Love, Milo

: Chapter 29

One to his jaw.

The sound of my knuckles meeting his face thrills me—an overdue action.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins, fueling me like crack does an addict. The blood oozing from his busted lip drips on the hardwood floor below his beaten face.

I don’t exactly know the moment I begin my abuse. The moment I found Raelynn, things all seemed to go blurry.

Especially after I heard what he said to her.

His ego seemed a little too high for someone whose life is nothing but taking advantage of women. And each punch lowers it just a bit.

I get one last one off across his cheek before Raelynn puts a delicate hand on my shoulder. ‘The police are on their way, Milo, Gia called them. That’s enough for now.’

I shake my head, every muscle in my body tense as I stare at the pathetic excuse of a man lying underneath my tight grip around the shirt of his collar. If a fire were racing through my body, I’m sure flames would be coming out of every possible hole in my face right about now. Nothing can compare to the speed of my heartbeat.

My gaze goes from Jaden up to Raelynn. I know deep down she wishes I continue. She wishes that I kill him. Send him to his grave for what he’s done to her.

But Raelynn is a good girl, no matter how much she pretends to act like a bad one.

Panting I flex my bruised hand and stand up and grab ahold of Raelynns arm, then face, bringing her close to me.

She’s crying silently, tears steadily running down her face.

My body softens at the sight of her, and I wipe away the wetness on her cheeks. ‘Don’t you cry, love,’ I whisper only to her. ‘You hear me? Don’t you cry?’

Her head drops into my shoulder, and I hold her tightly against me and walk us out of the room to where Gia sits on the floor crying as well.

Although I rarely had conversations with Raelynn’s sister, I can’t imagine how she’s feeling now.

She was seconds away from marriage before running away from her fiancé, to unknowingly meeting her sister’s abuser all in one day.

Who knows how long before Gia became his next target?

The thought makes my throat burn.

Holding out the arm that isn’t wrapped around Raelynn, I invite Gia to my other shoulder.

I found out from Genesis is that hugs are the best form of comforting someone. And right now, these two both need a long one.

Gia stands up from the hallway floor and walks towards me, mimicking Raelynn’s stance, her head digging into my shoulder.

I stand there with them both till the police arrive.


It’s been two weeks since Jaden Caddel has been put in prison.

Raelynn had his confession on tape, and others had stood up and shared their story along with hers.

The trail was rough to sit through and listen to every detail Raelynn had kept from me about her assault. But I heard every word. And I applaud her for even being able to say them out loud. It was only a few months ago when restating what happened was impossible.

I can see how much she’s grown. How much stronger she’s gotten since I first met her, panicking in that elevator. How little to no power that bastard holds over her now.

It was satisfying even for me to hear the judge slam down her hammer, sentencing Jaden to twenty years in prison.

And it was freeing to Raelynn, I’m sure, to finally have justice served for the trauma he put her through.

‘Children,’ I call out to my chatting students.

‘Yes, Mister Evans?’ Haven shouts with a grin on her face, being the only one paying attention.

I sigh and clap a rhythm to which they copy, silencing them.

‘It is the last day of first grade. Are you all excited to become adults?’ I joke.

The classroom erupts in cries and dramatics.

I chuckle at them all, glancing at Raelynn sitting in the back of the classroom with one leg crossed over the other. A tight black dress hugs her body and curves, with an admirable smile plastered on her bronze face, looking just as beautiful as ever.

I send a smirk back before ripping my gaze away from Raelynn and back to my students. ‘I know, I know, no adulting just yet-‘

‘Mr. Evans, what happened to your knuckles!’ A student calls out from their desk, pointing up to the front.

I look down at my unwrapped hand that I’m waiting to dry after washing my hands. There are scraps all over my knuckles, visual proof of what I rightfully did to Jaden’s face.

‘Hm…’ I hum, failing to come up with a lie. ‘Good question.’

Raelynn’s heels click through the room. ‘See, Mr. Evans is really good at saving me from raccoons. So, one day, one attacked, and he jumped in to save me and got scratched up a bit.’

The student’s eyes light up as if they just discovered that their teacher is spiderman.

I chuckle, recalling the day I killed that raccoon Raelynn’s talking about. However, I wasn’t the one who left with any wounds.

‘So, he’s your hero?’ Haven asks Rae.

Raelynn looks at me with a smile and nods. ‘Yeah, exactly. You get it. My hero.’ Her voice lowers as she gets to the end of her sentence, like she’s saying it more to herself than to Haven.

I spend the day wrapping up the year with students, finishing their first official year all together.

Sometimes, I wish life was as simple as learning to sing your ABCs.

Enter my apartment, my hand immediately going to the tie around my neck; I loosen it, drop my keys on the coffee table, and turn to look at Raelynn.

She kicks off her heels, and I clip her hoop earrings. throwing them beside my keys.

Her eyes lock onto mine, ‘Why are you staring at me?’

‘I can’t stare at my girlfriend now?’

‘Not when you look like you’re about to start drooling,’ she tries to hide the smile on her face by turning away from me but I shake my head, walking towards her.

‘Maybe I’m just hungry.’

Her pace quickens, and she runs into the kitchen and around the island in the center, me on the opposite end.

‘Can’t catch me,’ she teases, tauntingly hanging her pierced tongue from her mouth.

I cock my head to the side. ‘Is this what this is? A game of tag?’

‘What? Too slow?’

I dash to one side of the island, and Raelynn does the same on the opposite end, cackling.

I nod. She’s in a playful mood. She’s been in one for two weeks. And I’m not complaining.

I loosen my collar and unbutton my dress shirt down one.

‘Stripping already?’ She pouts playfully. ‘I didn’t even touch you yet.’

She bends over with her elbows on the table, giving me a full display of her breasts.

My eyes can’t help but stick to them both like they’re magnets. They’re the perfect size: two large handfuls on a sculpted body.

She gasps, ‘I have a game we can play.’

Turning around and digging in my cabinets in search of something, I watch her ass in that dress.

Bloody fucking hell.

As she rises from her tiptoes to increase her height and drops back down, her ass bounces. Every bit of movement makes the remaining space in my trousers dissipate.

‘What are you looking for—’

‘Found it,’ she sing-songs, pulling out a bottle of wine from underneath my sink.

Wine, she must’ve hid there from me at some point.

‘Follow me.’

She walks towards the living room, and I do as she says, unroll right beside the couch.

I’m not sure what her plan is, but the wine and the look on her face tell me it’ll be something I enjoy.

‘What are you up to, hm?’ I hum.

‘We’re gonna play Flip, Slip, or Strip. Now sit.’

She presses her palms into my chest and pushes me onto the couch. I land, looking up at her between my legs.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.


‘What’s the rules?’ I ask her.

‘I have a coin,’ she holds a quarter between her fingers. ‘I’ll flip it, and you have to guess what side it lands on. Heads or tails. Guess right, and nothing happens. You guess wrong, and I get to ask you a question you must answer honestly. If not,’ she tugs on my collar, ‘one of these come off.’

I soak in the rules, nodding my head.

‘What’s the wine for?’

She shrugs. ‘Beverage.’

I cough out a laugh and shake my head. ‘Alright, daring, let’s play.’

Her eyes light up as if half expecting me to say no. She sits down on the couch beside me and holds the coin. ‘I go first.’

Spinning the coin, she slams it on the back of her hand and looks up at me. ‘Heads or tails?’

‘Tails,’ I guess.

She lifts her hand and twists her lips. ‘Correct.’ She rolls her eyes and hands me the coin.

I grin at her, spinning and shaking it in my hand.

‘Heads!’ She shouts.

I look down at the George Washington facing me. ‘Correct.’

She bounces, clapping once before snatching the coin back and spinning it.


Just by her smirk alone, I can tell I got it wrong.

She shakes her head and bites down on her bottom lip. ‘What’s my middle name?’

I squint my eyes, unaware that she has a middle name. ‘That isn’t fair. You have never told me it.’

She shrugs. ‘Too bad, answer.’

I look her up and down and lean back, widening my legs. I’m just going to take a wild guess. Something that suits her.


‘Rosie? Really?’ She laughs. ‘That’s the best you can come up with?’

‘What?’ I lift a hand. ‘Roses are sexy. You’re sexy. I merged them together.’

She rolls her eyes. ‘Wrong. I have no middle name.’

My lips pet, and my jaw twists, ‘You dirty little player.’

She giggled at me and waves for me to stand up. ‘Hey, I never said you had to play fair.’

I nod, standing up, taking note of that.

‘Two can play that, sweetheart,’ I mutter as I unbutton my dress shirt, throwing it to Rae. She catches and lowers it, her eyes on my chest and abs.

I sit back down, my clear boner now being the elephant in the room. But now, my legs are wide open as I slouch, with a v-line that disappears under my belt.

I whistle, catching Raelynns attention. ‘My go. Or are you a little distracted?’

She rolls her eyes, tossing me the coin. I catch it spinning.


I look down at the coin and look back up at her deviously. ‘Tails.’

She sits up, ready for my question for her.

‘What’s my favorite tune?’

She twists her mouth. ‘Hm.’ Her finger taps against her lips. ‘It Will Rain by Bruno Mars?’

I raise my eyebrows for a moment. ‘Good guess. But no.’

She gasps. ‘What?’

Maybe it’s because that song is always playing in the back when we’re in the car; I do happen to have it on every playlist.

I shake my head. ‘You’re wrong.’

‘What is it then?’

‘I can’t tell you. Now strip. It’s a shame you have one piece of clothing on, isn’t it? Cuts your game time a bit short, yeah?’ I grin as she stands up and walks towards me. ‘Or maybe that was the plan all along. Was it, beautiful?’

‘Shut up and tell me your favorite song.’ She drops on my groin, and I groan, gripping her waist to where she giggles, laughing.

I stare at her, darting from one eye to the other. ‘There you go.’


‘My favorite song. You’ve done it.’

‘My… laugh?’

I smile crookedly and nod. ‘I could listen to it on repeat.’

Her face softens, and her body drops a little into me, and she smiles. ‘Ugh,’ she sniffles. ‘You and your words.’

Getting off of me, I watch her turn around and move her curls from over the zipper of the dress she wears. I stand up flush to her back and slide my hand around her waist, the other taking the zipper in my fingers and pulling it down slowly.

So slowly, I could practically hear her heartbeat with each second I prolonged. Her legs shift each time I breathe against the back of her neck.

‘What’s the matter?’ I whisper.

She visibly swallows and shakes her head.

I smirk, finishing unzipping her, seeing her turn around with just a bra and a thong.

My eyes scare from her breast to the tattoo on the top of her thigh, to the scars neighboring it.

All of it is beautiful.

She sits down, and we continue for what feels like hours.

Each moment she sits in front of me, not allowing me to reach for her or touch her, being achingly long.

But we play until I’m naked, and her final piece of clothing is being removed.

She stands up and walks between my legs. ‘Take them off.’ Speaking about her thongs.

I look up at her, and she nods.

Don’t have to tell me twice.

I curl one finger around both sides of the thing but halt, bringing my mouth to her lower stomach and sucking on her skin.

She stops breathing, touching my head and gripping my hair.

Rock solid, I drop to my knees off the couch and lower my lips with the material between my fingers, inching closer to her wet vagina.

I look up momentarily to her, and her lips parted, eyes softening.

Until I lick over her clit.

She gasps sharply, and I lick again, separating her lips. Her legs lock together, and I shake my head, pushing her down on the couch where her legs go up and over my shoulders, giving me full access to her pretty pussy.

I waste no time indulging. Flicking my tongue against her clit, sliding the flat of it along her entirely. She squirms and whines and pulls at my hair so tight I think some strands might fall out, but the thrill of satisfying my woman overboard any ounce of pain at the moment.

‘Milo,’ she cries out. ‘Please.’

I raise my head for a second. ‘Please, what, my love?’ And I’m back, slipping my tongue in and out of her, taking turns with my fingers until she can’t even finish her sentence well enough.

Until she’s shaking uncontrollably at the side of my head.

Until she cries out loud the syllables of my name as she cums on my tongue

‘Good job,’ I praise, leaning up to make out a doll with her aggressively. Her nails big into my back as I move her to hers, leaning over her and positioning my cock between her legs.

‘Fuck me,’ she mutters in my heart.

I moan softly, gripping my cock in my hand, pressing my wet tip against her wetness. ‘Say it again for me. Nicely.’

‘Fuck me,’ she cries. ‘Please.’

I slip my tip inside her right hole, and she gasps. ‘Like this?’

I slide fully inside of her with ease, hitting her crevice and feeling her walls tighten and fit around my size. ‘Or like this?’

‘That,’ she stutters. ‘Like that.’

‘Yeah?’ I nearly slide out before slowly giving her every inch of me again, watching her eyes roll to the back of my head, her jaw locked open.

‘That’s right,’ I whisper. ‘You’re not in charge all the time, darling.’

I slip out, tapping my head against her clip, watching her jerk with each it before ramming back into her, this time having to keep myself from losing control.

I grip the couch beside her and the side of her hip, hammering every inch deep inside until I hear her gasp more harshly at a certain spot.

‘There? Is that where you want it?’

I hit that same spot over and over again. Watching as she shakes uncomfortably around my cock, releasing. I let her ride out her joy, before I pull out, finishing seconds after on her stomach.

After cleaning her up, panting and sweaty and long breaths follow, we lay beside each other, both out of breath and tired.

She turns to me. ‘I love you,’ she whispers.

‘I love you too—’

My eyes flick to the living room TV playing quietly in the background when I see a familiar car and a familiar name on the news channel.

My eyes widen and I reach for the TV remote, turning up the volume.

‘This just in, a fatal car accident has occurred here in downtown New York City, and it’s said to believe businessman Morgan Evans is one of the victims of this devastating accident.’

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