Masters And Lovers 1-4

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

In the hospital, she lies there, eyes closed, her face pallid, what can be seen of it at least. Kirstie’s head

is swathed in bandages, her neck collared.

Fine tubing threads through a nostril. A stand with a saline bag leads to more tubing which vanishes

into dressings on her arms. A monitor to one side flickers and beeps.

I speak in a low voice to the nurse. “How bad is it?”

“Cracked skull, possible brain damage. Broken jaw. Neck fracture. One shoulder and hip are smashed.

Arms and leg-bones too on that side. The doctor says she’ll probably need pinning to set the broken

bones. Certainly, she’ll need several sessions in surgery. We’re still assessing for internal injuries.”

Ryan sits by the bed. White-faced, red-eyed, unshaven, he speaks like a man half-dead. “I don’t know

how she got out. Both her hands and feet were tied. The car was moving. She had no way to protect

herself as she landed.” He drops his face into his hands, shuddering. “I should have been there. I

should have been with her.”

I lay a hand on his shoulder. “You’re here now. You’ll be the first thing she sees when she wakes.”

“I will, yes. But they’re keeping her sedated for now.”

“Why don’t you get some sleep? You’ll be more use to her if you’re not exhausted.”

“I don’t like to leave her. By herself, among strangers.”

“She’ll not be by herself. I’ll stay with her. I’m staying anyway while the doctors check Charlotte over.”

“How is she?”

“Well enough to argue about it. I had to um, exert my authority to get her to let the doctors near her.

Mind you, I think it was her mother who pulled it off. Played the baby card. That did it… Ryan?”


“I was going to suggest; Charlotte’s going to take some enforced bed rest, though she doesn’t know it

yet. Suppose we put her in this room here. Then when Kirstie wakes, they can be company for each


When Kirstie wakes…

Will she wake?

“That’s a good idea. You’re sure you’re okay to stay with Kirstie for now?”

“I’m sure, yes.”

“Thanks, James. I’ll get some sleep then. But if she wakes...”

“You’ll be the first to know.”

He staggers upright. I lay a hand on his shoulder. “You’re not fit to drive, man. I’ll call you a taxi.”

“No need,” comes a voice from behind me. Richard enters. “I’ll get Ross to ferry you and to bring you

back.” He’s already talking into his phone.

“Is there anything you need, Ryan?” I ask. “Anything I can do to help?”

“James, the contract…” He looks helplessly at the unconscious Kirstie. “I don’t know if…”

“The contract’s not going anywhere without you, Ryan. Don’t worry about it. There’ll be plenty of work

coming your way once Kirstie is up and about, and you can concentrate on your work again.”

“And don’t worry about medical bills,” says Richard, snapping his mobile closed. “It’s all covered under

her employment contract. Whatever she needs, it’s covered.” He surveys the haggard Ryan. “You’re

done in. Ross will be here in five minutes. He’s at your beck and call for however long it takes. Go

home. Sleep yourself out.”

After Ryan leaves, Richard stands over the unconscious girl, shaking his head. “It’s hard to believe isn’t

it, the sheer scale of what Ben did?”

“Yes, very hard.”

“How did Kirstie escape? Do we know that?”

“I asked Mitch. Apparently, Ben bundled her and Kirstie into the back of the car. He’d bound them at

hand and foot, gagged them too, but he’d not been so careful with Kirstie. He didn’t search her, and

she had her phone in her pocket. He was careless too about the tape over Kirstie’s face. Even though

her hands were behind her back, Mitch got Kirstie’s mouth free and she opened the door handle with

her teeth.”

“Good God. And then she jumped from the car?”

“Rolled out, I think. Hit the road at speed and… well, you can see the rest. I think Ben left her for dead,

but another passing driver saw her. He was the one that called the emergency services and untied her.

And even though she was so horribly injured, Kirstie insisted he help her use her mobile and hit that

panic button.”

Richard heaves out a breath. “When she’s recovered, we’ll have to put some thought into how to

properly reward Kirstie for what she did… How’s Michael dealing with it?” This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Not well. He’s barely spoken since it happened. He’s just about disabled with… grief... guilt… I’m not


“Guilt? It was hardly his fault.”

“I don’t think he’s seeing it that way.”


It takes three days, but the message comes through on my mobile.

K is awake

I drop what I’m doing and head for the hospital.

Ryan sits by Kirstie’s bedside, holding a straw to her mouth as she sucks on orange juice. Charlotte’s

sitting up in the next bed, reading aloud from what sounds like something of Tolkien’s.

I tap on the door. “Am I interrupting?”

Ryan stands, smiling. He’s still gaunt, but the shadows under his eyes are fading. “James, not at all. It’s

good to see you. I’ve spoken with the surgeon. He says… well, it will be a while, but Kirstie’s going to

be alright.” His words catch and his eyes suddenly swim. I look away, pretending not to notice.

Kirstie, still swathed in bandages, lies immobile. Her eyes slide to me, her lips just moving. “James…”

I hold up a hand. “Don’t try to speak. I’m sure your jaw must hurt enough.” I pull up a chair by the

prostrate patient. “I want to say thank you for what you did. It must have been excruciating for you,

injured as you were, but you still raised the alarm. If you hadn’t, I’m not sure what would have

happened. As it was, we tracked Ben and…” I look across to the watchful jade-eyed occupant in the

next bed… “I’m sure Charlotte will fill you in on what happened.”

Kirstie slow-blinks, trying to smile, her mouth working.

Trying to forestall her, “I said, don’t speak.”


“Your dogs are fine. They’re all up at our place. Scruffy too. It’s a bit chaotic but they can stay there as

long as it’s needed, until you’re well enough to look after them yourself again.”

Her mouth starts working again…

“And before you ask,” I continue, “Your job is one hundred percent safe. We have a temp covering your

duties until you’re ready to return to your desk.”

She lowers her lids again.

With a quick glance to Ryan, I lean across. “Again, thank you, Kirstie.” I kiss her forehead.


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