Honoured with love

Chapter 08

Chapter 08

Sixteen years of age...

Seven months + two weeks pregnant...

I'm standing under the window that belongs to my love. I look up to the sky and let my eyes feast on its

natural beauty. The pitch-black ocean with speckles of light reflects how I feel. In a sea of darkness,

there is a glimmer of hope. A slim chance that things may just work out and everything will be set right.

I breathe in the cool summers night air, slowly exhaling it from my lungs. The slight pinching sensation

it creates in the back of my throat. Reminds me I am only human and I can't control every hurdle I

come across.

I came here to see my Celeste, to tell her I love her and to show her, I will be here for as long as she

will have me. I start to whistle our favourite song.

~Just the way you are~ By Bruno Mars.

Moments later, she opens her window and looks down at me with a sweet smile on her beautiful face. I

continue to whistle the whole song just for her. Being held captive under her deep blue eyes. My heart

sings for her and my eyes bleed to feast on her.

" Ti amo!" I say loud enough for her ears only.

"I love you too Gio." Her smile grows bigger.

I get on one knee like a man would to propose to his lifetime lover.

"Be mine always and forever." I reach into my back pocket. Pulling out a Lockett pendant on a silver


She gasps with shock.

Yes, unexpectedly on a whim of uncertainty. I went out and spent two weeks worth of my pay packet on

this very necklace. My beautiful Celeste will one day have a ring when the time is right. I promise to

never buy her a ring unworthy for her to proudly display on her delicate finger. I plan on giving her the

world one day and I can't wait for that day to come.

"Always, forever and so... much more Gio!" She claps her hands with excitement.

I stand and throw the necklace up to her. She leans out the window and catches it with her delicate

fingers. I watch her with eyes full of pride as she clasps it around her neck. She looks at the heart-

shaped locket and opens it, inside exhibits two miniature pictures. One side frames our baby scan

photo and the other side frames a picture of the two of us on our first date at the ice cream parlour.

I'll never forget the day I first laid eyes on her. We had moved into the street four days prior. It was my

first day at college. I walked out the gate with my skateboard and she rode past me on her baby blue

bicycle with a basket in the front. She looked at me and did a double-take before she nearly lost control

of her bike. I tossed my board on the ground and took off after her. I didn't catch up with her on the way

but I did find her at the bike rack chaining her bike up.

"Hi," I said to her with a heavy accent.

She looked at me and scowled.

"Can I help you?" There was a tinge of venom in her voice.

"Si, What's your name Caro mio?" I was blown away by her self confidence.

"Not interested." She threw her bag over her shoulder and walked away.

"Hey, not interested!" I called out to her. "Giovanni Venturi." I chuckled, watching the sway of her hips

She stopped and turned around. She slowly ran her eyes up my body. Then flipped me the bird with a

devilish smile playing on her pink lips. It was at that moment I vowed to make her mine no matter how

hard she played to get. It took me a shockingly two months to get her to tell me her name. And that was

through gritted teeth. Slowly I was able to bust down those walls she put up and niggled my way into

her glorious heart. Never in my brightest days, did I ever think I'd fall so hard for her. Like a cigar-

shaped torpedo flying through the ocean.

I asked her for her number and to my surprise, she handed it over with a smile on her face.

A smile, I tell you!

I rang her every night for two weeks straight before I built up the courage to ask her out.

"What took you so long Gio?" She said over the phone.

"You've been waiting for me to ask?" I said trying to keep the surprise out of my voice.

"Yes!" She sounded annoyed. "I thought you would've asked weeks ago."

"Better late than never." I chucked.

Wanting to kick myself for not noticing the signs earlier. But, in my defence, she was always hot one

minute and cold the next. How was I supposed to know?

"So is that a yes?" I asked eagerly.

"Will you treat me with love and respect Gio?" She had the nerve to ask.

"Always and forever," I promised.

"Will you always be loyal and honest?" She continued to question me.

"Along as you promise to be mine and mine only," I demanded.

"Then yes, Gio." I could hear the amusement in her voice. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

"From this moment on. You, Celeste Maddison, belong to me. Giovanni Venturi from this moment

onwards." I couldn't contain the possessiveness I strongly felt towards her.

If I could expel my soul for a second. I would and give ourselves a hi-five.

"Yes." She laughed.

We spoke on the phone for another two hours before her evil-wicked mother demanded her to get off

the phone. The next day I waited for her to leave her house and presented her with a beautiful red

rose, which I picked freshly from my mamas' rose garden seconds earlier.

"For you my lady." I bowed my head, taking her hand in mine and gently pressed a soft kiss to her

heated skin.

She giggled, smelling the rose and kissed me on the cheek. I badly wished she had pressed those

luscious lips against mine, sealing the deal we made last night. My heartfelt giddy. It was an odd

feeling, yet it felt right. She felt right being mine.

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