Masked In Nobility: Secrets Of Mrs. Chavez

Chapter 106

“Mr. Chavez, something’s off.” Emmett said. Everyone exchanged glances. It was indeed very strin

When Jeremiah arrived with Emmett and his men, the mansion was brightly lit, but the girlon could be heard. This was highly unusual. Emmett was unsure what to do. He asked. “Mr Chungsters We

Jeremiah pursed his lips, raised his hand to signal silence, and after a long pane, litted sail finessere slightly, his face cold, and his voice sounded especially chilling in the night “Let’s go m. Somieder v|||0 us” Jeremiah said, stepping calmly into the mansion.

Hearing that. Emmett got the hint and signaled to a few subordinates to follow closely behind as they allere mansion. The mansion’s front door was open. The group entered as if they owned the place. In reality, ever be mansion had been knocked out by Drunken Beauty and wouldn’t wake up for hours.

The moment Jeremiah and his men entered, they saw a man in a black suit slumped over a table in the front ganjar Emmett signaled for his subordinate to check it out. A man with thick eyebrows and large eyes, wearing a cuda bulletproof vest, nodded and stepped forward.


He pulled out his gun and slowly approached the man lying face down. Using his gun, he prodded the moss head Chesh was no response. He then checked his breathing-it was there bar faint.

Turning back, he nodded at Jeremiah, his voice serious. “Mr. Chavez, this man is still alive, but it seems he’s been druge He won’t wake up for several hours.”

Jeremiah nodded, his gaze deep and calm, completely unshaken. Okay.”

They approached the mansion’s entrance. Emmett stepped forward and pushed the door open. It creaked as it swung inward. Jeremiah walked in,

Emmett and the others followed, guns drawn, prepared for any unexpected situation. They didn’t know who had broken into the mansion or whether this person was a friend or a foe, so none of them dared to let their guard down. The mannos interior was just as usual, with no signs of a fight.

Looking around, they saw people lying everywhere-on the couch, the carpet, the stairs, and even the kitchen floor. Their faces were peaceful, uninjured, as if they were merely asleep. It was eerie. Far too eerie.

Emmett nudged the person lying on the couch, checked their bathing, and confirmed that they were just unconscious. Emmett and his men scouted the area and returned to Jeremiah with a grave expression. “Mr. Chavez, everyone here has been drugged, just like the ones outside. Whoever did this is very skilled-we can’t find any clues.”

Emmett was worried. They had been monitoring Caleb’s mansion all along. In the few hours they had pulled back to regroup, everyone inside had been knocked out. To incapacitate so many people in such a short time was no small feat

He had inspected the scene thoroughly but couldn’t find any trace of where the drug had been administered The most likely way to knock out so many people at once would be through the food, but he just checked and found that no one had cooked in Caleb’s mansion.

A woman in the kitchen was still holding washed vegetables, clearly knocked out before she could even begin cooking. This meant the drug wasn’t in the food. It had likely spread through the air. However, to his knowledge, no drug in the world had such potency. The most dangerous enemies were the ones lurking in the shadows.

Jeremiah’s expression remained calm as he listened to Emmett’s report, his gaze unreadable. “Let’s go upstairs. It’s likely that someone has already dealt with Caleb for us.”

Emmett exchanged shocked glances with the others. They were wondering if Jeremiah meant Caleb was already dead.

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15:10 Thu, Oct 10 @ T

Chapter 106

Jeremiah was the first to head upstairs. When he passed by a man with rugged features lying on the ground, he didn’t hesitate to kick him down the steps and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

Emmett glanced at the man who had been kicked and immediately recognized him. He had just read the man’s profile a couple of days ago-Caleb’s top henchman, responsible for handling drug deals and stained with countless innocent lives.

When Jeremiah reached a bedroom on the second floor, he smelled a strong scent of blood, pungent and sharp. He turned slightly, his expression grim, hiding the cold glint in his eyes. “Except for Emmett, the rest of you-find the people we identified in the reports and kill them.” The word “kill” was spoken with ruthless finality, sending chills down the spines of everyone who heard it.

Everyone responded in umison and went downstairs to begin purging Caleb’s most loyal and corrupt followers-those who had aided him in trafficking drugs, enslaving people, and committing countless atrocities. Their deaths would rid the world of another evil

With Caleb and Bradley gone, the Kerton family’s power was essentially dismantled. Caleb still had several illegitimate sons. In no time, they’ll be busy fighting each other.

Emmett pushed the bedroom door open. What greeted them was the sight of Caleb’s corpse lying on the floor. He was very much dead-his gaunt body lay stiff, his face ghostly pale and sinken, his fingers bloodied from scratching at something-

His eyes were wide open in terror. The floor around him was streaked with blood from where he had clawed at it in agony. His death had clearly been excruciating.


Jeremiah walked over and crouched beside Caleb’s body, staring into his eyes and scanning his entire body. There w single visible wound, yet there was so much blood.

Jeremiah squinted, and a thought crossed his mind. He inspected Caleb’s wrist and chest closely and, as expected, found tiny needle marks-so small they were nearly invisible. He was killed by silver needles

The person who killed Caleb wasn’t just an expert in poisons but also a skilled ancient combat artist. To embed a needle so deeply into the body required a high level of mastery.

Jeremiah’s gaze darkened as he stood up and surveyed the room his eyes landing on a window to the south. He fell silent, lost in thought, before saying calmly, “Let’s go back.”

Emmen nodded stiffly. He had expected a b**dy battle that night, but nothing happened. They had reaped the benefits of someone else’s work, completing their mission with ease. It was the first time someone else had dealt with their enemy for them. It felt strange, but overall the outcome was good.

Jeremiah and his men returned to the hotel at 3 a.m. Emmett had originally booked a flight for 2 pm, but due to the last- minute addition of Yvette, he changed it to 3:30 p.m.

It was too late in the night, so Jeremiah didn’t wake Yvette up. He just stood quietly outside her door for a few minutes before returning to his own room.

Inside, Yvette hadn’t slept all night. She stared blankly out the window until the sun rose, pulling her from her thoughts. It was the same bl**dy, violent dream. It was another sleepless night.

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