Mates with Alpha Maddox



Jayda's POV

I woke up happy, I had practically been accepted by the pack, even though Maddox kind of threatened them into liking me but still, I'll take what I can get. My happiness was short lived because when I looked to my right Maddox wasn't there. I looked to the bed side table and see a note there.


Sorry for not being there when you woke up, I went to work. I was going to wake you up but you looked really tired and I couldn't find it in me to wake you up. If you need me I'll be in the Cellars.


I frown, I know he needs to work but I want to spend time with him. I want him all for myself. Sighing I pull the covers off of myself and start walking towards the bathroom. After my shower I brush my teeth and dry my wavy hair.

I start getting dressed (A/N outfit on the side)

I skip breakfast and walk out the house. Everyone in the village smiles warmly at me.

"Hi Luna"

"Hey Luna"

"Good morning Luna"

"How are you Luna"

Those are many of the greeting I've been getting while I walk through the village.

I smile back at them but keep walking.

"Excuse me" a voice says behind me. I turn around to see a guy with light blue eyes and brown hair.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I answer with a smile.

"Well, I came here to see my brother and they told me to go ask the Luna where he was at" he explains with a smile.

"What's your brother's name? I haven't been here long so I don't know many people" I tell him truthfully.

He smirks "I am pretty sure you know him"

I stare at him weirdly "ummm, what's his name then?" i ask him.

"Maddox" he says smiling at me.

I stare at him. "You are Maddox's brother?" I ask excitedly.

I was happy to know that he had more family beside his sister.

"Yes I am, I am also Nicole's twin. You must be Jayda" he says holding out his hand for me to shake.

I nod while shaking his hand.

"My name is Kyle" he says with a charming smile.

"Well Kyle, Lets go find Maddox" I say with a smile and start walking towards the cellars.

"Yeah lets" he says and starts walking beside me.

As We start getting closer to the cellar I get nervous, I am not ready to go there yet, I am scared of what I might see inside.

We stop in front of the door but this there are people guarding it.

"Luna" the two bulky men say in unison while bowing their heads.

I smile nervously at them. "Hey guys, mind if Kyle and I go inside?" i ask them.

"Kyle? Man I didn't recognize you. You've changed" one of the guards says, doing one of those weird man-hugs. The other guard elbows him making him yelp then look at me with wide eyes.

"I am sorry for the disrespect Luna, please forgive me" he says pleadingly making me laugh.

"Its okay, you can talk socialize while I am here don't worry" I say with a shrug. My tongue was itching me to tell them not to call me Luna since it still made me uncomfortable to be called Luna but I knew Maddox wouldn't like it so I just kept quiet.

He smiles gratefully at me.

After an awkward silence between the four of us Kyle speaks. "Can we go in now guys?"

The guys quickly nod, opening the door that wasn't locked this time.

As soon as the door opened Kyle tensed, he sniffed the air and his eyes turn black and he sprints through the little hall. I sniffed the air but all I smelled was the disgusting smell of blood and death. I ran after Kyle, while looking around my combat boots touching the damp floor. They were jail like cells with thick bars and bloody people inside. Most of them had malice in their eyes. A feral look that showed that if they let him out of those cell's they would tear us apart and enjoy it.

I run after Kyle for a while until he stops in front of a door and growls, a growl that has me backing up a little from fright. He backs up a little then runs towards the door taking it out of its hinges.

When I look inside the room it was awful, the floor was all bloody and the walls were dirty. I kept looking around until my eyes landed on Kyle who suddenly tackles Maddox to the ground making me gasp.

"How dare you lay a finger on My mate" Kyle yells while punching Maddox. I whimper and was about to get in between to stop them when Maddox growls like I have never heard him growl before, it sent shivers throughout my entire body.

Maddox flips both of them over so he is on top and starts pounding his fist on Kyle's face so fast that is inhumane.

I see blood coming out of Kyle's face and start getting nervous.

Sudddenly, what Kyle said comes up to mind.

He talked about a mate, I looked around the room and what I see has my blood running cold.

Ellie was chained to the wall with silver chains that were definitely hurting her, she was wearing a black sports bra and shorts and had a huge gash on her abdomen with blood pouring out of it and the rest of her stomach was an ugly purple color. Her face was swollen with bruises and her lip was cut. Her hair was all knotted and it looked like she was bleeding from somewhere in the hair part too.

I run towards her and with shaking fingers I try to break the chains with my hands. That plan only backfires because as soon as I touch the silver chains it burns my flesh making me pull away quickly.

I start looking around until I see a little key chain on a table.

While I am trying to free Ellie, Kyle and Maddox are still fighting.

I grab the keys and run back towards Ellie. I try key after key but none of them work. Until I get to a little black key. I try it and the chains open falling to the floor.

"Maddox stop you are going to kill him" I scream but he keeps punching Kyle.

I take a deep breath, tears running down my face "Maddox, if you don't stop right now I swear I will leave you and never come back" I yell at the top of my lungs.

As soon as those words left my lips Maddox stopped. His fist stops in mid air. He looked back at me with hurt eyes. His eyes land on Ellie and he snarls.

"What are you doing with that rogue Jayda?" Maddox growls

"This is Ellie, my friend. The one who has been there for me ever since I shifted, don't call her a rogue" I plead.

He stares at me, looking disappointed then storms out of the room.

Kyle sees Ellie and I and runs towards us, growling at me and pushing me away. Ellie, who I didn't know was awake growls at him and starts walking towards me only to stumble to the floor.

Kyle quickly picks her up but he looks disoriented himself, his face is all bloody and I am pretty sure his nose is broken.

"How do you know my mate?" Kyle asks, his voice gruff and serious, unlike the easy going friendly tone he used with me earlier.

"She is my best friend" I say examining my hands that were burnt from touching the silver so many times, it would take at least a week for them to heal completely since the injuries were done by silver which is a werewolves only weakness.

He nods and looks at her worriedly.

"We should get her to Nikki's house" I tell Kyle knowing full well that Maddox wouldn't appreciate me bringing Ellie home.

He nods stiffly and picks up Ellie bridal style. We walk down the dirty hall, all of the rogues in there saying nasty things to us.

I was dreading coming out of the cellars because that meant having to answer the guards questions.

To my surprise, when we got out the guards weren't there. I sigh in relief and start my way towards Nikki's house. The atmosphere was tense, Kyle's looked like if he was about to pounce at anyone who made the wrong movement.

We get to Nikki's house ans I knock the door. Nicole sees me and smiles but her smile falls quickly when she sees the scene behind me. Kyle's bloody face, his nose still bleeding and Ellie with her face swollen and the big gash on her bruised abdomen.

"Come on in" Nicole says quickly ushering us in.

"What happened?" She whispers in my ear when Kyle was looking away.

I shake my lightly at her and mouth "later"

"Bring me some things so I can clean her wounds up" I tell Nikki making Kyles eyes snap to me.

"No! Absolutely not you are not getting close to her" Kyle growls.

I can feel my eyes changing black, now that I became a Luna my wolf doesn't like the disrespect.

"Listen here Kyle and listen well, This is MY pack and Ellie is MY best friend. I will take care of Her and I don't care if you like it or not. I can have you escorted out of this territory if I please and believe me I will do it if you keep defying me" I growl out, authority dripping for my voice.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Both Nicole and Kyle bow their heads at me.

"I am sorry for the disrespect Luna, my wolf was just on edge" Kyle says, his head still down.

"Its okay Kyle, just let me do what I have to do" I say stiffly, still surprised that I let my wolf take over. That hadn't happened in a while.

Nicole runs off to get the things I told her I needed to clean Ellie up.

When she returns I take some alcohol wipes and and clean the blood off her lip and abdomen and put some antibiotic creams on her wounds and also on her wrist that were burnt because of the silver chains.

After I am done, I tell Nikki to come with me to the kitchen so I can talk to her.

"Nikki what happened to me?" i ask her with wide eyes.

"Uhh, nothing" she shrugs.

"I let my wolf take over when I snapped at Kyle" I say rolling my eyes.

"Ohhh that, its normal. You became Luna, your wolf and your human form are stronger. You are not used to being this strong so you weren't able to control your wolf" she explains.

"How can I learn to control it?" i ask her.

"Well, only another wolf who is as powerful as you can help you control it so Maddox is the only one that can help you" she says and I nod slightly.

I didn't want to think about Maddox, about the hurt and disappointment he showed in his eyes. He might want to reject me now, I really wouldn't blame him.

My eyes water and my lip trembles.

"What happened?" She asks worriedly.

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