It Comes In Three's

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Alex‘ POV

“How did the cop visit go?” I text Lottie again, with it now being ten at night and she still hadn’t text me back from earlier.

I turn on the treadmill, gradually speeding it up, as I begin to jog.


I knew that Jace picked them both up from his Moms to take them home, but he hasn’t been back since and wasn’t answering my calls either. Del was upstairs, whilst I couldn’t sit at peace so decided to workout in the garage to help ease the tension.

Something was seriously bothering me, ever since I got a glimpse into Lottie’s true past. My killer instincts were starting to kick in and I wanted them all dead!

I’ll need to find the people responsible for hurting her and give them a taste of what it’s like to feel helpless and I will – whether I have their names or not yet!

I run faster, as 1 grow angrier, feeling my breathing increase slightly.

She was mine… I’ll keep her safe…

I move into a sprint, taking my anger out on the treadmill as my feet smash against it… before my phone lights up with an incoming call-


I slow down immediately, picking up the phone, and placing it to my ear

“Where have you been?!” I find myself asking quite harshly, not bothering with a hello or a how was your day?

I was clearly pissed off… with a build up of everything that was going on… and it wasn’t even her fault. However, in future the communication on her end will have to improve.

“I… I’m home?” Her reply comes as more of a question, as she probably wonders why I seemed so pissed off.

“I sent you texts?” I state the obvious, as I move around the room to grab a towel to wipe myself down.

“Oh I haven’t checked them sorry!” She apologises, as I nod – even though she can’t see me.

“How did the cop visit go then?” I ask next, as silence falls on her end.

The plan was fool proof? How could it even go wrong?

“Fine.” Is all that comes next, as I clench my jaw in annoyance.

“Have I did something to bother you?” I ask aloud, practically hearing her gasp through the phone.


“W–What? No!” Lottie’s quiet voice states, as I pace the room.

“Well fine isn’t good enough for me doll! I need more than that!” I complain, as silence falls between us yet again as she thinks…

“They were happy… said they would come back to check up on me again in six months just to cover their backs.” Lottie explains carefully, as I feel more pleased with the details.

“So what’s bothering you now then?” I refuse to quit until I get my answer, she was acting off and I knew it.

“Look it’s nothing I have to go!” My jaw practically hits the floor as the three beeps sound out after her response signifying that she had in fact – hung up on me.

This is not f**king happening!

I storm out of the garage, not bothering to put a shirt on, as I grab my car keys from the counter and slam the front door shut behind me.

I get in the car, my breathing irregular, as I start it up and take off down the street. Two minutes later, a call from Del comes through, as I roll my eyes and answer it with the button on my steering wheel.

“What the f**k is it Del? I only just left!” I rage,,directing my temper at the wrong person.

“Who the f**k has pissed in your cornflakes now?! The full house practically shook when you slammed that door! I was half asleep and nearly pissed myself when I heard it!” Del complains down the line, as speed up more to make it through a set of traffic lights before they turn red.

“I’m going to Anna’s.” I state, only to hear him chuckle next.

“Of course you are… don’t scare the poor thing off now Alex!” Del warns me, as I glare at the road ahead, putting my foot down on the gas. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Piss off!” I state, before pressing the button to end the call.

Why the f**k was Lottie being pissy with me anyhow? I only wanted to check in? To help! I got her the damn phone so the least she can do is use it and answer me! Not f**king hang up!

I turn down onto Anna’s street, looking for Jace’s car however he wasn’t here. I pull up right outside, before exiting and approaching the door.

I twist the handle, expecting to enter first time, however find it to be locked which only irritates me further…

I hammer my fist on the door, before turning in the porch to look around at the dark and quiet street.

Where the f**k could they even be at this time?!

I turn to knock again, and just as my fist comes in contact with the door I hear the click of the lock – before the door opens to reveal the small female in question standing before me.

“What is going on?!” I fold my arms and snap, before pushing my way inside the home as Lottie moves aside to allow me entry.

“W–What do you mean?” Lottie looks panicked, as she closes the door behind me and turns.

I take in her tired eyes, noticing the red circles beneath them as she stares up at me with concern.

“Where is Anna?” I look around, realising the place was silent.

“She asked Jace to drive her to grab us a McDonald’s, we haven’t ate dinner yet… I wanted to stay behind to shower so I locked the door – Anna has her key.” Lottie speaks, as I notice that she was in fact standing in nothing other than a robe with her hair tied up in a messy bun.

“Why did you hang up?!” I grit out next, remembering how rude she had been when I only wanted to check in.

“I–It’s nothing… you don’t have to worry about me… did you drive all the way over here just to ask that?” Lottie shuffles awkwardly from foot to foot as I study her actions.

She was uncomfortable with the subject… but why?

“Tell me what the f**k happened? I’m not stupid doll!” I warn, as she bites her lip in thought.

A moment passes as I wait, growing impatient, before she speaks up-

“Look Alex… we aren’t even a couple… you shouldn’t have to check up on me so much and worry about me… it’s not fair on you just because you feel bad for what happened to me.” She sighs, before moving to walk off – however I grab her sleeve to halt her actions.

“You are mine. Like it or f**king lump it at this point!” I grow possessive, meaning the words, as her eyes widen at the statement.

“We aren’t even together…” Lottie whispers, searching my face for a response.

“So what? We don’t have the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend is that it? still wouldn’t let another guy near you! Doesn’t that count for something?!” I argue, trying my best to not shout considering she had been through enough thus far.

“It’s not normal… you can’t just go and kiss whoever you want–and then tell me I can’t talk to other guys! That’s not fair! What if I did want to kiss another guy too? You can’t just beat them up when you aren’t even my boyfriend Alex! It’s so confusing!” She groans, surprising me with the small rant, as I smirk slightly now from amusement.

“Stop smiling! I’m being serious!” She complains, before groaning into her hands as she covers her face.

“Be my f**king girlfriend then? Problem solved doll! I won’t kiss or flirt with anyone and you can’t either.” The words leave my lips before I can think them through, as Lottie peaks up at me in shock…

“W What?” She whispers, as I sigh heavily and take a moment to think

What harm would it cause just giving whatever my feelings are for her a title? I don’t want to go near any other females with her around, and I certainly don’t want her near any other guys – especially after what she’s been through – so if making whatever this is between us official helps to keep her mine then so be it!

“Be my girlfriend.” I confirm, as her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water.

“I–I…” Lottie attempts to string together a sentence, before the front door opens behind me, revealing Anna and Jace, only causing Lottie to enter sheer panic mode as her face flushes bright red and she rushes upstairs… having not even given me an answer yet!

“Alex what the hell have you done this time and why the hell are you shirtless?!” Anna complains, as I throw her a glare before storming my way up the steps after Lottie.

I won’t take no for an answer…

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