Hot Coffee (The Hollens)

Chapter 69 (Love Triangle)

Chapter 69 (Love Triangle)

Emily's POV

As I stood in the hallway at my locker, getting my text books for the last subject of the day, I overheard

a group of girls whispering about me. It was funny how they were talking about me and I standing right

there. They knew I would hear them so, of course, they were seeking my attention, and I ignored them.

I continued to get my textbooks and closed my locker when one of them said his name-- my

Sebastian's name. Something in me lit, like a flare shooting into the skies. My blood boiled and I turned

towards them and approached them.

"You have something to say, say it to my face!" I snapped at the ring leader, Ania Haynes.

She backed away a few feet behind her friends, Samika James, Karrie George and Jamie Sams.

"All we were saying is that Sebastian is cheating on you," she said.

I paused to process what she had just said, but I couldn't believe her. Those girls were miserable with

their own dull lives, and only set out to make others miserable as they were.

"Misery loves company" is a true phrase.

"You're lying," I said to her and turned my back to leave but Jamie stopped me.

She shoved her phone in my face, showing me a picture of a girl and a guy kissing behind the

bleachers-- typical high school spot. Then it dawned on me, the guy in the picture was, indeed,

Sebastian, but the girl he was kissing wasn't me-- it was Regina.

Regina Powers was popular and beautiful. Every girl in school wanted to be like her. They copied her

fashion, her hair styles, her makeup, the way she laughed and carried herself-- all except me. I hated

Regina Powers and Sebastian knew I wasn't fond of her, so I didn't understand why he'd be kissing


I looked at the picture carefully to tell if it was photo-shopped or not. I couldn't trust these girls. He said

he'd never hurt me. He said he only has good intentions for us; He said he loved me. For Pete's sake, I

took him home to my mom and dad. If this turned out to be true, and he'd already broken my heart

three months into our relationship, Dad would have his head.

I rushed away from the girls and headed for my last subject. They began giggling behind my back. I

would find Sebastian and tell him about this after school.

After school I found him in the hallway, as usual, talking with his friends and getting stuff from his

locker. I walked up slowly to him and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Hey baby," he greeted and pulled me into a big hug.

He wouldn't do this to me, he loves me.

"So, um, there's something I have to ask you."

"What's up?"

"Were you kissing Regina Powers, your ex, behind the bleachers?"

His friends let out that 'ohhh' sound, which was boy code for busted.

I shook it off and looked at my boyfriend's reaction. He hesitated to answer.

He took my hand and walked out of ear shot from his friends. "Where did you heard that?"

"It doesn't matter where I heard it! I just want to know if it's true or not!"

"Shh, keep your voice down. Of course it's not true.

"I saw a picture Seb!"

"Someone is trying to mess with us."

"Why would someone try to do that?"

"I don't know. Jealousy maybe."

"So it's not true?"

"Baby, I love you. I wouldn't hurt you. It's not true, okay."

I nodded my head and let him kiss my forehead.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Luis was here to pick me up. I hugged Sebastian goodbye and walked

out the hall.


The next day at school I was in a better mood. Sebastian and I had talked for the entire evening and

Mom and Dad said he could take me out on a date. It was Friday, and I was excited to tell him the good

news. I could have told him over the phone last night but I wanted to see the look on his face.

I found him by his locker. His face lit up when he saw me smiling.

"Good morning sweetie. What has you so happy?" he asked, hugging me, as always.

"Well, my mom and dad said you could officially take me on a date."

"Wow, really?"

"Yes. How does tonight sound?"

"Oh, um. I can't do it tonight babe."

"Why not?"

"I have a ton of assignments to complete. How about tomorrow night?"

"Okay. Sure."

"Gotta get to class now. See you later?"


I watched as he turned away and headed towards the home economics room.

He doesn't take home econ, so why is he going there?

The bell had already rung to begin classes, but I trailed behind Sebastian at a distance so he wouldn't

notice me. I peered into the glass portion of the door. I saw him talking to Regina! The same girl I asked

him about and he said it wasn't true. So why the hell was he talking to her now? I waited outside the


After what seemed like five minutes, he walked out and saw me. He looked like he was about to jump

out of his skin and let his skeleton run away to a graveyard. I tapped my foot on the tiles.

"Baby, shouldn't you be in class?" he asked, rubbing his neck to ease his fright.

"Shouldn't you?" I asked him back.

"Yeah. I'm just heading to class."

"Why were you in home ec?"

"Oh, um, I forgot my book there yesterday when I went to see--"

"Don't bullshit me, Seb. I saw you talking with Regina."

"Why is my name being mentioned out here?" a voice asked behind us.

I turned around and saw Regina standing the hallway.

"I was speaking about you, not to you. So you can excuse yourself now. This is between me and my


I was serious but apparently she was taking me as a joke because she began to laugh hysterically.

After she caught her breath, she walked closer to us.

"Lets get back to class now," Seb said, moving between us.

Regina's eyes were locked on me and mine on her.

"Little girl, you don't know what you're about to start. My advice to you, don't start something you can't

finish," she said in an attempt to intimidate me.

She made me laugh internally. "Believe me, if I start you, I know I would finish you."

"Oh really?"


"Wow. Well can you finish your relationship with him? Because as of two weeks ago, I started with


"What?" I turned towards Sebastian.

He was standing there like a damn lost puppy. He must have been wishing the ground could take him

in now.

"Regina, don't lie to my girlfriend!" he finally spoke up.

"Oh, it wasn't a lie last night when you were on the phone with her but had your face in my--"

"What's going on out here? And why aren't the three of you in class?" the vice principal appeared

around the corner and spotted us, just in time because, I swear, I was about to beat both of their asses.

I straightened the bag on my shoulder, fighting back my heartbreak, and headed to my class.

I couldn't believe that he lied to my face like that. I couldn't believe he was cheating on me with Regina.

Well, we hadn't had sex yet, but what he did was still cheating on me, right?

After school, I wanted to get out of there so badly.

Evan stopped me in the hallway.

He must have heard what happened.

He pulled me in his direction and studied my face. "You've been crying?" he asked sharply, sounding

like Dad.

I had been crying in the girls' bathroom before the last period. I nodded my head.

"Where is he?" he asked, his eyes darkening, jaw clenching and voice getting louder with anger.

I knew Evan would knock Seb down, regardless of who was around. I wanted to sell him out but, at the

same time, I wanted to save him from the beatings coming his way.

"I don't know. Maybe he's somewhere with his new girlfriend. Lets just go home Evs."

"No!" He moved away from me like a flash of lightening.

I turned and saw him chasing after Seb, who was running for his life. Evan was right on his tail but Seb

moved quickly. Not quickly enough because some of Evan's friends pinned him to the wall so Evan

could get his hands on him. Punches flew out from Evan like a professional boxer, knocking Seb to the

floor and making his mouth bleed.


he hovered over Sebastian who was struggling to get off the floor.

Evan kicked him down again.

I ran to them, pulling Evan away from him.

"Stop it, that's enough Evs!"

He saw me crying, pulled me in for a hug, took my bag from my shoulder, and walked out of the halls

with his arm around my neck.

I gave one more glance to Seb, he was looking at me. Both of our eyes were flooded with tears.


Sebastian's POV

I watched my girlfriend walking away with her brother. I couldn't believe it was all over because of a lie

from a pathetic jealous ex-girlfriend. The other night I was so exhausted after football practice, but I

was happy when Emily called. We talked for hours. During the call I heard my door bell ringing.

I went downstairs to get the door. Who I saw made my entire mood change to that of anger and

disgust. She should know better. She knew we broke up six months ago when I found her making out

with my ex-best friend, Jimmy, the star quarterback on the team, and a senior.

"Hi baby, I just came over to tell you that I'm sorry and I still love you," she said.

"I'm not dealing with you anymore. I'm upstairs on the phone with my girlfriend, Emily. I'm no longer

interested in you, Regina, so please leave."

I went back upstairs but she followed me into my room. I was exhausted, too exhausted to even be

bother with her. She tried to kiss me but I shoved her off, which made her anger.

"You're refusing me for some spoiled little rich bitch?!"

"Don't you ever call her that! She's nothing like you!"

"I hate her and I hate you! You'll pay for this."

"Get out of my room, get out of my house and leave me alone!"

She stormed out after knocking over a framed picture of Emily. Thankfully, it hadn't broken. NôvelDrama.Org content.

Then, the other day, Emily was furious at me. She said she saw a picture of me and Regina. I didn't

want any pictures to be circulating of me and Regina; I didn't want anything to do with her.

So, today, when the bell rang for classes and I went to find Regina to put an end to all this drama she

was stirring up. I knew she would be in the home economics room.

"What the hell are you doing? Stay away from my girlfriend and me. Just leave us alone!" I'd

whispered, careful not to disturb the class, though the teacher was absent.

"You're mine. And if I can't have you, she won't."

I pleaded with her again, trying to get her to leave my relationship at peace. But when I wasn't getting

anywhere with her, and I knew she wouldn't give in, I just left. That's when I ran into Emily. She was

standing outside the door, lancing me with her eyes, which seemed to be getting darker by the second.

I thought I was hallucinating.

I lied to her when she asked me why I was in the room. I didn't take home econ and she knew that. I

shouldn't have lied to her. It was the mistake I made because my whole world was crumbling down.

And before I knew it, Evan was on me, pounding me with his fists and kicking me down.

I knew their parents would hear of this and I wouldn't be welcome, especially by her father. I screwed

up everything and it would take a miracle to fix this.

I watched Emily walk down the hall and out of my life.

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