Mastering the Virgin Box Set Five: A BDSM Ménage Erotic Romance

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Seven Years Ago

“What would you like to do when you grow up, Jenny?”

She grins. “Oh, that's easy, Mr Kalkowski. I want to be like you, a teacher.”

The old man smiles, perching himself against the edge of his desk. Arms folded, he looks down at his

disciple. “To be a teacher is an honourable calling, none more so. But something tells me your life is

going to be more interesting than that. Is there not something else that appeals to you?”

She shrugs. “Like what?”

“Like anything. The world is your oyster and you have not, thus far, seen very much of it.”

“You can tell me about it. And I can read your books.”

“I can tell you many things, Jenny, and I am happy to do so. But I cannot live your life for you. You

should go out into the world, see what is to be seen. Learn more….”

She stares at him. “Leave here? But you’re my teacher….”

“I have my limitations. Already you ask questions which I cannot answer, but I know that there are

others who can. And of course, some questions no-one can yet answer, but there are those who seek

to do so.”

He reaches out, taps her head. “You were given this. It was a gift to you. It is what makes us all human.

And it is your duty to learn to use it properly. To train it. To hone it to a fine edge. Books are one of the

tools that help you whet that edge.”

“They say I read too many books.”

He presses lips together and sighs. “They are mistaken. There is no such thing as too many books.

Reading is to the mind what stained glass is to light. It beautifies and enhances, and even if we do not

agree with the words, the mind is working to understand. Yes, no?”

She laughs, “Yes, Mr Kalkowski.”



I work, I eat, and I doze. And I work again. And all the while, Charlotte sleeps.

Michael reappears, briefly looking in to see how she is. It’s plain that there is something badly amiss.

His expression wavers between tenderness and anger, sympathy and disgust, compassion and hurt.

And he turns to leave again.

“Aren’t you staying?”

“She’s sleeping.” His voice is curt. “There’s not much I can do, is there?”

So, I sit and keep watch over her.

And Charlotte stirs, rolling over to gaze, glassy-eyed, at the ceiling, one arm curved over the pillow.

Her eyes flicker to mine, caution written there, but she relaxes when I smile.

“Hello. How are you now? Did you sleep well?”

She sits up, covering her mouth against a yawn. “Do logs sleep? Yes, very well. How long was I.…?”

“About ten hours. You were exhausted.”

“Yeah.… I’d not slept properly for a few days.” She pulls a face. “I didn’t dare sleep above ground in

case they found me. And I didn’t dare below ground either….”

“Why not below ground?”

“Rats. Hundreds of ‘em. Not sure what they’d do with a sleeping human body, but you read stories….”


…. It doesn’t bear thinking about….

And lost for words, I just watch her.

Her chin juts a little….

Waiting for trouble?

“What is it?” she asks.

How do I reply?

Your actions have been courageous, insensitive, honourable, negligent….

…. and you did it all for the best of reasons….

…. and against the wishes of everyone else concerned….

I take a breath, gazing upwards. “Where do I begin?”

“Are you going to punish me? If you are, I’d rather just get it over and done with….”

And you don’t even question my right to do it….

I hold her eyes and she squirms. “Believe me, it came up in conversation. What you did was brave and

noble on the one hand, but reckless and inconsiderate on the other. Michael was beside himself….”

She flushes, picking at a scab on the back of her hand….

“…. especially when we lost your signal. Even Richard was upset. He thought that we’d lost both you

and Beth. And no, I’m not going to punish you. Looking at the physical state of you, I don’t think it’s This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

appropriate. However, I believe Michael has something he wants to say to you.

She bites at her lip. “Oh….”

“Yes. Oh….”

She looks around. “Where is Michael?”

“I’m not sure. I believe he wanted some time to think. He’s pretty unhappy right now about the way you


Her eyes gloss. “But Master, there was no other way we were going to get her back. The police had no

idea where….”

“Are you going to tell me where you got all that bruising?”

She seems disconcerted by the question. “Um, different places….”

“You’ve been beaten?”

“Yes, some, but it wasn’t too bad. I thought it would be worse….”

And you just brush it away….

“…. Some of the damage, I took while I was running. It was dark, and I was just going pell-mell;

couldn’t see where I was heading, just away. I kept crashing into things, trees, rocks; I tripped and fell a

couple of times. Then in the sewers, there was a spot; I had to cross the stream. I was trying not to

have to wade, so I jumped instead. But it was slippery. I lost my footing, fell in, banged my head….

That was the worst….”

Is that all of it?

Would you tell me?

“Was that the worst?”

A bit disconcerted, “Um, yes. Not sure what you mean?”

Should I ask her?

…. but I must….

I speak quietly. “Beth thought you’d been raped? Michael too. But then you told Beth, no.”

“Raped? No…” Her brows rise and her lips part. “No, Master. I’ve not been raped… Um… I’ll admit it

came close. For a while, I thought…”


…. Really…?

“But Charlotte, Michael said that when he saw you in the shower, you tried to…. cover up. That’s why

he thought…”

She winds a lock of hair around a finger, unwinds it and rewinds it. “Master, look at me. I’m black and

blue. I didn’t want him seeing me like that… and... and…” Her face twists…

“And what?”

“They took my rings, Master. The ones you and Michael gave me. They took them.” And with a gasp for

air, she lurches forward, wringing her fingers together as she coughs out great wracking sobs.

And at last, I know the right thing to do and say. I sit beside her, holding her close, nuzzling her hair and

kissing the tears from her cheeks. “Shhh… It’s alright. It doesn’t matter. They’re only rings, bits of

metal. We’ll get you new ones….”

But she’s distraught. “But they’re not just bits of metal, Master… They’re special… And they took


Does it really mean that much to you?

I always underestimate everything about you….

For God’s sake, lighten the mood.

I force a laugh. “Every time I think I’ve got the hang of women, I discover I’m still on Mars and they’re

on Venus.…” She falls quiet, her sobs receding, but she still trembles in my embrace. “Charlotte…. The

rings are symbols.... That’s all. If you come out of what you did with no more damage than that, you

should be thankful, not crying… Now… just calm down. We can talk about things properly when you’re


She twists to look up into my face, one hand against my chest. “I’d like to do that, Master, but there’s

things I need to tell you…. And Michael and Richard…”

Of course there are, Jade-Eyes. Of course there are….

“Yes, I know. There are things I want to ask you, but we can spare a few minutes.” Her lids flutter in

acceptance and she droops against me, nestled against my body. She’s breathing deeply and slowly,

her lovely breasts rising and falling and the pulse in her neck clearly visible, gradually slowing with the

passing minutes.

And we don’t need words….

“Do you want to make love?” I murmur.

She shifts against me. “I’d like that, but….” And her words trail away.


“Um, you’ll need to….” She’s blushing,

What the hell?

Holding her at the shoulders, I steer her to look at me. “Charlotte, what is it? Talk to me.”

Her face scarlet, looking utterly mortified, she says, “You’ll need to use a condom, Master. I’ve not been

able to take my pill for the last few days….”


Good girl….

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