It Comes In Three's

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Lottie’s POV

“Officer Owens speaking how can I help?” This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I stare at Anna, phone in hand as my heart races wildly in my chest hearing the gentle voice of the female officer as she picks up the call almost instantly…

“Uhh hey? It’s um… Charlotte…” I blabber, as Anna nods and encourages me to speak.

1 listen to what sounds like a door closing – as the background noise of people talking and phones ringing (in what I’m assuming is an office) soon becomes muffled.

“Wonderful Charlotte I was hoping that you would call me back! How are things? The school have been increasingly worried about you and I must follow through with a check up!” The officer keeps a gentle tone, almost as though she was speaking with a child, probably trying her hardest not to scare me off.

“Yeah I just sort of left without warning… I should have told the school that I’ve transferred now! I’m doing really great at my new school though so everything is fine!” I try my best to sound convincing, to sound safe and happy so that she would just give up early.

“I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well Charlotte!” She comments, as I almost sigh in relief before she continues-

But I will say it did worry me slightly when your own Mother couldn’t give us your whereabouts when we had asked! Is there any specific reason for why you left the way you did?” The officer throws her concern in at the end, as I chew my lip to think of a good enough response.

She no doubt won’t be fooled easily!

“Me and my Mom… we don’t really get along?” The sentence comes out more like a question, unsure of whether or not I should have actually admitted that to the officer.

If my Mother winds up getting into trouble because of me then there will be hell to pay!

“Yes I understand… We find that that happens often at your age… Thanks for being honest with me Charlotte.” Officer Owens seems genuine, as I smile slightly – thankful that she understood my tender situation.

“Though I have to tell you, due to the number of people raising their concerns for your whereabouts including some of your old friends at school – I will have to carry out a safety check in person… I hope you can understand why! This will mean that I can get things smoothed over on our end and you can continue on as normal at your new school if all goes well.” Officer Owens adds, as I nod slowly at Anna as she listens beside me intently.

I almost pale at the mention of my ‘old friends‘ considering I didn’t have any back home! The only people she can possibly be referring to is my three torturers! Those nosey bastards just want to know where I am to come here and kill me themselves!

Not to mention that the school are all of a sudden so concerned on my whereabouts? They never paid attention to me. They never asked why I was quiet, or why I had no friends. I know for a fact it’s those three who are behind the ‘schools‘ concerns. They must’ve been the ones to raise it – because otherwise, nobody would have noticed if I was there or not!

I sigh heavily, stuck on her words…

“Charlotte are you still there? This doesn’t have to be a major issue at all as long as I can carry out my safety check… once I see for myself that you are well then you can just get back to your life.” Officer Owens continues, rushing her words out slightly due to my silence.

She will no doubt be worried that I hang up and they wind up no closer to finding my whereabouts…

If only they knew that it was actually my three bullies who where raising all of the concerns… only to find me and finish me off for what I did to them!

If only she knew I had actually stabbed someone back home and that’s why I ran off!

“Charlotte don’t hang up… if there’s anything you are worried about then please just tell me? I can help make this as easy as possible for everyone involved!” The officer acts calm, however I can pick up on the slight panic which was underlying.

If she loses me on this line then she hasn’t achieved anything… the power is in my hands currently…

“It’s just that… I don’t mind if you come here to,check up on me… but would prefer it if you came here alone. I don’t want anybody from back home to know where I am… I came here to start over… I didn’t have any friends back home and as I’ve already said – myself and my Mom aren’t exactly close – I’m happier here.” I try to tell her my terms, because in this moment I realised just how important staying in this town was.

If people knew I was here, I might have to run off again, and I don’t want to spend my life on the run! I have friends here, I have shelter, I have a hobby, I have a normal teenage life and I’m not ready to give any of it up yet!

“Oh of course Charlotte! That is totally fine! You have a right to privacy at your age and therefore all I can tell the school and your Mom is that I’ve been to see you and that you’re safe. If you don’t want me to, then I can’t pass on any of your new information.” Officer Owens makes me feel more at ease, confirming what Anna had told me earlier after speaking with her father.

I do have a right to privacy and most importantly – safety!

just have to make sure you are living somewhere safe, preferably with an adult who can support you financially, and I need to confirm with your new school that you have been attending there as of recently After that, you are free to live your life how you see fit!” Owens states her terms, as I nod – forgetting she cannot actually see me as Anna gives me a ‘thumbs up‘ to show that she likes the plan.

“Perfect thank you for that! I am living with my old friend from cheer camp – at her Aunts place. Her home is located in Westerfield County.” I begin giving her the details of my whereabouts, feeling slightly anxious as this was the first person from back home who now knew which town I was living in – cop or not.

“Oh I’ve been there before – such a lovely town! Great Charlotte! Now what is her address and the school name where you have been attending recently?” I can hear her rummaging around – probably looking for a pen and paper, as I look to Anna who mouths Aunt Rinna’s address for me to recite-

“Cherry–Tree Grove, North Westerfield County, number sixty… the school I’ve been attending is Rockerdale… but there’s one more thing!” I almost stutter, realising that the officer had to in fact, call my new school!

I changed my name there…

“Perfect that’s great Charlotte, does Thursday or Friday this week work for you all for the check? I will need your friend and her Aunt present for it too. Also what is your other concern?” Owens speaks again, as I pause briefly to find my words.

“My name at my new school isn’t Charlotte Woods… I’m registered there as Lottie Sanchez… I was planning on changing my name legally soon… but I just wanted a total fresh start, you know? I was… bullied at my old school… I wanted to start over.” I find myself admitting to the fact that I was bullied, feeling that I could trust the officer since she had so far been understanding.

“No problem… I will call up and ask for a Lottie Sanchez then! We can chat more about it when I get there… let me know what date works for you all and we can get this all worked out.” She confirms, not seeming put off at all by my admission.

“Thursday works, any time after three, since we have school.” I state, as Anna nods again in agreement.

“Perfect, so Thursday at 4pm?! I will see you then Charlotte and thank you again for getting back to me!” The officer chirps, seeming happy with the outcome of the phone call, as I gulp.

“Great see you then! Bye!” I rush, before ending the call, feeling my face flush after the intense experience.


Thursday is only two days away… things will either go perfect, or they could go totally South… let’s hope for the first option…

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