My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

"Ryker! Ryker"! We all yelled and our voices echoed.

We got Craig to come along, and he's being stubborn and cranky. We all had flashlights out and it

shined ahead of where we were walking.

"He's back in the woods, I know he is" Vince said.

"No, he's at the Lake" Reece said.

"Guys, hes somewhere on the path"! Neil said.

They all started to argue about where he is, as their voices merged together and they started to get

annoyed with each other.

I looked as Liz and Leah, and sighed.

"Guys! Guys! GUYS"! I yelled, then screaming at the end.

They all stopped and looked at me with anger, and continuing to send glares at each other.

"Okay, I haven't even known him that long, and I think Vince is right. He doesn't seem like the kind of

guy to go somewhere obvious" I stated.

"I always knew you were my favorite" Vince smirked walking up to me and slinging an arm around my


I rolled my eyes, and Reece said "He's my fucking brother! I think I know where he'd go"!

I narrowed my eyes at Reece "Really? The lake is only a mile down the hill, I don't think he'd make it

that easy to find him. He's not that generous" sarcasm filled my tone.

"Ohhhhhhh, she told you"! Peter and Will both hollered.

"The sass is real"! Neil stated.

"Alright, can we go and find him already. It's 20 degrees outside, and the temperatures going to keep

dropping!" Leah exclaimed, as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, even though she had a

coat on.

We all started to walk towards the back of the cabin where the wooded area was.

Vince continued to have his arm slung around my shoulder, as we walked, and Peter and Will walked

ahead shining light with the flashlights, that each one of us carried.

"You're something else Thompson, you really are" Vince said.

I nodded and shined my light around at the trees "Yeah, I'm not your typical teenage girl".

"Have you ever been deep in the woods"? Neil asked curiously.

I chuckled "Have I? I love the woods, my grandfather owns a house up in the north-side, and I use to

go there everyday in summer and go four-wheeling".

"Ahaha, that's where your driving skills come from" Will called back to me.

I laughed "Maybe. I flipped it so many times though".

"You what?! Doesn't that hurt"?! Liz exclaimed.

I shrugged "I mean I was a adventurous kid, I use to gun the four-wheeler when I turned and it resulted

in flipping it, and crashing....let's just say the doctors at the hospital knew me by name".

"Yet you were a model? God, you had two separate personalities" Peter called back.

"The modeling I forced into by my dad, because we needed the money, but I got my personality from

my mom" I stated and smiled at the thought of my mom.

"You miss her"? Leah asked, and I nodded "Of course... I mean she's my mom".

We continued to walk further into the pitch black woods, and Craig said annoyed "Let's just go back,

he's obviously not here".

"He's is, Craig" Liz stated "Have a little patience will you"?

Craig scoffed "Patience my ass. I mean why are we even out here, when he did this to himself"?!

I stopped and turned around to Craig; causing everyone else to stop in response.

"Stop" I gritted shoving a finger in his chest "Because Ryker's not the only problem, you are too Craig!

So if you want to go back, go the fuck back, because I'm fucking fed up with this bullshit attitude. I don't

even know what his problems are, but I can realize you're not helping! So go the fuck back, and will

find him"!

His eyes were dark now and he sent me the biggest glare, like he was holding himself from flipping out

on me.

Everyone was dead silent, and the woods was silent, almost deadly; to the point where the silence

freaked me out.

My breath faltered and you could see in form in the cold air, and Craig tore his eyes away from mine

and pushed past ahead of all of us, and walked ahead of everyone.

I smirked, to how I got him to realize what he was doing.

"Damn" Will, Peter, Vince, Neil, and Reece all said in unison.

"Let's just go" I said then getting back to walking.

"Ryker! Ryker!" We all yelled.

It's been about an hour and a half and we were extremely deep into the woods, to the point there was

not trails around; even though we weren't following a trail the whole time.

Craig hasn't said a word, since I flipped out on him earlier, and just sent glares to me every couple


Guess who's on his favorites list...

"Damn it, where is he"?! Peter exclaimed.

"I don't know. Rain maybe we should just head back, he obviously doesn't want to be found" Neil


"I don't care if he wants to be found or not" I said shining the flashlight at random trees to see if he was

anywhere near here.

"Well someone's determined" Will muttered.

"Yes I am, so I wouldn't suggested getting in the way of that, or I'd sleep with one eye open if I were

you" I warned.

"Why do you care so much, anyways"? Vince asked curiously.

"She likes him" Leah and Liz said in a sing-song voice.

"Do not!" I yelled.

"Oh stop denying it Rain, you totally do. The Bad Boy corrupted the Good Girl...and we all know how

that story ends" Liz stated.

"I know nothing about him"! I defended, because I really don't.

"You like him" Leah stated.

"No I fucking don't" I exclaimed.

"Oh sorry, I always make that mistake. You love him"! Leah laughed.

(*cough* Anyssa0409 *cough* You're idea *cough*)

My cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, and I just ignored Leah and Liz that continued to giggle

about the idea.

"It's fucking cold"! Reece said.

"Then just be like Elsa!" Will said proudly.

"Yeah, THE COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY"! Peter joined in, and I laughed at the started to

sing Let it Go lyrics at the top of their lungs, in the middle of the woods at midnight.

"Oh, shut the fuck up"! Craig groaned.

"Hey Will" Peter said, then singing "Do you wanna build a snowman"?

"Come on, lets go and play" Will sang joining in.

It was hard to hold back my laughter as they danced and sang do you wanna build a snowman, like 8

year old girls.

Leah, Liz, and I erupted in laughter. Vince and Reece just shook their heads and rubbed their temples

as they repeated "Why are we friends with them"? numerous times.

Craig just seemed pissed, that they even knew the lyrics.

"How do you guys even no the words"? I laughed.

"We may have went to see it in the theater 1....2.....or 16 times" Will trailed off.

"Yeah, and you still owe $210 dollars that you took from me to pay for all those tickets" Neil accused


I chuckled, and Liz said "Welcome to the gang" then chuckling.

"If you want them to, they can recite every lyric to EVERY Beyonce song ever" Leah told me.

"Don't tell them that"! Vince groaned.

"All the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies! All the single ladies, put your hands up"!

Will and Peter sand in unison.

"Up in the club, just broke up, doing my own thing" Peter sang completely off key.

"Decided to dip, now you wanna trip, cause another brother noticed me" Will sang obnoxiously.

Leah, Liz, and I were laughing our asses off, and I clutched my stomach from laughter as they

continued to sing the lyrics.

"Cause if you like, you should have put a ring on it"! They sang at the top of their lungs.

We're in the middle of the woods, and two Bad Boys are singing Frozen and Beyonce lyrics...

"Ok, Tweedledee and Tweedledum you can stop"! Vince said.

Then they began to argue over who's Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

"Oh my God" I said and shook my head, and smiled.

"Let's just find Ryker" Neil said.

It's now been 2 hours, and is 12:30 a.m., we still haven't find him.

I started to get panicked and worried, that there's still no sign of him.

Jeez, how big of a woods are these?!

I looked around, and shined the flashlight everywhere.

"You okay"? Neil and Vince asked concerned. NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

I nodded slightly in response.

"No, she's worried" Leah and Liz stated.

"Look Rain, wherever Ryker is; he's fine. He basically grew up in these woods it was his place to

escape" Vince tried to calm me down.

"I know but still-" I started and Neil cut me off "Rain, there's no need to get panicked. Vince is telling

you the truth. And Ryker's not the type of guy who wants to be hunted down and found, and given


"You know, he may have already headed back to the cabin, and we're just walking out here like idiots

trying to find someone who doesn't want to be find" Reece shrugged.

"We're always idiots" Will said.

"Who are you calling in idiot"!? Peter snapped at him and smacked Will upside the head.

"You" Will accused Peter "I was implying to you".

I chucked, at how they were obviously really good friends.

"No seriously Rain, he's fine" Will said stern me.

"See, would I ever lie to my favorite" Vince teased and smirked.

The corner of my lips tugged up into a smile, and Neil said "How about this? We look for another 30

minutes if we don't find him, then we head back to the cabin"?

I nodded "Okay".

"Good, because I'm freezing my ass off here"! Liz exclaimed.

Ryker Anderson, where are you?!

We only have a couple minutes left, before the 30 minutes are up. It's now 1 a.m., and I was freezing

but determined.

And when I'm determined, nobody gets in the way of that..

"Okay, it's been 30 minutes, we have to go back" Craig said.

"Wait, just a couple more seconds" I said as we all stopped in the middle of the woods and I looked


I heard a someone step on a branch, and Liz and Leah looked terrified.

"Oh God, it's a fucking bear"! Peter exclaimed getting worried.

"It's not a bear you moron" Will smacked him upside the head.

"You're so damn violent" Peter said rubbing his head, where Will hit him.

I bit my lip, and looked around.

"Rain, he's not here. It could have been a bird or something" Reece shrugged.

"Or a bear! " Peter exclaimed "Did I mention I have a huge fear of bears"!?

"No, he's here" I stated.

"Rain, you're such a dreamer. How would you know if he's here"? Neil asked.

"Because I just do! I know he's here"! I sighed.

"Obviously not an optimist" Vince muttered.

"Rain, maybe the cold air is getting to you. We should get back" Liz suggested.

I pressed my lips in a thin line.

"Shit"! A voice growled, and I turned my flashlight, and ran up the a few steps threw a bunch of trees

and saw Ryker.

His eyes snapped up towards me, and he gave me a shocked look.

I ran up and for some unknown reason, I hugged him.

He stood there frozen for a few seconds, then hesitantly wrapping his arms loosely around me.

I took in his scent; peppermint and cologne.

"How long have you been out here?! Your lips are blue" Ryker said with concern taking over his voice.

"Rain! Rain! Where the hell did you-" Voices stopped as they came closer, and I pulled away from

Ryker and turned back to everyone.

The guys clenched their jaws, as Leah and Liz grinned ear to ear.

We came back to cabin, and I walked in and the warmth hit me right away.

I sighed in relief, as Leah and Liz ran up to the fireplace to get warm.

The guys walked in and Reece collected all the flashlights.

I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, and my teeth chattered; because I was still freezing.

Craig sent Ryker and I a glare.

"You two" He said "Are under chaperoning".

I raised an eyebrow and asked "Chaperoning"?

"Craig, they're not 12"! Liz exclaimed.

"Yeah, don't you think that's a bit harsh" Neil said.

"Wait, what do you mean were under 'chaperoning'"? I asked.

Ryker clenched his jaw "It's another way of Craig saying he basically is the boss of everyone and


Craig sent Ryker a glare.

"Calm down you two! There's no need for this" Vince said getting in between Ryker and Craig; that

were standing across from each other.

"It's just like chaperoning" Neil sighed "You guys aren't aloud to go anywhere by yourselves with each

other without someone there".

"So basically spying, and acting like were a bunch of 10 year olds"? I asked annoyed at the idea.

"Yes, because you two obviously can't be trusted by yourselves" Craig stated stern.

"Unbelievable" I muttered "I'm 18, not 8! I think I can make my own decisions".

Craig walked closer to me and gritted "Listen here Missy, this is my gang; and what I say goes and I

don't want any back talk. Got it"?

"No" I mumbled.

"What"!? He raised his voice and his hand started to raise, but it was like he was trying not to hit me

and control himself but anger was taking over him.

"Don't fucking touch her"! Ryker gritted pushing Craig away.

I stood their shocked, that once again Ryker stood up for me.

He seems to be very....territorial....?

"This is exactly what I mean" Craig said "This thing going on between you two, is going to turn into

something else and it's Not aloud"! He gritted.

"Nothing is going to happen" Ryker gritted with his blue eyes going dark.

"It better not, or there will be consequences" Craig warned then turning around walking to his room,

and once again slamming door.

What is with these people and slamming doors!?

"Rain, come on. You can sleep in our Leah and I's room" Liz said, and Leah nodded in agreement.

I nodded slightly, and Neil, Vince, Peter, Will, and Reece hugged me quickly and say "Goodnight".

I started to follow Liz and Leah, when a hand clasped around my wrist and I turned around to Ryker.

"Thank you.... Rain" He said, and I saw the ends of his lips tug into a half smile; which I think is the

closes I've ever seen Ryker smile.

I nodded "Night Ryker" and took my hand away then following Liz and Leah.

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