitted that her parents are getting a divorce because her

dad cheated, and she was heartbroken.

Everyone was tired and were trying to comfort Chloe, she was good now and Ryker had her in his


I rubbed my eyes and my dad came down "Rain".

Everyone's heads whipped up to him and they all tensed up. My dad is basically trying to be "nice"

since he doesn't want me going to social security. He just came home an hour ago and tried to not care

that everyone was here.

"Dad" I mimicked and he handed me an envelope and I took it and I raised an eyebrow.

"Open it" He smiled, and I opened the envelope up and took the folded up letter that was a piece of


I looked at the letter and my eyes widened and tears pricked my eyes and I put a hand over my mouth

and tried not to cry.

I took in the letter and set it down and stood up and my dad pulled me into a tight hug, and tears

escaped my eyes as I cried.

It was tears of joy, not sadness.

"I figure'd I give it to you now" He said and rubbed circles on my back, I pulled back and wiped the

tears and smiled "Thank you".

It was a letter from my mom, and Liz picked it up and her eyes widened "O my gosh! I'm so happy for

you" she hugged me tightly.

I smiled and wiped the remaining tears and Vince asked "What is it"?

"Rain's mom wrote to a letter to her" Liz answered for me, and Ryker pulled me into a tight hug

"Congrats, princess".

Dear Rain,

Hi sweetie, I've missed you so much. I have brought myself to come and write this letter, because I

haven't been there for you and I miss you so much. I see you're back into modeling, and've

grown so much. You sure do grow up beautiful, you got my genes ;)

I wanted to say I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all I've put you through and I've been gone for 5 years without

any contact. I miss you and your brothers deeply and want nothing more but to see you again. I hope

you realize everything happens for a reason, I've met a man a 3 years ago and we are now married.

He has 3 daughters, and you have 3 step-sisters. I wish you could meet them, I'm sure you would hit


You're 18 now, and are graduating High School, I see soon. I wish I could be there with you through the

last steps of this journey since I missed all of it. You've became a beautiful women now, and I'm sure

you will do wonderful things.

I hope everything there is going good with you, your dad and brother. How's school going? Any new

friends, besides Alex? Any boyfriends? ;) I miss you Rain, and I love you. Hopefully I will see you soon.



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