It Comes In Three's

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Lottie’s POV

“No, Alex! Please don’t!” I begin to plead with him, my own voice trembling slightly now with sudden fear from seeing him draw out the gun.

This situation had escalated far beyond what I could mentally handle. I couldn’t bear the thought of witnessing someone getting hurt or even worse – killed.

He won’t…

Sofia’s eyes widen, her face paling as she frantically begins to cry and beg for her life. “N–No look! I’m sorry, I really am sorry! I won’t come back here again, I promise! Please, just let me go!” She sobs out loudly, her bravado crumbling under the real threat of the gun now pointed directly at her head.

Alex’s expression remains stoic, but his grip on the gun only tightens, and I can see the turmoil spinning behind his eyes. “You made a grave mistake messing with us, Sofia, and now you have to face the consequences of that!” Alex states aggressively, his voice low and dangerous.

All I had asked of him, was that he doesn’t kill Sofia…

I don’t want anymore blood shed, especially on his hands…

I glance at Rosalind for support, who still remains seated beside me, her eyes flashing with a mix of concern and uncertainty. She knows Alex well, but even she must sense the seriousness of the situation. She subtly signals to the men by the door to stay alert, but tells them not to intervene just yet…

Alex wouldn’t kill this girl… at least not whilst I am sitting right here… would he? He knows that I couldn’t bare to watch anything of the sort.

I have to do something… he isn’t thinking straight!

“Sofia, listen to me,” I say, desperately trying to find some way to defuse the situation. “We don’t want to harm you. But you need to understand that your actions were wrong, and we won’t tolerate any more threats or harm from you again. Think about it, Alex had these guys track you down in less than a day… so if we really wanted to get rid of you, we could… so do the smart thing here and just leave us the hell alone!” I warn her steadily, as her eyes dart between myself and Alex as she listens to my words.

Sofia’s breathing becomes more erratic, her hands shaking as she pleads again and nods. “Y– Yeah… ok I–I won’t ever come back, I honestly swear! Just let me leave, let me go home, and you’ll never see me back in this town ever again Alex!” She sobs, as Alex still doesn’t move an inch.

The room feels heavy with tension, and I fear that one wrong move could trigger a total disaster here…

“Alex, please, give her a chance here at least? If she comes back or causes us any more trouble then you can end her then.” I urge him, trying my upmost hardest to keep my emotions in check – for his sake.

It has been a hard few weeks for him, and so far, he had handled every situation with ease by himself. The man hasn’t had a break, and must be losing his damn mind at this point with everything else going on around him… he needs me.

“We can’t let revenge consume us, Alex. Let her go, and we’ll see if she decides to do the smart thing moving forward… trust me…” I stand from my seat now, putting my hand out to Alex who eyes me warily.

He hesitates, but his grip begins to loosen on the gun, however he still keeps it pointed directly at Sofia. “I want her gone, out of town. I never want to see her face here again.” Alex suddenly demands, his voice stern as he speaks to his two men by the door.

‘I promise, I won’t ever, ever come back here Alex! I made a mistake!” Sofia sobs, tears streaming down her face as she loses her shit in fear of suddenly being shot now.

Her full bad bitch demeanour had now vanished, realising that Alex wasn’t messing around… he isn’t just her childhood sweetheart anymore, Alex has most definitely changed. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Alex’s jaw clenches, but he finally lowers the gun, tucking it back into his waistband. “Get her out of here immediately!” He orders his men, his voice holding a fury, as they rush to pull a quivering Sofia out of the room – Rosalind going with them to help.

I release a breath, thankful for getting through to him just in time… that was a close one!

Once the meeting room is clear, Alex lets out a heavy sigh, and I can see the conflict burning behind his eyes. “I can’t believe she went to such lengths over something so damn petty! She’s probably met Holden a handful of times!” Alex mutters out his frustration, running a hand through his thick hair.

‘She’s clearly hurting about something… which has ultimately made her a bit crazy!” I say softly, moving closer to him now. “But we have dealt with her,


Chapter 129

and that’s all that matters. Now, we just have to wait and see if she backs off and leaves us alone for good now.” I place a comforting hand on Alex’s thick arm, as he lowers his head and breathes in steadily.

Alex nods, before turning to wrap his arms around me – holding me close to him. “You’re right, Lottie. We’ll be okay now.” He states, as I nod into his chest.

I rest my head on him, finding great comfort in his embrace.

Life with him so far has brought forth a whirlwind of emotions, and I’m exhausted both physically and mentally by now.

But with Alex by my side, I know that we can face whatever bullshit comes our way… for as long as we both live!

“Let’s go home.” Alex pulls back from the embrace, his eyes holding a deep set vulnerability as I nod in agreement with the idea.

It’s over… according to Alex, there was no more surprises to come after Sofia.

These past few weeks alone, we have tackled a pregnancy, Del’s abusive relationship with Clara, Alex’s crazy childhood girlfriend Sofia, my own twisted mother and her cop boyfriend, along with Freddie who had betrayed us!

How we managed to survive through it all I’ll never know, but the most important thing is that we did.

As we drive back home, the weight of everything that has happened so far settles down upon us. The sun has set, and the city lights flicker around us as we navigate through the streets.

I take a deep breath, trying to find some semblance of peace

within myself.

Alex reaches over and takes my hand in his, controlling the wheel with his other, before giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry you had to go through all of this, Lottie,” he says softly. “I never wanted any of this to happen, especially not to you.”

I turn to him and offer him a small smile. “We couldn’t have predicted any of this, Alex. Life throws us unexpected challenges, and we just have to face them together. You’ve went above and beyond just to keep me safe – I’ll cherish that fact forever.” I tell him truthfully, grateful to call him mine.

He was the best thing that had ever happened to me…

He nods, his grip on my hand tightening in comfort. “You’re right, we will always face everything together. I promise you, Lottie, I’ll protect you and our child with everything I have until the day I die.” Alex concludes, as my eyes well up with grateful tears.

This man was quite literally one in a million….

Tears continue to build, as I grow more touched by his words. “I believe you, Alex,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “You’ve proven time and time again that you’ll do whatever it takes to keep us safe. I love you more than you’ll ever know!” I admit, as he smiles at my admission.

“You’re the only woman for me Lottie, I love you too.” He glances round at me, flashing me a toothy grin, before returning his focus back to the road.

We finally arrive back at our home, and Alex helps me out of the car with our shopping from earlier.

As we step inside, a sense of calm and familiarity washes over me. This place is our sanctuary, a space Alex built just for us both to be happy. This was where we can be ourselves and find solace from the chaos outside.

Alex leads me to the living room, where the soft glow of the fireplace fills the space. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close as we settle down on the couch together – breathing steadily.

“I can’t thank you enough for being by my side, Lottie, even after what I’ve done.” Alex whispers, his lips brushing against my forehead before he leaves a soft kiss there. “You’re my rock, and I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“And you’re mine,” I reply, my voice filled with emotion. “We’re a team, Alex. No matter what comes our way, we’ll face it together.”

He leans back, looking into my eyes with a mixture of love and admiration. “We did it, it’s all over.” He smiles, as I sigh in relief.

I hope he’s right…

“Thank you.” I say, my heart swelling with affection. “You’ve shown me a side of you that I never knew existed. Beneath that tough exterior, you’re caring, protective, and deeply devoted to the people you love.”

A small smile graces his lips. “And that’s all because of you, Lottie. You’ve changed my life in ways I never thought possible. You’ve made me a better


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person.” He admits, causing butterfly’s to erupt in my stomach.

“You’ll be the most amazing mother you know?” He adds, as I almost cry at his words.

“– and you will be the worlds best father!” I finish, leaning up to kiss his lips now.

We spend the evening talking, dreaming about our future. Alex’s touch and his words soothe my soul, and I begin to feel a sense of peace that I haven’t felt in a long while.

As the night grows darker, we retreat to our bedroom, where we continue to hold each other close.

Alex gently caresses my stomach, whispering sweet words down to our growing button. I can’t help but feel immense gratitude for having this man by my side, for the love we share, and for the life we’re creating together – even after everything we have been through.

Everything is going to be ok for us…

I just know it now!

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

they wear made for each other





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