It Comes In Three's

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Lottie’s POV

“Hello…” I hear her sweet phone voice‘ whistle down the line, with not one ounce of sadness present.

I had technically been gone for two whole days now and she couldn’t care less…

“Hi Mom it’s me, Charlotte…” I can hear my own voice quiver as I speak before Anna grabs my free hand and offers me a reassuring


Although she didn’t know much of my situation, she knew it was rough

“Oh Jesus Christ what do you want?! I thought you had finally gotten some sense and had ran off to find your pathetic father!” Her tone immediately shifts, showcasing her distaste for me.

“Y–Yeah that’s actually why I’m calling… I’m living with him now… I wanted to let you know so that you weren’t worried!” I remain calm, needing to convince her as much as humanly possible.

This call was for my own good… so that she won’t expect me to ever come back…

“That’s f**king great Lottie! He can take a turn at paying to keep you alive now because I’ve did it for far too long! You’re his problem now so good riddance!” She complains bitterly, cutting me deep with her abusive tone and lack of care.

I could be dead somewhere and she would be glad…

“One last thing before I go… there hasn’t been anyone asking where I am has there? I mean like any of my friends from school or from the street?” I find myself asking, needing more information from her end to help calm my soul…

I listen as she inhales an annoyed breath, clearly agitated and wanting me off the line-

“Holden, Jason and Tommy have been at the door looking for you a few times! Tommy also has a crutch because he was jumped by five men the other night! God knows why they are looking for you though as if you can help? Are you just their whore!” She throws the insult in at the end, as I cringe at her distaste for me.

So Tommy is still alive…

He’s f**king alive!

I’m not a murderer!

“Is that all you need Charlotte?! I need to go, and don’t think about coming back any time soon either… I’m going to rent your room out to someone!” She hisses, gaining my attention again.

Two days I’ve been away and she’s already making plans to move someone else in…

“Y–Yeah thanks! Bye.” I say, and with that she ends the call with not a single word more.

Tommy isn’t dead… and he’s also lying about what happened!

Saying he was jumped by a bunch of men… maybe he’s embarrassed that little old me had gotten the better of him for once?

Does that mean that I’m officially off the radar? I can hide out here forever and live a better life?

I find myself losing control, feeling the tears flowing from my eyes as I sob – both from sheer relief and pain due to the conversation I had

just endured with my mother and the update on Tommy,

Anna doesn’t miss a beat, as she wastes no time before she hugs me to her holding me tightly as I lose control in front of her for the first time.

“Shh it’s ok! She’s a horrible bitch! You don’t need her Lottie! I’m here now!” Anna hushes me, as we remain on the bleachers thankfully away from the rest of the school.

‘You did it, it’s over now!” She confirms, as I sob again. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Could that be true? Was it really over?

“Come on let’s just go home! You’ve done great so far on your first day here let’s not push it!” Anna pulls back, wiping my face with her sleeves, before pulling me to stand up with her once my breathing begins to regulate.

“Thank you… you don’t realise how much you’ve actually saved me Ann…” I whisper, as she smiles gently back at me.

“You’ve saved me too Lottie… I needed a friend more than you’ll ever know.” She sighs, as I nod in understanding linking my arm with hers as we begin to walk.

“It’s a nice day if you don’t mind walking? Or we could get the bus?” She suggests, as my breathing regulates and I begin to regain my composure.

“I like walking! I agree, as we leave the school grounds.

“Better text Jace to say that we won’t need a lift home or he will be pissed off waiting on us later!” She laughs out in thought next, as I smile too.

Their cousin relationship seemed much more like a brother/sister one. They looked out for one another whilst also annoying the crap out of each other too.

It was nice.

“The sooner I get my car the better! My father said that I have to wait until my birthday which is only a month away now… because I crashed my old car and completely wrecked it last year!” Anna explains as we walk, causing me to laugh and shake my head.

Of course she did that!

“You’re crazy! I didn’t even know you could drive!” I laugh, as she laughs too.

‘I know and Jace absolutely hates being my personal taxi! But I told my Aunt that I was struggling to get to school on time and she told him that he has to take me to school every day until I get my car again! She cackles, enjoying the power she has over her cousin.

“So I guess you guys are all close?” I question, slightly envious of their normal family dynamic.

“We are yeah! My aunt is lovely and she would love to meet you too! She’s like my Mom sometimes when my real Mom can’t be bothered with me! But you’re also invited over for dinner on Sunday!” She states, as my mouth drops down in surprise.

Really?” question, as she smiles and nods frantically.

“Everyone’s always welcome! I’ve already told her about you too! She insists that everyone should have a normal family dinner at least once a week… and with my parents never here she always makes sure that I go!” She sighs before she gasps-

“I’m so sorry you must think that I’m a bitch for complaining! I heard the way your Mom spoke to you on the phone and it was horrific!” She curses herself for not taking my situation into consideration as I laugh her off…

“Don’t be sorry! Everyone’s families are different it’s ok!” I comfort her, as she nods slowly.

We walk on, enjoying the fresh sun, before Anna’s eyes widen in sudden remembrance…

“Del is also having a party for his birthday on Friday by the way, and he text me to say that you can come… I mean I would have taken you with me anyhow!” She jumps up and down laughing, as we cut through the park allowing me to take in the gorgeous scenery.

“O–Oh! I haven’t actually ever been to a party before… I admit shyly, embarrassed that I have never had friends to be invited to one in the past.

‘You’ll love it! We can have some drinks and get, dressed up and take some amazing pictures for my socials!” Anna shrieks, as I giggle at her dramatics.

“I’m sorry for my excitement! I’ve just never had a friend to go to a party with since I was younger!” She admits, as we exit the park, turning down another road.

“It will be great!” I state, although I was nervous about it – I trusted Anna to keep me right with it all.

It was now time for me to move on and experience the life of a normal teenager… without the abuse!

What I didn’t realise was that I would meet the three guys I least expected to see at the party.

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