His Lovely Obsession (English)

Chapter 29

Chapter 29


He felt her gasped with surprise when his lips touched hers. She raised her hands to his own which are

cupping her face.

Keep your lips closed Alcantara! He ordered himself.

It's bad enough that he couldn't control himself from kissing her but it will be worse if he will let his

desire for her take over his head. He badly wants to get his tongue inside her sweet mouth.

Not as Derick dammit!--he scolded himself.

He is making sure that the kiss is just lips to lips. No tongue. When Stacey slightly opened her mouth

so he can deepen the kiss , he tore his lips from hers. She groaned in protest. He knows that she

wants more. He lowered his face so his forehead can rest on hers.

"No honey. Not tonight." he whispered and he saw her pout her lips which made her more alluring. "It's

really getting late. I'll take you home. Please don't forget what we talked about, honey." he reminded



She is disappointed. She even opened her mouth but he ended the kiss and that annoyed her. She will

not do that again.

He instructed her to take off her blindfold when he already has his helmet on.

"Let me help you put on my jacket first. I don't want you catching a cold. It's quite chilly." he told her.

She pouted but she just let him help her with the jacket which was on her shoulders. She doesn't want

to say anything to him. She sulkily got on the big bike. This time she just rested her hands on his

shoulders. She didn't snake them around him unlike what she did a while ago. She also didn't rest her

cheek on his back. She wants a distance between them.

She heard him sighed then he turned his head to say, "Honey, put your arms and hands around me. I

don't want you to fall off the cruiser."

"I'll be fine . Let's go." she just said in a chilly voice.

She is angry with him. Just when she misses him, he acts like if he doesn't want to touch or kiss her.

It's fine with her if he didn't want to deepen the kiss . She wanted him to kiss her longer. A kiss on her

cheeks or neck would have been okay too. He used to like petting but he is acting strangely tonight.

Maybe he is tired of me already but he doesn't want to say it to my face! she suddenly thought.


He knows that she is angry. He is also annoyed with himself. He really wants to kiss her passionately

and hold her but him meeting her tonight is unplanned. If he didn't get pissed with her text message, he

was supposed to meet her on Friday, not tonight. He can't kiss any part of her body either because his

stubble is growing. She will feel the roughness of his jaw and chin against her smooth skin. He can't

take that risk. He should always be clean- shaven as Derick. He just lost his control so he kissed her.

But now he needs to pacify her. He doesn't want her to think that he lost his desire for her. He wanted

her arms around him but he can't do anything. All throughout the ride, she has her hands on his

shoulders and he can hardly feel her body pressed against his. He has been looking forward to feeling

her wonderful tits against his back again. But no chance. She seems to be really annoyed.

Finally, he stopped his big bike where he parked it near her house more than an hour ago. He waited

for her to get off the big bike before he pulled her to him by her waist without him getting off the big bike


"Honey..." he murmured his endearment for her.

She tried to avoid looking at him and he hates that.

"Wait! Here's your jacket." she said in a cold voice after pushing him from her to take it off and hand it

to him.

He got it and put it on before he reached for her again. "Honey, please look at me." he requested.

She seemed reluctant to turn her face to him. He ran his eyes on her pretty features. Even with his

helmet on, he appreciates seeing her face this close. She is really beautiful.

"Don't ever think that I don't like to kiss or hold you. What I want from you is more than physical. I don't

want you to think that each time we meet, all I want is sex. It's very hard for me to control my desire for

you but I really want to try so good luck to me." he said with a chuckle.

"What if I tell you that I want you to kiss and hold me? I said that I have been missing you so much,

didn't I ?" she asked with a slight frown.

He couldn't help groaning. He pulled her to him again. This time it's tighter. He is using his right arm

and hand. He can't get off his big bike to hug her although he really wants to. He doesn't want her to

guess his height. She might compare it to Nick's .

For now, he has to be satisfied that the right part of his body is close to hers. She feels so soft. His

body always reacts when he sees her from afar. Having her this close and smelling her and feeling her

delicious body doubles his body's reaction.

SHIT! I think I am beginning to be a sexual pervert because of her! He thought.

He is worried that he won't be able to control himself from kissing or touching her before Friday.

As Nick, I will definitely do something about that! I can't wait to see her again on Monday.--he told

himself with a devilish grin.

"Get inside honey.." he said gently before he squeezed her waist then released her. She nodded.

But after a second or two, he pulled her to him again then cupped her bottom with his right hand. He

really can't get enough of her.

She murmured a protest at first but she flashed a smile. She then wrapped her arms around his nape

then whispered." Goodnight Derick. Drive carefully okay?"

And before moving away she touched his right arm then moistened her lips. "I'll miss you." she said


He smiled under his helmet. He likes it very much when she says that.

"I will miss you more honey. Goodnight." he said throatily.


It's her first day . Mr. Grumpy called her very early in the morning. He said he will be a little late but told

her that she has to be at the office at 8 AM sharp. He said that his secretary will brief her on her tasks.

He sounded like what she expected him to be... very bossy. She just hopes that she will be able to

tolerate being one of his employees. She wouldn't think of applying to his company if he didn't

blackmail her. She is not that desperate to work for a condescending boss. She made a note to buy

facial moisturizer because she doesn't want to have lines on her face due to stress. She is one

hundred percent sure that he will be very demanding to work for so she is hoping that he won't be

always in the office.

She chose to wear a body hugging mustard colored top and black capri pants and strappy black

sandals. She applied a little make-up then just let her hair loose. She dabbed RL Pink #2 by Ralph

Lauren on her wrists and behind her ears.


"Hi! I am Cherry. I am the sexy secretary of Mr. Alcantara also known as PTEF ." a bubbly petite young

woman said when she entered Nick's office.

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I am Stacey. You said PTEF. What does it stand for?" she asked with a small

but pretty smile..

Cherry leaned towards her and pretended to look from left to right to make sure that they are alone.

"Pink Tacos' Extreme Fantasy..."she whispered with a giggle which made her giggle too.

" A lot of women in this office fantasize about him because he is sizzling hot! The face, the body and

his thing down there which I haven't seen of course but have a vivid image ! That massive thing of his

will make pink tacos extremely wet from pleasure!" the secretary said while biting her bottom lip which

is supposed to be seductive but seems to be funny because of her expression. "Just by looking at him

will make you dripping wet already! He is almost perfection! " she added giddily.

She just smiled. She likes the secretary. She finds her vulgar words about Mr. Grumpy funny. She has

a feeling that her days at Nick's office will not be that bad because of Cherry. She is a bit relieved

because of that.

Then Cherry moved a little away from her. She went round her while looking at her face and body up

and down and vice versa. She is tapping her chin with her right index finger.

"Are you sure that you are the new graphic designer? You are too gorgeous to just be an ordinary

employee! Wait! You are probably sir Nick's undercover girlfriend! Yes! I think that's who you are! He

sent you here to watch us closely !" Cherry said with a shocked expression which made her laugh


She shook her head from left to right a few times. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

"No I am not his girlfriend and I will never be. Mr. Alcantara's standards are too high. I am not his type.

He's way out of my league. " she said as she puts down her resume on Cherry's table.

"You are out of my league but I hope you will consider having coffee with me." someone from behind

them said.

They turned to where the voice came from. A pleasant looking man is standing near the open door. He

has a cute grin as he looks at her.

"Good morning sir Billy!" Cherry greeted the newcomer.

He nodded at the secretary but his eyes are on hers. " Are you a new employee? " he asked her.

She was about to answer but Cherry butted in. " Yes sir! She is the new graphic designer! Her name is


Billy moved forward and extended his hand to her. "Hello Stacey. I am Billy Dominguez." he introduced


She shook his hand."Stacey Ledesma." she said.

He is staring at her but she doesn't feel uncomfortable. He seems friendly and jolly.

"My friend is really very lucky. Hats off to him. He is surrounded by gorgeous women even at his office.

Well Nick Alcantara really has it all." he said while still flashing his friendly smile at her.

"I agree with that sir Billy! Sir Nick is lucky to have me although I admit that Stacey is a little prettier

than me. "Cherry joked and Billy chuckled.

"I think I will be here more often. Or maybe it will be better if I also apply here so I can see you every

day the whole day. " he said with that cute smile of his.

Stacey laughed quietly.

"STOP FLIRTING WITH MY STAFF BILLY!" came a thunderous voice.

They all turned and saw Nick behind them. He looks furious.

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