His Little FLOWER

Chapter 15: 15 - Don't Fade Away

Chapter 15: 15 - Don't Fade Away

After One month......


It has been a month, not even once he opened his eyes nor made any movements. I'm here with him, I

want him to call me flower, his flower. Each day My hope that he will wake up is crumbling at the end of

the day.

Holding his hand in between mine, pressing it against my lips I glanced at him each & every second

that he would wake up. But he's not.

I can't see him like this. Cords are hanging for the nurses' call button. Besides that, an IV & blood

solutions hang from the metal IV pole, with the tubing connected to his vein.

A lot of electronic machines sitting on a cart with odd wires, that are connected to his chest. Half of his

face is covered with a ventilator.

I could see his body veins are visible & they're blue. I don't know why is that.

His face is getting pale day by day like he's is fading away slowly. All I heard from the Doctor is, his

injury healed completely but he couldn't find out why he didn't wake up still. They're doing a lot of scans

of everything. But still, they couldn't find out.

I caressed the tattoo he has on his knuckles, it's A Rose.

I still remember what sahor said about this Rose tattoo...


"Rose", I looked over to see sahor standing there. This whole floor is silent, becoz it's only us. They

evacuated all for his safety.

"You should go home & take some rest. Tomorrow I'll...", I interrupted him in the mid. "No, I'm staying

here. I won't leave him alone", I said. That's not home without ferr. "Rose, I..", I interrupted again.

"I want to ask you one thing", I said waiting for his response. "Sure".

"What happened after I fainted?", I asked him becoz I want to know if he said anything to me.

Seeing this, his facial expressions changed like he's remembering something. "Sahor", I called him

again. "Rose, it's not really... well", he hesitated to tell me.

"What is it? Tell me please", I asked desperate to know what happened when I've gone unconscious.

He sat on nearby another chair, looking at ferr.

"He was not in pain on the way to the hospital. He was lying on your lap peacefully with A smile,

holding your hands as if this is the last time, and...", he stopped in the mid.

"I think it's enough", he said. "Please let me know everything ", I pleaded, tears threatening to spill. But

I held them in.

"Ok fine, as you wish"...


Note: Sahor is saying, but POV is

Ferr's to reflect his feelings

I should go to Rose. I stood up with A grunt. I feel like something spreading inside me. I saw an fucking

cunt about to open the door to hurt My Flower.

He shouldn't have done that...

Taking the Concealed knife from my waistband before he could open the car door, I hurl the knife

aiming at his neck.

The whole place is dead silent also all the men who came to kill us are on the ground lifeless. The

smell of gunpowder filled the atmosphere. Many cars are damaged by bullet shots.

Ugh... Cops gonna be A problem...

"Rose", I rushed towards the car groaning, I feel like my insides are tearing apart slowly.

Opening the car, I met with My Flower unconscious slumped on the side. I got inside, checking for any

injuries. Nothing. She fainted from the shock.

I could feel my vision blurring. I shook my head. She saw all. She's gonna hate me now. She'll leave

once she wakes up.

Sahor started the car telling me to apply pressure on the wound. Dagger sat near him, he got shot in

the hand.

"Me & John will take care of here", Red replied. "You are going to be fine, bro", he said. I gave him a

weak nod. "Leave this place now and Mark takes care of everything", I ordered him. "Ok Sir".

"I'll wake her up", Dagger was about to splash some water on her face. But, I stopped him. I shook my


"She doesn't have to see this. Let her leave after I've gone, not now", I said taking deep breaths.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP", He yelled at me.

I chuckled. I applied pressure to the injured place. My breath hitched on My throat when A sharp

throbbing pain shot through My whole body making me clench my jaw hard.

What the hell is this?...

"I think they injected me with something while stabbing. I could feel it", I said as I coughed up blood, my

breath came like short puffs.

"You'll fine, don't worry. Why are you shaking like....", Dagger stopped in the mid looking at me with

horror-filled eyes.

"What?", I asked with gritted teeth wiping off the blood from my mouth. It's not the pain of a stab. I feel

like I'm being choked to death.

"Your eyes are red like bloodshot, your face veins are more visible and they're blue", he whispered the

end part not able to believe himself. Sahor eyed me for a second before increasing the car speed.

I stopped applying pressure on the injury, it's no use anymore. I gazed at Rose, she's unaware of all.

It's better to be in this way.

I lied down on her lap. I tucked her hair behind her ears to see her face more clearly. An agony gasp

left my mouth when I felt some pressure on my wound. I looked down to see, it's Dagger.

Taking her hands, I made it wrap around me. "Rose, I'm sorry for all. Don't hate me Flower as all did.

Just remember this that I Love You", I whispered.

I could feel my eyes are paining as closing on their own. I was trying hard to not close it.

"Both of you take care of her. My rivals may try to hurt her. Also, tell her that I love her & I'm sorry", I

said to them. "You tell by yourself, once you get well", Sahor exclaimed.

"Tell her that I'm...", I whispered which is barely audible even I couldn't hear. "DON'T YOU DARE TO

CLOSE YOUR EYES", I could hear Sahor voice like an echo fading away somewhere.

..............*End of flashback*...............


My throat held back something between a sob and a shout. I don't want to cry in front of sahor making

him feel uneasy. I gulped hard to control myself from crying out. Each gasp tore down my throat.

He should've woke me up. I wish I could tell him that I won't leave him.

"Did you see that tattoo?", he asked. I gave A nod. I can't talk, I may cry out. "He doesn't like tattoos.

We both tied his hands & did it". I looked at the tattoos half of his body got covered with it.

"He was not happy with these tattoos until I said him to get A Rose tattoo", he said as I traced it again

with My fingers. "He was so excited to get that. In the end, Dagger fell on his knees begging him to

leave him", he said.

"Why is that?", I asked confused. "He didn't let Dagger sleep. He nagged him the whole night to finish it

in one go", he said chuckling. I gave him A half-smile.

"He will wake up soon, Rose. Maybe today or tomorrow.", he said confidently.

Nothing happened as he said. He would come weekly once from India, hoping he would've woke up.

But all in vain...

A nurse came in changing the blood bag again. "Nurse", I called her. "Yes, ma'am", she asked with A

smile. "Why you're changing the blood bag constantly?", I asked. Each day, they're changing a lot.

"Well, A toxin gradually spreading his body. We couldn't find out what's the poison is, nor able to stop

its spread. So, we're doing a blood transfusion to remove the poison also to replace the blood he

losing. This transfusion is the only thing keeping him alive still", she said & left.

It is my tears that keep my soul alive in the furnace of this pain. My eyes drip with tears flooded like the

waters rushing down from a waterfall and the only time I'd stop was to fill my lungs with fresh air.

Making my way to the other side of the bed, I lied down beside him clutching his hand I sobbed into his

chest unceasingly.

Please wake up ferr... I would get angry with you for hiding this but I won't leave you. I promise


I looked through the small glass panel in the door. Shit... How I am gonna tell her that there may be A

chance that he would never wake up.

You better wake up Raffa at least for her.

"When did you come?", I turned around to see Dagger standing beside me. "Today morning", I replied.

We both are taking care of his company now in a transition process.

"Well, I wanted to ask you one thing", he asked. "Go ahead", I said. "I was wondering why cops didn't

come & enquired about anything still. It's been A month. Also, that shootout would reach everyone's

ears", he said.

It reached like he says, especially Red's Riffle boomed throughout the building.

"Dagger, they came on that day itself. You got shot on the hand. You were taking rest on the room

when they came", I said.


Mr.Sahor, I turned around to see Ben & his fellow friend Derek. Both are Police Officers.

"Try to close this case as soon as possible. It should not reach any media channels", I said but he

seems to think hard.

"Mr.Sahor, it's hard to hide this. Everyone in the company heard the Gunshots sound & many workers

cars...", I cut him off in the mid.

"How much?", I asked. He smirked when he understood what I'm asking.

"Well... 25,000 dollars", he said. It's nothing. I can earn that in no time.

"I'll give you 50,000. If you close this issue", I replied. "Deal, Mr.Sahor. You don't have to worry about

this anymore", he said. I gave a nod.

..............*flashback ends*...............

"Ok", he sighed heavily looking through the glass panel. "He won't wake up until we find out what kind

of Poison it is & that asshole is missing", Dagger closed his eyes to control him from raging out.

We both turned to the sound of footsteps. "Who are you?", I asked with suspicion.


When I heard A door sliding open sound, I got down from the bed.

I wiped my eyes free of tears.

Amelia? What she's doing here?

"Amelia, what you're doing here? And what's on that bag?", I asked confused. "It's your clothes. Susan

couldn't come today she's on leave. So I came instead of her", she said.

Right, I'm staying here. Susan would come weekly once to give me new clothes also to take back My

Used ones.

"Amelia, Can you stay here until I come back?", I asked her, what if he wakes up & no one is here. She



Once she went inside the restroom to change her outfit. I walked over to see Mr.Knight. He looks so

pale & why his veins are blue?

It's so strange...

I looked at the oxygen supply, that connected to a machine. If I remove one of the connections,

everything will end today.

She'll be mine. Soon, She'll start to recognize My love for her. I pleaded with Susan to let me go this

time, saying this is the last time. She's not on leave.

With shaky hands almost my heart pounding hard out of My chest also sweat forming on my forehead, I

reached out to the valve. I got the hold of a valve. I have to pull out now.

I jerked back letting go of the hold when I heard the door opening sound.

A guy came inside, he looks so big & scary.

"What are you doing?", he asked. "That... I was waiting for Rose to.." before I could complete the word.

Rose came inside.

Thank God...

I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"What happened?", she asked looking at both of us. "Nothing, For what you're waiting here?", he asked

me. "For the bag", I whispered.

"Take that bag & Get out", he said harshly. I took the bag with shaky hands, left from the place not even

looking at the Rose.

His presence scaring me to the core just like Mr.Knight's Presence.


"She is A kind girl", I said to Daggeron. He is a bit harsh on her.

"I love innocence but all innocent ones can't be trusted. Some have worst inside them", he replied.

He stroked his nape of the neck in tiredness. "How's your hand now?", I asked. He & Sahor taking care

of Ferr's company. Both are working a lot. "It's healed now", he replied. I just gave A nod.

He glanced at ferr for A second sighing heavily before leaving.

I sat beside him. "Look, you're hurting all by not waking up. Plz, Wake up soon, ferr", I leaned forward

placing a soft kiss on his closed eye.


"You can't fucking say like this", I slammed hard on the table looking at the doctor. Sahor sitting on the

chair in silence. I can't accept this.

Mercy killing... Is he fucking kidding me?

"Whatever is spreading in his body, soon it's gonna reach his heart. It'll pain him alot even..." before he

could complete the sentence. "JUST DON'T", I shouted in anger.

No way... I won't accept this... I'm ready to look after him with a permanent life support machine but not


"He may survive only if someone stands near the door with the antidote & that won't happen", Doctor

said walking out.

I wish that could happen...

The reason I'm leaving this Doctor alive is, he's Our Organization Doctor.

That little girl is gonna break down. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

We don't know who made this vicious toxin besides Franco is missing.

I heard A door opening sound. I turned back to see who it is?

"FURY?....", I said in disbelief.

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