I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 14


Since I ran my mate off after rejecting her…

Maximus makes a clearing of a throat sound , interrupting my thoughts .

‘She rejected you .’ He points out and I roll my eyes , raking my hand through my messy blonde hair .

‘She beat me to it , who cares ? It was my idea .’ I snap at him .

‘She beat you to it because you were too heartless to ask for her name .’ Maximus growls .

He’s currently mad at me , but I don’t care .

She was an omega , a nobody , why would I want to know her name ?

‘She was our mate you imbecile , ours !’ He bellows , making me flinch at the loud growl inside my mind .

I don’t necessarily care that she was ours , but something inside of me makes me want to look for her .

I surely thought she’d be killed by rogues , but I don’t know how far she ran , but I do know that she’s alive because I felt her use the mindlink .

I wonder if she’s hiding , or hungry…

Can I ask her ?

‘I thought you didn’t care ?’ Maximus asks curiously .

‘ I don’t .’ I scoff

I am not going to ask how she’s doing .

She can survive on her own .

I head down the stairs , running into my mother scolding some omega’s .

I clear my throat and the girls freeze , their bodies stiffening .

“Mother .” I call out to her and she sighs , slowly turning around .

“Yes dear .” She forces a smile onto her face .

“Stop scolding , we have guests .” I frown at her and she inhales a deep breath , her chest rising .

“Of course .” She mutters and I could hear from inside that the cars are arriving as we speak .

Today is an important day , I was suppose to have a mate searching ceremony next week , but I moved it up after I chased my mate away .

I need to chose my mate now , a chosen mate .

There are more than twenty girls coming , all in beta of alpha positions .

I would like to choose an alpha female , but they’re overly possessive , cranky and demanding , a beta I could still intimidate , make her do what I want…

‘We need a mate that would make us strong , we need our mate .’ Maximus growls and I roll my eyes .

I do not want Elie .

‘Eleia !’ Maixmus growls , correcting me and I scoff , shoving him into the back of my mind as I stride outside to meet my guests .

Maybe I’ll find my second chance mate .

The thought excites me and as I open the door to head out , the sun welcomes me with open arms .

I smile as cars line up , girls being escorted out by men , old men , probably their fathers , meaning other alpha’s and beta’s joining too .

I hate when others show up , why can’t they just send their daughters ?

Now I have to be respectful to the women and the men .

I stand on the porch steps , hands behind my back as I stare at the girls lining up , some being cheery and kind , other’s glaring at one another like they’re the enemy and I guess the girls are each other’s rivals .

They all want to be my mate , they all want to be a Luna .

All of them are gorgeous and I bite down on my tongue when I see a chubby girl , standing in a tight dress .

What kind of wolf is chubby ?

We’re naturally fit because we run a lot and work out .

Does she do nothing ?

The wind blows and a fresh daisy scent fills my nostrils .

Mate .

I have a second chance mate .

I stare at the girls , looking which one when the chubby girl stares at me with the same intensity .Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Oh no .

This can not be happening to me .

‘I knew that rejecting your first mate would bite us in the a*s .’ Maximus scoffs and my b***d runs cold .

She steps forward with a wid smile as our eyes are locked on one another and I clear my throat , looking away .

“Everyone , please come inside .” I mutter , forcing a smile onto my face .

Everyone lines up , striding into my home nervously .

My foot repeatedly taps on the wooden surface below me , anxiety coursing through me as the chubby girl comes closer .

I smile at every single girl as they walk in and as she comes closer , my hands want to grab her , but I don’t want to .

The girls behind her laugh and I sigh , stopping her , “This way please .” I nod towards the kitchen and her eyes light up , her smile so wide as she nods and follows me .

I don’t touch her , because I know it will make things worse if I do .

“What’s your name ?” I croak , my throat tightening as I speak .

“Elizabeth .” She smiles , her hands shaking as she fiddles with her hands , picking at her nails .

“Elizabeth , what’s your last name ?” Fear courses through her eyes , her bottom l*p swallowing into her mouth .

“Please don’t reject me .” She whimpers and my heart cracks .

“I have to sweetheart .” I sigh and her eyes tear up .

My heart aches at the single tear rolling down and she inhales a deep breath , her chest rising .

“Elizabeth Scott .” She whimpers and I nod .

“I , alpha Regan Night , reject you , Elizabeth Scott .” My heart rips in two as she grabs onto the counter , barely breathing .

“I accept your rejection .” She croaks out , her breath short and my eyes glass over .

“I’m sorry .” I mutter , hands behind my back and she nods , “I forgive you .” She gulps , tears streaming down her face .

“You know the way out .” I sigh , eyes glued to the floor .

‘You’re a hypocrite .’ Maximus growls and I ignore him .

“Okay , it’s fine . I wouldn’t want to be with someone like me either .” She whispers before making her way out of the kitchen .

I feel a little bit of hatred towards myself as I see my only second chance walking out of my home .

I am going to have to find someone , someone who would love me and accept me . Someone I can keep .

I stride out of the kitchen , blinking the unshedded tears away before walking into the ball room of the pack house , smiling as girls stand around chatting .

“Hello everyone .” I beam with an empty heart , forcing the biggest smile onto my face .

They all blush , straightening their backs , all of their attention on me .

“I want to thank each and every one of you who has come from far to join me , to help me choose the perfect Luna for my pack and myself of course .” I grin and they giggle .

“But as you all know , there can only be one .” I sigh and they nod , their smiles vanishing , their serious faces appearing .

“I am going to sit down and chat with every single one , five minutes , three times and I will ask some questions . Got it ?” I clap my hands as I walk to the table set up with finger foods .

“Please have something to eat and drink while you wait your turn and I will call by alphabetical order .” I grab food and head to another clean table where there’s an office chair and a desk .

I sit down , popping a chicken nugget into my mouth before I grab the list and call out the first girl .

It feels like hours , probably because it is after the first round of questions are done .

There are a few beautiful brunettes that caught my eye and made me smile , they were smart , kind and had power , they had leadership skills and they would be perfect , so I ticked them off .

I stand to my feet , “If I read your names , could you please step forward .” I ask and all of them glance at each other .

I begin to read and as I look up as they walk forward , all standing in line , fear covering their eyes , I smile .

“You are selected to the next round , for the rest of you , I apologise and you all were lovely .”

I clap for them , but it doesn’t stop the cursing and tears as they walk out of the room .

The sound of glass breaking catches my attention , but my mother shows me a hand , reassuring me that everything’s okay .

The fear stricken faces on the girls faces in front of me makes me calm , they are emotionally attached , two of them beta’s , the other three alpha’s daughters .

After another half an hour of asking questions with each was tough , but I narrowed it down to two girls .

Both alpha’s daughters .

Ellisa and Rain .

Ellissa has dark hair like Eleia , green eyes , like Eleia and she’s nice , sweet , kind hearted , she has a strong personality and I can’t keep my eyes off her .

Rain has light blonde hair , but also kind , she has blue eyes that are the baby blue colour , she’s sweet and flirty , it’s adorable .

‘I don’t want a girl looking like Eleia , but then again , Ellisa doesn’t look like our first true love , she’s uglier .’ Maximus scoffs and I get angry , my teeth baring .

“Shall we start ?” I ask as I sit with Rain first .

I honestly don’t know about her , she’s a bit too chirpy and with this third conversation , it feels like she’s already annoying me .

I feel guilty that I can’t take my eyes off Ellissa though , but she’s so beautiful and sweet .

She’s nice to look at .

I think I want Ellissa .

“I’m sorry .” I interrupt Rain and her jaw drops as she stares at me agape , “You’re lovely , but I don’t feel the connection .” I lie , glancing at Ellissa , who smiles at me , making s warm feeling explode in my stomach .

“It’s fine .” Rain forces a smile onto her face , baring her teeth as she slams her hands down onto the desk , slowly standing up .

“It was nice to meet you , alpha Regan .” She bows her head before kicking the chair back , the screeching sound making me winch and I watch her storm off .

I shake my head , sighing and then I look at Ellissa , “Does this mean I win ?” She batts her eyelashes ,making me grin .

“It does .” I beam and she strides towards me .

“Good .” She swings her arms around my neck and my arms snake around her waist .

“Would you please do me the honour and be my Luna ?” I grin and she smiles widely , “I accept .” She beams , hugging me .

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