Love For Hire

Chapter 7: 7

Chapter 7: 7

Kinsley zipped up her luggage when she heard a knock at her door. That had to be her ride. She walked to the door and opened it to find Stephen smiling back at her. “Hello, Stephen.”

“Ma’am,” he nodded his head politely. “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I will ever be,” she said, walking back to the bed where she had three suitcases. She had to borrow two from her friend Adalynn. She was not sure what she would need, but she was sure one bag would not be enough. “Do you mind giving me a hand?” She asked as she lifted two of the bags off the bed.

“Not at all,” he said, coming in and taking one bag from her and grabbing another. As they left, Kinsley locked up and followed Stephen down to the waiting car. They placed the bags in the trunk, and then Stephan opened the door. She got into the backseat while Stephen got in and started the car up.

It was near dinner time when they arrived at the palace. Kinsley went inside as Stephen brought the bags in. Walking through the door, Kinsley was met by Octavius. “Good evening Miss. Wells,” he greeted her. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Hello, Octavius.”

Octavius looked at Stephen. “Take Miss. Wells luggage up to the room next to his Majesty’s,” he then looked back at Kinsley. “If you will follow me, the lawyer is waiting in the parlour,” Kinsley followed Octavius through the halls and into a large extravagant room where a man in his early sixties was seated, enjoying a glass of bourbon. He rose to his feet when they entered the room. “Mr. Harry Langley, may I introduce you to Miss. Kinsley Wells,” they shook hands. “I suggest you two go over the contract while I fetch the Prince,” he then left the room.

“Miss. Wells, a pleasure to meet you,” he sat down and opened his briefcase and removed a document. Kinsley sat down on the couch next to him and accepted the contract he was offering her.

“Please read it over and be sure the agreement is to your satisfaction.”

Kinsley read the contract carefully. It outlined exactly what was expected of her and detailed the compensation she would receive and at what point she would receive them. The Prince would pay her rent two years in advance immediately so that she had a home to go home to when their business was concluded. Upon the termination of their contract, her debt would be wiped clean, and her bank account would receive an influx of one million dollars. Should the Prince back out of the arraignment before the end of their three-month agreement, Kinsley would be fully compensated as originally agreed. Should she back out before the three-month deadline, she would receive nothing.

It seemed all in order. Now all they had to do was wait for the Prince to join them.


Nicholas hunched over the toilet and voided the contents of his stomach. He had been at it for ten minutes, and every time he thought he had nothing left, his body surprised him. The sheer strain of it all had resulted in him breaking out into a cold sweat. It baffled him how he had anything to bring up at all. He had not eaten anything today. Worn out from the ordeal, Nicholas lay his head on his arm, which was draped over the toilet seat, trying to catch his breath.

He heard a knock at the door, but he had not the strength to get up, so he just knelt there slumped over the toilet. He heard the door open, and then Octavius was in the bathroom next to him. Octavius was clearly worried. He knelt down on one knee next to Nicholas and lay his hand to Nicholas’ back. “Nicholas, are you alright?” He asked with concern.

“Peachy,” Nicholas breathed.

“Come on; let’s get you up,” Octavius said, lacing his arms under Nicholas’ and helping to hoist him up off the floor and onto his feet. Nicholas leaned against the counter, and Octavius prepared his

toothbrush so he could brush the vile taste out of his mouth. “Miss. Wells and Mr. Langley are waiting downstairs for you.”

Nicholas accepted the toothbrush and began to brush. He scrubbed until all he could taste was the mint from the toothpaste. He leaned over and spit, then accepted the glass of water Octavius offered him. He rinsed his mouth and spat it out. He then took a hand towel and wiped away the sweat from his brow. Octavius offered him a comb, and Nicholas ran it through his hair quickly to make himself presentable. Nicholas looked at himself in the mirror. He was satisfied with his appearance. No one would know he had been getting sick just moments ago.

He looked down at his shaking hands. He opened his cabinet and took out the OxyContin bottle and the Gravol bottle. He poured both into his hand and popped them in his mouth. With the rest of the water in the glass, he washed them down and returned the bottles to the cabinet. “I do not think you are supposed to take that much,” Octavius scolded him.

“When you are dying, you can lecture me about how much medication to take. Until then, get off my back.”

After collecting himself, Nicholas made his way down to the parlour, where everyone was waiting for him. As he walked into the room, both Mr. Langley and Kinsley rose respectfully. He came around the couch and nodded hello, then sat down, and the other two followed suit and did the same.

“You are looking well,” Mr. Langley said. Nicholas disregarded his pointless platitudes. Personally, he thought he looked like hammered shit, but no man in their right mind would say so to his face.

“Can we move this along? I am sure Kinsley must be starving, and dinner is getting cold.”

“Yes, by all means, Your Majesty,” Mr. Langley went over the details of the contract. The obligations and expectations of both parties involved. Nicholas was fine with the parameters of their agreement and agreed to sign. Mr. Langley handed Kinsley a pen and pointed out where she had to sign, then she

passed the pen to Nicholas, and he did the same. With the document signed and sealed, everyone rose, and Nicholas shook Mr. Langley’s hand and had Octavius show the ageing barrister out.

Nicholas placed his hand on Kinsley’s lower back and ushered her from the room. “I trust you are hungry?” He said as he walked her through the palace to the dining hall where their meal was just being placed on the table, the seating arraignment the same as the previous night.

“Am I that predictable?” She asked as he pulled out her chair for her. “Am I not supposed to wait until you sit?” She asked playfully as he waited to tuck her into the table.

He offered her a playful smile. “We are alone; there is no need to stand on formality. Please sit,” Kinsley sat down, and Nicholas slid her into the table then took his own seat. He reached for his wine glass while Kinsley picked up her fork and knife and dug right in. She always ate so quickly. Like a starving orphan afraid the headmaster would take it away. He sipped his wine as he relaxed in his chair and watched her eat.

After a few moments, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him. “Are you not eating?”

“I am not hungry.”

“Are you ever hungry?”


“You have to eat to survive.”

He just smiled. “I eat enough,” he assured her.

“What do you take in like ten calories a day?”

“There are plenty of calories in wine and bourbon and other libations,” he smiled.

“Is that all you do all day… drink?”

“You forget I mix them with painkillers and other narcotics.”

“Are you trying to kill yourself?”

“A few times,” he confessed, lifting the glass to his lips. “Apparently, I am not very good at it, though,” he then forced a smile. “Please finish your meal. Do not worry about me.”

“I suppose this is where we get to know each other,” she said as she continued with her meal.

Nicholas shrugged his shoulders. “If you like.”

“So, should we start with the common questions? Where are you from? What do you like to do? What is your sign?” She rattled off a string of pointless questions.

“I am from Kustium. It is a small country in northeastern Europe. I like horseback riding, fencing, music, the theatre, booze, gambling, and women. As for my sign, I believe I am a Leo. And you?”

“I am from right here in LA. I like the arts. I like the beach. I like movies and music. I am a Cancer.”

He grinned. “You have a birthday coming soon.”

“I guess I do.”

“When is it?”

“July 13th… and yours?”

“July 26th.”

She chuckled. “Wow, one right after the next. We will have to celebrate.”

He shook his head and lifted his glass to his lips. “We can celebrate yours.”

“What about yours?”

“My birthday is hardly worth celebrating.”

“Why not?”

“Why celebrate being one year closer to death?”

“You have a very bleak outlook on life.”

“My future is very bleak. If you can find the silver lining, please do point it out.”

She was quiet for a long time, then Kinsley took a deep breath and smiled at him. “What would you like to do tonight?”

“What would you like to do?”

“I do not know. What does one do in a palace?”

“Whatever one wants.”

“Do you want to go out?”

Nicholas frowned and shook his head. “I do not like going out,” he confessed. Over the past three years, he had become a real homebody.

“But you said you like horseback riding and the theatre….”

“I used to go out,” he cut her off. “I do not go out anymore.”

“Oh, ok,” she thought. “Then how about a quiet night in? We will make some popcorn and watch a movie. I assume you must have a TV in this place somewhere.”

“That would be acceptable.”

She looked at his untouched plate. “Is it safe to assume you are done?”

“I’d say so,” he said, draining his glass and rising to his feet.

“So, where is the TV?” Kinsley asked, coming to her feet.

Nicholas grinned. “It is not so much a TV.”

“What is it?”

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