His Sexual Addiction

Chapter 51: Joday From His Room

Chapter 51: Joday From His Room

I suddenly recalled his story about how he liked Lily before. He wasted no time in courting her, but why couldn't he do the same with me? Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions about what's going on between us. Am I getting too attached to him? But to be fair, our first interaction wasn't exactly pleasant. Ugh, what am I even thinking? Stop overthinking, Lyka. You're just getting in your own way. I shook off those thoughts and playfully wriggled out of his arms, giving him a playful kick. "I'm going to clean up, you cuddler!" I teased, and we both chuckled. --- Another day, another job. Lately, I've been waking up later in the day. Madam and Miss Linda sat side by side on the plush couch in the living room, their bodies tense with anxiety. The air in the room felt heavy, almost suffocating, as they awaited something, the reason for their unease looming in the air. What's going on with them? Madam's fingers restlessly intertwined, betraying her inner turmoil. Her usually confident demeanor was replaced with a look of concern, and worry lines etched her forehead. Miss Linda, on the other hand, nervously tapped her foot on the carpet, her eyes darting between the door and her slightly trembling hands. "Is everything alright, Madam?" I asked, concerned, and she looked at me and immediately shook her head. There definitely was something going on, as I could sense the eerie atmosphere. "N-nothing, Lyka," she stammered. Something seemed off, but I chose to brush it aside. After all, I didn't want to create unnecessary tension or overthink things. I nodded curiously and decided to head out to the garden because I haven't had the chance to talk to my pet plants, Dodong and Datdat, for a long time. I miss them dearly. I grabbed the hose and began watering the plants. Thankfully, it wasn't scorching hot in this part of the garden. "Dodong and Datdat, how are you guys doing?" I found myself talking to them again. It's a bit crazy, pretending they can answer me and that I can hear their responses. But it's a fun little game I play with myself.

"I haven't visited in a long time. Did you miss me?" I chuckled at the idea that someone might think I'm crazy talking to plants. But hey, it's all in good fun! I started watering the plants, making sure each one got enough water. The droplets sparkled in the sunlight, and I felt happy to take care of the plants. As I watered, the leaves and flowers swayed gently, almost like they were saying thank you. Some plants were young and growing, while others were in full bloom, showing off their beautiful colors. The images of Madam and Miss Linda's worried faces in the living room flashed in my mind. I wonder what's on their minds? "I want to tell you something, Dodong and Datdat, but I'm a bit embarrassed... HAHA!" I laughed off my hesitation. "But, here it is... I don't know what's happening, but your boss and I are getting closer. I can't explain what it is, but he feels special to me." I continued sharing my thoughts, feeling strangely comfortable confiding in my leafy friends. Crazy, right? "I don't really know. Maybe it's all just wishful thinking on my part," I told them, gazing at the swaying leaves as the wind picked up. Dodong and Datdat seemed to dance along with the breeze and that was their way of responding to my delusions. "Even you think I'm just making assumptions about my relationship with Kiro, huh? Maybe I should just focus on work again!" I playfully pushed the hose back into place, as if letting Dodong and Datdat know I appreciated their ‘advice.’ – I quickly returned to the mansion and headed straight to the kitchen to prepare Kiro's food. However, before I could climb the stairs, Miss Linda stopped me. "J-Joday has already served food to Sir Kiro... You just woke up at noon, Lyka," she said. Joday? Why Joday? Her response only deepened my confusion. Madam had never asked anyone else to serve Kiro's food before. It was a task I had always taken upon myself willingly. Why the sudden change? "A-ah, alright. I'll just take this back to the kitchen, then," I replied, returning the food to the kitchen. As I went back to the living room, I glanced at the two ladies before starting to climb the stairs

again. "W-where are you going, Lyka?" Madam asked, hurriedly following me. Miss Linda followed, too. What's their problem? "I have something to finish in Sir Kiro's room from yesterday, Madam," I answered and continued walking. "Oh my, Lyka! That's okay. Your Miss Linda will take care of a lot in the kitchen, so can you please help her, instead..." I shook my head, "It's okay, Madam. I'll just go to the kitchen later and will help Miss Linda. I just really need to take care of something for a while." As we walked, we didn't notice that we were already in front of Sir Kiro's room. I just smiled at them. I reached for the doorknob, but suddenly the door opened. It was Joday who opened it. I couldn't help but notice Joday's appearance as she stood before me. Her hair was slightly disheveled, as if she had just woken up from a nap or had a busy morning attending to various tasks around the mansion. It was a stark contrast to her usual impeccably neat appearance. What caught my attention even more was the long-sleeved polo she was wearing. How did I know it was Kiro's? Well, I had organized and tidied up Kiro's clothes cabinet just the day before. The polo shirt had been there, neatly folded and unmistakably his. My mind quickly connected the dots, and a hint of unease flickered within me. Why was Joday wearing Kiro's shirt? The fact that she seemed surprised to see me only added to my suspicion. However, she quickly masked her surprise with a warm smile, trying to appear casual. "J-joday?" "Good morning, Lyka, Madam, and Miss Linda... Sir Kiro still doesn't want to eat," Joday informed us. She had brought the food, but her attire caught my attention. She wasn't wearing our usual maid's uniform. "W-why isn't Ki— Sir Kiro eating?" I asked, and Joday seemed surprised by my question. What was wrong with asking about his eating habits? "And why aren't you wearing our uniform, Joday? Why are you dressed like that?" I inquired further. "What happened, Joday?" Madam added, too. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Ah! I forgot my maid's uniform in Sir's room, Madam... Sir accidentally vomited on me, so he let me borrow his clothes," she explained while looking at what she was wearing. "You can go downstairs. I'll just get my uniform from his room, and I'll be right there," she said as she nodded and went back inside. I heard the two adults agree and start walking away. "Lyka, won't you come down?" Miss Linda asked, but I shook my head. "Maybe later, Miss. I'll wait for Joday, so I can accompany her going down," I replied before bidding her goodbye, and she turned around. Curious about something, I decided to follow Joday back inside Kiro’s room.

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