Mastering the Virgin Box Set Five: A BDSM Ménage Erotic Romance

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“A boxing competition?” splutters Brett. “For a girl? What comes next? Lion taming? Wrestling


Everyone is staring at her and Jenny's enthusiasm trickles away. “Mr Kalkowski thought it was a good

idea. Chad says I'm really good. He suggested it.”

“Well, if it was Chad's idea, I suppose that's alright, but it's not the sort of thing I'd want my fiancée to

be doing.” Nathaniel glances fondly down at his diminutive wife, sitting next to him, whose swollen belly

is now of enormous proportions. “I don't think you're going to be doing much ‘float like a butterfly’ stuff

in the next few months, are you?”

Diane shudders. “Not me. I have my man to fight for me if I need it.”

Tom glowers at Jenny from across the table. “Always wanting to be the centre of attention, aren’t you?”

“That’s enough, Tom,” snaps Mrs Collier. Nonetheless, she doesn’t look very happy.


“Levi, I'm not at all sure I'm comfortable with this. A bit of friendly sparring between Jenny and Chad is

one thing, but competitions? It's hardly a feminine activity.”

“Not feminine? To be young and strong and healthy? And to achieve something for herself? Think how

withdrawn she was when she first arrived, Eleanor. This will be an achievement for Jenny. Something NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

she can point to and say, ‘I did that’.”


The old man stands over the class. “Who has not handed in the form signed by your parents to go on

the school trip to the Boxing Competition? Several of the papers are missing.”

There is no reply. The old man sighs and works his way through the stack. “Jack, your form is not here.

Do I take it you do not wish to attend the competition?”

The brawny boy scowls. “Why would I want to go to a stupid competition to see a stupid girl boxing?”

“Stupid is as stupid does, Master Peterson. I had hoped you might like to go to support the honour of

your school?” Mr Kalkowski sucks in his cheeks at the boy’s sour expression. “Perhaps not then.

Adam, Matthew, do I take it that you also do not wish to attend?”

None of the boys replies, simply sneaking sidelong glances at Jack, who glowers at them.

The headmaster sighs. “Fidelity to one’s friends is all very well, but there are higher loyalties also. Still,

if that is your wish. On the day of the competition, you will each be given assignments which I will

expect to see completed when I return.” He glances again at the stack of forms. “I do note with interest

that all of the girls have elected to attend.”


Jenny stares. “I didn’t expect there to be so many people here.” The crowd mills and surges;

contestants of all ages and sizes, boys and girls, parents, teachers and officials.

“It’s because it’s the first round,” says Chad. “There’s over a hundred schools here. And most of them

have entries in both boys and girls, and seniors and juniors. In the later rounds, there’ll be a lot less.”

He laughs at her expression. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to fight all of them. It’s all done on points like

I showed you. And the winners in each section go through to the later rounds.”

“Have you done this before?”

“Not like this, but I read all about it. Hey…. look there. That’s Kelly.” He points across the room at a tall

blonde girl. She’s who you’ll be against for your first bout today.”

Jenny eyes her opponent. “She’s very tall.”

Chad squints at the girl. “Yeah, she’s at least an inch taller than you, and you’re already tall for a girl.”

He looks thoughtful. “Anyway, remember the idea isn’t to try to hurt each other. You get points for good

punches. And the judges can’t always see everything, so do your best to look good.”

“What do mean, look good’?”

“Act aggressive. Don’t let her back you up. And if she lands a punch on you, throw a punch back. If the

referee thinks you’re getting tired, he’ll eight-count you. So, keep going. Just keep punching at her. The

more you try, the better chance you’ll actually land a hit.

He looks across at the blonde girl again. “You should be okay….” He turns his face so that no-one can

see his mouth moving but Jenny. “Look at her. She’s tall, but she’s all lanky. Not like you. ‘Cos you’re

on the horses and working on the farm, I can see from here that you’re better muscled than her. I bet

you’re way stronger than she is. Faster too. If you keep moving, you’re harder to hit.”

Jenny looks at the girl, surreptitiously, trying not to be obvious about it. “Mmm…. I see what you mean.”


“I’m so nervous.” Jennifer dances from one foot to the other as Chad wraps her hands, weaving

between fingers, over knuckles and around the palms.

“You shouldn’t be,” he smiles. “All the girls are cheering for you. And most of the boys came too.”

“Why do you think Jack doesn’t like me?”

He shrugs. “Jack’s just Jack. He’s horrible to everyone. Stand still, will you. I can’t do your hands

properly if you keep fidgeting.”

“But me particularly. He really doesn’t like me.”

Chad straightens up, looks her in the eye. “Jack doesn’t like you because you’re better ‘n him at just

about everything. And because you punched him in the eye and made him look stupid. But does it

really bother you that a moron like him doesn’t like you? The people who matter do like you. Mr

Kalkowski. Mrs Collier….” His expression turns shy. “Me….” He swallows then, “Come on. Let me finish

that other hand.”


“Don’t forget this.” Chad pushes the mouthpiece up against her teeth and she champs it into position.

“Good luck.”

Jenny strides out, meeting Kelly. The two knock gloves together in lieu of a handshake.

“Now then, ladies, a nice clean match, please. Three rounds, two minutes each. One minute between

each round.

Jenny has to look up slightly at her opponent. She’s not used to this. Normally she looks down on other

girls, and many of the boys. But close up now, she can see Chad is right. Kelly is tall, but scrawny, her

muscles kind of flat-looking.

The bell dings.

And Chad’s words echo through her brain….

Act aggressive….

Keep going….

Keep punching….

Don’t back down….

She steps forward, meeting her rival in the centre of the ring….

Right hand, Jab… Jab…

Right hand, Jab…

Kelly is wide-eyed, stepping back.

Is she scared?

If she’s so easily put off, why is she here?

Right hand, Jab….

Left hand, Punch….

And Jenny sees in her opponent’s eyes that she’s not met a left-hander before.

The punch lands cleanly, and from her peripheral vision, Jenny sees judges jotting on papers,

registering a blow landed.

Kelly is entirely off-balance. As Jenny jabs and strikes again, the blonde girl tries to defend, but her

defence is askew, Jenny’s left fist easily by-passing it and once more landing cleanly. The blonde backs

away, her weight against the ropes.

The referee raises a hand, “One, Two…

Kelly stands, panting, head hanging, but at the count of six, steps forward again.

And Jenny comes to meet her.

From the corner of one eye, she sees Mr Kalkowski, Mrs Collier and the farm hands, even Brett and

Tom, all cheering her on as she scores another blow on her opponent.

And in that distracted moment, a gloved fist catches her chin, jerking her head sharply back….

Don’t lose your focus….

…. and Jenny responds with another strike, another blow landed, and another.

The bell rings and the two girls retire to their corners.

Chad is there. “You okay?”

Jenny nods. “Mmm, yes. I think she’s a bit scared of me actually.”

He wipes sweat from her forehead with a cloth. “I think you’re right. Keep doing what you’re doing. You

landed far more punches than she did.”

The bell rings again and the two girls approach each other, but this time Kelly moves slowly, reluctantly.

As Jenny moves in, the girl is barely fighting back, hardly defending herself.

Jenny jabs and Kelly flinches away. Jenny jabs again, this time with a solid blow from her right hand

following behind, which catches Kelly on the chest…. And another from her left hand to connect with

the shoulder….

….and yet another, as Jenny lands a solid punch against her cheek, her full body-weight and

momentum driving it home.

Kelly staggers, and falls to land on all fours, panting.

“One…. two…. three….” counts the referee…. “…. four…. five…. six….” Kelly doesn’t move…. “….

seven…. eight….”

“And our winner is Jennifer Conners,” announces the referee.

Yells and squeals come from the girls, hoots and clapping from the boys and the farm hands. Chad

grins widely at her from the side of the ring and from his seat, Mr Kalkowski gives her a smile and a



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