I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 86


Talking to the families has been…dreadful. Their broken expressions and hurt filled eyes haunt me…every time we moved on to the next, I’m still haunted by the look of the families before, making it more difficult to say the same sentence over and over again, just using different names…the names of the people I sent into a death trap…

Aiden has his hand on the small of my back as we walk over to the last home and I focus on steady breaths…

“I’ll do this one.” Aiden looks down at me as we walk, but I don’t look at him.

Looking at him makes my heart race a million miles an hour and I need to be calm…I could feel the tears on the verge on just coming forth and I can’t be emotional about this…

It’s my professional loss, my guards…a part of my pack…but for them…it’s their families, their loves…

“No.” I stare at the house that’s coming closer…there’s a guard leading us to their homes and he too looks devastated.

I f****d up.

“Eleia, you’ve done everyone, just let me.”

I halt in my steps, turning to him when he stops walking and looks at me, “I did this, this is my responsibility.” I grit out.

Does he not understand anything about this? Did he never have this guilt?

“I want to help.” his tone is so sincere and it makes my heart soften, but how can I just step back and leave my responsibilities and give him every burden I have? He’s my mate, but I can’t do that to him.

“I know, but just…be there for me afterward.” I want to smile, but it can’t reach my lips.

The way his lips twitch up into a smile makes my heart flutter and all of my heart work is right out of the door.

“I will. I will always be there for you, but are you sure you can do this?” he closes the distance between us and he grabs my hand, his fingers fumbling with mine.


“Yes.” I breathe out.

We continue to walk and I stand in front of the door, but when the guard goes to knock, I stop him, “No.” I hold up my hand and he freezes his fisted hand right in front of the wooden surface before stepping aside.

I knock and it takes a few seconds before the door opens and a beautiful women stands tall, smiling gracefully.

“Hi.” I smile and her piercing blue eyes flick between Aiden and I before her lips part, forming a round O before she bows to us.

“Please, don’t.” I force a smile, but I bet anyone could tell that it was fake.

“What can I help you with?” she fiddles with her fingers nervously.

“We came to talk…Can we come in?” I glance past her head and she looks over her shoulder before stepping aside, “Come on in.” she smiles warily and I feel like I should just turn around and run.

As we enter the home, there are toys on the floor, milk bottles stacked on the kitchen counter and my heart sinks at the realization that they have a kid around.


Talking to the families has been…dreadful. Their broken expressions and hurt filled eyes haunt me…every time we moved on to the next, I’m still haunted by the look of the families before, making it more difficult to say the same sentence over and over again, just using different names…the names of the people I sent into a death trap…

“Sorry about the mess…My son just went to sleep.”

I smile, chewing on my bottom l*p as I follow her to their living room.

“Please…sit.” she smiles, looking like she wants to ask a question and I glance at Aiden for help.

He takes my hand, sitting down and pulling me down next to him.

‘Relax, you’ve done this before.’ he mind links me and I focus on the woman sitting down across from us.

“So…what brings you here?” she asks, not calling us your majesty or something that defines us as royals and for once, I feel like a person.

“Well…we have some bad news.” her lips fall and they press into a thin line, her chest rising and then falling slowly as she tries to control herself.

“What kind of bad news?” her voice cracks along with my heart.

“Rufus passed away…he was murdered.” her throat bobs and she swallows the lump in her throat.

Her eyes become glassy, the whites turning a slight red as she fights the tears. “We’re so sorry for your loss.” my throat runs dry and her head falls into her hands while she weeps.

I listen to her loud cries, the sound of her broken voice echoing around the room and Aiden stands up, holding out his hand to me and I take it and he pulls me up, “We really are sorry.” he mutters before trying to pull me past her, but she grabs my wrist in a very tight grip.

I could feel my arm bruise under her death grip on me .

“You killed him.” she lifts her head, her eyes pitch black. “No, we didn’t. It was the hunters…” I shake my head as I stare at her with a pity look. She deserves more than this, she deserves to be with the father of her son…

“You…” she stands, snarling at me and Aiden steps in between us.

“We know you’re upset and we with look past this felony, only if you let go of her right now.” he threatens and I shove him to the side, “Don’t threaten her, she has every right to be upset.” I scoff and turn my attention to her, “If you like…we’ll explain this to your son.” I offer and the next thing I know, I’m flying back when she shoves me hard against my chest, a deadly scream leaving my throat when a sharp pain shoots up my arm and I hit my head against the tiled floor.

I bring my arm to my face and see my broken wrist, “Eleia.” Aiden gasps, trying to reach for me when the woman charges at me.

The guard shoots her in the leg and she freezes, looking down at the b***d pooling out of the wound before she lifts her gaze to look at me, “Now you want them to kill me too? Do you want to murder both my son’s parents?” she yells so crazily that I actually fear for my life.

“Stop!” I yell when the guard points the gun at her head.

I sit up, popping my wrist back in place, a deadly growl erupting from my throat when pain shoots through me, but it fades when the bones heal.

“Look.” I glare at her as Aiden pulls me up, “I know you want me dead, because I did send them out there to help catch those people but they died instead, but most of them are dead, the little hand of hunters ran while their friends were being slaughtered and in war…there are casualties, so stop attacking me because your mate was doing his job to keep his family safe and his pack. You are stomping on his name by attacking me and if you don’t stop…” I glance at the guard who’s hand is still on the gun that’s tucked into the holster at his side, “Then you will die, but not because of me…” I shake my head, “But because of you.”

Her jaw tenses and ticks to the side, rage flashing through her eyes.

“This…” she glances around, “How can I go on? He brought home the money for food and everything!” she yells, her voice breaking, “I have nothing left!” she shrieks and I could tell she was in pain.

“We’ll help with that. You can have his salary every month and we’ll always be there to help.”

“I want nothing from you!” she points at me with a disgusted look on her face, like she’s ready to s***h the flesh of my body.

“The money was his…it’s his and now you have it. Every month. Alright?” I try and talk her down, but she’s too upset.

“Get out.” she grits out, but how can I leave her like this?

Other women and families cried… but she loses her mind…like she’s mentally unstable.

“Please, we want to help.”, “You did enough!” she yells and I could hear the faint crying of a toddler.

“Thanks a lot.” she seethes before turning on her heel, freezing and looking back at us, “Please leave.” her eyes are red, her face tear-stained and her cheeks flushed.

I nod and she continues to walk and I grab Aiden’s hand, “Let’s go.” I demand and everything suddenly feels numb…

“Should I arrange the nanny for the kids?” Aiden asks as he walks beside me, his one stride is two of mine.

I don’t answer him as my chest feels like it’s collapsing and once we’re inside, he grabs my hand and pulls me into the nearest private room, “Talk to me.” he begs, his eyes wide as he stares at me.

“About what?” I pull my hand free from his grasp.

“What do you need?” he asks and I frown at him in confusion, “What?” I frown, “What do you need? Do you need to punch something? Do you need space? Do you want me to screw you until your brain stops working? Do you want to go for a run? What do you need?”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I sigh through my nose, shaking my head, “I need a bath with wine or whatever and I need it to be quiet.”

“Okay.” he reaches for my hand, “Alone.”

His smile falls and he nods, “Then I’ll take the kids to get something to eat.”

I nod and we walk to the room, where the nanny stands with a small smile and Aiden excuses her.

I never thought that life would be like this…but it is and now all that needs to change….is me.

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