My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

I sighed "Here goes nothing" then walking up.

I came to Craig and I scratched the back of my neck "Hey, can I talk to you"?

Ryker and Craig both looked up to me".

"You have 5 mintues" Craig said, and I nodded then walking off, to where no one could hear.

"Why do you hate me all the sudden"? I asked bluntly.

"Way to be blunt" He remarked.

"I'm serious. It's all the sudden you hate me, and you were fine with me just last week" I said with

curiosity filling my voice.

"Rain" He sighed and rubbed his temples then looking at me "Look; I'm extremely close with Ryker. I

basically raised him from the time he was 13, till now".

I nodded slowly "Okay..."?

"Well I know Ryker. He's a player; he sleeps with girls then throws them out the next day" Craig


Making me cring at the thought.

"Yeah I know" Craig said "And you're the shiny new toy, Ryker wants. You may not see it but, I'm

looking out for you. Ryker's going to get you hooked, and get you to like him, then he's going to get you

to sleep with him, and the next day throw you out like you're a piece of shit"!

I pressed my lips in a thin line and took all this in "But I don't like Ryker"!

"Yet" He narrowed his eyes at me and clenched his jaw "I can see it; you guys with your similar yet

completely opposite personalities; and how you talk to each other. It'll turn into something more. And I

saw that the first time I met you".

I scoffed "I can't believe you'd think I'd be that desperate".

He rolled his eyes and said "But there are rules against to members having any relationship of any sort,

and there are consequences".

"Then why's you fucking make me run laps"?! I exclaimed.

"Because of that"! He exclaimed "You talk back".

I rolled my eyes in response.

"I ment it; you two are under chaperoning and will not have any type of sexual or romantic relationship"

He accused.

"Unbelievable" I muttered looking off the side.

"What?! That's perfectly fine! You don't like him, so what's the problem"?! Craig yelled.

"The problem is that you have people watching us; We're both adults, I think we can make our own

descions"! I yelled.

"This is exactly what I mean! And I mean it! That's what's going to happen, and I don't see anytime

soon, me changing them"! He yelled.

"But-" I started.

"Enough Rain! Now go sit down, you're still benched"! He yelled a pointed.

I walked away and I walked past the skyline, and Ryker grabbed my hand and I spun around to him.

"What the hell was that about"?! He said with a bit of anger; I could tell he was holding back.

I raised an eyebrow and asked "What"?

"You just had a conversation with him; when he made you run laps to the post where you couldn't

anymore! Are you just going to let that go and pretend it never happened"?! He yelled.

"It doesn't even matter, Ryker! He's still mad and won't push past this chaperon thing"! I defended.

"Ryker! Let's go! You have to race"! Vince and Reece hurried up.

Ryker cured under his breath them turning to me and gritting "We're talking about this later"!

Then he got in the Skyline and cars lined up.

I walked over to where everyone else was standing and Neil asked "Everything alright"?

"Just peachy" I muttered and bounced on the heels of his feet.

Crowd formed and watched in anticipation; and a girl with platinum blond hair, and a skinny twig body;

that had on a bikini top and the skimped shorts and 6 inch pink heels; walked out to the starting line.

"On you're mark"! She yelled waving a checkered print flag in the air "Ready! Set! Go"! then the cars

took off.

Engines roared as they sped down the street and lights flashed by as they went one by one then

merging into a column.

"He's ahead so far" Vince stated, and Ryker was ahead of the line and he was about to go to the tack.

"Get the screen" Craig instructed Reece and Reece grabbed some tablet out of a bag, and handed it to


I raised an eyebrow and Reece explained "It's a tracker. We put small camera adapters on the end and

front of the skyline so it shows us what's going on while someone's on the streets.

I nodded and Peter asked Craig "He's tailgated, isn't he"?

Craig looked and muttered "Shit".

Will grabbed the walkie talkie Bluetooth thing and said "Blake's riding on your tail".

"Ugh! You just had to date Blake" Leah groaned in s joking matter.

I rolled my eyes "I went on a date, I didn't 'date' him".

"Still, out of all hot guys you could date in your school you choose the one from our rival gang"?! Liz


"Liz; that's just wrong. You're 20, half the guys are minors...." I said awkwardly.

"Liz is a pedophile"! Peter shouted and Liz smacked his arm and he laughed "I'm kidding,you know I

love you" then kissing her cheek.

I stared dumbfounded, and they all raised eyebrows "What"?

"Seriously Craig?! You just watched Peter and Liz, but if Ryker even looks at me you freak and make

me run 50 laps"?!

So unfair......

Craig clenched his jaw "Peter loves Liz like a sister; not a partner. So yes Rain; that's how it goes".

I bit my tongue to keep me from yelling or saying something I regret.

The guys started to talk about the race again and talk to Ryker over the thing.

Liz pulled me into a hug "Hey, I get its aggravating. It was like that,when I first joined; they all that I had

a thing for Will when I clearly didn't".

The ends of my lips tugged up into a smug smirk.

"What"? Liz asked.

"Oh nothing" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Rain Eliza"! She warned.

"Coming Guys"! I yelled; pretending the guys yelled my name and I walked away.

Ryker came in 2nd but only because Blake literally crashed purposely into the back of the skyline.

He got out and slammed the door; looking pissed off as ever.

"What the hell?! You know we had money on this"! Craig yelled at him.

"The fucking Jackass crashed into me! I can't fucking help it"! Ryker snapped.

Blake walked over as he waved a bunch of girls off.

He smirked victoriously and walked up "Nice racing Ryker, next time you should watch where you're

you go though.....because people could just....crash" the smirk grew.

Ryker's blue eyes; that I could lost in for hours went dark and he clutched his fist, ready to beat Blake

to a bloody pulp.

Neil, Vince, Reece, Will, and Peter quickly held Ryker back; by retraining him. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Blake turned to me and said "You know could still get a second chance with me".

I scoffed and turned to him "Funny".

He rolled his eyes and gritted "Watch it, because I can make your life a living hell at school"!

I laughed without humor "Haha, jokes on you; it, already is"!

He turned to Craig and said "You owe me money, now".

"I don't have it, right now" Craig stated.

"Give me my fucking money"! Blake gritted.

"We don't fucking have it! Because we were going to win, if you haven't pulled that bullshit"! Ryker


Blake clutched his fist and raised punch Ryker, but I quickly grabbed his fist in my hand covered

part of it.

I stopped it in mid-air and said "Wait a mintue", then I let go of his fist and he put it down by his fist.

I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket and grabbed a bunch of money out of it and put it in Blake's hand.

"$800, now go"! I said and he smirked "Thanks Babe" then pecking my lips; and once again the guys

restrained Ryker from beating the guy till his death.

He walked away, and I put my wallet away.

"Where did you get all that money"? Reece asked.

"Reece"! Leah hissed "You don't just ask people that"!

"It's fine" I sighed "It was my last modeling pay checks; that was suppose to go towards my college

tuition...I'll just have to work extra or something" I shrugged; but wasn't happy at the idea.

"Thank you....Rain" Craig said with hesitation.

"God, I'll become a model if you get that much" Liz said shocked.

"It's not me" I mumbled under my own breath.

"Well let's get something to drink" Vince suggested nodding towards the bar.

I was sitting at the bar with Liz, Leah, Vince, and Will.

I took a sip of the unknown liquor put of the red plastic cup.

Will ordered my drink; and said I had to try it.

It had a hint of a vinilla taste with alcohol and red bull I think....

"Hey" A guy with brown hair and bright hazel eyes came up to me.

He flashed me a million dollar smile; which simply could have girls falling at hi his fet.

"I'm Gale. Wanna dance"? He asked.

I looked at Liz, Leah, Vince, and Will.

The guys nodded towards the dance floor and the girls agreed smiling and encouraging "Go".

I turned to the guy and nodded slightly.

He took my free hand; which wasn't holding a drink and pulled me out to the middle of the crowd on the


He asked "What's a pretty girl like you name"?

I chuckled "Rain, Rain Thompson".

He asked "The sheirrifs daughter"?

I nodded and he smiled "Well it's very nice to meet you Rain".

He twirled me and we danced.

I glanced over and Leah and Liz gave me the Way-To-Go look and winked.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Eric.

"That girl is posion"! The whole crowd sang; and I laughed as so did Eric.

I got to know him; and he's a really sweet guy, but doesn't seem to be my type.

Then again I don't know my own type.....

"Miss her, Kiss her, Love Her" The whole crowd continued to sing.

I was happy to say, I didn't end up drunk and only had one cup of whatever that drink was.

I've been dancing with Eric for about an hour now.

The song ended and I looked over to see the whole gang all standing by the bar.

Neil motioned me over and Eric must have noticed because he said "Come on, I'll walk you over".

I nodded and we walked out of the crowd of people.

I came up to the bar where everyone was, and their heads whipped up to me.

"Hey I'm Liz; and single and ready to mingle" Liz introduced and chuckled.

Eric gave an amused look then chuckling a bit then turning to me "I'll see your around"?

I nodded "Yeah, see you".

He gave a hesitant look for a second; and I could tell he was deciffering whether or not to kiss me.

I grabbed his shirt and scrunched it in my hand then standing up straight going a bit on my tip-toes.

I pressed my lips against his and he smiled against my lips.

I gave him a kiss and pulled back.

"Bye" He smiled, then scratching the back if his neck and walking away.

"Damn" Peter said "Didn't think you had it in you".

I rolled my eyes and Ryker seemed mad for some reason.

Then again when doesn't Ryker look mad....

"I hope you get an STD" Ryker muttered.

"I'm not going to get an STD for kissing a guy" I rolled my eyes.

" can by sleeping with every girl that walks past you" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Really"? He asked amused then a the signature 'Ryker Anderson' smirk appeared on his face

"Because you've walked past me, and I haven't slept with you".

"And you won't"! Craig warned.

Ryker rolled his eyes and I tried to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.

"O my God!" Vince said each word slowly.

"What"? Everyone asked curiously and I looked up from the ground.

Peter, Will, and Vince's eyes were all wide.

"Is Rain Eliza Thompson blushing"?! Will exclaimed.

"Oh my fucking God! ALERT THE MEDIA"! Peter said.

"Oh shut up"! I yelled and rolled my eyes.

Ryker's lips tugged into a smirk "Glad to know I have that effect on you babe" He winked.

I rolled my eyes and Liz and Leah giggled.

"This can't be fucking happening" Craig muttered and rubbed his temples.

"God, I'm a teenage girl; give me a break"! I remarked.

"Aww, Rain. You don't have go get enough embarrassed. We've all been there" Neil said sincerely.

"Yeah, and do you know how many times they've called us out on it"? Leah narrowed her eyes at me

"Too many to count..."

"No" Craig yelled.

"Why not"?! I whined.

"Damn it Rain! I fucking told you already"! He yelled.

We were still in the bar; and it was dying down a bit.

"That's not fair"! I yelled.

"No wonder your dad hits you; you're a fucking pain in the ass! And Ryker was right about you; You're a

Wise Ass Bitchy Stuck up Rich Girl who gets everything she wants"! He yelled.

I froze; and my heart felt like it shattered at those words.

Tears pricked my eyes and he continued to yell "And the only reason I'm holding back from hitting you

is because you'll run and tell your daddy and have me arrested"!

I took a few steps back and ran out of the bar; pushing threw crowds of people.

I pushed the door open and the cold New York air hit me.

It was probably about 11 p.m. and it was dark and cold.

I shivered and rubbed my hands up and down my bare arms since I left my jacket inside.

A single tear eacaped my eye and traveled down my cheek.

I walked to the parking lot and sat down in front of a group of cars.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, and gripped my hair as I tried to stop myself from crying.

"No wonder your dad hits you"

That sentence ran threw my mind numerous times; and I squeezed my eyes shut and more tears


Is that what everyone thinks?!

I'm some stuck up bitchy rich girl?!

"Rain! Rain"! Ryker's voice yelled and I looked up and his bright blue eyes met mine.

He jogged up to me, and sat down next to me.

"Hey, Craig said what just happened, and I'm sorry. Damn it Rain, he's an asshole and had no right to

say that to you" Ryker said with his eyes boring into mine.

"Ryker please, just leave me alone" I pleaded and looked down at the ground.

"I can''re in front of my truck" He said in a joking matter, and I realized I was sitting in front of his


I stayed silent and kept my eyes that were filled with tears fixated on the ground.

He tilted my chin up with his index finger; making me look at him.

"Rain, your eyes are to pretty to be hidden behind tears" He said referring to my 'piercing blue eyes'.

I swallowed hard, as the touch of him made my heart beat faster.

He stood up and wiped the dust off his jeans then putting a hand out to me.

I was hesitant then took his hand and he pulled me up off the ground without a problem.

He wiped a tear with his thumb that had traveled down my cheek.

My eyes held his gaze and I found myself being pulled in and not wanting to look away.

He started to lean in, and my breath hitched in the back if my throat.

Is he going to kiss me?!

His lips brushes against mine; as if he was testing the water.

I felt his peppermint breath on me; and his breath soon.

"Kiss me" I whispered under my breath and I saw him smirk then pressing his lips to mine.

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