It Comes In Three's

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Lottie’s POV

“We are avoiding the three of those asses today!” Anna states, as we drive to school in her rental car that we had decided to extend for the


We did not want to get a ride to school with Jace, especially after Saturday nights events!

“Alex better stay away from you too! I can’t believe he shouted at you like that!” Anna rages further, as I nod in agreement.

“I know right? Why does he care what I do so much!” I complain, wishing now that he would have just stuck to ignoring me like he had

done in the beginning…

“Well it’s very obvious that he likes you… but he’s going about it all totally wrong!” Anna looks at me briefly and states.

“Well we are officially avoiding them!” I conclude, ignoring Anna’s comment about Alex liking me – I doubted that very much.

If anything I think I’m just a total pain in his ass… I’m probably just an extra hassle for him instead of there being one girl in their circle

now there was two!

Maybe because Jace looks out for Anna, Alex feels that he needs to do the same for me now? I don’t know what it is.

“Remember we have the first football game tonight! We have cheer practice most of the day too which will be fun.” Anna changes topic and smiles, as she parks up the small car and we climb out.

Cheering at a football game for the three boys that we are now trying to avoid – how ironic!

We grab our dry cleaned cheer uniforms from the back, thankful that they were both as good as new again, before we headed towards the school building when hearing the first bell…

After Morning Break:

“Are you two listening?” Tiffany, the vice captain of the cheer team and Brianna’s best–friend barks out at us as myself and Anna both stand sweaty and breathless.

She was being a total mean girl today, and seemed to be picking on myself and Anna the most out of everyone. Brianna was busy choreographing a short routine for tonight’s game, whilst Tiffany was taking over by giving the corrections during practice.

“Get a water break and we will run it again in ten – and you all better sort your shit out!” Tiffany yells out next at the whole team, as we practically scamper off of the floor to hydrate.

“Why’s she being such a f**king b*tch to us all of a sudden?!” Anna complains as soon as we hit the benches for a break.

“I was thinking that! It seems to always be us that she has a problem with!” I agree, as Anna glares over at her.

“She keeps sending you death stares! She doesn’t even know you yet!” Anna rants, as I gulp down a quarter of my water – realising just how thirsty I suddenly was.

“Right? I hope she doesn’t hate me already…“I trail off quietly towards the end, fearful that I had made another enemy in my life…

All I want is to keep quiet and fit in here, I don’t want things going back to the way they were.

I watch as Anna fumbles around in her cheer bag, before retrieving her Phone. She scrolls down her notifications, before pausing and eyeing me warily.

“What?” I ask her oddly, as she turns the phone around to show me.

“I have a missed call from…” Anna begins quietly, as my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach when I immediately recognise the


“My Mom.” I finish, as she nods, eyeing me for a response.

“Why would she call back?” I begin to panic slightly, as my mind creates a number of scenarios all within a few seconds.

Maybe the police are after me now…?

Maybe she wants to get rid of my stuff since I did just leave it all behind after all…?

Or maybe she… misses me?

Nah never!

“She hasn’t left a voicemail or anything… we even said you went to live with your father!” Anna ponders, still unaware of the whole story but supporting my choice to leave home nonetheless.

What if it’s the three of them who called…?

My heart hammers at the sudden thought, as my eyes widen slightly.

“Are you ok? Will I block her? She can’t bother you again if I do that!” Anna try’s to comfort me, as I manage only to shake my head in


“It’s not that…” I manage, as my eyes fill with water.

“What is it? Let me help… You don’t have to deal with her alone!” Anna grabs my shoulder, looking around to ensure that we weren’t drawing any unwanted attention from the rest of the team.

“I don’t understand what she would want… I already told her everything she had to know…” I babble, growing more upset by the minute.

It was only a missed call and yet here I was getting into a state over it!

“Maybe she didn’t mean to call… maybe she hit the wrong button… she would have left us a voicemail if it was so important.” Anna rubs my shoulder and says, as I shake my head in response.

“N–No… I know how that home phone works… she would have to go through the settings to find the call history just to get your number!” I choke out, as she stares back at me with sorrow for my situation.

“Look, how about this… let me call her and find out what she wants for you… it will at least put your mind at ease a little knowing what she wants.” Anna nods at her own idea, as I stare at her in thought – wiping at my eyes in an attempt not to cry.

“Everyone back up! Five full outs left before we dismiss you all to get ready for the game!” Tiffany’s harsh words fill the gym hall, as I panic further.

There is no way I can continue to practice after this…

“Let me call her.” Anna says again, as I feel my chest tighten.

“You don’t understand… what if it’s not her…” I whisper, thankful to see that Tiffany was busy trying out a new stunt with one of the groups distracting her from my own situation.

“You can tell me, let me help you Lottie!” Anna encourages me, showing me the truth behind her words from the look in her eyes. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s… It’s not just my Mom… she’s not the main reason why I ran away..” I sniffle, fighting to control my emotions due to the surroundings we were currently in.

“I understand…” Anna nods in encouragement, as I suck in a breath.,

She can’t understand…

“Whoever it is we can handle them together! You don’t have to be scared anymore!” Anna continues, as I realise in that moment just how lucky I am to have found a friend like her after the life I was stuck in back home.

“They are just so… dangerous and cruel… you don’t understand! I’m worried that it’s them who have spoken to my Mom and found the number that we used! They won’t quit until they get me!” A single tear falls, as I swipe it away instantly annoyed that I let it slip.

“I don’t care how bad they are… I can protect you Lottie you’re safe here with us! Trust me and let me do this!” Anna doesn’t seem fazed by my warning, as she awaits my response.

‘Safe here with us…‘

“It’s ok just let me help!” She adds, as I see Tiffany finishing up with the second stunt group causing me to gulp knowing she would most definitely notice us sitting at the side soon.

“O–Ok…” My voice sounds defeated, as I agree to Anna’s trustful words causing her to nod and stand up with a sigh.

“We can do this – together! Let me handle it I won’t be long.” Anna states, before she heads for the gym exit with the phone in hand.

I wipe my damp face, tighten my hair tie, and stand up to join back in with practice – trusting that Anna could handle whoever she would get on the other side of that call…

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