I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 72


I giggle as we run down the hall, servants glancing at us like we’re crazy, other smiling when we pass them and when I see a guard, I pull Aiden into the nearest room, which is a storage closet. He chuckles in the darkness, his hands feeling around my body until he grabs my waist, pulling me to him.

“Aren’t you a little minx?” he breathes out and even though I can’t see anything, I can feel his aura radiating towards me, the tension in the room feels more intense than usual.

Even if we’re in this dark closet, it finally feels like I can breathe for the first time in a week.

I don’t like being away from him, it’s hard and I don’t sleep well, or sometimes not at all and I would just stay up and study the laws.

“Only yours.” I whisper, inching closer to him. Even when I can’t see him, I can feel him. I can feel his hot breath, I can sense the heat of his body radiating off him, the s****l tension that’s cutting through the air makes my core tense, the fluttering feeling in my stomach makes me realize why they call it butterflies.

“Damn right.” his hands gently caress my body, as if he’s afraid to touch me.

“Pants off.” I demand as my hands roam his body, finding the button of his trousers. “Eleia,” he chuckles while grabbing my wrists, pulling them away from his body.

I step back, glancing up at where his head should be, “What?” I snap, feeling like I want to ignore him and just do whatever I want to him, but I know he wouldn’t let me.

“We should talk, I didn’t drag you away from the party to f**k you in a closet.” he snorts, but I could hear the smile on his face.

I sigh, feeling calm that it’s not about a bad thing because otherwise he wouldn’t be smiling.

I hope he’s smiling.

I maneuver my hands so that I hold his, “What do you want to talk about?” I ask , wanting to sound interesting while my underwear is soaked.

“About how much I missed you, we’ve barely spoken. I want to know what it’s like here, what you’ve been doing except studying laws. Did you even have fun?” he chuckles, his hands feeling up my arms until his hands cup my face.

I missed how warm his touch was against my cheek, the way it made me feel safe and at home.

A place isn’t a home, it’s the people and we can bring everyone here, set them aside and build homes for them.

“I did have fun, Penelope took me shopping as you could have seen.” I giggle and he snorts, “I noticed.”

I want to see his face…

“Hold on.” I step to the side, my one hand still holding his as I feel against the wall for a light switch.

I flick it on, smiling when the dull light fills every inch of the room and I glance back at my mate, who’s smiling at me as he tugs me back to him.

“Missed my face so much?” the cocky grin on his face makes me roll my eyes.

“I did.” I confess as I lean into him, my hands on his chest and my eyes don’t leave his once.

“That is one hell of a dress.” he steps back momentarily, glancing down at my red gown.

“I know, I wanted to look hot for you.” I whip my hair back slowly, making his chuckle as he shakes his head.

I love his laugh, I love the way it sounds , I love the way his cheeks dent and his eyes squint shut.

“Mission accomplished.” he tugs me closer, “If only I could rip this dress off later tonight…” his one hand trails down the side where my slit is, making my breathing halt as I take in the feeling of his fingers brushing ever so lightly over my bare skin.

“Are you going to stay?” I rest my head against his shoulder, hoping he’s going to say yes, praying that he’d be in my bed, loving me, showing me how much he missed me.

“Of course I am.” he hugs me closer and I feel complete.

I wish he could stay with me for the rest of the remaining time, I wish that our entire pack could join us right now and just be here.

I miss Rosie and with her hands full with Duncun, I can’t even ask her to come over.

“We should get back.” he backs away towards the door, his hand resting on the handle.

I nod, following him and once we’re at the end of the hall, my eyes widen when Penelope comes out of the ball room, glancing around frantically before her eyes land on me, “There you are, where did you go?” she frowns, looking me over.

Guilt creeps up my spine, I shouldn’t have left, “I just went to freshen up.” I lie and her eyes flick to Aiden, “Both of you?” she raises a curious brow, “We were talking and he accompanied me there, is that a problem?” I stare her down, her thin lips spread into a smile, “Of course not, just come, people are asking where you went.” she waves us over as she turns and marches over to the ballroom.

Entering the same room the second time is different, all of the tables are gone, people are dancing and talking, laughing and drinking, it seems like an entire different party.

“Where did uncle Roman go?” I ask Penelope as Aiden and I follow her inside, “He was just here…” her eyes frantically scan the room and the relief on her face when she spots him at the bar makes my heart clench.

Why was she so afraid ?

I give Aiden a knowing look, a look he returns, letting me know that he saw that too.

As we strut over to Roman, the quarrel around him catches my attention, the voices of alpha’s arguing raises, the tension in the corner making me feel like I need to do something…

Before Penelope could even speak up, I clear my throat, “What is going on here?” I plaster a smile on my face, hoping that they would all calm down.

Aiden turns to me but I don’t look at him when I feel his concerned stare.

‘What are you doing?’ the panic in his voice when mind linking me makes my body tense, but I try to not let it show.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Ah, the famous lost princess.” A large man turns to me, his tone quieter now when the crowd around us are still.

“Eleia, and you are?” I raise a brow as I try not to smirk at his dumbfounded expression.

“This is Alpha Cane, he is one of our strongest allies.” My uncle explains, looking unphased about the entire situation.

I bet he’s seen and handled worse than this.

“Nice to meet you.” Alpha Cane nods, holding out his hand and I blankly stare at his palm before averting my gaze up to his, “As it should be.” my fingers interlock in front of me, my posture upright as I stare at the large man in the eyes.

Alpha Cane chuckles, shaking his head as his hand lowers, “You’re a bit rude, aren’t you?” he c***s his head and I can’t help but feel like I’ve seen him before.

He looks so familiar, yet I can’t pinpoint where I know him from.

“Excuse my lack of manners, Cane…” I use his name without the title, showing him that he has no power over me. “But I did not grow up here or somewhere nice as you might have, but at least I am a decent person.” I smile, batting my eyelashes.

“Eleia…” Penelope’s hand rests on my arm and I turn my head, looking at her, “Everything’s fine..” I smile and look back at Alpha Cane, “Isn’t it? We’re just talking.” I shrug, staring right into his dark brown eyes that hold darkness.

I could tell he was not a good man, but could my uncle see past the alliance he had made?

“Of course, we’re all friends here.” He shrugs and I nod, “See?” I glance at Penelope and she nods before taking Roman’s side.

“I’ve seen you before.” I blurt out when he glances at his luna, who’s standing next to him, not touching him.

His gaze flicks back to me, “Have you ever been to the Night Pack before?” his eyes widen momentarily before immediately shaking his head, “Of course not, that place was vile.” he snorts, “How would you know that?” I move my hands behind me, my nails digging into my palms.

I could smell the light layer of sweat oozing from him, he was panicking.

“Cane, what’s this?” Roman steps forward, staring with a hurtful expression at his so called friend.

“I don’t know what she’s talking about your Majesty, I have never seen this girl before in my life.” he waves me off like I’m some sort of object.

“Because I was a slave, why would you notice me when you and Regan’s father were whispering in his office?” I step closer and his eyes grow dark, “You are mistaken, little girl.” he growls and I c**k my head at him, “Then why are you getting so mad?” I smile and I step back when he launches at me and my eyes widen when Aiden jumps in front of me, tackling him to the ground.

Aiden throws the first punch, “Don’t touch her!” he bellows and guards pull them apart.

“Escort Alpha Cane off my land, immediately!” Roman bellows, his eyes dark with rage and I gulp when his hostile glare lands on me, “What are you doing?” he grits out, inching closer and I raise my arm when Aiden wants to step in front of me again.

I love that he wants to protect me, but I can do it myself.

“Sniffing the Night Pack’s allies out, I’ve seen them and I couldn’t see it first, but when he turned his head, it was like a flashback popping into my head and I saw him all over again. He shouldn’t be here, because it isn’t safe for you.” I stand my ground, not stepping back to give my uncle the satisfaction of winning.

He is king, but I have the knowledge.

“Eleia, I’m not mad, I just..” he sighs as his hand slides over his face, “There are ways to handle things.” he sighs , his eyes holding disappointment when he looks at me. “I know you’re knew at this, but next time, talk to me first.” he begs with his eyes, but his voice holds a demand and I nod, “I will. I apologize.” I breathe out and he rests his arm on my shoulder, “But thank you.” he pats my shoulder before walking off and I can’t help but feel that the night is over.

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