His Little FLOWER

Chapter 33: 33 - Rise of the Sottocapo

Chapter 33: 33 - Rise of the Sottocapo

A Few Months Later...



After all these months, still, I'm in my hometown, not interested to back to Manhattan anymore, not

without him. I looked at the wall, seeing the picture of Us. With his eyes closed, he is smiling against

my neck.

I close my eyes, letting my mind fill with his voice, letting the tears flow through my cheeks freely. I can

feel like hearing him calling me Flower and teasing me like he is just feet away. I wished, if I call his

name now, he will step out of the frame.

My thoughts got interrupted by a phone call and it was from Mr.Davies, who is the executive of the

Company, I'm currently working.

"Ms.Brooklyn, it would be great if you work for us as a full-time employee, instead of Part-time. You can

still be a remote employee and we will give you a rise in salary as well.", he invited, but I felt confused

to decide as I requested him to give some time to think about it and he agreed.

I hung up the call, as my room door got opened by Zoe, following her Riley, Leah, Ruby came behind

her. As they were laughing about something Leah told.

They are all my best friends during my college time and came here with their boyfriends a week ago.

The main reason why they came here is, to make me feel better thinking I'm in deep grief, which is not


I'm not hopeless as I still believe that My Ferr will come back. It's hard to hold onto the hope and it

would've shattered on that day, where all the news channels and the entire world claimed, he is dead.

I would've believed the news too if I didn't get a call from Hadez, who is his friend. He's the one who

made me realize, that this news is not true, it was created just to spur a rumor. He is sure that Ferr is

alive, and that boosted my confidence too.

"Babe, tonight we are gonna have a campfire and barbecue. For that, we need to buy some stuff. So,

let's go shopping. What do you say?", Ruby proposed, for which I replied, "Sure, babe". If I say No,

they will start giving me life lessons.

Making our way outside, I saw Carter, who is waiting for us. Once upon a time, My Crush.

During college time, we dated for barely a week. Our relationship is not a serious one. Neither did I felt

like being in love.

He is just my short-lived crush and it took him a second to discard me for a college football

cheerleader. The reason is I'm not being cool. Now, it looks like she threw him out in the end.

Reaching the shop, they all went to buy Barbecue essentials while I went to the snacks section as

Carter came along with me. He took the shopping basket from me forcefully, following me from behind.

I'm not liking this...

"So, what's your plan for the future?", he initiated the conversation, I looked at him puzzled.

"You know you got a job now, so what's next?", he interrogated, making me realize where this

conversation is leading to now.

"Once my boyfriend comes back, you will find out on your own", I smiled at him, as he forced a smile

back in return.

"You have to move on. How long do you intend to lie to yourself, thinking he is alive? You got a job,

now next to a life partner. I will always support you", he placed his hand on my shoulder, not saying

anything in return, I kept on with the shopping.

I stopped fighting with people about this a long time ago. I'm sick of trying to make them understand

when they are not even ready to see my point of view. Instead of that, they're trying to feed me off their

beliefs and forcing me to accept them except for my Granny.

After buying all the stuff, I and My friends sat on the chair, which is near the billing section as Carter

and his friends took care of the bills.

"This is such a gruesome act", I tilted my head towards the direction of that voice. It's from an old lady,

confiding about the news, that is going on right now.

I watched the television, which is fitted on top, with the flash news going on...

"Huge clash broke between three Mafia Bosses' in Ethiopia. According to the report, Tadesse and

Darragh massacred brutally. It comes off like another Mafia Boss done this gruesome act and his

identity is Unknown."

The images of the dead showed in a hazy way, as their face looks repulsive sight to witness.

AFTER 1½ HOUR: 11:30 A.M.

"Babe, we are going to spend some time on the nearby river and you're coming with us too.", Leah

sang like a song, making me giggle.

"Ok, You guys get going, I will be back soon", I noted as they all left with their boyfriends, before letting

out to come fast.

Entering inside, I was stopped by Grandpa's words, "Rose, where you going?".

Turning around I mumbled out, "To my room". He stared at me knowingly, why I am going inside in a


"Your phone is here and he didn't call yet", he hands over the phone back to me, as I got it back from

him without uttering a word.

"How long you intend to fool yourself, that he might call you. The whole world knows he is dead", he

criticized my belief.

"Of course, the whole world believes, because for them he is A Billionaire, A Business tycoon, he is just

a piece of hot news for the media. But for me, he is the man I loved. My Ferr, not Ferrari Raffa Knight",

I stated the fact, how this world sees him.

He stood still not knowing what to say in return as I made my outside to join with my friends.


I looked at the way she left, also the way maria smiles indicating clearly, she is so proud of her. In all

these months, she learned to talk skillfully.

"You know what Josh, on that day while she was going out with Linda. I was reading a newspaper

which showed on the front page that Ferrari died in a car blast.", she sighed, made me remember that


How can I forget that day? I never saw My baby cried out like that before. I personally hate that Ferrari

for that one sole reason, making my daughter cry.

"I was too shocked about that news and worried about her. But now I don't feel that way. She is a

strong girl now", she proposed, smiling at me.

"Winning her in the conversation is getting impossible nowadays and you're proud of it", I gave her an

unbelievable expression, for which she grinned.

"Of course, I'm Proud of her. She is a mature girl now, finally learned how the world works.", She

gushed, making me want to roll of eyes at her.

These women are crazy...



"So, you're saying we can join in your organization without the fear of getting killed by Raffa.", One of

the drug-producing company head, queried.

"Yes, you don't have to fear about that anymore. I assure you all, from now on all the drug exports in

the US will be under my control.", I stated proudly to all the Company heads who are all assembled

here. After a long time. I began to feel the taste of success again.

"Who is taking the Charge of SottoCapo(UnderBoss)!?", As another one, picked a question.

Before I could answer, another question broke out, "Where is Dimitri?".

Shit! I thought they all forgot about him after all these months. Who the hell knows? All I know is that he

went to Texas to kill Raffa's woman taking hundreds of My Soldiers.

Till now, not even a single soul came back, nor do I have any idea where they are all. About Dimitri,

that cunt ran away somewhere leaving his position and everything behind. Now, no one is coming in

front to kill his woman, no matter what.

"He is in a deep grief after losing his two sons'. So, he left the business", I stated, as all accepted with

my opinion. The truth is, I couldn't even get to know the motive of his decision.

"I already chose A New SottoCapo. Here, My Son, Romano Camorsta. From now on, he is the

UnderBoss. In the future he will be the Boss", I revealed as my son stood beside me with a prideful


"So-", My speech was interrupted by a phone call from My friend, Tadesse. Why he is calling me at this

time? Excusing myself, I made my way outside to attend the call.

The moment I attended the call, I jerked the phone away startled by the horrendous scream from the

other side of the phone, and the voice belongs to Tadesse.

"Tadesse, what's wrong? Are you ok?", I yelled out, getting frustrated by his painful cry. In return, I

heard a booming sound of something clanking hard against another, as it made him cry out aloud, in a

way it echoed out of my phone.

"Save me, he is ali-", before he could finish the word, the phone cut off with a short beep. I tried to call

him again, but it was switched off.

Something is off. Who could have possibly done this!? He said save me, then he is ali... Could it be

him? No, he is dead. Then, who is it? For now, I should finish the meeting, after my organization comes


I reached back to the meeting arena, as all gaped at their phone in silence and looked at each other in

a tense way.

"So, Gentlemen's-", before I could start, I was interrupted by one of the clients, Clarke as he blurted out

a question.

"Where is Tadesse?", he inquired, out of nowhere. Why the fuck he is inquiring about him?

"Tadesse? He is in Ethiopia. At this time he must be probably sleeping", I acted normal.

"Maybe a permanent sleep", as another client of mine, Wilson told, revealing his phone screen in front

of my face.

As the image revealed, lifeless Tadesse, his head skull got crushed by something hard as one of his

ears is missing. It's so hard to point out, that he is Tadesse now.

As he swiped the next picture, this man is unrecognizable. But, I felt like seeing him somewhere. "I

don't know who he is?", I stated.

For which he let out a short laugh, "Can't you recognize your men, Mr.Camorsta. He is Darragh

O'Sullivan. Irish SottoCapo, who is working under you. Well, he worked for you in the past not anymore

I guess.", he shook his head at me in disbelief, at my ability of not able to recognize who he is.

I snatched the phone from his hand, zoomed the image, and finally recognized him.


"If only you didn't use Tadesse against Raffa, all would have ended with the death of Tadesse alone.

Now, Darragh is also dead, who only went for an alliance purpose.", Clarke, accused of my act, which

enraged me.

"The one who kills the Former SottoCapo will be Next SottoCapo. Now, Raffa is not only the

UnderBoss of One Country but also for Ethiopia. Lastly, now he is also the Irish UnderBoss. You've

done a good job Mr.Camorsta.", Wilson rasped out in a composed tone.

How dare these cunts disrespect me like this!

"What makes you all idiots to think that this act was done by Raffa. A few months ago, he died in the

bomb blast. It was all over the news", I roared out at everyone, losing my patience.

These fuckers talking in front of me daringly, forgetting I am the Boss here.

"Mr.Camorsta, see that last picture. In that right corner, you could see a mirror opposite Darragh's dead

body", Wilson directed, as I looked at the mirror.

My eyes went wide, to see the reflection of Raffa's face in the mirror, vaguely but it's obvious, it is him.

He is holding a heavy rod with blood dripping from it.

How the fuck he escaped from the bomb blast?

It is impossible...

"We will send this picture to cops. Till now, probably no one would have found out it was done by

Raffa", Romano suggested, not knowing that will end up us all in prison.

This Mafia world is a fucked up one, and we should never involve the government in this at any cost.

"That's a great idea. Your son will surely come up as a Successful Boss.", Wilson laughed, making fun

out of it.

"He didn't stop with that, he killed Tadesse's whole damn family. We are dropping this deal,

Mr.Camorsta. He must be on his way now, to reach his woman. After that, he will back to his Position.

You know Raffa is Our Boss.", Herbert, another one voiced out, announcing in front of my face.

"The reason we came here is, we thought he is dead. But, he is not. If he finds out this, he will kill us.

We can't stand against Our Boss". With that he left the arena, following him, all left one by one.

"Father, what we are going to do now?", he asked, which irked me. Those fuckers humiliated me,

leaving this place. But this cunt asking, What do we do now? Instead of killing them all here for

disrespecting me.

"Fucking leave. Do not stand in front of my face.", I yelled out, as my mind filled with inexplicable rage


Once he left, I sat back on my seat, knowing it's a waste of time to fight against Raffa anymore as from

now on he'll be more cautious than before.



"So, She is not into you anymore, no crush stuff", Luis ridiculed, receiving a glare from me.

"Pal, why do you want to get back with her now?", Joey wondered, as it made me realize my mistake of

leaving her for another woman in the past.

I was thinking of a way to win her back but I was late. Until a day I found out about her relationship with

that Billionaire, Ferrari through the news.

While I was struggling with money, nearly gotten close to becoming homeless, she lived a luxurious life

with him. If only I didn't go at the back of another woman, she would've been My Girlfriend today.

"I loved her and I thought to get back with her, but I was too late", I mumbled out, wondering why that

Ferrari chose My Rose as His, while he could get any girl in this world in a matter of seconds.

"Yes, dude too late. I saw it on the news too.", Aaron laughed out, as he meant her relationship with

that Rich guy.

"My girlfriend Riley was gushing about it to everyone in the company we work, that Rose is her close

friend. She is happy as if that Ferrari loves her. Well, I was happy for Rose too.", Marlin added, which

infuriated me more.

I looked at My Rose, who is playing with her friends by splashing water. Through the wetness of her

outfit, reflected her tiny body, and it had me fantasized about how she looks without them.

Very soon, you'll be mine, My Rose...

NIGHT: 9.30 P.M.


"Sweety, Me and your grandpa going to Cooper's home. Your friend Zoe said that you guys are gonna

have a barbecue.", Granny asked me, for which I gave a nod replying with a Yes.

"Ok, we are leaving.", She informed, before leaving as I waved her a bye.

Once they've gone I finished my work, I sent Mr.Davies, the files that I've rectified via mail.

I got up to join with my friends but got halted in my steps by the phone ring, which made me dash

towards the phone, as I hoped it might be from Ferr, just like always.

I noticed the Caller ID, it is John. On that day they all left unwillingly to not stress me out. John will

always call me weekly once to know about my whereabouts, secretly for My Safety. I attended the call.

"John, how are you doing?"

"I'm so happy than I ever have been in my entire life".

His voice filled with inexplicable happiness, that I never had before in all these months.

"Mind sharing with me about the reason behind your happiness", I wondered.

"Rose, he-", I jerked the phone away from my ear, because of the sudden crashing sound of the door

behind me.

I turned around to see Carter, standing over there. I could hear John's voice from the phone but it's not


"Carter, what are you doing inside my room? What do you want?", I gave him a confused look, as his

reply stunned me to the core, "You". An unknown fear crawled inside me.

I noticed John hung up the call, as I clutched my phone hard in a frustrated way.

"Who is that on the phone? You're dead boyfriend or in all these months, did you got tangled up with an

affair", he abused my character, which outraged me.

"Get out from my room, now", I raged out at him. Such a disgusting one he is, came inside my room

without knocking, to insult me.

"I'm sorry for talking like that. I ditched you, it's true, I accept it. But now I'm a changed man. I want you

back in my life. Let's forget the past, I Love You, Flowe-", before he could finish that word, I yelled out

at him.

"Don't you dare? No one has the right to call me Flower except for My Ferr and he is alive. He will

come back for me", I rasped out, I feel irked to see his face.

Without warning, he took long rage-filled steps towards me and grabbed me by the hair making me

scream out in pain, pushing me against the bed.

When I tried to get up, he slammed me hard against the bed pressing his booted leg against my neck,

knocking the breath down of me.

I tried to push him away using my hands, as he gripped my hand, forcefully swerved it. I want to

scream, but all I could is to let out a stifled breath.

My whole body started to give up, with black dots started to appear behind my eyes, with the last thing

seeing him removing his shirt, "No, please don't... don't... ferr...".


I looked at the watch, wondering what she is still doing inside. Probably, she might've forgotten about

the whole barbecue thing and working her ass off for the company.

Uff... This girl...

"Guys, It seems like I have to drag her ass back here. I will go and check on her.", I got up, informing

them as they all gave a nod.

Turning around, I let out an involuntary scream at the sudden booming sound that echoed against my


As I witnessed, Carter has been thrust out of the window with glass wrecked into pieces. At the

tremendous force, he was whirled out ended up landing on the floor along with shattered glass

groaning in pain.

I tilted my head up and noticed it was from Rose's room. Through the shattered window, appeared the

form of a sturdy man, he looked stronger and fiercer. Wait! I have seen him, he looks familiar.

No one moved from our position, legs are glued to the ground. "It looks like I have supernatural power Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

inside me. Since I'm seeing a man who died a few months back.", Zoe whispered out, I wondered why

she is-

Then it hit me...


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