His Mate, His Girlfriend

Chapter 25

Chapter 25


| was glaring at Love. She was f ucking pushing me, the way she was interacting with David during lunch, and the way she was speaking so softly to calm him. | watched them leave the restaurant like the perfect couple, smiling. | was enraged. It should be me, not him. David Koffling didn’t deserve a woman like Love.

‘You didn’t either,’ Lias grumbled.

‘Because you didn’t choose her immediately, you took over and went to Charlotte!’ | barked, tired of his judgment. He always blamed the loss of Love on me when he didn’t tame the mate bond. Filled with guilt, he slithered back to the dark part of my mind. Charlotte held my hand, but | lost it and growled at her. She backed away from me in fear. Her lips started to quiver. She was about to cry, and | felt angrier that she cried in every situation.

“Don't dare do that,” | warned. | ran a hand through my hair. | wanted to punch something.

Why do you do this to me? You never loved me,” she cried.

Then f ucking leave! | don’t love you, | never did, but you stuck around knowing | was in love with another woman,” | shouted, frustrated. | was on edge.

Ellis, you know my wolf is too weak,” she bellowed, wiping her tears clumsily.

Then reject me, it might be easier,

“| can’t do that, Ellis, | love you,”

| love you, she said that all the time, what about me? | couldn't be in


this loveless relationship. | was unhappy.

It's a one-sided relationship. Can’t you see how miserable | am?” | try to reason with her. | held her shoulder and looked into her eyes.

You want money, Charlotte? I'll give it to you, loads of it, but this needs to end,” | bargained urgently. Her nose flared showing her anger towards me for suggesting that.

“I'm not here for your money, Ellis. You’re my mate, and | can’t stay

“sheb away from you without risking myself,” she barked.

needed to clear my head. | needed to go for a run, which always seemed to help me calm down. | took off from the restaurant, running a few miles before | reached the large forest of my pack.

This was the start of my fear, the fear of losing Love to another man. | couldn’t live without her. My life was a mess without her in it. | felt like a programmed robot, designed to only work, but Love was back now, my saving grace, and | needed to get her back in my life, but before | did that, Charlotte had to go | couldn’t stay in this relationship any longer when | didn’t love her.

| got back to my apartment in the late evening that day. Jace an Michael were there.

Don’t you have your own homes,” | growled, going to the bar.

We like it here,” Michael grinned, gulping the drink in his hand as h looked in the mirror. Fixing his hair. Was there a man more concerned about his looks than him? We sat in the lounge,

“| think | need to see a dermatologist again,” | heard Michael murmur. Jace and | gave him a look.

what? I’m weird because | worry about my skin?” He shot back.

Is that color below your eyelashes?” Jace asked, and Michael turned



“No,” he grumbled.

suddenly remembered David's reaction to the app being developed.

Do you think David wanted the app for himself?” | asked.

“Of course, he did,” they don’t waste a beat to answer.

He wants to buy back his shares, and the app would be the best way

to go about it. Pitch it to an enemy company and sell it,” Jace


“Why didn’t he just get it sooner though?” Michael asked.

“He didn’t know he’d lose his company so abruptly, ” | answered, “he knew from the beginning that the app was good for the company, but they didn’t have money to fund the project,”

Is that why he is with Love?” Michael asked. It crossed my mind when | saw them together. Could it be he’s after Love’s money? I

didn’t answer.

Do you have any information on Luis?” | asked Jace,

“It's Vague. All we could gather through difficult connections is tha he was part of the Elite force at the Golden Stone Pack,” He answered. The Elite force soldiers were the best of the best in the Lycan armies. They went on secret missions for the High Council office which my grandmother, CC, is part of. The Elite Force were spies and assassins. It was hard to believe Luis was one of them. His looks would throw off anyone and categorize him as a pretty p layboy

ga mma.

The Elite force’s real identities were top secret, and no one could have information on them because it would be dangerous because of the diplomatic assignments they undergo.

An Elite Force Soldier? How good is he?” Michael asked.



“Top five best among all packs in the region,” Jace answered.

As they discussed, my mind went back to those kids, his kids. Why did the little girl call me Daddy? She was sure and even cried. My heart tugged at her tears while the boy glared at me with a pout like | killed his puppy. | wish | could see them again. | want to see them again.


| knocked off late from work today because | had many things to do. | talked to Lilac when | reached home, and she invited me for a drink, but | had to decline as | was too tired.

My little monsters were in a better mood now. We were sleeping on my bed as | read them a story.

“Mommy,” My son interrupted quietly.

“Yes, baby,”

Why did Daddy say he doesn’t know us?” he asked.

Because of the drugs they gave him at Mars, and you had pai

your face,” | tried to laugh it out. He turned to face me.

Would you not recognize me if | had paint on my face?”

“I'd recognize you anywhere, but you have to understand Daddy. H was away for so long,” | told him gently.

Then why hasn’t he come to see us,” he asked.

He’s busy,” | just wasn’t ready to tell him the truth. My babies were

so little.

| wish | could see Daddy. Lara cries a lot these days,”

| stroked his hair and smiled sadly at him.


Avoiding Me


This month has been a turmoil for me. | was elated to have my Love back but also melancholy because she’s not mine. She belonged to David now. It was after 5 P.M, and | hadn’t seen Love. | was told she was working with the app developers in the studio. She avoided me like | carry the plague. | contemplated going there but | didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Besides, what would be my reason for going to the studio? | never go there because | have employees to oversee that area.


However, | found myself heading to the studio she was in, and my inner lycan was cheering me on. He missed her, and having her close yet so far was difficult for us. | watched her work or talk to her from a


| pushed the door to the studio open, and silence befell the room. | noticed Love immediately. She stiffened when she sensed me enter the room. She was leaning over the desk of the developer as she used his computer to show him something, giving a perfect view of her perfect butt. A sickening jealousy coursed through me at their closeness. Her body was slightly touching his. Unlike everyone who got on their feet, she maintained her se xy position, trying to ignore me and keep busy on the machine. A woman and man rushed to me, looking frantic.


Sir, you should have called if you needed something. No need to -” | raised a hand at the woman who spoke.

“| just wanted to see how things are going here,” | stated, looking around the wall machines. My company had the best technology when it came to development. My legs moved me closer to Love. |


+25 BONU

could feel the pounding of her heart, but still, she didn’t move from her position.

The design isn’t to my liking. | want something that can be worn on the wrist,” she murmured to the man who warily stole glances at me.

“We are just using it to test. The other team will work on the design you want,” The engineer answered. He was uneasy now that | was watching him. Love noticed his nervousness and exhaled. She stood straight to face me.

“May we help you, Sir?” she asked with hidden pique. | was more focused on the way her lips moved. They were seducing me, and Lias purred. Her eyes, her eyes were mesmerizing. | couldn’t talk for good seconds, or a full minute even after opening my mouth a couple times. Love had the power to render me speechless. | was one of the most powerful Lycan alphas in the world yet, this woman, rendered me powerless before her. | said the first thing | could think of.

Why are you still working at this time?” | asked. Love only checked the time irritably and parted her lips a little. It was time to knock off. | wanted to kiss her at that moment. She looked so cute. She clapped once, getting everyone’s attention.

‘Alright, guys. Time is up,”

The employees protested, wanting to finish their work for the day.


No, I’m not having HR write an email to me again. Leave now,” she ordered in a friendly manner, pointing towards the door. They got up and headed out the door, all saying their goodbyes to her. They

enjoyed working with her from what | could see. Love attempted to move past me, but | held her hand.

“Love, you can’t keep avoiding me, | told her. She lifted her gaze to me sharply and pouted her lips.

I'm not avoiding you, Sir. | have nothing to say to you,” she says. Sir, |



repeated, it feels so strange when she says it so formally, especially after the office-secretary sex games we used to play when we were together. She must have thought about that too because her breath shuddered as her cheeks turned crimson. Love turned her face from me. My di ck itched instantly in my pants at the memories that flooded my mind.

“J- Just le ave me alone,” she warned sharply. Her heart was racing, and so was mine. We were so close.

“Have coffee with me, please, Love, She seemed to contemplate my words. Slowly, she nodded.

The staff was gone, and we walked to the parking. The silence was deafening, especially in the elevator. When we reached the ground floor, she glanced at me, and we locked gazes. Time slowed at that moment, and the only thing | could hear was her heartbeat. | truly wanted to hold her close to me, and never let go. | wanted to interlock my fingers with her and tell her, | missed her badly because | did. | truly wholly did. Lias stirred in happiness.

My driver is there, um, where should we go?” she asked as we

the elevator.



Passion’s Corner Cafe,”

No!” she interjected. That used to be our place and the same cafe where she learned | betrayed her with Charlotte. My mood darkened

at that remembrance.

“Um, we can go to J’s,” she murmured, and | squinted my eyes. She hated that place because the waitresses were over-friendly towards




“I'm going home then,” she shrugged, turning to leave.


“Ok! J’s it is,” | agreed quickly. | opened my car door for her, but she glowered at me and turned to go to her car.

‘Oh, she wants nothing to do with you,’ Lias laughed.

“Shut up, M oron,’

M Sunshine Princess Author

Thank you for reading. Sorry for short chapter, time wasn’t my friend today


The End Of Us?

| didn’t want to ride with Ellis despite his insistence. | went in my car, grimacing the whole way. | hated J’s because of those sl! utty

waitresses who always eye f ucked my boyfriend. They have no

respect. Tina, the lady who runs it threw her daughter at Ellis once, and | approached her about it.

We soon reached the Cafe and | stepped out. Ellis was already waiting by his car. He walked up to me and gave me his hand before my driver did, but | sk ipped it and got out on my own.

“Ok,” he murmured.

We walked inside the cafe, and three waitresses surrounded us, bowing and showcasing their cleavage. They were too buoyant towards him and blushed when he acknowledged them.

“Alpha, you don’t come here anymore. We were so disappointed and worried we offended you,” one of the women said ina sultry voice.

“Yes, we truly were disappointed you stopped frequenting th

cafe in the city,” Another added.

Miss Love, long time no see. Welcome back to the city,” Tina’s daughter, Abigal, said. She gave me a fake smile. | rolled my eyes gave them a close-lipped fake smile.

Ellis’ fingers touched my elbow gently for just a second and my heart went wild. The idiot still had such a strong effect on me. They gave us the best table in the cafe, and | ordered an iced tea while he got black coffee. Ellis was staring at me. | didn’t want to be the first to start the conversation. My mind was filled with conflicting emotions. | didn’t want to start the conversation.



So you and David,” he started, his voice cold.

You asked me here to talk about my relationship with David?” | asked, bored,” David and | are together, and we are content,”

| felt suffocated under his fierce gaze.

Since when?” his voice was a mix of bitterness and anger. Ellis emanated a chilling aura that would make anyone but me shudder in


“It's none of your business,” | spat. Why was he furious? He had a woman in his life!

“| have a bad feeling about his involvement with you, Love,” he said solemnly. Did he think David had a motive?

| don’t care about your feelings, Ellis. And why are you enranged when you have a woman? Worry about her, not me,”

“That’s complicated and not the issue here, David is-”

Enough,” | snapped, angry at him.

He took a calming breath. Our order arrived, and he took a sip of h

black coffee.

“How have you been?” he changed the topic. His tone was tender.

“I've been well,” | kept my answer short and didn’t ask about his well- being over the years. I’m sure Charlotte kept him entertained and well.

Aren't you going to ask how I’ve been doing?” he asked.

I'm sure you were doing just fine. Your company is doing. exceptionally well, and your mate is taking good care of you,” | tasted the bile of my words on my tongue.

“I've missed you so f ucking much, | searched and longed for you. You left me, Love. You left without a word,” his voice was vulnerable, and


hhe looked discomforted with the way his brows furrowed. My heart aached at this, but it vanished instantly when | remembered Charlotte. Hit was clear from the way he eluded to bring her up that they were


“ should have told you | was leaving,” | said quietly. | was hurting so nmuch and didn’t consider how hard this was for him. 1 I'm sorry for hurting you the way | did. | regret doing what | did every dday, he said sincerely. | didn’t know what to say to that. | didn’t know ifif | forgave him yet. | wanted to, and | think | did. However, the pain in my heart was still there when I lay in bed alone... The pain grew each titime Vee started whining for him because her connection to him was sstilhas strong. | cried alone on the silent nights when it was raining. | creeddouder when there was thunder and lightning because it scared meeEEilis would always come to hold me no matter how far he was wheen there was a storm. He’d get to me in time and bury me in his waamaans! | felt something wet hit my cheeks. | brought my fingers todoucchtitI@ears. | was crying.


“I'm scoryplease, don’t let it be the end of us,” his whispered voice alone maddere almost choke, but cleared my throat and w silly tears away from my cheeks. | needed to leave. | wasn’t this conversation.

| don’t knowwhhatdos say, bconfessed.

Love you don’t hhave-‘The buzzing of my mobile phone interrup him, and checkeddthecallerDDavid. He was with the kids at hom

“| need to get this,s,

No, he can wait. We areeaking, Love,”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

l ignored Ellis and stood dippywalking pace to answer the phone call.

‘Hey, are they alright?” was syyifirst question. | knew how

mischievous the twins wereel toould hear my babies’ voices in the



background, so they were fine.

| was a victim of their prank again... Covered in eggs and flour. However, I'll survive your little monsters,”

I'm sorry,” | stifled a giggle.

Are you still working?”


Then where are you,” he asked. | looked back at Ellis. His gaze was


“I'll be there in a few minutes,” | replied. Luis was out of the city for a few days, and David had to leave soon.

Alright. | have dinner with my parents in thirty minutes,” He added. ended the call. | went back to the table and grabbed my handbag.

“| should leave now, something has come up,”

Do you love him?” Ellis asked, looking intently at me. | had to say yes, or this will continue. | needed to end whatever this was. It had to be the end, and | could achieve it by saying yes, yet my heart b and my inner Lycan howled. | masked my true emotions and loo

dead in the eye.

“David is a lovable person. He makes me happy, and | want to be him,” the words felt like magma about to erupt into hot lava in my


His face showed shock. He stayed silent for a moment and nodded. Ellis got to his feet and threw some bills on the table before we left for my car. He opened the car door for me.


Thanks,” | said.

There was profound sadness in Ellis’ eyes. He leaned in and placed his lips on my forehead. The kiss sent shivers down my skin. | could


feel his emotions through this simple kiss, and my breathing became erratic. | closed my eyes. The kiss was long and warm. | relished this amazing. Oh, | missed this. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. He let out a small sigh and closed my door. | felt goosebumps appear on my skin, and | became emotional- too.

emotional. As the car moved, tears freely rolled down my eyes. The

look in his gaze plagued me. Was this the end of us? The end of

everything we shared? The end of Ellis and Love?

M Sunshine Princess Author

“(The end of them?


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