I Claim Your Love

Chapter 9: The First Kiss

Chapter 9: The First Kiss

"Where are you going? The feast is about to begin."

Aurora parted her lips to speak but nothing concrete came out of her mouth. What could she possibly

tell the boy? That she isn't excited about the feast anymore after realizing what was on stake! That her

greatest fears were about to come to life! Or what a horrible mistake she did when she thought of

uniting two souls without assessing the repercussions.

She should have listened to elder Odulf. Let nature take its course and be patient; meddling in its line

of work will only cause chaos and anarchy, he said. She clearly undermined the terms of engagement

of this union. But she thought that it would be a noble deed to coalesce two spirits as one. How wrong

was she! NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" Callan was now being impatient to the non responsive

behavior of Aurora.

"Y..yes ca-lly.. Oh.. uhh Callan." She was petrified and shaking, unable to form any words.

"Are you all right? You are stammering. I'm concerned about you. Is it because of the rains? Should I

take you home? I'm sure the healers will know what is wrong with you."

"No... No Cally. Would you do me a favor though?" Aurora's heartbeat was on the rise while she was

shaking with fear. Her eyes clearly showed desperation.

"Yes of course. Do you want me to accompany you to the healers' cottage?" Callan was perturbed with

his friend's behavior.

"That won't be necessary Cally. I want you to go home as soon as possible. I know you want to wait for

your parents and have a family time with them but you have to listen to me. Go home." Aurora uttered

these words firmly and slowly to which Callan only nodded with a confused look. Something was

wrong. But he did believe in Aurora as she had always put his safety before her own. He thought about

grilling her later though.

"And one more thing; Stay away from the Alpha's son." Aurora was now serious in her demeanor like

she meant every word she said and it had to be followed.

Callan nodded vigorously when he looked at Aurora. She looked dominating and a bit scary at the


Aurora then made her way out of the Alpha village. She knew that there would be a peculiar situation

soon where everyone in the house would be clueless. They won't be able to stop the onslaught that

would occur as Callan has not yet reached his full potential while Einar's beasts have already made

their presence felt. The moon had started showing its effect. She knew that she could not take control

of the situation. Not alone.

She had to bring reinforcements.


Einar was now completely serene, but everything that was rushing through his mind was leading him to

only one person: Callan. He was dubious about his feelings for the boy and thought it to be as mere

attraction but he could not refute the possibility of Callan being something more than that. Sure he

found other girls attractive but no one could compare to the beauty, the charm and the god like looks of

the boy. Everyone was attracted to him, the boy could take your breath away.

So was Callan only an infatuation? Or did he mean something more to Einar.

"Gather around everyone. The moon is at its peak now and its light has bathed our land. It is time. We

shall now proceed for the run." The voice of his father caught Einar's attention. His eyes frantically

searched the boy. For some odd reasons his wolf desired to run with him.

Ragnar wanted the night to be over as soon as possible. His son was showing great restrain so far but

he may not be able to control it for long. Einar's eyes flickered every now and then which showed that

his beasts have surfaced; thankfully he was able to hold them back. But he knew that the moon will

dominate sooner or later. It will bring out his beasts in its full glory and controlling them would be an out

of the world task. To save his pack from any unforeseen tragedy he had to finish the celebrations at the


"Einar, as the event has been called in your name I want you to lead the run today."

"But father, I am yet to be the Alpha of this pack. I can't do this. I am not ready."

"You have to do this, not just for me but for the entire pack as well. They have high hopes for you as

you are going to be their future Alpha. Don't let them down son." Ragnar was stern in his voice. He

wanted his son to take charge. Einar had to be ready sooner or later.

The Alpha went to his mate while Einar was pensive again for reasons only he knew. His wolf was

clawing inside him. The beast was restless and wanted to taste that sweet aroma again. Restraining

the wolf was becoming a hectic task for him. While his treacherous mind was at it again, holding

images of the boy continuously who he did not want to see.

Umberto witnessed the dilemma of the Alpha's son and was quick to inquire.

"What is troubling you Einar? You have been awfully quiet the entire time. You speak only when spoken

to like you don't want to be here. Tell me what's wrong?"

Einar looked at Umberto and opened his mouth to speak but decided against it. He slowly lowered his

head. The beta understood that a storm was brewing inside Einar's mind, something was making him

upset. There could possibly only one reason for his state: his mate. Maybe he was confused and did

not know what was going around him. So the beta decided to lend a word of advice to him.

"Are you worried because your mate has not shown up tonight?"

Einar's ears perked up hearing about his mate. His eyes brightened and his mannerism changed.

"So it is about your mate." Umberto chuckled as he caught him red handed.

"You are tensed about finding your mate, its natural. Don't worry, she will show up soon. She may not

be in the village or in our pack altogether. But rest assured you will meet her when the time is right."

When Umberto talked about his mate being a 'female' Einar became even more distressed. It was

obvious that everyone assumed his mate to be a girl. Hell even he wanted his mate to be a girl. But his

heart belonged somewhere else. He prodded further for his own clarity; he wanted to know what the

probabilities were of his mate being 'different'.

"How do you recognize your mate? How do you know she is the one?"

"It's easy. There are signs you know. You realize when a particular face is bothering your mind more so

than often. Your eyes are only for her, like she is the most precious thing in the entire world. You want

to be with her; touch her; feel her. The thought of seeing her with someone else makes you jealous and

angry. You always think about her well being and safety before anyone else's." Einar slightly faltered in

his stance. The information had shocked him. All the signs were there, he had experienced them but

they were not for any girl.

Einar was now even more tensed because his thoughts directed its trajectory to only one person:

Callan. He did not wanted the boy to be his mate; but at the same time he did.

"But you can feel these things for another person as well, who may not necessarily be your mate.

Right?" Einar still hoped that what he was thinking was not true. His assumptions had to be false; that

the boy was not the one who he thinks he was.

"That's where your wolf comes into play. A wolf is governed by his instincts. He recognizes his mate by

sight, touch and smell which are his core strengths. He can never be wrong in searching for his other

half soul."

"How is this possible?"

Umberto chuckled and sighed "When I first saw Catherine it was like the world had stopped moving.

My eyes could only see her and no one else. My wolf was restless and wanted to touch her; be with her


Einar remembered the time today when he saw Callan in the light of the illumination. He wanted to be

close to him then.

"The scent of your mate is aphrodisiac to your senses while the first touch brings you sensation like

you could never imagine. This is the best feeling in the world! However these tingling effects continue

only until the marking process. Once you have marked your mate the sensation is there but its effects

are diminished."

It was hard for Einar to process everything what Umberto was saying. How could he tell anyone that his

outburst earlier was more or less because of the touch of Callan; that his wolf wanted to graze his

canines on his beautiful skin.

"Lastly, a wolf's primal instinct is to mark and mate as soon as he recognizes his other half. It is done to

stake claim, to eliminate any further competition and this is where you have to be more alert. Our

wolves are possessive animals and they can get barbaric to claim their mate, hurting other people in

the process. That is the reason we never keep a wolf away from its mate."

"I-I was just thinking. What if my mate is not what everyone is hoping for?"

Einar's question baffled the beta while he pursed his lips with a frown. Einar had to try; he wanted to

know if he could possibly have a future with Callan.

"I mean; what if my mate is not a wolf? What if she...."

"Don't even think about it." Umberto was quick to reply. "The council has specified the rules for a

reason. Inter species mating in werewolf world is forbidden. It is necessary to keep the bloodline pure.

While same-gender mating is a lost cause in itself, we neither talk about it nor have we heard about

any such mating till now."


"Don't worry Einar. You are an Alpha wolf. An Alpha always has a strong she-wolf as his mate. It is one

of the perks of being the leader as it is necessary to have healthy pups that could carry the bloodline

and legacy forward. This is how the pack grows."

The bloodline and the legacy. That's what it comes around ultimately. The pack needs an heir and

Callan cannot provide me one. But I cannot reject the boy as well; I don't have the strength to do that. I

have my duties as the future Alpha, I cannot neglect my pack. They have certain expectations from me

which are just. They need a strong Luna and an heir. The boy cannot give me any of it.

"Einar come here." Einar's thoughts were put to rest when he looked at his father who had assembled

people for the run.

Einar was sad, depressed for he juggled between his possible mate and his responsibilities towards his

people. His face reflected his apathy while people assumed that he was tired after the events of


Letting the wolf take control Ragnar surged forward and nudged his son. Soon the people followed,

shedding their clothes and reigning in their beats they all gathered around Einar.

Callan observed this from the position he had been standing all along. He had to stay back with some

other wolves because he could not shift and hence unqualified for a run. It made him upset that he

could not be a part of this ritual. He watched Justus, who before shifting gave a weak smile of

acknowledgment to his son, encouraging him to be strong.

"My dear, are you ready to go home?"

"Are you not coming with me mother? You said we were going to be together after the feast."

Mary lowered her eyes in shame as she could not fulfill her promise to her son. Not even on his

birthday. "Zelda and Catherine want me to be with them. The feast will start soon and they will need my

help. It will take longer than I expected."

"I understand." Callan replied with a dejected smile to assure his mother that he was fine. "I will leave

with Meredith then."

Mary widened her eyes in surprise and a knowing smile formed on her face. Callan was blushing


"The girl seems to be pretty interested in you. Do you like her?" Callan nodded with his head hung low.

He was embarrassed to admit his feelings for another girl to his mother. On the contrary Mary found his

behavior endearing.

"I do like her mother. She is pretty and she wants to befriend me. She even wished me on my birthday

today while she is staying back and not joining the run, just to be with me."

"Looks like someone will have a memorable birthday after all. I am happy for you my son." Mary kissed

her son's forehead and wished him happiness galore.

Einar could see Callan from a distance but could not make out the conversation he was having with his

mother. His world lit up when Callan blushed and smiled on something which Mary said. He had a grin

of his own while he shed his clothes and was in his naked glory.

With a long howl he slowly transformed into his magnificent beast. His beast was a sight to behold. His

fur was shiny black while his eyes resembled the night; dark and gloomy. A faint red mist had engulfed

him completely. He thumped his paw to show his dominance while he bared his teeth for anyone to

dare challenge him.

He exalted power.

All other wolves bowed in submission to the mighty wolf. It pained the beast to not be near his beloved.

The distance between them was unbearable. But the beast realized that he had to prove his worth to

his mate. With one last glance at Callan he marched ahead swiftly leaving everyone behind.

Callan walked towards Meredith with the constant smile he had on his face. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes I am." she blushed "I'll just let my mother know."

Meredith and Callan lived in the same village which was near to the western boundaries of the blue

moon pack. While Callan lived at an extreme end, Meredith lived in the centre of the village. They

decided to leave the place together as Meredith's family would have to stay long to perform their duties

like that of Callan's parents. In reality she only wished to spend some alone time with the handsome

boy beside her.

On the way home they had conversations about their everyday life and their hopes for their future while

they were flushed every now and then due to their juvenile traits.

When they were about to enter the village Meredith raced ahead to be in front of Callan.

"What's the matter?" Callan asked with concern.

"I have to try something." She was fidgeting and visibly nervous. She got hold of Callan's arms and

placed them behind her back while she put one of her hands behind Callans head. With deep and

anxious breaths, the distance between them was thinning. Their chests collided while she tilted her

head slowly.

They closed their eyes and Kissed.

With that kiss Callan set out for an unknown world. It was the same feeling when you hear the birds

sing, see the melting snow, witness blossoming of a rose. It was euphoric. It was all he could think of:

The kiss. His first ever kiss..!

After a few wonderful moments both the juveniles parted their lips and rested their foreheads against

each other. Callan could see the crimson red color of her wet lips while her cheeks glowed with the

blood rushing to it.

"You are blushing!" Callan could see the adorable look of Meredith. He smiled and pecked her lips once


The rustling of bushes and voices of footsteps brought an end to the moment. It was dark and the only

source of light was the magnificent moon. Callan and Meredith were on the edge of their village where

he could see houses and open space on one side and dark thick forest on the other. He looked around

cautiously and pulled the girl behind his back, shielding her. The cluster of shrubs was now making

more movements. Something was approaching them.

Callan made his stance defensive and pulled out the dagger which he carried in his pocket. He

signaled Meredith to call for help through her mind link. The commotion could now be heard from some

other directions as well. They were in plural.

Before Callan could make his move he heard a deafening roar which brought chills to his spine. He

looked to his left and saw two red eyes. It was Einar. But something was off about him. Callan had

seen the Alpha son's wolf before, it was shiny black and had serene features. But this right in front of

him resembled a monster. It was bigger than what he remembered and looked more feral. His entire

posture looked ready to Kill while his eyes solely focused on the boy.+

The wolf looked pissed as he bared his teeth and made a dash towards Callan.

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