Love Wins Over Lust

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

"She is fine, Mr Knight. She fainted due to pain and shock. We have given her painkillers for the

swelling in her jaw will go slowly with the help of medicines and the bruises will fade away soon," the

doctor informed Liam about Aurora's condition. Liam nodded and finally agreed to the surgery of his


Ralph checked Susan's reports. She was fine and discharged from the hospital. "Let me help you."

She raised her hand. "I don't want or need your help. You have done it enough. Where is Aurora? I

don't remember much but I was in the washroom and a woman…"

"You were drugged."

She stiffened. "Aurora?"

"She had been kidnapped but no worries now Liam had saved her…"

"Shut your mouth, is that also part of your Brother's plan? What does he want now? More money,

business? He is disgusting," she shook her head. "You were aware of your brother's disgusting plan,

right? How big of a scoundrel you are Ralph? I doubt you got involved with me for this pur…" her eyes

widened. "You got involved with me for it too. So that you can keep your eyes on her through me."

Ralph looked away, yes he was involved with her for the exact same reason. He didn't want anyone or

anything to come between his brother and his goal.

Susan moved forward and glared at him. "I won't let your scoundrel brother take advantage of my

friend anymore. She told me everything about how your brother blackmailed her into marrying him.

How he manipulated her. I will tell Thomas about all the things she went through here, how he caged

her in his room and once Thomas knows about all this then your brother is going to run for his life.

What did you both think that she had no one after Ethan? She is my sister, not a friend, Ralph and I am

going to teach your brother the lesson he won't ever forget for treating Aurora like this. Where is

Aurora?" She demanded, "I won't let her stay here for a single second more."

Ralph clasped her hand. "You will not interfere in their marriage." Ralph knew what Liam could do to

her. If he could try to kill the man who always stood by him then he could do anything to Susan.

"Really? Who will stop me?" She snatched her hand and dialled Aurora's number, "where are you

Aurora?" She muttered when she didn't accept her call. She recalled how Liam had snatched her


"Where is Aurora? Has your brother snatched her phone again?"

Ralph gritted his jaw. He didn't want her in any trouble. "I told you not to interfere. You don't know the

reality of the situation."

She took a deep breath. "Ralph, I don't care about anything you say. Getting involved with you was a

mistake and I regret it badly. I do not want to see your face and I suggest you do the same. Now

please, Tell me where is Aurora?"

Ralph gritted his jaw. "She is at home. Happy with her husband…"

Aurora didn't need to hear anymore. She walked out of the hospital room and went straight to Liam's

House with Ralph following her in his car.

Even though their enemies are dead, he was not going to take her security for granted.

When Susan reached there she was stunned to see Thomas there. "Thomas…" Susan ran to him.

"Thank God you are here, I was about to call you but I didn't know what happened I opened my eyes in

the hospital. Have you met Aurora? She told you what happened to her here?"

"Susan, calm yourself and tell me what happened? I know you are worried but she is taking a rest.

Liam is with her."

"Liam! That scoundrel. Thomas, how did you allow her to marry him so soon? You don't know why she

is going through here? That man didn't treat her well. She was being harassed by him, mentally. He Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

blackmailed her to marry him in exchange for saving Ethan's life. He was pretending to be in love with


Ralph clasped her hand to stop her. "Susan, stop it!"

"I told you not to touch me. So keep your hands to yourself," she snapped at Ralph.

"Aurora didn't want to live here, Thomas. She wanted to get out of this marriage. She asked me to help


Thomas' eyes sharpened. "She asked for help?"


Liam walked out of the room when he heard loud voices from outside. "What is happening here?" He


"You tell this, where is Aurora and what have you one to her this time? Is locking her in the room,

blackmailing her, mentally abusing her and snatching her phone was not enough that now you

kidnapped her? What do you want? If you think I would let you hurt her then you are wrong, Liam. She

wants to leave you and I will take her away from you!"

Liam's fisted his hand. "Enough! Who are you to interfere in my marriage? This is my wife and my

matter, you are no one to interfere."

"No, this is because you treated my sister like this. I thought you loved her. That's why I helped you

take her away from Gabriel but you are worse. She was crying in my arms, begging me to take her

away from you," Susan looked at Thomas who was glaring at Liam.

"Thomas, she was scared of telling you all because he threatened her with Ethan's life."

"Susan!" Liam snapped but Ralph pulled her closer to him. He glared at his brother. "Don't raise your

voice at her, Liam."

He frowned but understood the meaning behind his words with the look in his eyes. Ralph liked Susan.

He calmed himself. He couldn't hurt her for two reasons, one was his brother, it was clear he wouldn't

let him harm her and the second was his wife who loved her too. So Susan Kelly was safe from Liam's


"What is she saying?" Thomas demanded.

"I don't have to answer you anything. Don't forget that."

Thomas didn't like the way he answered him and went closer to Liam's face. "We had a deal!" He

gritted out, not caring about Susan.

"Yes and according to that you will not interfere in my marriage. I am.her husband. Whatever it is

between us we will solve it but no outsider will interfere in my married life."

Aurora came out of her room. She was still not able to get comfortable with the things she came to

know about her family and not to mention she killed Gabriel. Her heart stopped when she thought

about it. She had killed someone but she was not ashamed of it. She did it to save Liam. If she had not

done it, he would have killed her.

When she reached the hall she was stunned to see Susan arguing with Liam. "Susan…" she called


Susan's eyes widened when she watched Aurora. She ran to her, "what happened to your face? Oh my

God! Did he do this? Tell me the truth, you don't have to fear…"

Liam made an angry sound in his throat and went to Aurora. "What are you doing here Little one? You

have to rest."

She blinked. The images how he saved her from Gavin, how he shielded her from the bullets firing

around her and killed the man who wanted to rape her flashed in front of her eyes. But then she

remembered the things he did to her, the lies he said to her. Was there an end to the lies he said? She

didn't think so.

She cleared her throat. "Susan he didn't hurt me, he saved me from getting hurt."

"What are you saying Aurora?"

She nodded and told her everything she went through. Susan hugged her. "I am so sorry you went

through all this Aurora. But you don't have to suffer anymore. We will leave…"

"She is not going anywhere, you are…" Liam said. He couldn't harm her but he sure was not going to

let anyone come between him and Aurora.

"Thomas you have seen her, she is fine and happy with me. You may leave for your city. My wife and I

will solve whatever issue we have between us."

"You will not decide it, Liam, I will," she said and glanced at Thomas. "I want some answers uncle."

Thomas nodded. "You can ask anything, Aurora."

"Aurora went to him." Is it true that you and Dad are not businessmen? You both are in the mafia…"

she asked once they were in Liam's office, alone.


"Don't lie to me, Uncle. Please do not today, I have suffered enough. At least tell me the truth now."

Thomas sighed. He knew it was the time Aurora knew about the reality of their lives. She could handle

the truth, there was no reason to hide it anymore. "Yes, it's true."

Aurora fisted her hands. "It means he was right, Dad and Liam deal in drugs and weapons. He is

involved in the business of prostitution…"

"No, don't doubt your father, Aurora. Savannah was against it and your father shut any business which

involved this.

A heaviness lifted off her shoulder. "Why didn't he tell me, Uncle? Why didn't he leave this business?"

She asked with a heavy heart?

Thomas took her hand in his. "Aurora, he tried, he left everything, this world, this business everything

but his enemies took advantage of it and attacked him. You didn't know what happened because you

were sleeping. You mother died that day saving you, Ethan was brutally attacked. Savannah died with

her unborn child. This is a cruel world we live in, Aurora. You can't leave this world alive."

She touched her necklace. "Mom knew about dad being a criminal?"

"Yes, she didn't like it but her love for your father was more than her hate for the business. She used to

say, her heart brought them together and she was going to live her life with Ethan," he patted her


"Her last words were, I wish I had not asked Ethan to leave this world. I would have lived a happy life

with him," he smiled. "And she asked me to take care of you, Aurora. She wanted you to live your life

for love. I know it's a lot to take in but your father might be a mafia man but he never hurted children

and Women. Never."

Aurora swallowed the heaviness in her throat. "Uncle, has Dad ever hurted her?"

Thomas fisted his hand." Has Liam hurted you? If yes then I will not leave him alive, you don't have to

worry about anything tell me, Aurora. Do you want to live with him?"

Aurora once again swallowed. "I don't know Uncle. He hurted me, yes, but I don't know. When he save

me…" she hugged him tightly and sobbed.

Thomas patted her back. He chuckled as he recalled the day when Savannah did the same thing

Aurora was doing right now. "Your mother asked me the same question, Aurora. She wanted to be with

Ethan but never liked his work. I told her to think with her heart and she decided to stay with Ethan.

She told me it was the best decision of herlife. I am telling you the same thing.

Think with your heart."

Aurora nodded, she couldn't forget the moments she spent with him. She only wanted him to love her

for real. She decided to check whether he really loved her or not?

She went to her room and started packing for her clothes. "What are you doing?" Liam asked to see

her packing.

"I am leaving, Liam. I can't stay with you anymore."

He clasped her hand and turned her around. "You can't leave. I will not allow you to leave."

Aurora threw her clothes. "You can't stop me, Liam. My uncle is downstairs, waiting for me and this

time you can't lock me in. You can't blackmail me anymore because my uncle knows everything!"

Liam gritted his jaw. "You think I care! Killing your uncle is not a bug deal for me. I will kill him and

anyone else who tries to come in between us. You have seen me, Aurora, you have seen my bad side."

"I have seen your worse side, Liam and that's why I am leaving because including live with a man who

dont love me. Who only pretended to love me for the sake of business and now I understand what

business. I am sorry, I can't live with you, I can't live in a marriage which does not have love. I can't live

with a man who doesn't love me!"

He pulled her closer to him. "Who said I don't love you! I love you Aurora. I changed my rules, my

methods for you, you have messed up my mind completely. I changed my decisions for you. You turned

me into this loving fool and now you can't leave me after destroying me with your love."

Aurora blinked twice before speaking. Her heart cried in happiness. He loves her. Really love her! "I

don't believe you!"

"What proof do you want of my love? Tell me what do you want me to do to make you believe that I

love you."

"When did you fall in love with me?"

He chuckled."The day when I saw your photograph for the first time. I thought it was just an attraction

but no, it was not. Your stubbornness attracted me more than anything else Aurora. I fell in love with

your attitude, your pride and your child-like innocence. I fell in love with you when I met you in that

jewellery exhibition."

She frowned. "What exhibition?"

"The one in Dawson. You threw me in the fountain pool."

"Really! I dont remember. Oh no, I was drunk."

He could see her getting relax in his arms. "How could I forget you and your love for Alcohol. It played

a great role in bringing us together, Little one."

Aurora forgot all about her plan to pretend to leave him and shook her head. Then she became serious

once again, "is it true that you have business in selling women? Do you have brothels and…" she

couldn't complete the sentence and only looked into his eyes.

"Yes. I have."

She nodded. "If you want me to stay then stop this business. Women shouldn't be treated like an object

Liam. I will believe in your love and stay if you agree to stop…"

"I agree!" He said before she could even finish the sentence. "I love you, Little one. I love you more

than anything in this world. No manipulation, no hidden plan, just true love Aurora. I won't treat you the

same way I did till now. I won't cage you anywhere except for my heart. Will you be my wife till the end

of my life?" He asked.

Tears pooled into her eyes as she nodded. "Yes!" She hugged him tightly and Liam kissed her head

softly. He wanted to kiss her for a long time but her jaw and lips were still swollen and he didn't want to

hurt her. Instead of kissing, they hugged each other."

"Your friend is waiting downstairs to kill me."

She slapped his chest. "Don't forget that ever because if you ever hurt me again. She won't have you


"I better be sacred than."

"You should…"

….And the banter continued for a long time. In their moment of love and passion, they forgot about

everyone else.

Aurora found her true love in Liam. He was not the man who could be moved easily but she loved him


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