I climbed down the staircase. Half a way I saw ayesha sitting on the couch, so relaxed and

comfortable. It made me worried and uncomfortable.

"What is it that you want ayesha." I asked her as I stood in front of her with my hands folded on my

chest. I was maintaining my posture.

She gave me an evil laugh. Though how much hard I pretend I wasn't freaking but I was failing badly.

"We have a long conversation to make sister." She said emphasizing the word sister. She stood up to

face me. She kept her hand on my shoulder. While I winced at her touch.

"Come to the point ayesha." I said bluntly. I was really tired of all the drama. Now. I wasn't letting her

create one in my home too.

She laughed at me again. She used both of her hands and made me sit on the couch. The same place

where she was sitting. What exactly is she upto. I could easily see something cooking in that head of

her. Something which is completely inedible for me.

She looked a little up probably wondering something. She began to walk to and fro. But slowly. After a

while she began to speak.

"Do you remmber when my mom along with me came for in for the first time to the house. You're

mother was there too." She said but I decided not to respond. Why is she scratching the long forgotten

wounds. And I do remmber that day. Worst day in my and my ammi's life.

She looked for a while for my response when she didn't she began her speech again.

"Of course you remmber. Then you might also remmber that same day your mother left along with you"

she said still walking to and fro with her hands behind her as if she is walking in a garden.

"Do you ever wonder why you're mother left." She asked now looking at me.

"No one would ever like to be with a person who is cheating on you." I said. Flashback were running in

my head. Yelling of ammi. Me crying. Baba with ayesha's mother. At that time I didn't knew what

happened why my ammi was crying. But I do remmber that day.

"Well. You are right but you what I think and what actually the reason was that your ammi left." She

said still walking in her imaginary garden.

"Because she didn't wanted to step in between two people who immensely love each other." She said

clapping her hands together. Does what ever she's saying matters now. It's all in past and half of the

people of the story are even dead now.

She looked at me for my reaction but all I deed was turn my face away from her. Who really wants to

look at her. Why is she talking about my ammi. What she has to do with her. And why now.

"Don't test my patience ayesha. Come to the point" I said still not looking at her. She better comes to

the point.

"You know some times. I really think about our lives. I mean mines, yours and armaan's." She said and

I looked at her. He has nothing to do with this.

"It's funny how our lives are same as our parents." She said charmingly. But it made each cell of my

body go mad at her. I couldn't had much sanity to take her shit in.

"What the hell ayesha. Are you out of your mind." I almost yelled as I got up from my place and hold

her arm tightly to make her know how piss off I am. From the little corner I saw the maid watching it. It

was taking everything from me not to push her out of my home.

"You are just like your mother dua" she said releasing her arm from my grip.

"Just think about what I am saying dua. Just think." She said calmly making a chill run down my spine.

She created a distance in between us.

"What they say. History repeat itself. You must not getting me. Let me elaborate it to you." She said. I

watched her in disbelief. There's no way our lives are same. There's no way history would repeat itself.

"Baba were in love with my mom, even before your mother came into the seen" she said and took a


"Similarly armaan was in love with someone, even before you came into the seen" she said and I went

completely frozen in my place. How she knows about it. Millions of thought were running around in my

head. But none was clearly visible. She noticed the sudden change within me. I was trembling. She

definently has no good new's. My legs weren't supporting my body. I moved back by the fear until my

leg touched the couch and I landed on it.

"Am I right or am I wrong dua." She was now in front of me bend to my sitting level with her hands still

behind her. She was smiling looking at me in eyes like she found out what she was looking for. I didn't

had the guts to look in her eyes. She regained her posture.

"Let me continue the story....." she said and began to walk to and fro again.

"But baba were forced to marry your mother by dadu." She paused until she walked in the middle.

"Similarly armaan was forced to marry you dua." She said with a dare in her eyes and smile on her lips.

I just kept quiet listening to her. Because I had no words to fight back with hers.

"Then when you're mother and baba thought everything was fine. But one fine day reality walked in and

knocked on the door." She said while in my mind I was screaming her to stop but she didn't.

"Similarly when dua and armaan thought everything was fine. But one fine day reality..."

"Shut up" I yelled at her. "Shut up

Shut up. Shut up." I said covering my ears. But she came and removed my hands. Uncovering my


"You are so cowards dua. You are so cowards. You can't even face the reality." She yelled in front of

me. But my head was shooting with the pain. The same pain that I was having a month ago. I rescued

my hands from her grip and placed it on my head tightly so that it might get reduced. I was hurting both

physically and emotionally.

Ayesha pulled my hands down again holding them in the place more tightly then before.

"You knew that. Yes you knew all of these. You already knew that someone else is already in his life

before you walk in. You knew that. Then why the hell did you were still with him. Why just now said no

one would be woth such a person whose cheating right then why you kept hanging along with him.

Why you kept tagging. Are you that sick. It's you dua the poor innocent soul. The good one. Just like

your mother. Just like her." She said but my ears were ringing loudly. She was yelling on face. But my

pain was shooting high.

I began to groan in pain. I pushed her back with all my might. I watched her almost falling but regaining

herself. I clutched my head back. The pain was killing me. Never it was this high. I needed my pills


Just as I wish I saw the maid clutched in front of me with sad expressions. She gave me the pills and

water. I chugged it down my throat.

I looked up. Ayesha was scolding the maid. The maid left in hurry. She must have given her the life

threat. The pain was slowly shooting down now. I was coming to my senses back. I began to breathe

heavily, providing my brain with enough of oxygen. Just as the doctor said me to. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Ayesha appeared again. She sat beside me. Making me turn to look at her.

"Oh dua. I don't know, how happy armaan would be when he knows the truth." She shook a little bit.

"He would be so happy when he would find that it was me who his been searching. You know dua he

also set up an agency to find me. Yes me." She said.

"It's you. Who he loves." I said timidly.

"Yes. Yes me." She said softly.

"I can't wait to see his reaction. He must be waiting really long all this time. He must be liking you but

when he'll find out that the person he loves is me that he finally found me he forget everything even you

dua." She said moving some hair behind my ears.

"Just like baba forgot about ammi" I said with hopelessness in my voice.

"Yes. You are getting it. Just like baba forget about your mother. Now you have to leave him just like

your mother left baba so that he could be with mom happily." She said and I nodded to her. Seeing the


"You were there right. You saw how happy baba and mom were when your mother left. We were a

happy family. Do you think armaan would be happy with you while all this time his heart was longing for

someone else." She said. I nodded. He said he loves someone else that day ayesha is saying right.

"So you have to leave him. Unless you want to stay and want him to kick you out from his life." She


"It would hurt you more dua. Would you like him to see with someone else right on front of you." She

asked while I nodded negative. I don't even want to imagine that.

"I have already have done everything. You don't have worry about anything. I am here for you dua."

She said and I nodded again.

A paper appeared in front of me. She handed me a pen. My hands were trembling, shaking very badly.

"Don't think twice dua. Sign them. Be free. Make us free. Let armaan be with whom he really loves.

Please." She said.

"What about me. I love him too. I don't want to leave him." I said crying hard.

"But he doesn't loves you. He loves someone else." She said and his words came in my mind

You are forced to be with someone else. You might look happy outside but deep down you know you

are faking. A part that person will always be within you. Though how much badly you want to forget

about it but you could not. You just can't. I you know what hurts you more that even if life would give

you a chance. You couldn't do what you.

"Do you like someone."


I looked down on the paper.

"Come on dua sign it. Leave him. You deserve so much better" I heard her speak beside me.

I signed the divorce papers. He would be happy now. Once and forever. I would no longer be scared

that he would remmber her. I would no longer be scared that confuses me with her. I no longer have to

worry about him being with someone else. Because he would be... one day...

I wish I could change things armaan. But I don't want to run away from the reality. I am no more scared

to face it. I gonna face no matter what.

But I am gonna miss you. You might not like me but armaan I love you. . It's hard to forget you. It's

gonna be hard without you. I am gonna miss you. Your face. Your smile. Your cockiness. Your eyes.

Your touch. Everything.

Maybe we were never MADE FOR EACH OTHER.

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