His Human Mate

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Amelia's POV

*3 weeks later*

It has been 3 weeks since the cabin. Xavier and I have never been happier. We were so good. The

pack has also been good, We hadn't received much problems these days.

My thought went back to time when we were walking back home after the ice cream.

"What's been bothering you?" I asked him. He shook his head. But I gave him the stern stare to tell me.

He took in a deep breath.

"I am just scared." he said looking down. "About what, Xavier?" I asked confused. "That you would

leave me. That I am not good enough for you."

I took his face into my palm. "Never. I would never leave you. I love you, Xavier. Even before you did.

You are more than enough for me. Can't you see it? I didn't leave when you pushed. Now that I have

you, I am never letting you go."

I said honestly. He looked at me with adoration. "What did I do to deserve you little one?" he whispered

more to himself. I shrugged my shoulder.

To ease the tension, I put the ice cream cone to his lips again. He chuckled and took a lick of it.

After that conversation, Xavier and me did not talk about it again. I sighed thinking about it. Suddenly I

got up and ran to the wash room and started vomiting.

I have been feeling sick for some time already. I, at first, dismissed it off. But now I was just sick of

vomiting. I decided to see the pack doctor and booked an appointment.

I could have asked Xavier to bring me, but I decided not to tell him about me being sick, as I didn't want

him worried. He has become too protective over me now, and the last thing I want is him staying here

and be worried about me.

I washed my mouth and brushed my teeth. I got ready for my appointment. I walked to the pack house,

where the pack doctor is.

As soon I went in, the doc smiled at me. I return back the smile. "Take a seat, Queen Luna." she said

as I sat down. She put down her pen and glasses.

"So what seemed to be wrong?" she asked me. "I have been vomiting for sometime now. I also get

easily dizzy." I explained to her. "How long has it been since your last menstrual cycle?"

My eyes widened. Almost 1 and half months. This never happens. I never skipped. "1 and half month."

she nodded her head. She looked as if she knew something. But I don't understand.

She took some of my blood and ran it. She also gave me what seemed to look like a box. "I need to

confirm my theory. Just follow what's in the box and any doubt ask me."

I looked at the box and my eyes widened. It was a pregnancy test. It can't be right? I nodded my head

and did as the box told. I came out with the stick and passed it to her.

After about five minutes, both the blood result and pregnancy result came out. I waited for her to talk

nervously. She smiled and looked at me.

"Congrats Luna Queen. You are going to be a mother. You are about 3 weeks long now." she said with

a full blown smile. I can't stop the smile and tears in face.

I am going to be a mother. There's a baby in me. I can't believe it. I was so happy. More than happy. I

don't think I can ever be this happy.

"Would you like to have a check up? Do an ultrasound?" she asked me fixing her specs. I nodded my

head in excitement.

She chuckled and lay me in the bed thingy. "This is gonna be cold." She warned me. Before I could

process, the cold gel was placed. I took in a deep breathe.

She put the probe stick and started going around my stomach. "You see there? That's the baby. Its just

a small dot." she said pointing at the screen.

There it was. A small dot. My eyes glistening in tears. I can't wait to have him or her in my arms. "The

baby looks healthy. Would you like a snap of it?" she asked me as I nodded my head.

She help me up and we went back to the room. She gave me a small photo. I smiled looking at it. Just

then, a thought came to my mind.

"Doc, will the baby be a werewolf, like Xavier? Or human like me?" I asked hesitantly. She sighed. "I

am not sure. Since its your first baby, I can't tell for sure. Its a fifty-fifty chance."

I gulped. I nodded my head and slowly left. I don't know what to think. I don't care if the baby is

werewolf or human. I will love it still. I already love him or her.

But Xavier on the other hand, I can't say that for sure. He hated the fact I was human when we met. If

he comes to know that the baby might be a human, he might flip.

Tears started dwell in my eyes. I don't know how to tell him. Or to tell him. I am just going to wait and

decide. I went to our room and hide the picture after taking another glance.

I lay in the bed rubbing my tummy. I can't believe this is happening. A smile crept into my lips thinking

about the little living thing in my tummy.

Soon the sleep over took me and I fell asleep.

I felt someone stroking my cheeks as my eyelids open slowly. It was Xavier. "Hey little one. Did I wake

you up?" he asked me.

I shook my head and sat up. "When did you come back?" I asked as I yawned. He chuckled. "Just Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

now." he said. I nodded my head.

"Why don't you freshen up. I'll make you something thing to eat." I said smiling. His eyes widen in joy.

He nodded his head and quickly went to shower.

I smiled as my hands automatically went to my tummy. I smiled as I look down at it. But soon my smile

dropped. I don't know even know how am I going to tell him.

I sighed as I made my way out and to the kitchen. There weren't anyone there. I started to do Cheese

macaroni, knowing he'll like it.

Within minutes he was down and I was done. I served the both of us as he took a seat. I went to take a

seat, but he pulled me to his lap.

I pouted, but he kissed my lips making me giggle. We started to eat. "I love it, little one." he said

making me smile. But it didn't reach my eyes.

I felt bad for not telling him. But I was just scared that he might get angry if I said the baby might be

human. Or worse, reject.

The thought didn't settle with me and suddenly I felt like vomiting. I quickly stood up and went to the

nearest bathroom and vomit my guts out.

Xavier was standing right behind me, holding my hair and rubbing my back. Once I emptied everything

out, I stood up and washed my mouth and brushed my teeth.

I lean my back against the sink as Xavier stood in front of me. He cupped my face looking concern.

"Are you ok, little one?" he asked with concern,

I nodded my head, not looking into his eyes. He lifted my face to look at him. "You sure? Do you want

me to call the pack Doc?" he asked me.

I tensed and immediately shook my head. He looked at me slightly suspicious. I sighed. "I saw her

already. She, erm," I paused. "She told me it was a flu. That's all."

I greeted my teeth. I didn't like lying to him. But for now, I have to. I need to find the courage to tell him.

He nodded his head.

We went back to our room, as Xavier told one of the maids to clean the plates. I went straight to bed

and soon Xavier joined me.

I snuggled into his arms. I felt the need of his warmth more than ever now. Must be the pregnancy. "I

love you little one." he said.

"I love you too. So much." I said almost tearing up. I fall asleep before I could let myself tear up for lying

to him.

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