His Lovely Obsession (English)

Chapter 26

Chapter 26


She has been asking herself if Derick is just playing with her. Maybe he is just using her for his own

sexual pleasure. He probably doesn't want her to see his face so he can easily leave her when he gets

tired of her. She also thought of Nick Alcantara. He made a pass at her but after kissing her on the lips,

he said he is not interested in her. Seems like Tyler is the only one who has good intentions but now

she is doubtful. Maybe he just wants to woo her because she is like a challenge to him and once she

says yes to him and he got what he wants with her, he would soon lose interest too.

She blinked twice to erase her thoughts and focused her eyes on Blake. They are on the dance floor.

She whispered his name. He stopped moving and put a little distance between them so he can lower

his head to look at her.

"Miss Hotness? What's wrong? Do you want to sit down?" he asked worriedly.

"No.."She chewed the bottom of her lip. "Y- You s-said before that if you don't have a girlfriend now, you

would court me again. Did you mean that?" She asked him. Maybe she wants a sort of assurance that

some men really like her for being her.

His eyes narrowed and his forehead creased. "Let's get out of here. There's a garden outside the bar,

we can talk there. " he suggested before holding her hand.

Eve and Lance are dancing next to them . Blake tapped his cousin's shoulder before leaning down to

whisper something. Her friend threw her a worried glance but Blake said something to her which she

couldn't make out. After a few seconds,she finally nodded at them.


The air outside is a little chilly.

"Are you cold?" Blake asked while he removed his jacket and put it around her shoulders.

She thanked him. He then took hold of her hand again to lead her to a shade on the far left of the

garden. When they reached it, he made her face him by gently turning her shoulders so they can look

at each other's faces.

"We can talk in private here. So now Miss Hotness..what was your question again?" He cupped her

chin with his right hand to raise her face.

"You heard me the first time.." she said before chewing the inside of her bottom lip. She doesn't want to

repeat what she asked him because she's a bit embarrassed. She felt her cheeks turned pink.

He released a sexy smile. " And I thought alcohol makes people lose their inhibitions but you seem ill at

ease. I wonder why." he joked.

She rolled her eyes and tried to remove his hand on her chin.

"Let's just go back inside. Forget it. " she said.

His eyes turned darker and his face became more serious "Why did you ask me that question Miss


She pouted. She has no choice. "What did you like about me?" she finally asked.

His lips twitched upwards to one side. "I think your question should be, what I like about you, because I

still like you until now. " he said before framing her face.

She was like in a trance because she just stood there staring at him in disbelief.

"You are not only beautiful. There is something about you that draws men to you though I can't pinpoint

what that is." he added , sounding serious.

She lowered her lashes.

" I haven't seen you drink a lot. What's wrong? Guy problems?"

She moistened her lips before she raised her eyes to his blue ones again. Before she can speak, he

said, " You can tell me everything. I will listen."

She tried to hold the stare.

"I don't have any male friends so at this point, you are the only one I could ask. Please be honest with

me. Am I not the type of girl who men want to have a serious relationship with?" she asked directly.

Blake's brows furrowed. "And what made you ask that question?" he sounds puzzled.

She bit her bottom lip instead of responding to him. After a few moments when he felt that she will not

answer him, he uttered a bad word and pulled her closer to him by her arms.

"Only a fucked up whacko would think that of you! Look Stacey, I..." his frown deepened as if he

thought of something which made him not continue what he was about to say.

He let go of her arms and raked his fingers through his hair. He looks uncomfortable.

"Blake? Is something wrong? What is it?" She asked him worriedly.

"We better go back inside. " he just said in little chilly voice.

Before she could open her mouth again, he made a gesture with his hand telling her to walk ahead of

him. She just sighed and headed to the bar again.

Inside, Eve and her fiance stopped dancing and are already on the table. Blake pulled a chair for her

and once she sat down, he got a chair for himself and sat next to her. She looked at his handsome

face. She thought of flirting with him a little because as he said, he is harmless. Maybe it's wrong but

she needs something to boost her ego. Images of Derick and Mr. Grumpy came inside her head so she

she shook it to erase them.

To hell with them! She thought, feeling irritated.

"Give me some! " she instead said with a light laugh and got Eve's glass with vodka. She gulped the


Eve raised her brow but smiled. She just let her.

Her fiance, Lance chuckled before saying, " Wow! I haven't seen you drink so much alcohol Stacey!"

She shrugged and let out a big smile, " I should have fun cause I am single and ready to mingle..." she

said jokingly before gulping another shot.

"Stacey, go easy on the alcohol." Blake said as he put his hand on hers which is on the table.

Lance cleared his throat while Eve coughed when they saw what Blake did. The latter just glared at

them while she just made a face at the lovers before turning her eyes to look at him again.

"Don't be a party pooper Blake." she said with a pout.

They are looking at each other's eyes. Blake's have a blank expression.

The stare was broken when she heard Eve called her name. She tore her eyes from his.

"What?" she asked her friend . She pulled back her hand to pour more booze in her glass.

From her peripheral vision, she saw that Blake was about to get the glass from her, so she said."Do

that and I will kiss you right here, right now."

She turned her head to him. As they look at each other's eyes, you could hear a pin drop. After a few

moments, Eve fanned her own face with her hand. "Whew! It's getting hot in here babe!" she said to


"Never say things you don't mean Miss Hotness.." Blake's voice is little throaty voice which made her

raise her left brow a bit. She didn't even removed her eyes from his as she would normally do if he

looks at her this intensely.. Maybe now she is starting to lose her inhibitions.

Lance and Eve looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Babe, let's dance again." her friend told Lance before standing up. She didn't even threw her and

Blake another look. She walked to the dance floor while Lance followed her.

She took another gulp when the couple left the table. Surprisingly, Blake didn't stop her but when she

finished the booze in the glass, he took it from her and he poured alcohol again. He filled the glass up

to the rim then he drank it without looking at her. He did that three times. After the third shot, he put

down the glass on the table with a thud before he transferred his eyes to her again. She wasn't aware

that her mouth was slightly open from surprise. She didn't expect him to drink that much at such a short

time. He put another shot on the glass then offered it to her.

"Since you want to get drunk, then I better join you. Drink one shot , I will drink three. Deal?" he

challenged her.

She blinked twice. He sounds serious so she shook her head from left to right.

"No. " she said in a small voice. She can't say yes because he can't drink too much since he will drive

her home.

"You accused me of being a party pooper so now I am offering you a deal. Let's both get drunk which is

more fun. So here Miss Hotness, drink this." He said with an expressionless voice.

She sighed. "I have to take the taxi if you get drunk. " she told him which got him.

He shook his head from side to side and clucked before getting the glass to finish up the alcohol with

one gulp.

When he was done drinking, he stood up and took her hand. "Let's just dance!" he said in a cold voice.

To others they probably look like a couple. Blake's eyes never left her pretty face as they sway to the

slow music. When she felt that she can no longer bear his eyes on her, she asked him to go back to

their table. She felt relieved that he agreed without any protest.

She finally realized one thing. She should not flirt with him. It will be playing with fire. Blake is very

good-looking too and she can't afford to fall for him. He can't rekindle his feelings for her too because

he has a girlfriend and a son already. She should keep that in mind.


Blake parked his car in front of her house. No one said a word during the drive but she knows that she

has to apologize to him before she gets off.

"Thank you Blake and I'm sorry for what I did and said." NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

She heard him sighed.

"That's okay. I also want to say sorry if I said something inappropriate too. I had no intention of being

fresh but I don't want you to be roaring drunk because of any man . Your beauty is not only skin deep

Stacey. And whoever that dickhead is, forget him! You deserve someone better." Seriousness lies in his




He had been trying to contact Stacey but she didn't pick up. He was aware that finding her from all the

bars which she might go to is like wishing for the moon. He finally gave up after a few hours and

decided to wait for her to come home. He had been waiting for about half an hour. His big bike is about

50 meters away from her house . He parked it behind a white van which is on the opposite side. He

saw a car stopped in front of Stacey's house. His eyes narrowed when he remembered that the car

belongs to one of the owners of the bar where Stacey works. He can't see the inside because the

vehicle's windows are heavily tinted. Trying to keep his cool, he waited for them to get off but more than

two minutes had passed still no one went out.

"FUCKING HELL!" he swore while gritting his teeth.

A lot of nasty things are playing inside his head.

What the fuck are they doing?--he asked himself angrily.

He got his phone from his pocket and dialed her number.



" I think your phone's ringing." Blake told her before he reached for her bag which is on the backseat.

She said thank you to him and took out her phone . She chewed the inside of her bottom lip when she

saw the caller.

Derick's number is flashing on her screen.

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