His Purchased Wife

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

"Liam, can I ask you something?" Aurora said when they both were settled in bed together, her head in

his chest, she was drawing circles with her fingers on his heart.

Liam was thinking about what Ryan told him when Aurora was talking to her father. His business was

suffering because of the masked man. He had lost five consignments of drugs and weapons since last

month. It was more about reputation than monetary loss.

"Liam? Baby?" She kissed his chest and then moved to his neck, she bit his earlobe softly. Liam's

chain of thoughts broke and he looked at Aurora, who was looking at him with her beautiful blue orbs,


He frowned. "You want something?" He asked, Aurora sighed.

"Yes, I want to ask you I want to talk to you about something."


She hugged him even more tightly, wanting to be as closer as she could get at this moment. "I know

how you must have been feeling all this time. I understand your pain."

What is she talking about?

"My pain?" He questioned.

"Yes, I know we never talked about it but I think it's time we should start sharing our emotions," she

moved a little and sat on his stomach. "You want to go all the way?"

Aurora shook her head. She told him she was not ready for the sex and he accepted it. They are

enjoying exploring each other's bodies without doing the deed and Aurora was liking it.

"No," she leaned down, their chest touching as she was lying on top of him now. "I wanted to tell you

that I am with you."

Aurora kissed his chin, teasing him with her tongue. "You know, when my mom died I was alone in my

big house but I had Mrs Dolan with me and there was Susan. She treated me like an elder sister. I was

alone but I had people with me. Dad treated me like a princess. He still does."

Liam couldn't comprehend why she was telling him all this but he kept listening. "Tell me about yourself,

your childhood. Share all the pain you felt after your mother's death.

What the fuck!

Liam flipped Aurora under him. His eyes turned dark and a vagueness came to his face. " I don't like

talking about my mother, she is dead and there is nothing more to tell. Do you understand me?" He

asked, curtly.

Aurora gulped. She understood he was not comfortable talking about his mother. "It's okay, I know it's

hard for you to speak about your mother. You must have loved her so much and it hurts seeing your

father with other women. I understand Liam, I am not saying anything bad about your father but the

way he lives his life after your mother is a little hard for me to digest. I mean my dad has never looked

at another woman after mom. He still wears his wedding ring. He is still loyal to my mom. I am proud of

him and your father…"

The beast in Liam roared in anger. How dare she speak against his father. "I said don't say anything

about someone you don't even know! I respect my father Aurora and I will not hear a word against him.

He is what he is but he was there for me and my brother when my so-called mother ran away with her

lover and died. He is having fun with a new girl every day but he didnt marry anyone you want to know

why? Because he couldn't forget the woman he lived with like a madman and all the way she was

planning to run away with her lover. He is still not over my so-called mother. Your father loved your

mother, good. He is still loyal to his wife. Good. But that doesn't mean my fatehr is not! He also wears

his wedding ring on his finger to remind himself not to trust women again and he is right to do so,

woman can't be trusted."

Aurora inhaled sharply. She felt like a fool when he told her about his mother but the last line he said

made her frown. "Do you not trust me, Liam? What's love without trust?"

Liam closed his eyes. "Aurora, you once told me that you need a little space. Now, I am asking the

same. Please, don't ask me questions I don't want to answer today." He said, controlling the twitching

of his hands. He got off the bed and walked out of the room leaving Aurora alone in his bedroom.

Aurora kept staring at the ceiling, she felt cold in Liam's well-heated room. Once again, she hurts his

feelings without thinking. "How many times I told you to control your words Aurora but you never learn,"

mumbled to herself.

Aurora needed someone to talk to, the first name that came to her mind was Susan's but she couldn't

call her, not so soon. She needed to understand that Aurora was an adult now who wants to grow as

an individual and not depend on others' decisions. Emily was out of the question too, she was happy

with her upcoming wedding planning. Aurora didn't want to disturb the most beautiful time of her life

with her problems.

She sighed and touched her necklace, and asked her mother to help her. Aurora closes her eyes,

every time she thinks her life is back on track, a hurdle appears in her way and now Aurora has no idea

how to talk to Liam. She turned to his side and inhaled his scent from his pillow. The spicy masculine

scent intoxicated her mind and heart.

Suddenly, a memory flashed in her mind. It was of the time when her mother plucked flowers from her

rose garden to send to Ethan with a sorry note because they fought. When Aurora asked Savannah

about it, she told her daughter that flowers have the power to make anyone feel special.

When Aurora asked why she was making daddy feel special, Savannah kissed her daughter and told

her that she was doing it because she hurted Ethan with her words.

Aurora opened her eyes and touched her necklace, "thank you for always being with me, mom."

She couldn't wait for the morning to come.

The drive to the office was in a pin drop silence. Aurora didn't like it, one bit. She wanted to tease him,

hug him like every other day but he was working on his Ipad. Aurora rolled her eyes and closed the

separation window between them and the driver.

Liam didn't even look at her, he kept working on that stupid Ipad. Aurora was irritated and thought of a

hundred methods to give his Ipad a cruel death.

She smiled seeing the message on her phone. The flowers had been delivered to his office. She asked

his PA to put them in his office.

When they reached the office she didn't go to her cabin but followed Liam to see his reaction. She

thought he would be happy but no, Liam was furious.

"Who asked you to make my cabin a flower shop? How dare you put something in my cabin without my

permission?" Liam snarled at the poor PA who was shivering under his furious gaze.

"Sir, m..am aske.." She tried speaking but couldn't when Liam snapped again. "Which madam?"

Aurora couldn't watch any longer, she walked inside his cabin. "I asked her to set the flowers here."

Liam turned and squeezed his eyes shut, to calm his raging mind. He hated this stupid affectionate

thing. Liam didn't know how long he would be able to maintain this facade, "get lost, now!" He ordered

his PA who walked out without a single second's delay.

"I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you but I just wanted to apologise for last night. I wanted to make From NôvelDrama.Org.

you feel special, wanted to tell you how much you mean to me."

Liam opened his eyes and turned towards her. He didn't like seeing her long, sad face. Liam sprinted

towards her with one long stride and raised her chin with his thumb and forefinger. A few tears rolled

down her cheek, she sniffed like a child. Liam wiped her cheek. "Aurora, look at me, please."

She did as he said and gulped. Liam stared at her for a moment and then pulled her in his arms with a

jerk. Aurora snaked her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "I am so sorry, I shouldn't have

said all that without knowing the whole truth. I thought you missed your mother just like I missed mine. I

wanted to make you feel loved, I wanted to tell you how much I love you, Liam. How much you mean to

me but once again I ruined your mood…" she said while sobbing.

Liam sighed. He broke the hug and made softly held her face. "It's okay, forget about everything. But

from next time, before judging things please get to know about them."

Aurora nodded eagerly, she was ready to do everything for her forgiveness. "I promise but don't be

angry with me," she hugged him once again. Liam untangled her from himself and scooped her in his


He sat on the sofa with her on his lap. None of them said a single word, both silent, enjoying the peace

of being in each other's arms until Aurora broke the silence. "Liam, can we play a game?"

"What game?" He asked, looking at her.

"I will ask you a few questions to know more about you and you answer them without hiding anything."

"Only me? I also want to know things about you," Liam already know almost everything about her after

spending this intimate time with Aurora Liam knew there was much more to know about her.

"Okay, so you ask me one question and I ask you one, what say?"

Liam nodded eagerly. "Done, you may ask first."

Aurora nodded and think about her question. "What's the thing you hate the most?"

Liam chuckled. "You asked this?" Aurora shrugged. "Yes, now answer me."

"I hate when things don't go my way. I hate when I have to do something I don't want to do."

"Have you done something like this, I don't believe it who can force you to do things you don't want to?"

Liam sharpened his eyes. "You have no idea little one, but it's just a matter of time. Once I get what I

want I will tell that man the meaning of persuasion."

The darkness in his voice sent a shiver through her body. There was an uncomfortable silence in the

room until he broke it. "You asked two questions. Now it's my turn," he touched the lock of her hair and

brushed it back behind her ear.

Aurora could see he was going to ask something big. There was a mischievous look dancing in his

eyes. "When did you realize that you have fallen in love with me Little one?"

Aurora sighed. She could answer that, "I don't know a particular time but on the island, even though

you treated me like a brute but I was not myself after that. I wanted to cry all the time because you hurt

my feelings and when I met you in the office, I was furious but there was a part of me that relished your

presence. I guess it was a gradual process."

"What about you, Liam?"

He chuckled and puller her closer to his body. "The moment I saw you for the first time, my dad showed

me your photos, I was intrigued and when I met you for the first time in that exhibition I knew I will make

you mine."

Aurora frowned. "We met for the first time in my home, Liam."

"You don't remember? We met in the belle's exhibition for the first time. Aurora. You pushed me in a


Aurora's eyes widened when she recalled the day. "Oh no, I did that! I don't remember anything."

"I am so sorry!" Aurora hid her face in the crook of his neck. Ashamed of her acts, "It's an okay little

one, see I fulfilled the promise I did to myself. I made you mine."

Aurora nodded in his neck when they didnt see the look of darkness in his eyes. She was in love with

Liam unaware of the fact that the man she thinks of as her prime charming was the devil in


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