Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall



The knock on the door alerted us that someone was outside his office door. I managed to throw my

clothes on with speed that would have put The Flash to shame. I could hear Reid chuckle at my

embarrassment. Any werewolf walking in could easily smell what we had been doing. My dishevelled

appearance would only be verifying it. I tried to flatten down my hair and smooth out my clothes. Reid

was slowly buttoning up his pants, not even fazed in the slightest. I groaned with annoyance at his

leisurely pace.

Without warning, Zane waltzed on in, taking in the room, a sly smile spread across his face as he

leaned on the doorframe. Reid chuckled at my mortified expression. Before slipping his belt on. Zane

cleared his throat. “Sorry about that, but by the sounds of it, you two were done. I couldn’t very well

wait in the hall all day, some of us have work to do,” he stated.

My face flushed red. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Zane laughed at me. Reid eyed me

like he wasn’t the least bit embarrassed, it actually made me wonder had Zane walked in on Reid with

some random bent over his desk before. The thought churned in my stomach jealousy, consuming me

at the thought.

“Calm down, Aria, Zane is just playing. And no, he hasn’t walked in on me before,” he said, answering

the question that was lingering in my mind. I hated when he did that, I can’t even keep my thoughts

private. “No, you can’t so I don’t know why you bother trying.” Reid answered. Invading my mind again.

Zane just watched our lover’s quarrels. I sat on the edge of the desk and folded my arms across my

chest. I know it was childish, but it really irritated me that invading my thoughts was becoming easier

and easier for him and yet I could feel what he was feeling but still not see into that head of his.

Reid, ignoring my ranting turned to Zane. “What do you need?”

Zane smirked at me before turning back to Reid. “Nothing Alpha, I just came to see you about a breach

in security,” Reid’s head popped up at that, all joking pushed aside while he listened intently on what

Zane had to say. I unfolded my arms and leant forward on his desk to listen too. “Hunters were spotted

sneaking around the territory, and they managed to breach the computer database, they stole some


“Footage? Of what? And are you sure they were Hunters; we haven’t had Hunters around in years.”

“Positive Alpha, they left something behind. When we scoured the footage, we saw they left a note in

the foyer downstairs. I’m not sure what they were looking for, but they stole the footage from the night

Lily and Ari came to our territory. They didn’t take the footage of inside the building but of the cameras

on the streets,” Reid looked back at me, panic on his face and leaking through the bond. I could tell he

was trying to mask it. Zane’s eyes darted to me quickly before his eyes glazed over. I could tell he was

mind linking Reid as Reid’s eyes lost focus before going to me. He growled lowly from the back of his

throat, it sent chills down my spine and paralysed me on the spot.

“What?” I asked, demanding to know what had Reid so riled up. Zane looked back at Reid, who put his

hand up before pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. I could tell he was trying to pull himself

together, so I waited patiently for him to answer.

“The note said to hand over the Hybrid, and they will show the rest of us mercy,” I gasped in shock.

There is no doubt in my mind the Hybrid they are referring to is me. My throat suddenly felt dry. If they

know I exist, they would definitely know about Lily. Lily and I are always together, especially the night

they took the camera footage from.

“Why, though?” My voice shook in fear but not for myself, but for our Pack and for Lily. I never should

have stayed in town; I should have left when we had the chance. Now I have put everyone at risk and

why now after years have the Hunters come out of hiding and feel brazen enough to break into one of

the most feared Packs’ business buildings.

“I have no idea, Aria, but it won’t be for anything good, you aren’t to leave without an escort from now

on, in fact, you won’t be leaving my sight.” I shook my head that wasn’t even an option in my head for

the sake of Lily and my Pack, I may just have to hand myself over. No one is dying for my sake; I could

never live with myself.

Reid growled menacingly, obviously reading my thoughts yet again. I rolled my eyes, but Zane seemed

to get the message that I apparently missed because he left the room in a hurry, the door slamming

behind him.

Reid gripped my arm tightly, pulling me towards him and wrapping his other arm around my waist, so I

was flush against him. I could feel his anger radiating off him, the heat of his skin suddenly feeling like it

was burning into me. “You will not be leaving my sight, Ari. Do you understand?” I looked up at him, my

own anger bubbling to the surface. How dare he tell me to sit on the sidelines while everyone risked

their lives for me. Over my dead body would I allow that. Reid’s nails dug into the skin on the inside of

my arm. I hissed at the sting and looked up at him. His eyes were no longer his own, Ryder’s eyes

peering back at me were blazing in fury at my defiance.

“Stay out of my head, Reid, or is it just you now, Ryder?”

“No, Reid is here too, but he isn’t willing to do what needs to be done if you refuse.” Ryder’s voice was

low daring me to defy him. I could hear the challenge in his voice like he really wanted me to try. I knew

better, the memory of his bite still fresh in my mind. I hated that, but that didn’t mean I was going to

drop to his feet and beg for forgiveness. He was the one not thinking rationally.

“Bring Reid back now, Ryder.” Ryder growled his nails digging deeper as he pulled me even closer,

which I didn’t think was even possible. His lips at my ear. “You won’t be leaving Ari, will you?” I felt the

blood leave my body, and my heart felt like it had moved into my throat. His voice was so menacing, I

tried to swallow the lump that was caught in my throat, but my mouth felt like I was trying to swallow

sand, the saliva leaving my mouth making it as dry as a desert.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Bring Reid back, Ryder.” My voice trembled and didn’t come out as strong as I was hoping.

“Wrong answer,” Ryder spun me, with so much force my surroundings blurred for a second, my back

now pressed tightly to his front. Ryder's arm wrapped tightly around my waist, holding me in place.

When I felt his canines brush my neck, I screamed and placed my hand just in time, so he bit into the

back of my hand instead of my neck. I shrieked at the sudden pain and pulled my hand away.

Dropping down I twisted, so I was facing him. Lifting my hands, I hit him straight up under his ribs

forcing him away from me. Ryder growled annoyed before getting to his feet. I watched him crack his

neck, accepting the challenge. I didn’t want to hurt him, and I knew deep down he didn’t really want to

hurt me. This was just his caveman side, brute force, and not much rational thinking.

Holding my hands up in front of me. “Wait, wait.” Ryder halted, thinking I was agreeing to his terms. I

used that to my advantage. Using my Alpha voice. “I said bring Reid back NOW!” I screamed. Ryder

fought off my command easily. “Shit,” I really hoped it would work with him being distracted. It didn’t,

why for once, couldn’t I get the upper hand over him just once. Ryder seemed to think it was funny that

my Alpha voice didn’t work on him, because he was my mate. The look on his face was disturbing,

primal, in this moment he truly looked like a predator and unfortunately for me, I was his prey.

I only had two choices: take a very painful nap for god knows how many days or give in to his

commands. I chose the latter. “Fine, I will stay. Okay just bring Reid back please Ryder, you're scaring

me.” He smiled triumphantly before stepping forward.

“Promise you won’t put yourself in any unnecessary danger.” I nodded my head. I could agree to that

unless it involved Lily, I won’t put myself in danger. I made sure to remember to hold my walls up, so

Ryder didn’t read into my thoughts.

Ryder reached for me, tugging me to his chest, I could feel his face in my hair breathing in my scent.

His grip around my waist was strong like a cage. I couldn’t escape without hurting him, not that I

wanted to, the familiar tingles running over my skin as his warmth seeped into. His arms loosened

slightly, and I knew Reid had taken back control. I felt his lips kiss me on the top of my head. Pulling

away, I glared at him before shoving him away.

Turning on my heel, I walked out of his office.

“Where do you think you’re going, Ari?” Reid asked, reaching for my arm. I pulled my arm away.

“To Zane’s office, don’t worry, Alpha, I am not leaving your glass prison without you. With Zane, I don’t

have to watch out for his psychotic alter ego wolf attacking me” I spat at him. Reid growled, but I

ignored him slamming the door in his face. Before I even got two steps out of his office., Zane walked

up to me. “I hear I have been summoned,” he said jokingly. I pushed past him and walked into his office

and sat on his grey suede couch and pulled my mobile out.

Zane followed me back in shutting the door behind him. I tried to navigate the new phone Reid had

given me. “Don’t be too upset Luna, Ryder can be a pain in the ass, but he means well” I ignored him

and kept scrolling through the contacts until I found the name I was looking for.


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