Mafia Desire

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Andrew's POV

"I found her boss.” One of my assassins said, entering my office. I looked up from my desk and raised an eyebrow at him. questioning him.

He got the hint and started to explain, "I was told she was hanging with Travis Gambino so I started to look at his house, jets and islands and one of my contacts spotted her at his house in LA.”

My blood started to boil just at the thought of them together.

"She lied to me when she said she didn’t see him like that. She was with him." I thought to myself. “Continue.” I managed to say, restraining myself from throwing chairs across the room.

"Well supposedly she is using one of his jets and coming back to New York.” He added.

My eyes flickered too him and I clenched my jaw as hard as I could, trying not too kill anyone I saw or throw anything I saw. "Kill her." I hissed, beyond furious.

"Yes, boss. She will be landing in 20 minutes." He said, before rushing out of my office.

I watched as he left before I started throwing things. I grabbed my glass of whiskey that I was drinking and threw it across the room at a wall, causing it to shatter into tiny pieces.

I threw all of my papers of my desk and then proceeded to flip my office desk in rage. I couldn’t see anything but red "I let my guard down for a pretty face and she fucking betrays me."

"I bet that whole story about Sylvester was a fucking lie."

I continued to throw chairs and books everywhere as thoughts raced around my brain.

"I love"

"No, I didn’t. She was nothing too me, nothing but a whore."

"She would die and rot in hell."

I stopped throwing things and slowed my breathing. I started to come out of my rage and I began to see things again I heard a ringing from my pocket and grabbed my phone out of it. "What." I growled, still furious.

"I killed her boss, she will die a slow death." He replied

At that moment my heart stopped and I was no longer angry, I was mournful.

Even if she was fake, everything I felt was real

She showed me the beauty of the world. I was happy with her, I felt calm with her and I would never feel it again because she wasn’t with me anymore. I hated myself before she came into my life, she accepted me.

But it was fake and she killed my men, she betrayed my trust. she lied to me and I was too blind too see it. No matter what I would always miss her but I needed to mask it with anger, she wasn't there anymore and I should be happy... I was happy.

"Good." I replied, hanging up. I scanned the room, looking at the mess I had made, books scattered, chairs broken, everything glass no longer intact. "Boss." I heard Alex say, cracking the door open.

"What, Alex?" I sneered, not in the mood to talk.

"I have a few things too talk about with you.” He said, walking into the room, with Ashley behind him.

I rolled my eyes and sat down in the only chair that wasn’t broken. "Fine. make it quick.” I hissed.

"Yes, boss." He said, standing in front of me with some files in his hand.

"We are going to need to start training the recruits now since we are going to war soon." He continued, handing me the files.

My eyes snapped away from the file and up to his, "War? What the hell are you talking about?" I growled, not in the mood for bs

"Why wouldn't we go to war?" I heard Ashley say, coming out from behind Alex. She started too messaged my biceps and tried to shove her chest in my face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled, standing up so Ashley would get off of me. She took a few steps back, surprised at my movement. “Well Travis took Ava from you, so well w-we thought that..." She stumbled.

Red flashed through my eyes when Ashley said her name. "She is worthless and dead. I am not going to start a war over it." I said, dangerously low so both Ashley and Alex took my words seriously.

"Boss, but she was working with Travis and she blew up our base." Alex said, trying to change my mind. I took a few steps towards Alex. towering over him “If I say no war, you will not question it." I hissed

I turned away from him and started to walk back to my chair but stopped when I felt a cool material touch the back of my neck. I whipped around, facing Alex again.

He had a gun pointed at my forehead and a dangerous look on his face. I raised my eyebrow questioning his actions. “Think very carefully about what you're doing." I said.

"If you had just gone with what I said I wouldn't have to do this." He said, motioning for me to sit down.

"This bastard really thinks he can outsmart me.”

I complied and sat down, only because I wanted to know what he was going to do. “Ashley, come here.” Alex said, his gun still on my forehead. Ashley walked over to him and pulled out her own gun and pointed it too my chest.

"What are you doing?” I asked, curious as to why they were turning on me.

“You should have said yes too that war." Ashley said.

"Why?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Well were gonna kill you anyway so why not tell you." Alex scoffed.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.


"So I could have taken over the Gambino gang as the rightful heir instead of Travis." Alex said, slightly smiling.

I watched his expressions as he slightly removed his eyesight off of me. I took the opportunity too slowly reach down, under my chair where two guns were.

“You helped kill my brother and for that you are going to pay with your life but after I kill you I will kill Travis." He continued, still not noticing my small movements. I looked over at Ashley but she was too busy looking at Alex too notice as well.

"So your Robert Tom's bastard brother and that’s why when we ran a background check you didn't show up anywhere." I asked, as I held the guns in my hands ready to pull them out and shoot them both

"Shut your mouth, but yes. When I joined the gang 8 years ago this was my plan all along but then Ava came and made everything better.” He hissed, lacking me right in the eye.

My blood ran cold and I froze at her name... again, but I quickly shook the feeling and continued my plan. “Was she working with you this whole time?” I snarled, letting only more rage enter me.

"No, she wasn't." Ashley said, stepping in front of Alex with a smug look on her face. "Mhm so the bombing and Travis was all for herself." I said, angered even more now. "No that was all us.” Ashley replied.

Andrew's POV

I grabbed the guns and in one swift motion stood up and shot their knee caps before they could register what was happening. They both dropped to the floor and Ashley screamed in agony while I watched as Alex struggled to reach his gun that he dropped. I kicked the gun away from him and stepped on his knee, causing him to scream as well.

"What do you mean that was all you?" I hissed as I continued to apply pressure to his knee. "Ahhhh, fine. fine. It was all us, Ava didn't do anything.” Alex yelped in pain.

I removed my foot of off his knee and stepped back in surprise and confusion but then lunged towards his throat and lifted him off the floor with my hand around his neck.

"Explain everything.” I said, venom laced in every word. "O-Okay." He said, grabbing my wrist for support but I only chocked him harder.

"The bombing, the pictures, everything was us. Ava was innocent." He gasped, trying too breath. Everything came to me in one rush, my head started too spin and I could feel a sinking feeling in my chest.

She never betrayed me, she never lied to me, she wasn't fake... she really was there for me and I betrayed her. I was the one that killed her, I never even gave her a chance to explain and now she was gone... forever.

My pain quickly became anger when I felt Alex still struggling in my hold. He was the one who set her up, he was the one that played me and he would be the one too die.

I watched Alex as his face started to turn purple and I could see his mouth move but I couldn't hear anything coming from it. I checked his neck harder and finally felt his neck snap and his eyes roll too the back of his head. I let go of his lifeless body and watched as it fell to the floor.

I turned too Ashley who was on the floor, eyes wide in horror of what just happened. I grabbed my gun and knew I wouldn’t have to threaten much for her too explain everything. I stalked towards her and watched in amusement as she tried to crawl away but failed miserably.

I grabbed her ankle and yanked it towards me so that her head was now at the tip of my gun "Everything. NOW." I screamed at her, shooting the ceiling so she knew I was being serious

"AHHH okay.” She screamed, jumping at the gunshot. I pressed my gun in her ribcage and put my finger on the trigger as she caught her breathe.

“When you told Alex too find Sylvester I met him outside and he told me what%you had just asked. I then did myswn research and knew that if I coitld get him here in NY > then he-would take Ava away. Alex overkeard my phone call too him oneday and he told me his.ptan to tpg and wage war on the other gang. We then made a plan, we would plant to bomb, Photoshop the pictures and then get Sylvester too kidnap Ava." She explained. Content belongs to

All at the same time I felt my body freeze, my blood boil and my head spin. I let her worst nightmare take her, I promised to protect her and I failed. My best friend betrayed me and this slut was so jealous that she got Ava killed.

"We activated the bomb and Sylvester successfully kidnapped Ava, everything was going too plan but when Ava escaped and you killed her and then you didn’t wage war on Travis our plan failed. And here we are.” She chuckled, like killing Ava was funny.

"YOU THINK IT IS FUNNY?" I screamed shooting her in the stomach. "You will die a slow and painful death, and no one will help you.” I said, walking away from her, leaving her too die.

"No please please. I am sorry, PLE-." She begged, but I ignored it and walked out of my office.

A few moments later I found myself in Ava"s old room, not remembering how I got here. I scanned the room, looking at the mess I had created a few weeks ago, cloths everywhere, my phone shattered in the corner and something shiny next to it.

I walked over to the corner and knelt down searching for the object that made the shimmering. My eyes landed omthe black rose necklace > that I hat-given too Ava the day of her birthday... the day that snewas taker I reached down and picked thenecklace up, feeling its Cool péndant on my skin and‘watching the intricate diamonds sparkle in the moonlight.

I thought back too that night... how we just had a fight but then I told her everything I felt and she accepted it. I remember the things I told her, how I wanted a second chance... how she was my second chance.

I felt a wetness on my cheek and brought my hand up too my cheek to inspect what it was. It was a tear, I had neyercried before... not when I had my.first kill, not when my fathier died, ever. But her gone, deat was enoligh to make me cry, so.Net royself. I held the neck acetip too my chest and let the tearé fall from my eyes as my heart broke. Content belongs to

I would never see her smile again, I would never hear one of her sassy remarks, I would never be slapped by her again, I would never feel the warmness in my heart when she walked into a room again, I would never get too hold her perfect delicate body in my hands, I would never feel her soft lips against mine.

She was gone and I was the monster that had her killed... I killed her.

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