Judas kiss

Chapter 83- In sickness and health blah blah.

Chapter 83- In sickness and health blah blah.

Six months into the pregnancy.

"I'm glad you decided to stay for two more weeks. It gets really lonely out here knowing Luc, he is

never home." Ben said as he took a sip of his green tea.

"Papa but I'm here!" Luc have his father a questioning look feeling offended.

"It's alright, I like it here so does Leo.. I just hope we return home in time to set up things for the twins.."

Della replied.

"Goodness! Here I was thinking I would never have grandchildren. I'm truly so happy at this point, I

don't mind dying. Well after the twins are born.."

"Grandpa!" Leo said with disapproval.

"He won't die, he just loves joking around.." Luc added but Leo was still concerned. He had spent so

much time with Ben. He had learnt a lot of French phrases but pronunciation was still a big factor

sometimes it even hurt to speak. Leo loved the new environment. At one point it had just been him and

his mother but now he had two grandpa's, a grandmother, an uncle, a father.. Lyle. Leo just felt like he

finally had the family that he yearned for. It wasn't anywhere close to normal but he loved it.

Della and Andre could see how happy he was whenever he was around Ben and Luc. Andre and Della

had been in such a honeymoon phase. Della was actually enjoying her pregnancy. It was so relaxed

and she got pampered constantly. Ben would cook for her some healthy meals that he claimed he also

cooked for Jeanine when she was pregnant. She loved the fact that it seemed every single male in the

Levetté was a good cook. It was just in them.

Andre had taken her sight seeing, he had been the perfect gentleman. They went to Paris for the

weekend where, he pampered her with so much love and affection. She even had the liberty of seeing

their family photo album and looking at little Andre. He looked like a replica of Leo. All in a all Andre

had been nothing but a sweetheart. They got to spend time just the two of them as if Leo wasn't even

there. She got time to think about where she stood with Andre. She loved him and there was absolutely

no need for her to put this distant.

Maybe it was the way other women looked at him. He didn't have a ring on his finger, he looked

absolutely single and ready to mingle. That bothered her, she then realized that is the very same

insecurity that Andre was having. She also wanted people to know that he was taken, he was

absolutely off the market.

Everyday he proved to her that he was now better. That he was molding himself to be the best partner

and father he could be. It was in the way that he looked at her or when she was sleeping in his arms

and she could hear his fast paced heartbeat. Fast paced because he claimed that he felt uneasy

around her, it wasn't something that would change. It was the same excitement that made him look at

her like a dime.

They got married.

In Lyon France, with Ben and Luc as witnesses. It was nothing big or planned. They were having lunch

in a small elegant French restaurant when, Ben asked them about their future plans. Della immediately

out of impulse said she wanted to get married but she didn't want anything big at all. She just wanted a

small ceremonial declaration of love. This was music to Andre's ears. Andre didn't have a ring but Della

already had one. Ben gave his son, his golden marital ring that he wore even after being divorced for

some reason. He had gotten accustomed to just wearing it. Unfortunately they couldn't get married that

very same day because it just wasn't that easy so Andre could give his father, his ring back. Ben

immediately told Andre to keep it. The ring was given to Ben by his mother who kept it even after his

father had died. Ben made it clear that he could have it made out the way he wanted it. Hopefully, he

could one day give it to Leo.

He told his son that it would be a new beginning for him and his family. It would also be a new

beginning for Ben moving on from his very toxic marriage. Andre tried to convince his father that

Jeanine had changed but he solemnly admitted that he had fallen out of love with her and felt much

better where he was. Without her. He treasured their moments together but he just didn't see himself

reuniting with her.

There was a lot of paper work to be done.

To elope they needed, Della needed Proof of residency in France for at least 30 days. They needed

both their valid passports but it wasn't really a need for Andre as he was a citizen. A lot of the things

that held them back were because Della was a foreign national in France. Andre had to work fast

fearing that Della might change her mind. He informed his personal assistant to get him a Divorce

decree, if you happened to be previously married previously and divorced.

Before everything had been finalized within the next six hours. Della asked for one thing and that was


Prenuptial agreement, with a notary's certificate.

Andre was against it and said he trusted her but Della was dead set on getting it. She didn't want at

some later point to be accused of things she didn't do. If she had gotten a prenup during their first

wedding. She presumed things would have been much easier and less complicated.

They got married in front of a judge. Della wore a chiffon white dress and had simple make up on, didn't

waste time wearing his wedding suit. That he had worn at the yacht party as well. He felt like it was his All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

lucky suit, good things happened whenever he was in it. Thanks to Norah who had it dry cleaned and

shipped in time.


"I'm happy, beyond happy." Andre said his vows. "Happy that I get to be with the only person who has

ever made me a better man. Happy that I get to wake up to seeing your beautiful face in the morning.

Absolutely happy that I get to call you my wife... again. Thank you for giving me a second chance. I

promise that I will work hard to be a husband you can be proud of and a father my kids can be proud of

as well."

Della blinked a few tears away.

"Your turn—" Andre whispered at her when there was suddenly awkward silence.

Ben and Luc chuckled. Leo too as he held his father's phone recording the moment.

"Right..." Della smiled, trying not to cry.

The judge in front of them had never seen something as genuine as this in his whole eleven years of

being in this field. Of course people got married all the time but the way these too looked at each other..

it seemed they were talking with their eyes and no one could make out what they were saying.. they

often gave each other soft glance and smiles here and there.

"Andre.. you were my first love. I always knew I would never fully be over you. For many reasons I

didn't want to either. Even if we weren't together, I loved reliving moments when we were most happy

before I went to sleep. I didn't want to be anywhere near you because I knew how much power you had

over me. I was right, the moment stared at me; at that park. I just knew this wouldn't end well and here

I was again. Back in your trance. I have forgiven you, trust me I have and I just want to want to spend

the rest of my life with you. Andre i love you with everything I have."

The judge was out of words. He even forgot he was in charge of the ceremony.

"Argh you don't need me to say it. In sickness and health blah blah blah and so on you have heard it in

your first wedding. Just kiss the bride already." He said in a deep French accent. Ben and Luc couldn't

help but laugh.

Andre didn't hold back.

They put the rings on each other and he kissed her with no intention of holding back. He kissed her like

it was something he had been wanting to do for so long. That was until Luc cleared his throat.

"Ami, can we have PG13.."

Andre and Della then pulled back from each other, letting out a laugh. Leo then asked the Judge if he

could do it. He replied sure. They didn't know what he want to do but as soon as he handed the phone

to Luc. Walking up to his parents.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife." Leondre yelled making an echo in the empty court room.

Andre had someone take photos from afar, not even Della had noticed but he planned on giving her

these photos someday, when she least expected it. After the ceremony they went for dinner as a family

and just generally laughed about their day. It felt somewhat surreal, it had really happened and they

had gotten married yet again.

They were issued a issued a Livret de Famille (official book) that will have their marriage recorded in it.

French people often use these books to record other family events later on, such as births and deaths.

All in all it was a happy day.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You really don't have to. You can't be forced into whatever that you

don't want to." Andre said yet again.

"I want to.. I spoke to your mom and she told me what to do and so on. I would to clean up my image.."

She replied.

"Do you want me to come with?"

"Ofcourse you're coming with, you have to give your side of the story."

Andre nodded, listening to his wife.

Della had been approached by the editor of People's magazine. She said she wanted to give Della and

Andre the cover page for the next months issue. She made some valid points saying Della had to clean

up her image. The public only knew her for the horrible false deeds that had been said but they didn't

know the real truth. Della spoke to her mother-in law who agreed and said it was a great idea for a

clean slate. Jeanine agreed to giving her side of the story. Everyone would know what really happened.

Closing it off with the truth for a new beginning.

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