Love, Milo

: Chapter 11

I don’t know how long I’ve been staring at her sleep.

It’s been quite a while. The sun is up now.

She twists at night, whimpers, and occasionally shuffles to cuddle next to me. She slept entirely on my chest for an hour or two. And that’s when she stopped moving and making noise altogether when she was touching me in some way.

I fell asleep for a short while to wake up and now find her balled in a fetal position, my arm locked tightly against her body like a toddler with a stuffed animal.

When I say tightly, I mean the strength of an athlete on steroids. The circulation in my hand is practically cutting off.

But it makes my lip perk into a smile. Whatever she was dreaming about that caused those whimpers and worrisome twists and turns, I appeared inside of it and ridden the problem for her with the simple touch of my hand. It’s a shame that it’s nearly seven in the morning. I have to get ready for work, and I can smell the breakfast that either Genesis or our mother is making. I haven’t had home-cooked food in a while, not since I moved out.

Wiggling my hand, I spend a minute freeing it from Raelynn’s grip without waking her up before quietly and slowly getting out of bed to make my way to my private bathroom. I miss having a bathroom in my room, which the other apartment doesn’t have. Though it’s exactly like what I was looking for.

I shower, brush my teeth, and put on a change of clothes. My teacher’s outfits weren’t different from my usual ones other than me wearing more than black and white shirts.

Since today is an Easter celebration, I went for pink.

My students have been speaking about this week for days.

Some people would be surprised to know how much six and seven-year-olds actually chatter—most of the time about nothing at all.

Ruffling my hand in my damp hair, I leave the bathroom, my shirt not buttoned up entirely and my tie hanging around my neck undone.

I halt my stroll into my room when I see Raelynn sitting in my bed, wide awake and pale-faced.

‘Rae?’ She snaps her head to the side and looks at me as if frightened, and my brows furrow. ‘Are you alright? Did you sleep well?’

Stray strands of curly hair fall from her braids just past her shoulders. Her eyes are large and puffy with sleep. A morning Raelynn looks just as… appealing as any other Raelynn. How does she do it? Maybe it’s her lack of flaws that attracts my eyes so strongly or how I pay so much attention to her that I notice things others wouldn’t—how her jaw is naturally slanted ever so slightly, how she can’t keep her lips from between her teeth, or how her smile isn’t entirely symmetrical. I can’t seem to tell.

She exhales through her mouth and then opens her eyes to look at me again.

‘I slept?’ She asks.

I blink. ‘Yeah, you slept.’ A breathy laugh leaves me following my ‘obviously‘ tone.

She smiles a small smile, showing her perfect teeth. ‘All the way through? Like, the whole night?’

I nod, stepping towards my desk mirror to fix my appearance. ‘I’m pretty sure that’s how sleeping works, love. However, maybe look into that hand grip you got there. Ever thought about football because you nearly cut squeezed my damn hand into halves for—’

Raelynn squeals loudly and high-pitched like an out-of-tune piano, kicking her feet and slipping off the bed. I slowly face her as she runs around the bed and towards me, arms wide.

My eyes widen, and she collides with my body like a train, wrapping her legs around my torso. I’m thrown back a step or two, thankful my desk is behind us to help balance me.

‘Thank you,’ she cries out. ‘Thank you so much. God, I can’t thank you enough.’ She says, muffling her words against my neck.

‘You’re welcome,’ I stutter with a laugh, hugging her back tightly. ‘Though, I don’t know what I did to deserve… this.’

She squeals again, shuffling in my hands, and I squeeze her thighs against my sides to keep her glued to me. I try not to think about it much, her body glued to mine. The way her thighs sit in my grasp. The fact that her legs are willing wrapped around me followed by a smile plastered on her face. Her ass is just a foot away from my dick.

Whatever I did, I hope I do it again.

She grins and says, ‘Just know you’ve helped me.’ Her head rises, and she stares at me. A content smile sits on her pretty lips, and I stare at them for seconds too long, long enough for her to notice. Her brows drop in curiosity, and I dart my eyes to hers, but she’s also staring at my mouth. I feel my body flush, igniting into flames. Her hand comes up to my face, and the simple touch of her thumb grazing over my lips makes me go internally insane.

“You have no idea what you’ve done,” She whispers, her voice tickling every part of my brain.

I shake my head, panting. “Not a clue, but I’d do it a hundred times over if it makes you this happy with me.”

I part my lips to speak again just as she leans in to kiss me. Softly and gentle, like she’s afraid of what she’s decided. It’s so delicate that I’m hesitant to add more pressure despite my rapid heartbeat saying otherwise. Yet, her head tilts as she does it for me, squeezing her body against me by tightening her feet around my hips.

My face burns with arousal. With my hands on her thighs, I slide them up and under her shirt, feeling the soft skin of her defined lower back.

A soft whimper leaves her, opening her mouth for me to explore.

I take steps towards my bed, slipping my eager tongue into her mouth, finding her own to connect with. Her tongue piercing rubs against me. A rhythm between our mouths is found soon, and before I realize it, I have her under me, on my bed, her legs—covered in my sweatpants—spread apart, and my body snug between them.

Whatever has gotten into her this morning, I never want it to leave. I need it to stay forever.

The sounds of our deep kisses and her soft moans fill the air, and I back away for a moment to catch my breath.

I look at Raelynn, swollen-lipped from me sucking on them, her flushed face and bright with color, eyes low and a look in them that makes me nervous. I did it all.

The flat of my thumb pulls down her bottom lip just a bit. ‘Fuck.’

Her eyes dart between mine, a hand slipping into my hair, gripping it. She shifts us sideways, and I let her take control.

She moves me to my back and straddles me. My clothes cover her body, too much for my liking, but I don’t attempt to take them off. If she wants them off, she’ll do it herself.

Staying in this moment is my number one priority.

Her hips and sweet ass grind slightly against my bulge, and I whimper out a mess of a moan.

‘So sexy,’ I whisper, and she takes in her bottom lip and smiles.

Lowering herself, she comes back down, kissing me again, filling my hunger for the addictive taste of her.

Her tongue explores my mouth, her kisses no longer soft and gentle but asserting and curious. Her fingers run down the shallow stubble on my cheeks, and a shiver travels down my spine, joining the blood gushing towards my growth under Raelynn’s ass.

A doorknob twist makes us both gasp for a sharp breath of air. ‘Milo! Mom and I made you and Raelynn brea—’

I snap my head to Genesis entering my room, holding a spatula in her hand.

Her jaw is practically on the floor, and her eyes shift between me pinned to the bed sheets and Raelynn being the reason for it.

‘Um, first off, I’m disgusted,’ she announces, ‘and second, lock your door next time.’

I glare at her. ‘How about you learn how to knock? You—’ She shuts my door before I finish insulting her.

I close my eyes, finding that my heart still beats gf66 a thousand miles an hour, Raelynn’s breath following the rhythm as well, I can hear it. I wonder if she’s noticed mine, too.

She clears her throat and I look up at her. She darts her eyes away from me, something washing over her, and slips off my lap. I force myself not to groan and pull her back to the spot on my abs that’s now cold.

But I sit beside her instead, Placing a hand on her knee.

‘I shouldn’t have…’ she shakes her head, bringing her nails to her mouth as if to hide behind her hands and

I sigh, having no choice but to lift my hips and adjust my slacks. ‘Shouldn’t have what exactly?’

A sorry isn’t exactly what I expected to hear. In fact, it’s the last words I expected to leave those lips.

‘What, um, what I just did.’ Shyness falls over her, and she finds it hard to look me in the eye.

From what I know, she’s not necessarily the shy type, yet she’s all flustered because of me. I find it cuter than a fucking kitten.

‘Kissing you,’ she clarifies after I stare at her for probably too long. ‘Sorry.’

Her legs are crossed over one another; I wonder how bad the ache is between them or how much wetness resides on her underwear as she speaks to me.

I snap out of my filthy thoughts and lean back on the headboard, my hands behind my head.

‘You’re sorry for kissing me,’ I repeat slowly, looking at her.

She nods. ‘I mean, I should’ve asked… what if you didn’t want to or didn’t like it…’ she stumbles over her words, but I chuckle.

‘Raelynn, God, Raelynn,’ I recite her name quietly, groaning with a huffed laugh. She has no idea the pain I’m in. ‘Sweet, sweet, Raelynn.’ I shake my head, looking at the ceiling. ‘There’s a reason I haven’t moved from this spot on this bed yet.’

Her head tilts. ‘What is it?’

I look back at her timid expression and then down at the tent my dick has created with my slacks. ‘I can’t exactly walk out with a boner in front of my family.’

I don’t look at her, afraid she’ll do something to make me grow instead of the opposite.

She’s probably staring at it again—Stop.

Waffles. Yes, waffles sound interesting to think about right about now. Their fluffiness and sweet thick syrup… that drizzles over—

Fucking hell.

I sit up, stand without a word, and walk to the bathroom.

‘Where’re you going?’ Raelynn asks from behind.

I look at her over my shoulder as I open my bathroom door. ‘I need to take care of what you started, love.’

‘Seriously?’ She huffs a laugh and shakes her head in disapproval.

I raise an eyebrow. ‘Meaning a cold shower. Your head’s still in the gutter, hm?’

‘That’s—’ she halts. ‘That’s what I was talking about. A shower, yeah.’ She smiles to play off her awful lie.

I step into the bathroom. ‘Right.’

I close the door behind me, stripping immediately. Naked, I walk towards the shower and turn on the cool water. My second shower today.

Looking down at myself, large and at its fullness, I wrap my hand around my throbbing self, squeezing hard and tightly. A soundless moan leaves me as I throw my head back, the streams of water sliding down my chest and abs, drenching me in the wetness I imagine as her. But it isn’t helping; nothing will help me besides myself or Raelynn, and right now, I only have one option.

I slide my hand down myself, sighing in relief from the pressure against my base.

I think of her, Raelynn dressed in my clothes. Soft, needy moans that left her throat filled my mouth—the way her body grounded perfectly against mine. My hand quickens.

My balance becomes unsteady.

I part my lips, circling my thumb against the sensitive spot on my tip. My lip pains from my teeth digging into it, cursing myself for how good it feels to think about her. How it feels to have tasted her mouth, to feel the addictive touch of her tongue piercing slipping around in my mouth, exploring its new home. I imagine it against my head, her kneeling over me while I lay down—her naked and enjoying the taste of me. The thought of the cool metal on her tongue makes my body shake and shiver. She’d find herself over my face, her heat hovering just above my lips, my mouth watering for the taste of her breath brushing against her. She’d lower herself on my face, and I’d extend my tongue and press it against her soaked—

My eyes squeeze close as I’m pulled back into reality by the core of my stomach hurdling and twisting. My jaw hangs wide open, and my eyes roll to the back of my head as I squeeze myself at my base, letting loose onto the shower floor.

A long, tired groan escapes me, and Raelynn’s name falls from my lips.

I’m left panting, rinsing myself off once and then twice with cold water to shake out the thoughts and images I’ve concocted in my head about my freshly made friend.

Turning off the shower, I step out dripping wet. I grab a towel from the holder and bring it to my face, sighing.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I freeze my movement when I hear the door to my room close shut after all this time.

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