It Comes In Three's

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Lottie’s POV

My heart raced as I paced back and forth in Dels living room, my mind also racing with fear and anxiety. The memories of the torment I had endured at my old town flooded back into my thoughts, and now, with the possibility of those three tracking me down, my newfound sense of security felt fragile.

They had the capability to ruin everything for me…

Taking a deep breath, I turn to my friends, who were gathered in the room, their faces filled with concern and anger. Anna stood beside me, offering a reassuring smile as I sip my coffee.

My gaze fell back on Alex – his expression like stone. His strong presence oddly brought me a sense of comfort though…

“We can’t sit around here and just wait for them to come.” I announce, my voice trembling slightly.

“We need to be one step ahead.” I add, trying to be logical in the discussion as Anna nods in agreement.

“Lottie’s right. We need to have a good plan!” Anna speaks out, as the guys eye one another in silence – probably wondering why we were even attempting to help them create a plan.

“I need to disappear or hide! I can’t let them find me.” I find myself panic slightly, suddenly thinking about the ‘what ifs‘ as I make my worries known.

I can’t just be around them every second of every day… for the rest of my life to be safe… they will get me eventually!

Alex stands from his seat, his protective instincts kicking in. “You are safe here, in this house, But no school… I would imagine that will be the first place that they look.” He concludes.

He paces over to the window and gazes outside, deep in thought. “We need to create a diversion, something that will draw their attention towards a specific location… thinking they will find Lottie there… so the school might be best.” Alex suggests, more so directing the plan at Del and Jace.

“Or we could park up at the school and watch for them loitering around? Follow them and find out where they are staying or if they know anyone in town? You know… study the prey before we strike!” Jace voices his opinion now, as Alex hums in thought. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Then when the timing is right, we will be there ready to cave in their skulls!” Del chimes next with a laugh, as Anna and I both gasp at the brutality of the statement.

They are ruthless… surely that was just a figure of speech?

My heart skipped a beat at Del’s words, a mix of shock and concern washing over me. Anna and I exchanged glances, our apprehension evident.

While part of me understood the anger and frustration driving their fury, I knew we couldn’t let ourselves be consumed by killing them. Yes, they deserve to be punished, but I don’t want their blood on any of our hands.

Rich I know, since I almost killed Tommy myself…

Del, I appreciate your loyalty, but I don’t want anyone dead.” I state firmly with a gulp, guilt washing over me completely.

“We need to find a way to outsmart them, to show them that we won’t be intimidated.” Anna adds again, as Alex scoffs.

“They deserve death! Don’t pity them Lottie! Leave the revenge to us… the both of you are too soft!” Alex snaps at myself and Anna, as I

still for a few moments watching his temper rise.

“I understand that you’re angry… but all I ask is that nobody ends up dead…” I whisper softly, trying to compromise.

“Sure doll… but if they are hospitalised first then it’s out of my hands! He states firmly, glaring into my eyes – daring me to continue in the argument – which I choose not to.

He’s probably only bluffing… he’s just annoyed….

He won’t actually kill them or have them hospitalised…

“There must be another way…” Anna groans, as I nod, thankful for her input.

“I would much rather watch you beat them to a pulp in the ring… at least my brain could process it more as one of your typical brutal fights… other than you three dragging them somewhere and beating them to death!” Anna flops down onto the sofa, sighing her thoughts out loud.

Although there isn’t much difference there… it does sound more ‘proper that way…

“Why can’t we do that instead?” I ask this time, staring at Alex who rolls his eyes.

“You seriously think those cowards will accept to fight me in the ring? There ain’t no way!” He mocks with a laugh, folding his thick arms confidently.

“Maybe not… unless there was a prize… a decent one at that.” Jace shrugs, gaining everyone’s attention.

That could work…

“Yeah couldn’t we just offer them a shit ton of money? They would be foolish to knock that back! They don’t even need to know who they are fighting… we could have Freddie from the pub try to recruit them… Del throws the idea out, as I shrug and sigh at the plan.

“They won’t be interested in money unless it’s seriously A LOT… I don’t think they need it.” I add with a grumble.

I doubt they would risk getting beat up for some extra cash when they seriously don’t need it. They weren’t by all means as rich as say – Del or Anna – however they were comfortable back home.

“Well we can offer them a lot… not that they will even win it anyway! Or maybe we can offer them something they can’t refuse if it comes down to it!” Del continues, as I tilt my head.

“What could that be?” I ponder, as he eyes Alex warily before continuing-

“We could offer them you…” His words come next, as I pale almost instantly from the thought.

“F**k off with that bullshit! As if!” Alex rages, as Del shakes his head at him…

“Think about it Alex! They don’t have a chance of winning against you anyhow? They are hell bent on getting revenge on Lottie so it would be the perfect way to draw them into the ring… you’ll beat them up so bad that they will be near death and terrified to step foot back in this town! Think of the contracts with Freddie too! They won’t be able to talk a word of it to anyone!” Del expresses his plan, as he throws his hands around in explanation.

The room falls silent, as we all seem to think hard on the idea… maybe it would work… but what if?

I can’t just be handed back over to them… I don’t doubt for a moment that Alex could beat the shit out of them… three of them all at the same time probably… but what if they just so happen to throw one good hit?

That’s all it would take and Im sold…

“I don’t know.” Alex announces, seeming swayed by Dels reasonable and well thought out plan.

“Just think on it! If they come here looking for Lottie but can’t find her they will be so pissed! So that’s when we get Freddie to step in! He can tease them by saying he knows where she is… but if they want her they need to fight!” Del adds, as I nod slowly.

Although it was a scary idea, so was every one of the other scenarios we had tossed up before this one and to be truthful, this one sat better on my conscience.

It wouldn’t just be Alex, Jace and Del dragging them to a deserted part of town and killing them… I don’t want any of them to have blood on their hands or to be locked up for protecting me!

At least this way it would be more ‘organised‘ with the contracts and stuff… anything that happens in the ring stays in the ring…

“I’ll think about it! In the meantime, lets go to the school and check out the place… they might already be snooping around there today!” Alex breathes, as he eyes me before the others begin to get up and move around.

“You two will stay here! Do not leave under any circumstances!” He adds sternly, pointing at myself and Anna.

How fun…

“Pool day!” Anna claps with a laugh, causing me to giggle suddenly…

“Um girl… we don’t have any swim suits here…” I inform her, as her excitement dies and she groans.

“You can borrow our swim shorts and just go in with a shirt? Nobody will see you two anyhow!” Del suggests, as we both nod and grin eagerly at the suggestion.

Maybe being on lockdown won’t be so bad…

I’m safe here…

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