Mr George, Don't Be So Arrogant

Chapter 48 Stupid Woman, Come Here

Chapter 48 Stupid Woman, Come Here

The world was suddenly silent, and Riley opened her eyes in horror to see the smooth pavement and

the huge black tire of the suddenly braking truck in front of her.

She was dumbfounded as if she had woken up from a dream!

So, she had just survived a life-and-death crash?

"Where are you going?!"

She just had a narrow escape, and the man behind her was still in hot pursuit. Riley, ignoring the

stinging pain in her knees and palms, got up and kept running!

Behind her, two men were chattering loudly, "This woman is crazy!"

"Does she want to die? Damn it!"

Riley couldn't think about anything or see anything. There was only one thing she could think of - RUN!

At last, as she was exhausted, she finally wound her way into the revolving glass doors of the mall.

Inside, people were coming and going, and the sparkling crystal chandeliers kept flickering. It was like

a world had suddenly been separated from the outside.

Riley slumped in the chair with weak legs, covering her chest and panting heavily.

Who was chasing her? Who was it that wanted to see her?

She hadn't adjusted her mood when her phone vibrated in her bag. Riley closed her eyes tightly and

her throat was so dry she couldn't swallow. She covered her pounding heart and pulled out her phone.

Euan's name flashed on the phone's interface.

"Don't forget what I told you. You're already late."

Riley braced herself helplessly against her still trembling legs. Her voice trembled uncontrollably, "I ...

will be right back."

Inside the villa, Euan, sitting on the leather sofa, frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

Riley swallowed with her dry, aching throat. It was better not to tell him about this, "Nothing, I'll hang up


Fearing that she would show her panic if she said another word, she hastily pressed the hang-up


Euan's brows furrowed ever tighter. Was she going crazy?

Taking several deep breaths, Riley pressed her knees together and stood up, then walked around to

the other exit of the mall.

On the way back, she cleaned the blood from her hands with napkins, but the marks of the cuts were

still shocking.

Now her face, hands, and knees were all scratched. She was a doctor, yet she had allowed herself to

be injured so much.

As she got out of the car, she looked up at the dreamlike villa, decorated with lights. Euan was inside

and she wondered what he wanted to say to her.

She settled down and walked in.

On the sofa in the living room, Euan was sitting on it with his back to her. His upright back was like a

towering mountain, which made him look both imposing and aloof.

She felt tears welling up in her eyes, and she almost burst into tears. How she wanted to run over to

him, to hug him, to tell him what she had been through, to pour out her panic and aggression inside.

And yet ... Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

She couldn't.

"I'm back."

Gathering her thoughts, she remained silent.

Euan's long fingers paused slightly and rested on his knees. Without turning his head, he said in his

usual cold voice, "Come here."

Riley walked over and sat down on the couch across from him, "What did you get me back for? If it's

about the divorce, I'd love to hear it."

Come to think of it, there was nothing else between her and him that was worth sitting down and talking

about so formally, except for the divorce.

Euan looked at her coldly, "You want a divorce that badly?"

She stressed this matter several times. What else was in this stupid woman's head but this?

Riley just had a narrow escape and was emboldened, "Yes, I've said many times that I want a divorce.

It's just that you won't."

"I don't agree! No matter how many times you ask, it's useless. Unless you die or I die, then you can't

get a divorce."

Riley tightened her grip. She hadn't expected him to be so adamant. It seemed his determination to

torture her hadn't changed.

She was exhausted and tired of dealing with him on the subject, "So what did you want me back for?"

"You ..."

He was simply furious and annoyed enough to want to kill someone! She really didn't know?

She hadn't seen the light outside when she'd just entered? She didn't see the birthday present he had

prepared for her?

Was this woman blind?

"Take it!"

Something flashed before her eyes. The red Hermes was thrown into her arms by him.

She raised her eyes and looked at his serious face in dismay, "What do you mean?"

Euan was really pissed off. He wanted to pry her head open to see if it was empty!

"Here, just take it!"

Strong and brutal, cold and overbearing, which was very much in line with Euan's style of doing things.

She looked at the bag, then at him. Was it a birthday present? But the way he was giving it to her, it

didn't look like, "Why?"

Euan straightened his back and said without expression, "This was leftover after Lydia had picked it

out. You don't think I bought it for you on purpose, do you?"

Hmm? Was this leftover after Lydia had picked it out? And then he gave it to her?

Her red lips curled as she took the bag away and placed it on the glass table once again, "In that case,

I don't want it either."

What did he think she was? A beggar who picked up leftovers? Today it was a bag, then tomorrow it

would be clothes? After that, even if it was a man, she would have to use it first and then give it to her.

Euan was furious, "Riley, pick it up. I said, pick it up."

Riley remained seated, "Mr. George, you can refuse the divorce. But to humiliate me in this way, I'm

sorry, I don't care."

Euan stood up straight away and went for her neck with one hand. But halfway through the action, he

stopped. Clearly, he didn't want her to see his mood swings because of her.

"For the next three years, thirty years, Riley, you have no right to refuse, only to stay with me to the


He lowered his voice and said with determination.

Riley got up, "It doesn't look like you have anything else for me. I'm going upstairs to get some rest."

As she passed him, Euan grabbed her hand in a fit of rage!


It hurt!

Her palm was sticky. His eyes half narrowed. He broke her fingers irresistibly and saw her bloodied

palm, "What's going on? What have you done again?"

She tried unsuccessfully to pull her hand back, "Nothing. Even if I did, you don't need to know. You and

I are just acting according to circumstances, so don't act too much. If you get caught up in it, I'm afraid

you won't get out."

"You're getting yourself killed!"

She laughed, "Are you going to help me fulfill my wishes? I forgot that you don't have the time to spare

right now. So you and I had better continue to keep our distance."

She had said that last time was the final time she would be a bitch. In the future, she would never do it


Riley snatched her hand back forcefully and turned to go upstairs.

He watched her go upstairs grumpily. And he was so angry he even wanted to kill someone. Her hand

was hurt, so something must have just happened.

She wouldn't say anything, and she was throwing a temper tantrum? That was good!

Euan grabbed the red bag and threw it in the bin.

The next day, Riley went to work as usual.

As she walked past the living room and saw the bin, her heart skipped a beat.

It seemed that there was no point in her staying here.

With that in mind, she returned to her bedroom, stuffed all her personal belongings into her bag, and

drove away from the villa in her silver car.

This place, after all, did not belong to her. There was no point in her forcing herself to stay here, so she

should just leave.

A day later, she returned to the hospital. From the moment she entered the gates, the chatter

continued. The comments and condemnations, the jealousy and the abuse. She was still the center of

the hospital's conversation.

She walked around the desk in the ground floor lobby and a couple of nurses muttered in hushed tones

when they saw her.

"I can't believe she has the nerve to come back. Isn't she ashamed at all after what she did?"

"That's right. It's a good thing Lydia didn't take it personally with her and volunteered to take

responsibility, otherwise she would have died under the press' microphones."

"She's so delusional, and still trying to get involved with the George family. What a joke!"

Riley's hands were clenched in her pockets. There were several people lined up at the entrance of the

lift. Riley stood alone in the middle and stared straight ahead with an expressionless face. The

coldness of her body was even more creepy, and the few people around her didn't dare to whisper.

Stepping out of the lift, she didn't look around and just went to the dressing room to change into her

white coat. Serena took her by the wrist, "Dr. Watson, are you okay?"

She smiled, "Yes. I'm fine."

"... Okay. I know you're strong inside. So what, just let this go. Let them gossip, don't you worry about


Riley capped his pen, straightened his collar, and smiled, "I wouldn't worry about it. You checked out

the rooms for me again yesterday, didn't you? I'll treat you to dinner later."

Serena's mouth twitched, "... you're so tough, that's okay? Well ... I'll give you the room notes. Luckily,

the patient is doing well and nothing happened."

Tough? What could she do if she wasn't?

Inside the ward.

"Blood pressure is stable. Stick your tongue out and I'll see ... Good, you're recovering well. You'll be

discharged after these two days."

After Riley finished examining patients, a new young woman in the same ward pointed at her and said

in surprise, "Aren't you the doctor? The one who put the poison in that star's medication!"

"Really? Poisoning!"

"Don't you know? She put something in Lydia's medication and almost caused her to miscarry! How

dare you let her treat you!!!"

"Oh my God! This is killing people! I want a new doctor! I want to change the attending doctor!"

"I read on the news that some doctors get revenge on society and deliberately kill their patients. We're

not going to be ..."

"I want to change my attending doctor too!"

"Riley, you get out!"

"Get out!"

Riley stood in the noisy ward and squeezed the medical records folder so tightly that even her knuckles

turned white.

In an instant, word spread through all the wards, and Riley's reputation was completely tarnished!

After she was blasted from the ward, a nurse clutching a case came running over, stole a glance at her,

and said carefully, "Dr. Watson, Ms. Pouchain wants you to come to her office."

Although the people in the internal medicine department had long been disgusted with Riley in their

hearts, Riley's imposing manner dared them not to provoke her openly.

Jeanne? Did it reach her so quickly?

Riley took notes and walked to Ms. Pouchain's office. Standing outside the door, she saw Jeanne

sitting comfortably in her chair. It seemed she was waiting for her.

"After making a mistake, you're afraid to walk through the door? Our Ace Dr. Watson."

Her tone was extremely sarcastic and contemptuous.

Riley gathered herself and stepped through the door, "Ms. Pouchain, you wanted to see me?"

Jeanne fiddled with a pen in her hand, "I'm aware of what just happened. Dr. Watson, the inpatient unit

is in a mess because of you. As Deputy Director, what do you think I should do?"

Riley frowned. Was she planning to suppress her because she was a bigger official than her?

Without waiting for her explanation, Jeanne said coldly, "I regret to inform you that in view of the

negative impact your poor behavior has had on the patients and the hospital, I am informing you, as

Deputy Director, that you are dismissed."

Riley's pure eyes were tinged with sarcasm, "Then I am also sorry to inform you that I was personally

hired from the United States by Mr. Houston. You have no right to fire me."

Jeanne raised an eyebrow and stood up slowly. Her red high heels clicked on the floor. She walked

around Riley and snorted, "Dr. Watson, you seem to forget that I was given the power of firing anyone

when I was hired. It won't take me any trouble to fire you."

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