I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 78


In the early morning I was woken up by the banging on my locked bedroom door. “I’m coming.” I grunt as I get out of the comfort of my bed. Striding toward the door, I glance at Felix, hoping he would stay asleep.

“What?” I swing the door open with a narrowed gaze. Roman and Penelope both stand there with blank expressions, “We need you to get dressed, I am ending this nonsense today. You’re ready enough, we’ll be here to help.” Roman stands tall, his shoulders straight and I frown in confusion. I just woke up, I need them to explain more.

“Here, wear this.” Penelope just strides past me, Roman following her but staying in the door. “Can you maybe whisper?” I hiss, “He’s still sleeping.” I nod my head toward Felix. “He’ll need to wake up anyway.” she waves my plead off like it doesn’t matter.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, “What is this about?” I sigh, my eyes flicking between my uncle and aunt.

“Today you’ll become Queen Eleia, Aiden is on his way to be by your side. I am tired of this nonsense. You are my niece, by b***d you are the rightful heir to this throne and if anyone wants to undermine it, they will be locked up, because it is against the law. I can’t do anything right now because you have no power, but at the end of the day, you will.” the smile that tugs at the edge of his lips makes me a little worried.

“I am not ready for this.” I snort, I break out into a laughter, but it’s sounds like I’m mentally ill.

“What’s so funny?” Roman asks confused, “You.” I cross my arms over my chest, hugging myself.

“I don’t want to be Queen today and if you will only let me talk to those people out there, I can sort it out.”

“No. You don’t know those people…” Roman shakes his head, “No, you don’t know those people. All they are is scared and wary, they have no proof but we do.” I shrug and I throw the covered dress into the bed, sighing as I pull my hair into a messy bun.

“It’s not a good idea.” , I turn around, looking at Roman, “What’s not a good idea is forcing me into this position that I am not ready for and one they won’t accept. I need their trust, do you not know what a leader is? Leaders need to be trusted.” I grit out and Penelope grabs my hand, “But this is the only way…” she tries to convince me, but it’s not working because it’s not what I believe.

“It’s not, why can’t you trust me?” I frown, my hooded gaze flicking between them.

Roman steps forward, “My dear, you haven’t ruled as long as I did…” he shakes his head, trying to talk me out of it once again.

“I didn’t need to. These people are questioning you, but I never had someone question me.” I grit out and my uncle’s worried gaze drags to Penelope next to me.

“Running a pack versus and entire kingdom is different.”, “It’s not. People respect you and fear you, but they also question you. I can do this, let me at least try.” I stare at Roman with wide eyes, noticing all his wrinkles.

“What if you get hurt?”, at least he’s not saying no. I might have a chance with this.

“I won’t because I will be protected, plus how stupid could someone be to hurt a pregnant luna?” I roll my eyes and his eyes drag down to my bump.

“Fine…” Roman blows out a breath, his cheeks hallowing as he rakes his hand through his hair, “And I need to do it alone, with guards. Those people shouldn’t be talking to you, they have to talk to me.” , “You can’t let them know you’re taking over.” Penelope warns me and I nod, turning to her, “Would you please excuse me so that I can get dressed…and please find Felix’s sitter.” I smile and they nod before leaving.


In the early morning I was woken up by the banging on my locked bedroom door. “I’m coming.” I grunt as I get out of the comfort of my bed. Striding toward the door, I glance at Felix, hoping he would stay asleep.

I had no intention of doing this today…

I had no intention of doing this today…

I grab my phone and send Rosie a text.

Eleia: I have a busy morning, I will call later today.

I get dressed in a hurry and when I’m dressed in a summer dress, the sitter arrives and I let her in, instructing her what to feed Felix and to do some jumping exercises…Hopefully I would be able to let my son out to play this afternoon, in a safe and welcoming environment.

I stand in front of the large shut doors, fiddling with my hands…I have no idea where this source of courage comes from because in the Night pack, I was a coward in front of those higher than me…I always made myself small and tried my best to be invisible, the only times I made myself clear, was when the older girls bullied Rosie and I, because I wasn’t going to let that happen.

I love Rosie like my own sister and I always knew I needed to protect her, but this isn’t like that…The only person I’m protecting is myself and my children to have a better life than the great one we already have, but is all this trouble worth it?

“You got this.” Penelope pats my shoulder , “Are you sure about this?” Roman asks, still being wary of my plan.

“Yes.” I inhale a deep breath, “Please go.” I exhale and I hear them walk away without a word.

I glance at the guards in front of me, holding the door handles, ready to open it and then I look over my shoulder at the guards behind me.

“I don’t mean to put pressure on you, but I am pregnant, but don’t hurt anyone.” I giggle, trying to break the tension that’s cutting the air from my lungs.

“Yes ma’am.” they all say in union and I nod at the guards and the doors open.

I walk out and people start yelling and I catch a tomato they throw at me. My head snaps at the tomato and I tut, shaking my hand.

“How dare you?” I growl, silencing them all, including myself. I never felt this kind of power coming from me…

“This is food…”I glare over the crowd, “Some people don’t have this…some farms are dying and you toss it at me?” I hand it to one of the guards at my side.

“I came out here to talk, to hear your concerns because the angry chanting is pissing me off.” I shrug, trying to keep calm.

“Get lost, you fake princess!” a man yells and I let his words roll off my back, “What makes you so sure I am fake?” I cross my arms and everyone starts bickering among themselves before their voices get louder.

“Where’s the king?”

“You are a fake!”

“The princess died!”

“You’re vile!”

“You’re a monster!”

All those words mix together and I shut them out, rolling my eyes as I wait for them to be done, but it doesn’t stop…

I growl loudly, feeling my canines extend and they all fall silent.

“Shame on all of you, I know some of you are beta’s , sent by your alpha’s to get rid of me, but why? I did nothing to you.” I grit out.

“You aren’t the real princess.” Someone yells and I raise my hand, silencing them.

“You can’t silence us!” another woman yells and I glance at the guard next to me, who lifts his gun to the woman, pointing it right at her.

“Wether you like it or not…I am and just like you…all of you, I did not ask for it, I was lead here, by a memory from the Moon Goddess…I have the DNA results to prove that I am the King’s niece, that my deceased father was the prince and you are all disrespecting him!” I feel the anger in my chest grow, “How would he feel if he could see you now? You’re trying to kick out his daughter, who has the right to be here…I was a slave!” Tears swell in my eyes, “I was kidnapped and enslaved, worked since I was merely a teenager and all of you are complaining because I found my family…” my voice cracks.

“Don’t shame me because I was missing…” I shake my head, “If I could change my DNA, I would because I have a perfect home at a lovely pack, Goddess…I have the best pack and a beautiful son and another child on the way and here you all are…treating me like an enemy because you’re scared.” The challenge in my tone makes some snarl, but I snarl right back, not giving them the chance to force my hand.

“I don’t mean harm to any of you, but threaten me or my family…then you might have to fear me.” I shrug, standing there, watching all of their confused and angry faces.

“Do any of you have actual questions for me? Things I can explain to make you believe me? Because I have proof…If you want to see it.”

“Show us!”

“Yeah, show us!” they all start to yell and I nod, pulling a guard closer and he mind links Roman to bring the proof.

Roman comes out and I could feel the fear radiating off them and he hands me the paper, his other hand resting on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze before standing back, but he doesn’t leave me alone out here.

“Here, on this piece of paper, I have proof and whoever wants to see, come forth, but make a line…We aren’t animals, even if some of you seem to act like it.” I hold the paper up and they all just form a line, coming up to us, some even took photo’s.

When a tall man stops in front of me, reading the paper, he snatches it from me, “How is this enough? Where’s the doctor?”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Roman growls behind me and I immediately step aside as he grabs the man’s throat, slamming him against the wall, “How dare you?” he growls, turning his head to the crowd, “How dare all of you?” he throws the man off the porch, “I am your king! I care for everyone because it’s my job, but this girl…” he points at me, “She has the eyes of my brother, your dead prince and here you are, undermining me?” , “Stay here and disrespect me and all of you will lose your lives, because this is distrust and it will not happen in my kingdom!” He bellows and everyone backs away in fear. “Get off my land and leave my niece alone!” His hands begin to shake and he leaps forward, shifting into a large wolf, snarling and snapping at them with his jaw and they run screaming in fear, some shift and run too and I order the guards to grab clothes for him.

He did not want to upset his people, but he made them fear him…just for me.

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