Mafia Desire

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Chapter 60. In a just a few seconds I felt a pair of arms latch on my waist and pulling me into a certain chest. My brain started to panic thinking that it was Carlos but my body relaxed when I knew it wasn't Carlos but Andrew.

Without looking at him I knew it was him, his touch sending sparks down my body, his arms placed gently around my waist and my body molding into his body, perfectly.

As much as my head was telling me too resist both my heart and body disagreed. Thought the year and half I had felt broken and tense but with him my heart felt complete and only a touch from him and I felt relaxed and safe. And after giving into him my head finally stopped racing around and I knew all of me was telling me to forgive him and love him.

"What is this?" Carlos said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I felt Andrew tense at the sound of his voice and I remembered why I was here. Before I could answer I heard Andrews voice, "Don"t worry about it, you'll be dead in a matter of seconds.”

"Excuse me, da you know who I am?" Carlos asked, coming closer to Andrew and I.

I rolled my eyes at Carlos"s words, "Mhm, the devil wants you back so let's just get this over with." I said, annoyed at him.

I grabbed Andrews gun from his waistband and turned off the safety.

"What who the fuck are you?” Carlos asked, flustered.

"You are really as dumb as I thought." I said, shrugging my shoulders and aiming the gun at him. I felt Andrew's body tense up as I curled my finger around the trigger.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

I saw Carlos moving through the dark but before he could move anymore I sent a bullet flying at his head. Boom.


Ava"s POV

I heard Carlos"s body fall across from Andrew and I but what I didn"t expect was for Andrews arms too unhook around my waist. I looked up at him but started too panic when he wasn"t too my side but on the floor in front of me.

I felt my eyes start too tear up and my breaths starting too hitch. I fell to the ground and tried too look at where his wound was, but it was difficult because of the lack of light.

I ran my hands across his chest and stopped at his upper left chest when I felt blood and a bullet wound.

"C-Andrew, please stay with me. You are going to be okay." I stuttered in between my sobs. I heard his breath and tried to calm down as I ripped apart my dress and pressed the ripped cloth on his wound.

"Stay with me Andrew. Don"t you dare leave me." I cried, trying too see his face through my tears, that were now streaming down my face. I felt my hands start too shake and my heart breaking when I felt his breath getting slower and shallower.

"K-kitten, its okay." He whispered, gasping for breath. "I love you so much... its my time." He said, barley finishing his sentence.

My heart completely shattered at his words and my tears started too flow faster. No matter how much I claimed too hate him I needed him alive, even if that meant not seeing him ever again. He just had to be alive and okay, he was my life line even if I didn"t want to admit it.

As soon as he would leave this earth, I would follow. "HELLPPPPPP." I screamed, while still pressing on his wound, in hopes that someone would help me. "I-l am sor-" He said, stopping halfway and taking one big gasp of air before his eyes rolled in the back of his head

"COLLEEE. Please I forgive you, just don't leave me. I can't lose you.” I screamed, my voice now shaky and my eyes stinging from how much I was screaming.

"HELPPPPPPPP." I yelled again, placing my head on his chest praying that someone would hear because I didn't have the strength to leave him

"Ru- Fuck what happened?” Someone said, as they turned on a light. I whipped my head up and around, looking at the person in the doorway. Seb and Travis.

"Help him NOW." I screamed at them, looking back at him. Even on the edge of life he still looked magnificent.

Seb and Travis rushed over too me and lifted Andrews body, Travis on his legs and Seb on his shoulders. They walked out of the room, his blood trailing behind us, as his wound continued to spew blood everywhere. I searched his suit pockets until I found his phone and called 211.

"Don't call an ambulance." Travis shouted. I whipped my head around to face him. "The hell I am not calling them. He is almost dead, he needs a fucking hospital.” I hissed, angry at what Travis told me, tears still in my eyes

"We have a car, the ambulance will take too long.” Seb added, continuing too carry Andrew through the dark hallway and into the alleyway that I had entered from.

"Fuck fine." I said, turning off the phone and continuing applying pressure on his wound. "Please Andrew, don"t die.” I sobbed, stroking his face. "Ava, I need you too find the car and bring it around." Travis ordered, struggling to grab his keys out of his pocket.

I nodded and removed my hands from Andrew, as scon as I wasn't touching him I felt empty and alone. I ignored the feeling and grabbed the keys from Travis and sprinted out of the alleyway.

I turned the corner and saw a few people still by the main door waiting for pictures. I stopped running and carefully walked up too the car that was. parked on the other side of the street.

I unlocked the car and raced towards the alleyway, praying that Andrew was still alive.

"BE CARFUL." I shouted as they placed Andrews almost lifeless body in the car. As soon as Travis and Seb failed into the car I raced out of the alleyway and ignored the speed limit, driving as fast as I could too the hospital.

Everything soon just turned hazy, my eyesight blurry from my crying, my heart shattered from Andrews words and my unspoken thoughts and my head driving me crazy from the thought of another person abandoning me.

A few moments later I was brought back to reality and somehow we I had driven us too the hospital. "HELP. Somebody help." I screamed, tumbling out of the car and trying too hail down a nurse.

A few nurses come running out of the hospital with a stretcher rolling in front of them. I watched as Seb and Travis transferred Andrew from the car too stretcher and the nurses frantically examine him.

"Slight pulse, get OR 3 ready now. He won't live if we don't get him too surgery nowsHe has lost alot of ~ blood." Anurse shouted at the rest of themp=All the nurses nodded their head.and started too run with: the stretcher, Andrew on it, i intathe hospital and through some double doors.

I ran with them and somehow found Andrews almost limp hand intwined in mine. "Ms you cannot go any further." A doctor said, removing my hand from Andrews. I felt the tears and an unknown anger erupt from me "NO, I am going with him." I screamed, trying too hold my tears but failing as soon as I started talking.

I felt Traviss and Sebs hands on my arms, holding me back as I tried too run too Andrew again when they rolled him away from me and then disappeared through a set of doors.

“Calm down, Ava." Travis said, placing his arfas around me and pulling me into his embrace. My legs became weak as my body and mind finally made sense of the situation, fell togythe ground and Travis fell withxme. My knees hit the ground ang buried my head into Traviss chest, my body shaking So uncontrollably and my eyes, once again, flowing with tears. Content belongs to

I had never felt this heartbroken, this lost. this desperate for someone. He couldn"t leave me, I knew I wouldn"t be able too live without him... he completes me.

His soul was completed mine, his arms made for him too hold me, his heart was the only one that could fix mine and I finally figured that out after being apart from him for 1 year.

"I can't lose him.” I cried inte Traviss shoulder. “You won't, if anyone can survive this its Andrew." Travis said, but I could hear the worry in his voice

"I didn't tell him, Travis I didn"t tell him. He is going to die and I didn't tell him.” I sobbed, stuttering over my words due too the excessive crying.


ell him wheq he comes out of surgery." Travis said, stroking my hair, knowing what I was talking =. about. My éyes soon ran out of tears and my-body became too weaktoo S ay Conscious anymore andJ before I knotked out cold in Traviss arms I could hear a doctor come-through the double doors. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Family for Jayson?"

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