His Little FLOWER

Chapter 31: 31 - Mark Me Again

Chapter 31: 31 - Mark Me Again


After four hours of journey, finally, we reached our hometown, Strawn. It's a remote rural area in texas,

what I love so much about here is its flawless nature.

It's not that I like nature, it's that I'm in love with it. I get the amazement of the baby when they first

meet a dog or see a leaf move in the wind. And when you see those simple things, fall in love with

them, everything gets so much better.

As we reached our home, it made me reminisce about my old beautiful moments. When I was young,

this home and my grandparents were my only world.

"Oh, God! How much I missed this place?", granny smiled as her face glowed with joy gazing at the


Opening the door, we entered inside to see it was completely covered with dust. Well, what could we

expect, it's gonna be nearly 6 years since we visited this place last time.

"Josh", hearing a familiar voice, we all turned towards the sound of the direction to see, it's Mr.Cooper.

He is the one who took them both for the trip. He is My grandpa's best friend since childhood as now

he settled here with his family, doing farming.

They all settled on the sitting area in the front yard, starting to chat about their old kinds of stuff.

Not getting interested in their talks, I made my way towards John and William, who stood near the car.

"Mr.John, there is a spare room in here, you both can stay-", before I could finish, he interrupted me.

"No, it's not needed we will stay in the car. It's more than sufficient", he indicated, showing the interior

of the car, but I wasn't convinced. They both came this far for my protection, and I can't let them sleep

in the car.

"No, I don't-", I was interrupted again as he persuaded me saying, all the guards will reach this place

soon, definitely this house is not big enough for hundreds of men to fit in.

"We will stay here because staying inside will make it hard to stay alert all the time.", he assured, that

he and the guards will be fine in this way.

"What's that place?", William pointed out at the small house-like, which we use as a storage room.

"That is an old Storage room", I specified as he looked at a place for a second, before turning his gaze

towards me.

"Is that place vacant now? I mean if it is we will use that place to stay. Only, if you permit or else-", I

shook my head negatively, replying, "It's totally fine if you wish to stay there".

I let them stay where they want, to not make them uneasy. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.


I slumped on the floor, tiredly after cleaning the whole house and also the treehouse which is on the

entry barrier of the woods.

Since both grandma and grandpa are not strong enough to do all chores like before, I did everything.

I need to get fresh...

"Sweety, here, Apple juice. You worked so hard", granny came inside, handing me the juice as she sat

on the nearby bed, patting my head.

I looked at her, there is a thing still I couldn't figure out. Unlike grandpa, she didn't interrogate me about

anything, not even once she asked me why I have loved him, A Mafia UnderBoss.

"Is something on my face?", she smiled, wiping the sweat away from my face, for which I shook my

head negatively.

"Just wondering why didn't you ask me anything about ferr nor you didn't ask why I have fallen for a

man like him as grandpa says", I stared at her puzzled, but she simply smiled like every time.

"Well, I am not happy about your love. Likewise, we can guide you but we can't take your life decisions.

It should be your choice always. Love is truly blind, isn't it?", granny expressed about her point of view.

She always has deep thoughts and knowledge about everything.

"Besides, I don't want to stress you out more than you are now. I could sense something is bothering

you. What is it?", it took me barely a second to let my sealed emotions flow through my eyes, but it was

wiped off before it could reach my cheeks.

"What's wrong? You can share with me, you know your mom will never judge you", she caressed my

hair, as I swallowed my sobs giving a nod.

"It is... It is about ferr, I asked John about ferr's past, and I learned that he went through alot for his

age.", I looked at her, as she encouraged me to continue further.

"It would take a lot of courage for a man like him to love, to open up to someone, but he did.", I uttered,

feeling bad once again how much my words would've hurt him at that moment.

"He opened up to me like he is emotionally attached to me, even though our relationship span is short.

He always wanted my attention only to him like a baby.", I let out a giggle, thinking about how he would

always search for me even in his sleep in the middle of the night.

"I know he is A Mafia UnderBoss but not for me as he has always shown me his soft side which he hid

behind his violent demeanor for others.", I continued to let out everything from my heart, as granny

listened patiently.

"I called him a monster, which hurt him alot. I was holding onto a dumb point that since he has anger

issues, I thought he is angry like every time.", I heaved out a painful sigh, thinking about my stupidity. I

should've used my words carefully.

"Till the end, I thought he is angry but the truth is he is hurt which I failed to understand. I'm such a-"

before I could finish the word, it was interrupted by granny.

"Don't", she asserted, as she took a deep breath before confiding.

"I could understand how much you love him, also how much he does. But, we make mistakes, we can't

be perfect always.", she advised, which made me think about her point of view.

"You failed to understand him at one point, it is ok. No one is perfect, mistakes teach us. Didn't you

think once, that you should've used your words carefully?", she queried, waiting for my answer.

"I did think", I mumbled out, looking down. I regretted it the very moment, I let out that word.

"Then, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Let it go if you hold onto these things, you can't live

peacefully. We can't please everyone at every time.", she told, for which I gave her an understanding


"If you regret that much, once he comes back, make it up to him. Simple", she suggested, which made

me laugh out.

"What's funny?", she glared at me playfully, as I tried to suppress it.

"Well, If I confess to him, that I will make it up to him for my mistake. He will take complete advantage

of the situation.", I laughed out, knowing ferr's perverted mind, he has such a dirty mind.

There were nights, where he would whisper so many dirty things in my ear with his hands roaming

around my body seductively, every night filled with temptation.

But, I'm kinda hesitant to take things fast, I would like to take matters slow, and he respected that

decision, even though it gave him a hard time.

"Oh my God! What he did to you! He turned My innocent baby into a dirty girl", she twisted my ear

playfully, I can't help but laugh.

"Oh, granny, someone gave you wrong information, living in the 21st Century, I'm not that much

innocent as you think.", I grinned, for which she twisted another ear of mine, with a fake angry making

me laugh more.

After getting fresh, and changing into a casual outfit. I stood in front of the mirror, only to notice that the

marks which Ferr gave me on the neck faded, there was no trace of it now.

I closed my eyes shut, letting the tears flow through my cheeks freely. My heart clenched recalling his

words as I gulping down my sobs inside.


Standing in front of the mirror, I whined while gaping at my neck that was covered with Hickey all over

against my skin, in many places.

Arghh, I have to do makeup again...

"That big bull was the reason for everything", I murmured under my breath, but an undeniable smile

formed on my lips.

"Were you mumbling about me?", a husky voice, trickled against my neck with a strong pair of arms

wrapped around my waist. I could feel wetness against my back.

My eyes widened when I noticed he was only in a towel that was wrapped around his waist through the

mirror. Droplets are seeping through from his disheveled wet hair making him look so hot.

Arghh... Why he has to be so perfect? When I glanced at him, he had a self-satisfied smirk of a man

who knew he was in power.


"No", I asserted, taking the primer as a starter to keep the makeup in place.

"It seems like my bank balance would drop to zero one day by buying nothing but makeup kits.", I

complained, glaring at him for which he let out a soft chuckle.

Before I could comprehend what he is doing, he lifted me onto the console table as my back pressed

against the enormous mirror making my breath hitch because of his sudden approach.

"What are you do-", my words cut off in the mid by his lips smashed against mine as his fingers weaved

against my hair roughly making me moan out in pleasure.

Pulling back a bit, he brushed his parted lips back and forth over mine, making my heart beat out of my


"You should have dressed up entirely to save yourself from me, instead of standing only with a sexy red

lingerie", those words stunned me, making me realize all this time, I stood in front of the mirror wearing

only red lingerie.

Holy moly!

Taking my dumbfounded state as an advantage, he unclasped my brassiere

in a swift movement, throwing it somewhere making me cover myself by crossing one arm against my


"Pervert", I hit his shoulder, as he made me wrap my legs around him, before moving towards the bed.

"Flower, it's your fucking fault. Do you have any idea how hard I am for you right now?", he murmured.

His voice seeped with desire with each word, his lips brushed against my ear as he nipped my earlobe

gently. For which I let out a satisfied moan. I feel dazed as if I'm under the control of the drug.

"You didn't let me sleep the whole night teasing my body as much as you want. Still isn't enough?", I

whispered, biting his earlobe gently, just like he does for which he let out a deep growl.

He made me lay on the bed before hovering above as he removed the towel, tossing it somewhere.

The moment, his body clasped against mine, in that split second every nerve in my body and brain is

electrified, my breath suddenly changed into short bursts.

It's the anticipation of being together in a way that's more than words, in a way that's so completely

tangible. My heart raced when I felt his hardened bulge against my waist.

"This is what you are doing to me, Flower. I want to be yours so hard", he guided my one hand to wrap

around his hard member.

His eyes were dark with lust but very soon it was surpassed by love. He is so different in moments like

these, softer than I knew eyes could be.

Hastily, he pinned my arms above my head, as his other hand cradled around my neck, roughly.

I shuddered when his lips sealed with mine. There was a sound from the back of his throat, half growl,

half moan. An inexplicable pleasure shot through me as he deepened the kiss, parting my lips, his

tongue tasted mine.

I sealed the tiny space between us, by wrapping my legs around him. He let out a groan as his hips

moved against mine making me moan into his lips feeling his thick member rubbing against my lace


He let go of my hands but his hold on my neck still rough. I could feel myself dripping wet, as he

continued to grind himself harder against me. I moaned out loud, clawing his back with my nails due to

an overpowering temptation building up inside me.

With each passing minute, his breath became fast as the wet droplets from his hair flowed through my


I cupped his face, pulling his face close to hear his moans as his forehead rested against mine. Out of

nowhere, his fingers fisted against my hair hard, it made my back arch up with the mix of little shivers of

pain and pleasure.

After a few more minutes later, I heard him let out a satisfying deep growl, with heavy breathing as his

warm sprut trickled through my waist. His brawny form pinned against mine, shuddering from the


We stayed in the same position for a few seconds. I caressed his hair gently with his warm breath

fanning against my neck.

Until it was interrupted by his lips, he began to assault my neck aggressively, as well as placing a

delicate kiss in between.

I let out a needy moan, enjoying his sweet gesture until it was twisted into a rough way as he sucked

onto my flesh hard enough making me hiss before nibbling it as he went on to gave me more marks but

I stopped him.

"You're not supposed to mark me anymore", I warned, hitting his chest, for which he raised his eyebrow


"Oh, Really! There may be a day comes, where you will yearn for it, Flower.", he challenged, for which I

raised my eyebrows daringly.

"Never", I smirked, accepting his challenge.

"Let's see, now let me take care of you", he tugged my bottom lip gently before trailing down kisses

from my jaw continuing all the way low but halted suddenly. I looked down to see his eyes piercing into

mine, waiting for my consent.

I gave a nod, as he ripped off my undies in haste making me pout, for which he gave me one of his

devilish smirks, winking at me which turned my face into fifty shades of red.

The moment he parted my legs, I felt the blood rush to my heart with a thud. Feeling his hot breath

near my wet folds, I gripped on the sheets, breathing hard with the arising seduction.

I sparked alive, my heart swelled to the point of near bursting. The rush of sensations crawling across

my body was maddening. Scary. Thrilling.


I touched my neck, I yearn for it, it's not about just physical pleasure. It is him, I miss his playful ways

which he reveals only to me. I miss the whole of him. I Promise, I would never stop you from marking

me ever again, Ferr.

Will you come back soon? Wait, what am I saying? I couldn't even think straight anymore...


"Sweety, Are you sure you will be fine with staying alone in that treehouse? If you want I will co-", I

interrupted grandpa in the mid shaking my head negatively whilst replying ‘I will be fine’.

"If you feel scared, call us", granny suggested, feeling worried, I gave her a smiling nod.

I made my way towards the treehouse, I am not scared to stay alone there because in my childhood

days I have spent most of the time there. That place always gave me peace of comfort, which I need


"Ma'am", My thoughts were hesitated by a voice from behind, turning around I met with the sight of

William, who is running towards me.

"Where you going?", he queried, looking puzzled, making me realize I forgot to inform him.

"To the treehouse, I am gonna stay over there tonight", I informed, for which he gave a nod, as he

came along for my security.

Reaching the treehouse, I told him to leave. I am not pleased that all are forsaking their sleep for me.

"No, ma'am I can't-", but I made him stop in the mid.

"William, you told guards will reach tonight, so I will be fine. If you want, you can inform them to

surround this place, once they arrived. You can leave", I divulged, as he thought to think for a minute

before giving a nod.

When he was about to leave, I stopped him. "William, did ferr called you? Did you got any-", I couldn't

say further, feeling shattered. I don't know how long I could stay strong.

"If Mr.Knight contacts, I will surely inform you", he declared, as I gave him a weak nod.


With midnight coming as the perfect black, she made her way towards the treehouse which is always

her best companion during her childhood. But unlucky her doesn't have any idea, maybe this night

gonna be a very end of her life.

"Listen, Everyone, no one should notice us, no gun firing", Hank informed through the earphone, who is

the Commando for the Soldiers, sent by Comrosta.

"Yes, Sir", they all let out in unison, committing to his command. Some are glad that Raffa is dead, but

some are scared about the possibility of what if he is alive.

Hank noticed Rose, immediately confirming it is Raffa's woman as everyone in the Mafia business

knows her, as equal as they know Raffa.

He watched her moving towards a treehouse which is in the entrance path of a woods, visible to see

despite the covering of few trees.

He smirked confidently, as she made things easy for them. Now, they can easily kill her, no one could

notice easily as other homes are at far away distance.

"Hank, Is it confirmed that Raffa is dead?", Glen, his friend doubted the news. If the news is true, it is

favorable for them. But if he is alive, there will be no survival.

"I am damn sure, he is dead, he must be. According to the provided data, the car fell off from the high

cliff and blasted before it could reach the river.", Hank's reply, made Glen relieved.

"No wonder why Raffa is head over heels for her. She is a hot chick", Hank commented, lusting over


"Indeed, Dimitri informed us to do whatever we want with her but she should be alive. That's the point",

Glen shared the message, told by Dimitri.

"Ok, let's go", Hank, signaled soldiers to surround the treehouse, some climbed up on the nearby tree,

some hid behind the trees. All took slow and steady steps to make sure she won't get alerted in any

way possible.

As hundreds of Soldiers surrounding the treehouse, with their knives, since guns make a loud noise in

the middle of the night.

Now, the hope for Rose's survival fading to a flicker...

Glen neared the door, tilting the door handle gently to check whether the door is locked or not.


Fixing the bed on the floor, Rose was about to lay on the bed but noticed she didn't lock the door.

When she was about to lock the door, her breath hitched noticing the handlebar tilting slowly to open.

She got alert, that someone trying to get inside when they could've knocked.

Without wasting a moment, she sprinted in a swift moment and locked the door from inside, as the

doorknob tilted up and down, roughly.

She felt, it would have been so much good, only if Ferr was with her now.

"Who is that?", her voice wavered, with the building up fear inside me.


To their motive, the door was not locked, Glen smirked at Hunk, knowing the luck is on their side today.

Opening the door, that expectation shattered, when they met with the sight of an empty room. Both

Glen and Hunk looked at each other bewildered since they saw her entering the treehouse in front of


"Glen, don't tell me you didn't saw her getting inside in here", Hank stood still puzzled about the whole


"Just like you, I saw her too", Glen admitted, that he is confused just like him.

"Where is She?", Dimitri's voice made everyone snap out of their thoughts. His words filled with a

strong resentment and impatience.

His hands are aching to cut off her head and present it to Comrosta proudly from the moment he found

out that Raffa is dead. His desire to grab the Position of SottoCapo (UnderBoss) increased.

"Sir, we saw her moving into this treehouse but now it is empty", hank, looked around puzzled, as his

statement left Dimitri irked.

"Can't you even do a small job?", he rasped out in anger as his eyes met with the sight of another

treehouse through the window, where he noticed her, sitting on the couch.

"Fucking cunts, look over there. She is on that treehouse. Blind assholes", he muttered, to not make a

loud noise, as that would end up alerting her.

Both, Glen and Hank, looked at the other treehouse perplexed since they didn't notice that there

before, not just them but also the Soldiers who stood confused.

As Dimitri made his way towards that treehouse but stopped in his tracks hearing a voice behind him

saying, "Sir, look over there, she is on that treehouse". He motioned which is placed in the opposite

direction of where they are standing.

Dimitri looked at that spot, his eyes went wide seeing her on that treehouse.

"Then, whom I saw on that treehouse?", he muttered under his breath, as unknown tension raised

among all.

As he turned around again to see the treehouse which he saw before only to be not there, that area is

empty now.

What the fuck is going on here?!...

"Th... there is another", another voice broke out stuttered, just like that the treehouse that I saw a few

seconds before disappearing.

Dimitri rubbed his eyes, looking all around as the sight in front of him horrified him to the core as the

same place repeating over and over again.

The path through which they entered inside the woods, likewise perished.

Now, It's not them who surrounded the woods as it is the woods that enclosed them now.

"Everyone retreat, find the way out from here", Hank yelled out, partly in fear and partly in frustration

which made Dimitri snap out from the thoughts.

"The mission is not ov-", he was interrupted in the mid by the furious words, that came out from Hank.

"Fuck the mission, something is-", his words are impeded by a rumble of thunder that growled a deep

death-like warning as the whole woods lit up with a bright flash of lightning.

In that lightning, Glen's eyes went wide with what he saw next among the woods as fear started to

crawl his senses.

"Hank, who is that?", Glen trembled, the words he uttered barely audible to himself, as his voice failed

to come out from his mouth.

"Say it, loudly. I couldn't hear you ", he grumbled under his breath, getting annoyed.

"A Dark figure, standing in front of us. He is a human but his shadow looks like A Beast. Isn't abnormal

to be around 7 feet tall?", his breath got bolted in his throat when he noticed that man who stood in the

darkness raised his head towards the pitch-black sky.

With curiosity building up inside Glen, he looked at the skywards to see dark mist cropping up like a

deathly plague.

"Hank, for fuck sake look over there. Will you?", Glen wailed out, horrified as the fear of death edifying

into his brain and draping his senses, seeing those dark mist moving toward them like a terrific sea

wave at an intense velocity in a way that might crush their body into pieces.

He can't be A human?!

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