In Ruins: A Dark High School Bully Romance (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

In Ruins: Chapter 17

“Am I interrupting?” Cole’s irritated voice huffed out as he entered the basement. Enzo’s warm lips left my skin, leaving me feeling a lot more than hot and bothered. Hate was what I should’ve been practicing with the guys, but instead, I was all but panting to kiss Enzo back. I licked my lips, still tasting him on me. Enzo gave me a knowing smile, not looking the slightest bit perturbed at Cole barging in.

“You are,” Enzo returned. “But I don’t mind sharing.”

My stomach twisted into a knot of excitement. Something was seriously wrong with my head. I wasn’t this person. Or at least I hadn’t been until they’d paid attention to me.

Cole cocked his head at us before moving to sit beside us on the couch. My heart thudded unevenly when he wrapped his arms around my midsection and tugged me onto his lap.

“Sharing, huh?” His blue eyes darkened as he drank me in. “What do you think, Rosebud? Feel like having some fun?”

I caught Enzo’s look, not sure if this was a joke. Everything on his face assured me it wasn’t.

“I-I’m not, I mean, I-I’ve never—”

“What?” Cole murmured, brushing his nose against my jaw and breathing in. “Been thor-oughly fucked by two guys?”

I trembled on his lap, my heart nearly in my throat at his words.

“I’ve had a really bad day, Rosebud. Fucking you might make getting out of bed worth it.”

I swallowed down my whimper as I squeezed my thighs together. What the hell was hap-pening to me?

I hated them. I wanted them. I needed them. The emotions were conflicting, all of them leading to the same damn place I was trying to stay clear of: Giving in.

“It’s OK to want, Sunshine. Our secret.”

“You fuck boys need to knock it off,” Fox growled, coming into the room with Ethan in tow.

I nearly jumped off Cole’s lap, but he was quick to tighten his hold, keeping me in place.

“Aw, what’s wrong, Fox? Bad day too?” Cole asked.

Enzo snickered beside him. Neither seemed bothered by the intrusion. Me? My face had to be flaming red. I was sure of it.

“Rosalie was just about to make mine better. I’m sure she’d help you out too if you asked nicely—”

“Fuck off,” Fox snapped, flopping down into the green chair Enzo had vacated earlier.

Ethan sank down onto the matching leather sofa, offering me his kind smile. I ducked my head, trying to hide my embarrassment at what had nearly happened.

Not happened. I’d never…

I shut the argument up in my head, knowing damn well which side was going to win despite everything going on.

“Rosalie, get off Cole’s lap and go sit next to Ethan.” Fox glared at me.

I made to move, but Cole held me in place.

“What the hell is your problem?”

“Do I really need to tell you?”

Enzo laughed as Cole and Fox stared one another down.

“Fox, man. You know how to fix it. So why don’t you—”

“Rosalie, I’m not fucking kidding. Move.” Fox silenced Cole with a glare. Cole released me, sighing as he rubbed his face in apparent frustration. Ethan slid over for me.

“I can actually leave.” I cleared my throat as I sat on the edge of the sofa, my hands clasped as I stared at Fox. Being the apparent leader of the group, I knew it was him I needed to address. “I have some streaming to catch up on—”

“You’re staying,” Fox grunted.

I sighed and sat all the way back in my seat, knowing better than to argue with the grouch. Ethan got to his feet, went to the fridge, pulled out sodas, and handed them off to everyone before joining me back on the couch.

“What’s the plan for Friday night?” Enzo asked, cracking open his drink. “Party at Cole’s after the game or we waiting until Saturday night?”

“I was thinking we’d hit up Rocky’s and hang out. Been a minute since we’ve been there.” Cole sat forward and placed his drink on the coffee table. “We can hit my place after. My parents are gone to some conference in San Diego for the weekend.”

“Nice.” Fox nodded.

“You bringing Juliet?” It was Ethan who spoke up. I looked to Fox interestedly.

“I’m sure she’ll show up. You know how she is.”

“You guys still fighting?” Enzo asked.

“Yeah.” Fox shifted in his seat, avoiding my eyes.

So there was trouble in paradise. I couldn’t imagine a relationship with Juliet being easy, considering she was a grade-A bitch. The only reason I could figure Fox kept doing it was because of social status. He was the star quarterback. She was the cheer captain. That was just how high school politics worked. Of course, not even that would’ve kept me shackled to the bitch. I’d have chewed my own leg off to escape her claws.

“Did you tell her Rosalie is going to be a permanent fixture in our lives?” Cole took a drink and raised an eyebrow at Fox.

“Yeah. She didn’t like it, which only fueled her fire for argument. She’s still pissed over me letting Rosalie stay at our table at lunch.”

“You know,” I spoke up, clearing my throat. “All of this can be fixed by you deleting the video and letting me go. I’ll be happy to stay out of your lives.”

“Aw, Sunshine, don’t be that way. We’re only getting warmed up with you. No need to leave us high and dry.” Enzo shook his head at me.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re not getting off that easily,” Fox grumbled.

“I don’t think she’s easy to get off, dude. I think I should get to see how long it takes. For science.” Enzo laughed, winking at me.

My face heated at his crude words, yet there was a tingle in my core, recalling how only a few minutes prior I’d ached for him and Cole.

“You know the rules,” Fox snapped, the nearly-there calmness he’d had leaving again.

“Right. No one touches her until you—”

Cole was silenced by a pillow Fox chucked at him, nailing him in the face. He was quick to throw it back before getting to his feet.

I let out a gasp as he tugged me up and planted his mouth on mine. I tensed, but Cole grasped me tight, demanding I let go. Unable to fight it—or not wanting to—I let go and parted my lips for him. He dipped his tongue in, sampling me, before releasing me and looking over his shoulder at Fox, a smirk on his lips as Fox glowered back.

“You’re really missing out. I’m not going to let a bit of her go to waste though. If you were smart, you wouldn’t either.” Cole pushed me back down into my seat. My breath whooshed out of me as I landed.

Instead of seeing the glare on Fox’s face I expected, there was hunger as he stared back at me. Or at least I thought it was. He was quick to reel it in, the scowl replacing it.

“Whatever. I’m not into dumpster diving.”

Cole let out a laugh as he went back to his seat. Ethan patted me on the thigh as Enzo shook his head. And Fox?

He shot me a glance, a pained expression in his eyes that he quickly wiped away as our gazes met.

“That’s fine,” I said, my voice strong. “I’m not into sloppy seconds.”

The guys chortled at my response, Cole reaching over to give me a fist bump. A tiny smile tipped Fox’s lips up as he shook his head, a glint in his eye that I recognized from when we were kids.

He was having fun.

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